No, your father is already in an advanced stage. His body is already filled with mycelium. He will die sooner or later and cannot be saved. As for Lucas, well, that kind of anti-social scum, saving him will be a waste of food. You Are you sure you want me to save him? You know he was responsible for what happened at Baker Farm, but you wonder if you will save him? Eddie sneered.

Chapter 648: One Punch Man, Joe Baker

Is there really nothing we can do? Zoe was a little helpless. She knew that Eddie was a good person. Although her mother Margaret had a gentle personality, her vision was definitely not bad.

Yes, that is to help them understand this fate! End their sinful life. Eddie took out his pistol and nodded, smoking a cigarette, looking like a gangster no matter what.

Zoe gritted her teeth and said, If it is really impossible to save, please end their lives. Please help me find the murderer behind the scenes, no matter what the cost!

Any price? Eddie's eyes lit up, and the business could be discussed carefully.

But King Ada exposed her husband's little thoughts, For example, the price of pregnancy is okay?

Ahem. Eddie choked, What did you say? He glared at his wife angrily.

Zoe was also stunned for a moment, I'll do my best.

Haha, my dad is joking, and my aunt also likes to joke. Don't mind. Stephanie stepped forward to be a peacemaker and joked with a smile.

A smile flashed across King Ada's beautiful eyes. She was indeed joking on purpose, so what could she do?

Haha, I said it jokingly. Don't mind, I will help you. Eddie smiled. It's okay to joke occasionally. Life is already very difficult, so why be so serious.

The earth-shattering explosion just now also alarmed a One-Punch Man living in the swamp. Ahem, it was Baker's brother, a retired old soldier, Joe!

Joe grabbed one of his old shotguns and headed to his brother's house.

Although he has lived in seclusion for many years, he still lives not far away. Joe has never been in contact with his younger brother, and Uncle Baker has never been in contact with his older brother. Although the two are brothers, they always have a feeling that they have never been in contact with each other.

When Joe arrived at his brother's house, he found that it had been razed to the ground, and only an old RV was still intact.

Niece Zoe was talking to a man, and there were several beautiful women beside her.

Leave Zoe, who are you? Where is my brother? Joe took out the shotgun and pointed it at Eddie, yelling loudly.

Don't do it, uncle. This is my friend. My father was infected by a biochemical virus and became a monster, and so was my brother. There are mysterious developers around here, and we are looking for an antidote. Eddie, this is mine Uncle Joe, he has been living near the swamp. Zoe introduced both parties.

Hello One Punch Man. Eddie smiled.

What One Punch Man? I'm just a veteran. Young man, you are not strong enough to protect Zoe. Joe frowned. He had no heirs, so he treated Zoe like his daughter.

I said your boxing skills are pretty good. This incident is a project jointly invested by Shenya Pharmaceutical and Glory Pharmaceutical. I don't know if it was the result of a toss-up between the two companies. Go forward, maybe you can find it. The answer. After Eddie finished speaking, he took the lead and walked forward.

Joe and Zoe looked at each other and walked forward.

Not long after walking, a swamp suddenly exploded, and a crocodile was knocked into the air. Then a tall figure covered by swamp vines appeared, grabbed the fallen crocodile, and cruelly tore it in half. Eat like no one else is around.

Joe immediately stopped in front of Zoe. Protecting his niece was the most important thing. He had already learned the ins and outs of the matter from Zoe.

It only took Swamp Thing three seconds to eat a crocodile weighing two to three hundred pounds. It was said that he ate it, or more accurately, he swallowed it. He used the weird hyphae to start devouring it.

When Swamp Thing appeared in front of Eddie, a stench followed him. The disgusting stench was worse than dog poop that had been fermenting in a manure pit for four months!

Vines were all over his body, and from his face, he could vaguely tell that he was Uncle Baker!

Centipedes and millipedes were swatting at him one after another, but Uncle Baker picked them up and ate them without any care. The look on his face was so breathtaking.

Father! It's me, I'm Zoe! Zoe cried loudly.

Swamp Thing looked at Zoe, then at Eddie, and finally said in a hoarse voice, Eddie, save my family, I can't control it!

Bang! As soon as he finished speaking, Uncle Baker, who had turned into Swamp Thing, let out an unhuman roar and started to charge.

Eddie punched out and knocked Uncle Baker away.

A large number of fungus beasts began to appear around them. These fungus beasts did not seem to be naturally occurring, but were artificial monsters that had been infected and mutated through a certain program.

Be careful! After Joe finished speaking, he immediately picked up the shotgun and shot those monsters.

As the fungus beast gradually approached, Joe ran out of bullets. In desperation, he gave up the shotgun, raised his fist, and smashed the fungus beast's head with one punch!

This is One Punch Man. The one using the shotgun is not Superman but an old man!

This batch of fungus beasts has lost its infectivity, and does not have the terrifying parasitic ability of those naturally produced fungus beasts, which can parasitize and devour them without being noticed.

Although this ability surprised Pharmacy, he didn't pay much attention to it.

What they want is how to quickly infect and control enemies, rather than simply infecting them to turn them into monsters.

This is simply not in line with their original intention, which is to eliminate the maximum number of enemies at the minimum cost. There's nothing more frustrating than one's own beating one's own, and if anything, it's just not knowing.

Qiao, right? You go out and report the crime. Just call the detectives and report my name. The monsters here are very contagious. You are just an ordinary person and can't bear it. Eddie ordered.

Huh, when I was fighting, you didn't know where to play in the mud. Qiao Ke refused to admit defeat.

Uncle, you'd better go report the crime and leave it to Eddie. I want to see with my own eyes whether Lucas colluded with others to frame his family. Zoe also advised.

Okay, Eddie, take care of Zoe. If anything happens to her, I won't let you go! Joe gestured twice with his fist, like an old father who was reluctant to let his daughter get married.

Chapter 649: Neil died among his own people

Zoe, take care of yourself. I'm leaving and I'll bring someone back soon. After explaining, Joe left, obviously looking for reinforcements.

I am also very confident about Eddie's strength. At least someone who can punch his brother away with one punch has more or less reached the peak of his combat power.

After Joe left, Swamp Thing stood up unsteadily again, with the vines around him supporting his body to make up for the injured area.

Your father will eventually die. There is no way he can be saved. His only wish is probably that you and Margaret can live well. Eddie explained.

With tears in her beautiful eyes, Zoe watched her father turn into a monster. As a daughter, she was really heartbroken, Please help me, help me, find Lucas. If he is an accomplice, please kill him. , thank you, I am willing to pay any price to avenge my father!

No problem. Eddie agreed decisively, and this kind of thing happened easily.

Along the way, Swamp Thing used the gravitational magnetic field to annihilate the hyphae in bursts, breaking the rapid reproduction ability of hyphae. Uncle Baker, who lost his ability to regenerate, eventually turned into a stone.

The consequence of the death of hyphae is calcification, and the specific manifestation of calcification is turning into stone, which is perfect for reclamation of seas and land.

There is no risk of these dead hyphae spreading, but they may become good nutrient fertilizers.

This biotechnology research and development has reached its peak and has turned into crop fertilizer. Shenya Pharmaceutical and Glory Pharmaceutical can stop making drugs and produce chemical fertilizers, which may make a lot of money.

Seeing her father who had turned into a calcified stone, Zoe cried very sadly.

If it weren't for Stephanie's support, he would have fainted from crying.

There is an abandoned mine not far from the farm. Not far from the mine is the cruise ship that rolled over. It is just abandoned on the river bank and no one is managing it.

Eddie came to the mine step by step, where the rich mycelium had reached its peak in the air.

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