Elf 族和Dragon Race 之间的战争,已经持续了快有一年的time ,孟翰的Eight Level 卷轴基面,也已经用掉了十几个,按照上次孟翰给的数量,估计Elf 们手中只剩下一个。不过孟翰一点都不担心Dragon Race 的伤亡,Dragon Race 的绝大多数Expert 都见识过他的领域,Eight Level 卷轴的那点xiaoxiaoformidable power ,想来是不在话下的。孟翰只是想知道,这次Elf 族到底动用了多少Expert ,大概到什么程度才会停下。很显然,Elf 族已经到了an arrow at the end of its flight ,盲目的自信和对Dragon Race 真正Expert 的实力严重判断失误。从伊娃和Mage 公会会长屠杀的那条幼龙得到的经验,最多只是能让他们应付一开始被杀的两条幼龙,当本森哈里森这样的Expert 参与进去的时候,其实就已经是悲剧的开始。包括前面的统一帝国,扶持芬妮和安吉丽娜上位这些事情,孟翰基本上都只走出主意,在后方帮忙,俨然一副千金之子坐不垂堂的架势,似乎这也合乎一个上位者的心态。要做什么事情,孟翰只要动口就行,自然有人会cao持动手的细节。在Elf 族和Dragon Race 的战争这件事上,孟翰依旧秉承了这样的传统。不闻不问不主动打探,这就是孟翰对待两族战争的态度,同时,也紧守底线,双方的战争绝不能够牵涉到黄金城。这一点,不管是Dragon Race 还是Elf 族,都很认可,从来没有越过这条底线。今天,孟翰终于感觉到,最后一张Eight Level 卷轴基面也使用了出来,或许,这已经是Elf 族最后的机会。孟翰可以预见,很快这场战争就将会结束。果不其然,一个月的time 匆匆过去,某一天的夜晚,孟翰忽的接到了一个Elf 的传信,请他到Elf 森林边缘一个隐秘的地方”Elf Empress 陛下有请。送信的Elf 是通过格瑞丝这边的,但同时也叮嘱,希望孟翰能一个人过去,不要带上大队人马”更加不要让杰西卡和路易莎路易丝知道此事。孟翰毫不怀疑本森先生他们的实力,对于Elf 族的失败,孟翰也早就有了心理准备,不过,在见到Elf 族的六位Elder Council new member 的时候,还是被她们的狼狈吓了一大跳。包括Elf Empress 在内,每个Elder 都是虚弱到几乎无法站立,身上破烂的衣服几乎变成了布条”和原本雍容华贵的模样简直就是大相径庭。each and everyone 脸色惨白,身上有着无法掩饰的血迹,要不是靠在身后的大树上”孟翰毫不怀疑六位Elder 将会躺看见他。带路来的Elf ,远远的就指了个方向离开,根本没有靠过来,估计这里什么情形,他都不知道。“我们的样子,很狼狈吧?”Elf Empress 看着孟翰一身华贵的到来,苦笑了一声,干涩的嘴net艰难的吐出一句自嘲same 话语。“意料之中!”孟翰随手一招”地面上升起来六把椅子,将六位Elder 扶在其中,让她们坐的更舒服了一点,随后才自己nong出一个座位坐好,才对着几个闻之色变的Elf Elder 们说道:“如果Elf 族胜利的话”Empress 陛下就不会在这里见我了。”几个Elder 们的神情平静了下来,如果孟翰不是因为这个,而是从一开始就知道Elf 族会失败的话,那实在too terrifying 了。那今天把孟翰叫来,很难说会生什么事情,还好”幸亏不是!“我们失败了!”Elf Empress 放下了提起的心,很是惨然的说了一句。“看的出来!”孟翰nodded 。“Elf 族需要你的帮助!”Elf Empress 对孟翰的这种平静,似乎没有喜究的力量”只能够放低姿态,恳切的说道:“看在杰西卡的份上”你一定要帮助我们。”“只要我力所能及!”孟翰爽快的答应了一句,这句话也让几位Elder 脸上1ù出了喜色。“Elf 族面临灭族的风险,托尼!”孟翰的爽快态度让Elf Elder 们都似乎看到了希望,Elf Empress 也不介意把现在Elf 族的危机完全的告诉孟翰:“Dragon Race 的强悍远过我们的所料,你的Eight Level 卷轴基面制作的卷轴根本无法伤害到他们的Expert 。我们判断有误,带去的Expert 全部都殒命,现在,普通的Elf 们也可能会遭到Dragon Race 的报复。”“你们需要我做什么?”孟翰sighed ,追问道。“你和Dragon Race 的某些Expert 关系莫逆,能否劝说Dragon Race 放弃对普通Elf 的报复?”已经到了这个地步,Elf Empress 已经放下了所有的尊严,without the slightest hesitation 的把要求说了出来。她知道,如果孟翰越早cao办,也许她的精买子民们就能够早一些得救。听着这个请求,孟翰也皱起了眉头,挨个看了六位Elder Council new member 一眼,孟翰都看到了她们眼中的那种企盼和哀求,再次开口问道:“你们双方造成了多大的伤亡?”“我们杀了两个Dragon Race new member ,重伤了他们十七位,几乎人人都有轻伤。”Elf Empress 知道,这些不可能瞒住孟翰,况且,要让孟翰来调解的话,必须要知道双方伤亡的底线,所以飞快的说了出来:“我们这边,两千三百多个高级Sword Saint ,三个Sword God ,五百多个高级法圣,接近一千个中级法圣,全部被消灭。包括我们在内,重伤的还有一千多。”Dragon Race 的实力果然很强悍,但是,Elf 族能集中如此恐怖的力量,高级Sword Saint 和高级法圣竟然要用千来计量,还真的把孟翰年了一大跳。还好,现在Elf 族的精英Expert 已经被一举消灭,实力大损。“只要你能够让Dragon Race 放弃报复Elf 的计划,保住Elf 一族,我们愿意付出任何的代价!”Elf Empress 也走到了山穷水尽的地步,否则也不会说出这样的话来。“任何代价?”,孟翰明显的被这个词刺jī了一下,忍不住重复了一下。“是的,任何代价!“Elf Empress 以为孟翰是想要确认,所以特意的重新肯定了一次。孟翰的脸上,忽的1ù出了笑容,笑容越来越明显,越来越灿烂,最后忍不住笑出声来,而且声音越来越大,越来越响,最后竟然是狂笑起来。疯狂的笑声传出老远,Elf Empress 和几个Elder look at each other in dismay ,不知道孟翰是什么意思。只有法神阁下似乎是突然意识到了些什么”脸色更加的惨白起来。孟翰的笑声终于停了下来,但依旧还是有种无法言喻的味道,让Elf Empress 很是有些担心。果然,孟翰一开口,一干Elder 们就心中同时咯噔一声。“我记得,在几年前,就在距离这里不远的另一个地方,你们似乎说过同样的话语。”孟翰的脸上充满了回忆”似乎很有些嗟叹的样子,但Elf 族的几位Elder 心却越来越沉。“当时应该是杰西卡说的,然后我not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth 的反驳了一句。”孟翰的脸上”异旧还是充满微笑,但是,这微笑在一干Elf Elder 们看来,却犹如恶魔的微笑一般。孟翰笑hehe 的反问了一句:“后来你们是怎么答复我的,还记得吗?”,Elf Empress 的心已经沉到了谷底,当时的她们,根本没有答复孟翰,直接把孟翰控制住”然后开始用Elf 族的秘法搜索孟翰的记忆,想要直接从孟翰的脑海中抓出她们想要的东西来。后来孟翰表现的已经完全忘记了那段记忆,现在却当着她们的面又提了出来。“杰西卡那会不懂事,我可以原谅她!问题是……”,孟翰再次将目光注视在Elf Empress 的脸上,很认真的问道:“Empress 陛下”你用什么保证,当年的事情不会再重演?”“你记得那些?”Elf Empress 连问话的声音都有些颤抖,孟翰竟然记得所有的一切,可是他在后来和Elf 族jiao往的时候,却一点都没有暴1ù出来过,如此恐怖的隐忍力,简直让人mao骨悚然。“从未忘记过!”孟翰指了指自己的脑袋,很坚定的回答道。所有人都沉默了下来,谁都知道”如果现在不给孟翰一个答复的话,恐怕Elf 们也只能面临被灭族的命运。谁又能想到”Elf 族的秘法,竟然对孟翰无效,而孟翰竟然能够隐忍到现在才作,在这个Elf 族的Life and Death 存亡时刻。“怎么样才能够放过Elf 族?”,Elf Empress 闭上了眼睛,缓和了好一会才睁开,表情坚定的问道。“我的条件没有变!”,孟翰直直的看着Elf Empress :“既然你们愿意付出任何代价!”条件没有变,就意味着孟翰坚持当时提出来的条件,在场的所有人做孟翰的slave 。而且很显然,不是名义上的slave ,只对Elf 族起作用的slave 契约,妮可就是最现实的例子。一方面是Elf 族要灭族的危机,另一方面是成为孟翰的slave ,不管哪一边,似乎都无法选择。几位Elder 和Elf Empress ,全部都沉默了下来。这个时候,想要和孟翰拼命是不可能的,六个人全部重伤,孟翰如果想要他们的命,甚至连手都不用动。“唉,一念之差!”,法神阁下在众人的沉默中最先开口,长叹一声之后,忽的问道:“Elf 族可以继续存在吗?独立的Elf 族,不是任何人的附庸,不是任何人的slave ?”“naturally !”,孟翰平静的nodded affirmed 。“你凭什么做到这一点?”,法神阁下反问了一句:“Dragon Race 的威胁,你打算怎么样解决?”这次孟翰没有答话,却直接动了自己的领域。瞬间,周围several ten zhang 方圆,就变成了孟翰绝对统治的王国。在场的人最差的也是高级法圣,马上就感觉到了孟翰身边生的恐怖变化。尤其是法神阁下,虽然身受重伤,但是精神力的细微探查能力还是有的,刚刚释放出一点精神力,法神阁下就感觉到了领域恐怖的formidable power 。事实胜于雄辩,孟翰一句话都没有多说,但却所有的Elf Elder 都确定了孟翰有这样的能力。梅瑞迪斯Elder 甚至于惊讶的xiao声叫了出来。谁能够想到,当时只要伸出一根xiao手指就可以戳死无数次的孟翰,现在竟然可以决定整个Elf 族的命运?“杰西卡做Elf Empress ,路易莎和路易丝做Elf 族的守护Elder ,可以吗?”,法神阁下又问了一句,这些话,显然作为Elf Empress 陛下,是无法问出口的。“naturally !”,孟翰还是肯定的答复。“人类不能随意的奴役Elf ,让Elf 做slave !”,法神阁下又提了一点要求。“事实上,我并不喜欢slave 的存在。”,孟翰正色的回答道:“你们几个例外,因为你们无法保证以前的事情不再重演。而且,即便你们做我的slave ,依旧可以成为Elf 族的守护炮”“不要让我们的真面目出现在任何Elf 们眼前,可以吗?”法神阁下的这句话”已经带上了一点乞求。“你们将成为黄金城和Elf 森林的保护神,以什么面目出现,你们可以自己选择。”孟翰给出了更大的〖自〗由度。“来吧!”法神阁下再不多说什么,闭上了眼睛,开始毕唱一段slave 契约的incantation 。周围的几位Elder ,平静的看着法神阁下成了孟翰的slave 个个脸上都闪现出一股痛苦的expression ,同时也显现出一种决然。法神阁下之后”紧接着就是梅瑞迪斯Elder ,然后又是another Elder ,直到只剩下Elf Empress 陛下。“是你!是你设计的这一切?”Elf Empress 似乎想到了些什么,看着Elder 们一个一个的和孟翰订下了slave 契约,不顾自己的伤势,疯狂的叫了起来。“我没有做任何事情。”孟翰摇头否认道:“我只做我应该做的事情,甚至于你们要井么,我就给什么。你们要武器,我给你们武器,你们要卷轴基面,我给你们卷轴基面。我没有做过除此之外的任何事情。”“可是你让我们信心膨胀,让我们觉得征服World 也不是什么困难的事情!”Elf Empress 的脸上也有了泪水,lost self-control 的叫道。“那不关我的事情,我没挑唆你们做任何事情,是你们自己的野心让你们迈出了这一步。”孟翰依旧还是平静的语气和Empress 争论,却没有一点要动用武力的意思。“有野心是错误吗?”Elf Empress 的泪水越来越多:“难道你没有野心吗?”“有野心不是错误”错误的是只有野心,而缺乏了冷静。”孟翰一个问题一个问题的回答着,语气没有丝毫变化:“我也只是个ordinary person ,我不是神,同样有野心!”听完孟翰的回答,Elf Empress 似乎再没有了问题”不甘心的挣扎了一番之后,终于流淌着泪水,念出了那段slave 契约的incantation 。六个Elf 和孟翰的slave 契约完成”哪怕以孟翰的强悍精神力,也走出了一身的大汗。随后”六个Elder 就感觉到一股股强悍的精神力从孟翰的身体那边传过来,疯狂的补充着她们重伤后的损失,而天地间的magic element ,也开始疯狂的向着她们的〖体〗内涌来。这样的过程持续了足足有一个xiao时多,六位Elder 就再也不是不久前的那样奄奄一息的样子,recovery 了她们全盛时期的强悍。只是,她们都知道,她们再也不会是以前的Elf 族的Elder Council new member 。“托尼,主人!”Elf Empress 再次开口,盅huo孟翰道:“贪婪的Dragon Race 总有一天会凯觎你的财富,把人类当做他们的slave ,你不打算先制人吗?”“我曾经和Dragon Race 的几位顶尖Expert 较量过,其中就包括你说的那个贪婪的家伙,哈里森。”孟翰笑着看着打算鼓动自己报复Dragon Race 的Elf Empress 答道:“先,Dragon Race 从来没有统治World 的念头,这一点,以后你们接触过之后就会知道。另外,就算是Dragon Race ,弱者也永远不能要Expert 做slave 。”孟翰的话语中,透1ù出了太多的信息,至少Elf Elder 们就听出了几点,Dragon Race 的那些顶尖Expert ,不是孟翰的对手,而且孟翰以后还会和他们有密切的接触。只是孟翰能胜过Dragon Race Expert 这一个消息,就让中Elder 大惊。“既然Dragon Race 都不是你的对手,托尼,Master, 你难道就没有征服this world 的野心吗?”Elf Empress 再次怂恿道:“你不是说,你也有野心吗?”“我有野心,但是,怎么样才能征服World ?”孟翰盯着Elf Empress ,心中暗笑。“动黄金城的大军,踏平一切敢于反抗你的存在,成为World 之王!”Elf Empress 本身估计就是这样想的,只是bad luck 碰上了Dragon Race 而已。但现在孟翰拥有战胜Dragon Race 的力量,她自然想要看到Dragon Race bad luck 的情形。“依靠刀剑Magic 和军队,是永远无法征服World 的!”孟翰出了慨叹的声音。“那要靠什么征服?”Elf Empress 似乎也在反思”听到孟翰的话,忍不住问道。“真正能征服World 的,只有一种东西!”孟翰笑了起来:“伞币!”“那你的gold coin 也足以征服this world 了吧?”Elf Empress 不死心的问道。“那么,你觉得………”孟翰转向Elf Empress 这边”很认真的开口问道:“现在还有哪片World ,没有被征服?还需要征服吗?”Elf Empress 登时语塞。哪怕是在战争期间,Elf Empress 也关注this world 的格局。人类World 变成了三个帝国,而三个帝国的Empress ,都是孟翰的女人。兽神是孟翰一手捧起来的,Dwarf 族本来和孟翰的关系就不错,Dragon Race 听起来以后也是孟翰的朋友,而Elf 族”未来的Elf Empress 杰西卡和未来的守护Elder 路易莎路易丝,同样都是孟翰的女人。正如孟翰所言,还需要征服吗?当孟翰带着六个穿着宽大的衣服戴着面纱看不清相貌身材的人回到City Lord 府的时候”就连杰西卡也闻讯跑了出来,奇怪的冉道:“他们是什么人?”能清楚的感受到六位Elder 看着杰西卡和路易莎路易丝的那种疼爱感觉,孟翰笑着将杰西卡拥在怀中,低声的说道:“我的新slave !”一个月之后,黄金城孟翰送给本森先生的宫殿中,又住进了三十多“怎么不行了?Li Yue ,你可是答应过我的,我告诉你了,我借用一下只是一会,对你也是有好处的,你之前答应了,现在怎么又反悔了!”叶1ang有点不happy 地looked towards Li Yue ,眉头微微皱起。

“I don’t regret at all, just…” Li Yue’s face was a bit red, whispered, and when she hadn’t finished, Ye 1ang had interrupted her.

“If you don’t regret it, don’t just be anything. Hurry up, give Mecha to me, and I will save people.” Leaf 1ang stretched out a hand and spread his hand. The meaning is self-evident.

“You can’t listen to me saying it!!” Li Yue fiercely took a picture of 1ang’s palm, and took a look at 1ang.

“What do you want to say? Can you wait and say, we have to do something serious!” Ye 1ang said a little impatient, while Tigress on the side was watching Li Yue, a little do not understand.

“Don’t say no, or I can’t give you Mecha.” Li Yue gave a look at 1ang, which means that you are so stupid, it’s a big fool.

“You have to say something to say, women are really troublesome.” Ye 1ang is even more impatient, but still follow Li Yue’s meaning, let her say what it is.

“This, can you let them all go out!” Li Yue looked at the people nearby.

“Speaking, you won’t stay until you say, you want to be clear and prioritize!” Ye 1ang said directly, he and everyone, I feel that Li Yue wants to whisper.

Not to whisper, why should we let others go?

“Who wants to whisper with you!” Li Yue didn’t smack the white 1ang, and looked at her head a little weakly.

“You guys are going out, don’t you want to say a whisper of unspeakable people?” Ye 1ang scratched his head and asked in a puzzled way.

“I just let them all go out, this is what I want, not to whisper with you!! Who do you think you are?” What whispers I told you! ! Li Yue looked at the leaf 1angcoldly, a look that I was not familiar with.

“Why let others go out?” leaf 1ang asked a little strangely.

“Crap! Do you let so many people look at me to take out Mecha? You stupid!!” Li Yue glanced at 1ang, and his face 1 smacked a blush.

Leaf 1ang is a bit strange at this time, what do you blush?

“Why do I say that I am a fool? Why… Oh, I think of it, it really can’t be left on the side.” Leaf 1ang flashed, and thought of the reason, said: “You all go out, don’t let anyone come in.” !”

“??” Tigress and the others are a bit puzzled.

“Go out! Don’t get in the way of my treatment!!” Leaf 1ang said again, shaking his hand to indicate that the people present were leaving.

“Go out!” Tigress said, she believes that there is a reason for 1ang, and even if she doesn’t, she believes that she will do the same, because she will listen to 1ang’s words no matter what the circumstances.


Those Tiger Clan Fox Clan also left, leaf 1ang is Physician, only he can save their patriarch, at this time, they will naturally respect the requirements of leaf 1ang.

In their opinion, it is because the leaf 1ang needs to be kept secret at this time, and does not want others to see his medical skills, or that it really needs others to evade.

No matter what the reason, they will respect!

At this time, leaf 1ang took out a few screens to “enclose Li Yue, which made everyone puzzled, but did not bother, only Ping.

“Okay! You can change your clothes!”

After 1ang left the crowd, he said to Li Yue in the screen, and he himself kneels down and begins to unravel the ice of Tiger Clan patriarch. He has begun the process of treatment.

As for the situation of Li Yue, he did not care. He believed that Li Yue would not have problems and she would do what she should do.

“Right, Tian Mecha is going to destroy clothes.” No wonder people want to avoid it. At this time, Tigress also remembered this thing and knew what Li Yue was doing.

If Li Yue wants to take off the Mecha, then it must be 1uo, even if it is not undressed. Mecha will destroy it, and the result will be the same.

A girl, it is impossible to 1uo body in front of others, naturally to drive others out.

Tigress knew this, and it was because Ye 1ang borrowed Mecha from the beginning. He used it all the time. His clothes were all broken and he was naked.

Fortunately, only Tigress was present at the beginning, otherwise, the leaf 1ang would be leaking, and others would see it!

Tigress? Unimportant, I have seen it anyway, it is not the first time.

“Give you!” Li Yue changed clothes, took out Mecha and handed it to 1ang.

“You hold it first, wait for me!” Leaf 1angnot at all to take over, he has no time to manage this, he is now a little bit to solve the ice crystal.

“Oh!” Li Yue complied, holding the day Mecha standing behind the leaf 1ang, watching the stream of ice crystals, watching the ice crystals are a little bit, and the people inside show it a little.

Tiger head? Is this really the father of Tai Ya?

Li Yue looked towards Tigress, then look at Tiger Clan patriarch, she was a bit skeptical, wondering if this was a mistake, Tigress is not the patriarch’s biological, how two people are not like.

“Day Mecha!” Leaf 1ang stretched out.

Only, … Li Yue is still thinking about the problem, and has not reacted for a while.

“Li Yue, what are you staying, give me Mecha!” Leaf 1ang once again, pulling Li Yue’s god back.

“Oh, I know……… Li Yue quickly gave Mecha to 1ang, while watching 1ang throw Mecha into the body of Tiger Clan patriarch, Mecha’s rays of light are hidden in Tiger. Clan patriarch’s with the the body.

Then, she saw that the leaf 1ang took out a few golden needles. The gold needle was a bit long. It was hard to imagine what it felt like to be pierced into the body, but she knew it very clearly.

Because when she was fighting Corrupt Wolf Corps, she was starred by 1ang’s golden needle netbsp; what Li Yue said is unclear, but knowing that this golden needle can treat people, the leaf 1ang is very magical, in her opinion, should It is a little-known Alchemy Technique.

Can only be explained by Alchemy Technique, otherwise, what should it be?

In this regard, Ye 1ang does not explain, because he can not explain, it makes people think that it is an Alchemy Technique! !

After the golden needle was inserted into several xué roads of the Tiger Clan patriarch, the leaf 1ang slightly bounced with the Inner Strength, and the gold needle vibrated at a certain frequency.

Then, XVIIXang began to make several alchemy formations in his hands, encircling Tiger Clan patriarch in the middle, immersing him in the mysterious streamer.

A slow ray of light from the Tiger Clan patriarch………! .

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