Alexia is still building the spaceship on the Goddess Island, and she is the chief engineer.

Either don’t do it, or make the best spaceship possible.

Eddie spends his free time surfing with his daughters, or telling them stories about how scumbag men deceive women, how girls should identify scumbag men, and other issues.

PS, next comes the King of Fighters chapter, the beginning of another world. The biochemical chapter is just the foundation. If you like it, please support it!

Chapter 652: Final Chapter of Biochemistry:

Half a year later, Zoe was wearing a wedding dress with a big belly. Today was the time for her to take maternity photos. A happy smile flashed on her pretty face. Half a year was enough for her to forget her father's death and her brother's betrayal.

In the past six months, both Alexia and Alex have been taking retakes of their wedding photos. As for the wedding, they don't care at all, and even feel a little disgusted, but taking photos as a souvenir is of great commemorative value.

Eddie yawned and turned on his computer to check the latest news.

In the past six months, General Morgan's old dog has been chased and chased away. As soon as he settled down, he was chased and beaten.

The person responsible for this matter was Pierce, who had been judged dead. This Pikachu, oh no, it was Pierce who was happily chasing General Morgan.

Each time, he would teach him a lesson, take away the things, and use some torture to humiliate and torture the old dog Morgan to vent his dissatisfaction. It was this old dog that caused him, otherwise he would not have become a gangster. .

After countless punishments, General Morgan committed suicide in shame and anger!

No matter which virus he uses, he is no match for Pierce, the fusion of the enhanced C-virus. The extremely angry General Morgan couldn't bear the humiliation and decisively chose the most extreme method.

He committed suicide at the end of the news broadcast, and also revealed the fact that Pierce was not dead and some dirty deals.

Pierce didn't care. He lived in darkness and never thought he would live openly. He is no longer an ordinary person, he represents a team of virus enhancers.

Eddie just smiled when he saw this situation. He didn't care. So what if the whole world knew that he was an enhancer?

Strength means everything. If your fist is big, your voice will be loud.

Now Eddie can still enjoy transcendental treatment. Countries all over the world are eager to send him away as soon as possible. For such a person who is proficient in nuclear bombs and hacking technology, it is not an easy task to deal with him.

It’s not that no one has tried, it’s just that without exception they all failed and paid a heavy price.

It is better to do less than to do more. Out of sight is the best result.

Alex is incredibly beautiful in her wedding dress. She has the heroic spirit of a sonorous rose and the unique charm of a woman. No wonder even the old fox Spencer has a very high opinion of her.

And Alexia, who puts on a wedding dress, always has a strong feeling like a queen. She is not a very good leader. Her cold and pretty face is always tense, and she treats everyone the same, except her husband.

What was the result of today's test? Eddie asked with a smile.

Alexia walked into the laboratory wearing a wedding dress and high heels. It's not bad. It will probably take a year or two. We need to locate the accurate coordinates first and then set off. Isn't that what you said?

Someone is probably so happy now that he has forgotten everything. Alex also walked into the computer room wearing a wedding dress. She likes to wear wedding dresses recently and feels like a newlywed.

No, I'm also looking for it. I recently found an area that is very far away from us, about dozens of light years. I haven't found any more information, but my intuition tells me that there is me in that area. What you want. Eddie flicked the ashes of his cigarette and called up his research results.

Alexia put her chin in her hand and thought carefully, What do you want? A second child? I tell you, don't even think about it!

Ahem, what I want is immortality, stupid wife! And powerful power. Maybe you can find it in that area! Eddie's eyes were firm. There might be something extraordinary somewhere, and getting closer is another way. A mysterious field of science.

At least on this planet, Eddie has not discovered any other supernatural phenomena.

There is no magic at all.

Magic may be regarded by others as ghosts and legends, causing some fear and blindness. But Eddie knew that it was just another kind of science, one that had not been thoroughly analyzed.

Hmph, I'm going to play volleyball. Alex, do you want to join me? Alexia knew that she might have made a mistake. In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, she proposed to play volleyball.

Count me in. Eddie volunteered.

Humph, come with me. Alexia snorted and walked into the room on high heels, obviously preparing to change into a bikini and go surfing on the beach.

On the other side, Chris and Wesker are hiding, constantly running their own underground castle, which was transformed from the shelter built by Eddie.

If a nuclear bomb explodes one day, this can be a good improved environment to survive.

Eddie also pointed out a way for his brother-in-law Chris how to survive.

Chris, who had never cared much about virus enhancement, also accepted the transformation of the virus and carried out stable low-temperature hibernation.

The BSAA, which was originally active on the front line, was disbanded, and Chris and Pierce disappeared, along with Wesker and his son.

After swindling the money, he ran away and hid in an underground air-raid building.

Three years later, a huge spacecraft began to take off and entered outer space for final preparations.

Tests have been carried out many times. In this spacecraft, the recycling of resource utilization can last for hundreds of years, and after a suitable planet is found, modification and resource extraction can be carried out.

The Goddess Island was officially closed, leaving a unique desert island. This is a fixed and permanent coordinate. If you think of it in the future, you can come back at any time.

No outsiders will enter the closed Goddess Island, and the plants here are also in a dormant state. Once there is an outsider, even a fly, will be caught and digested by the vines.

Eddie took his wife and daughters onto the spacecraft and looked at the blue planet below. This was the starting point of his struggle, but it would not be the end.

There are still many adventures waiting for him in the future. People should always look forward and stay in the past. That is what only old people do. Young people should be more active and have a second child.

Huh? Wait, there seems to be something strange mixed in.

do not mind the details!

The PS biochemistry chapter is over, and I finally got my dream back. Next is the King of Fighters chapter, yes it’s the King of Fighters in the arcade! A new book is being prepared, perhaps a plot stream for Warcraft and World of Warcraft.

②The King of Fighters

Chapter 653: The virtuous queen is very good at housekeeping

The outer surface of the spacecraft can absorb solar energy for charging, so there is no need to worry about energy issues.

I don’t know how much time has passed. During each time period, everyone will be asleep. Only the mother and daughter in two shifts will take charge of the daily work. The one who works for thousands of years is naturally Eddie.

He is the most perfectly enhanced and will go into cryogenic hibernation from time to time. As the backbone of the family, he must preside over the operation of the spacecraft.

Jill was playing cards with her daughter Kaley. They were used to seeing the scenery in outer space. This was their second shift of duty as mother and daughter. Each period lasted ten years.

Mom, is it not suitable to have a second child on a spaceship? Ka Lei suddenly asked while playing.

There were very few cigarettes on the spaceship, which reduced unnecessary expenses. Jill did not continue to smoke. Quitting smoking was only a matter of minutes for her.

It's okay to want to have a baby. Alexia has expected this a long time ago, but we don't want to have a baby. We are worried that the little one will become depressed when he grows up in space. Jill did not hide it. Mother and daughter can say anything. You can communicate with anyone.

Okay, Mom, have you ever regretted following your father on the spaceship to travel in space? Ka Lei supported her pretty face, her beautiful eyes were full of happiness. She felt very happy to be with her family. She was a family member. woman.

Gil shook his head, How can you regret it? It's good to follow your father, as the old saying goes. Marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog. Your father is a very good man, and you will be happy every day with him.

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