After Nami told Luffy and the others what happened!

Luffy Solon and the others were shocked at the same time: “What did you say?!” Rekasan, he ran to get into trouble with the navy ?! ”

“Deceptively, it’s a real naval base, I’m afraid there will be thousands, or even tens of thousands!” There are countless cannons, what to do, what to do, Rekasan will not have an accident! Upso was so frightened that his mouth shook.

But still look at Luffy!

“It’s worthy of Rekasan, it’s really handsome!!” Sanji smoked, clouded and misty, and looked intoxicated!

Although it is slow to come, he cannot fight side by side with Rekasan to solve the evil dragon pirate group.

But now we may be able to break into the naval base together.

Every naval base directly under the management of the Navy Headquarters is a real fortress of war.

Those local naval bases in Monka are not even worthy of carrying shoes for these real naval bases.

“There’s nothing to say, you can’t put Rekasan in danger!” Sanji’s eyes had a strong desire in his eyes.

“Kill and pick up someone!” Solon is more direct.

“No, no, no… Wrong! If he dares to hurt Rekasan, he must make them look good… Ahem, there is no navy here! Usopp looked around and said indignantly.

“I’m going!” Nami also said firmly.

“Okay, then let’s go pick up Rekasan! Hee-hee!! Luffy pressed his hat and said with a smile.

Even if it is a naval base, they are not the ones who will leave their companions behind.

“It’s really unsettling.” But just as everyone was ready to set sail, a bloody Reika suddenly fell from the sky.

Landed on the shore, seriously injured, his face was extremely pale, like a candle in the wind, crumbling!

“Rekasan, are you all right!!” Seeing this, Usopp and the others immediately exclaimed.

“Rekasan, you’re not going to die, are you!! Whining!! ”

“Stupid captain, don’t talk nonsense!!” Sanji was speechless and kicked over!

“Reka!!” Namiyin was like a cuckoo crying blood, and she was extremely sad, and quickly stepped forward a few steps and held Reka up.

He was about to fall down just now.

“It’s nothing, it’s just too much consumption, a little tired, and a little injury, and the money is back for you.”

“None of that matters, none of them matter, you idiot, who let you go to the navy without permission, did I let you find it?” In case something happens, if something happens…! Nami said with tears.

In this short period of waiting, she seemed to have experienced four seasons for many years.

“Isn’t it okay, that’s a little tired, I’ll squint for a while.” With that, Reka passed out leaning on Nami’s shoulder!

After Nuo Qigao and Ah Jian looked at each other, Qi Qi showed an aunt smile.

They are very happy that Nami can have such a good partner, and someone can really treat her.

These people came from afar, and although some people did not help in time, the most important thing was this intention.

“Everyone, it’s a banquet, in order to celebrate our hard-won freedom, we will have a banquet today, and tomorrow, the day after tomorrow!” An old man said excitedly.

“There are still some villages that did not get this news, so go and inform them immediately!”


So someone took the tattered pirate flag of the evil dragon pirate group, circled the entire island coast, stepped on the beach, and shouted while running:

“The Evil Dragon Pirates have collapsed! We are free! ”

“The Evil Dragon Pirates have collapsed! We are free! ”

“The Evil Dragon Pirates have collapsed! We are free! ”


Over and over again, soon the whole island was boiling, every village was cheering, noisy, and the banquet was in full swing.

“Banquet!! It’s nice to see if we can find a musician!! Hee-hee! ”

“It’s most important to find a doctor to see Solon and Rekasan’s injuries first! Captain! ”

Nami and Nokiga’s home.

Dr. Nagao, the village doctor of Kokoasi village, is healing Solon and Reka.

“These two guys are too messy! The green hair’s injury was almost fatal, you actually did such a simple hemostatic treatment, and the wound suturing was too rough! ”

“In addition, if it weren’t for breathing, I thought it was a dead man, our freedom, hard to come by, rest assured, I will definitely use the best medicine!”

“Take Gao San, you must cure them!”

“Don’t worry, the people that Xiao Nami values, I have to cure them even if I fight for my life!”

“I’m okay, hiss…” Solon struggled to get up, pulling the wound as soon as he got up.

“Shut up, are you a doctor, or am I a doctor, now re-remove the stitches and stitch them again!” Don’t move… Now you know it hurts! ”

Outside the house, Sanji walked in the orange field, reached out to hold up an orange, smoked a cigarette, and his eyes lit up slightly: “Very good quality oranges.” ”

“Hey, Sanji, come and help, this thing is too heavy!” Usopp’s voice came!

The three of them plus two strong villagers were panting and carrying Reka’s axe, and just now Nami and they saw Reka suddenly pass out!

Quickly asked Solon and Yamaji to take him to see the doctor.

Leaving Reka’s divine axe in place, they carried it by nearly five or six people before they could lift it, but the speed was too slow, this thing was too heavy!

It’s hard to believe that Reka-san usually holds this thing in his hand.

They didn’t know that if it weren’t for this battle to squander the magic power that filled the divine axe, let alone lift it with the strength of the five of them.

It’s good to be able to shake it.

“Here it comes!” Yamaji replied and stepped forward to help.

“Sister Nuo Qi Gao, is it really that big brother who defeated the evil dragon before?” The little fart boy Chabo ran to Nokigao and asked excitedly.

“Yes!” Nokigao nodded.

“Great, so that the hatred of mom and dad will have to be repaid!”

“Huh? There is a big beauty there, you are Nami’s sister! May I ask this beautiful lady with a daimyo, will you have a drink together? Yamaji saw Nokigo halfway and forgot about Usopp for a second.

The whole person instantly became active, turned into the ultimate gentleman and the big licking dog, like a black whirlwind to Nokigao, picked the wildflowers on the side of the road, and respectfully sent them to Nokigao…

“Bastard Yamaji!!” Usopp shouted in the distance, but was ignored.

The village gradually became lively, and Solon, who had just dealt with his wounds, also came to interest: “Go have a drink!” ”

“Well, I’m going to eat meat!!” Luffy immediately raised his hand.

They stayed here for a long time, and they felt that if they didn’t move, they would rust.

Soon, Luffy Solon and they all joined the ranks of free eating and drinking.

“Just so I want you to try my craft!” Sanji said confidently.

“Nami, you also take a break, he is estimated to not wake up for a while!” Nokigao, who walked in, looked at the sleeping Reka and said to Nami.

“It’s okay, I’ll just watch.” Nami shook her head slightly.

“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine.” Seeing this, Nuo Qigao did not persuade anything more.

Followed the others to the banquet.

It was night, the gongs and drums were shaking outside, and all kinds of ghosts crying and wolf-like songs were accompanied by laughter, so it was not lively.

After learning that Luffy is Reka’s partner as a lifesaver, they are also warmly treated.

And it quickly mingled, after all, now the only Joba on board with social phobia has not yet boarded.

And whether it’s Luffy, Usopp, Sanji, or Solon, these are all social awesome characters.

Of course, the strongest Nami did not show up.

She took a towel, dipped in warm water, and carefully cleaned the dirt and blood stains on Reka’s body little by little, wiping it very carefully!

After that, he sat in front of the bed, silently and affectionately watching him.

I don’t know how long it took, Nami’s eyelids began to fight up and down, drowsy, and the first rays of morning sunlight shone through the window and on Reka’s face.

He shook his eyelids slightly, then slowly opened, looked at the cleaned wounds, and calmly said to himself: “This time it seems to be a little too much, and the vitality is also consumed a lot, but it is not a loss, the progress of the play has reached twenty-one percent, although it is not deliberately played, there is a battle of qi, but it can rise by three points, which is also very good!” ”

“Wait, what’s going on with this arrogance value!? How can you earn more than when you fought with Hawkeye before, with a total value of 14,000 points! When Reka saw this, she was stunned for a while!

Then look at the source of the arrogance value information to find out why.

Many of them are provided by residents of Cocoa West Village and nearby islands.

Although they had never seen Reka, they had heard that he had defeated the Evil Dragon Pirates, and many people were grateful for their worship of Reika from the bottom of their hearts!

The other part comes from the 17th Branch Naval Base, where fear turns into awe and shock, surrender and Reka’s arrogance and strength!

The audience base is large, and many people who have been oppressed are liberated, their inner fluctuations are great, and their arrogance value is more.

“So, if you want the arrogance value to rise a lot, Alabastan, a big country, may be an opportunity for the arrogance value to skyrocket, the current arrogance value, high-level overlord color domineering can be afforded, but there is no hurry, first wait for the body to gradually recover, and then try the existing strength, see what is insufficient!” Reika is in no hurry to spend.

After all, the main thing in the body now is to restore vitality, as long as it is not completely consumed, the progress of the role is improved, and the exhausted vitality will accelerate the recovery.

It doesn’t take a few days to fully recover.

Reka didn’t know it, when he thought of the populous country of Alabastan on the great shipping route.

There are people in the country who are thinking about them at the moment.

Alabastan, Rainland, Rain Feast Grand Casino, top floor.

Klockdar looked at the three new wanted warrants in front of him, took a sharp sip of his cigar, and after lingering on the tip of his tongue, slowly spit out a smoke ring.

Behind him stood the secretary-like Nicole Robin.

“The East China Sea is really an ocean full of miracles, the first reward was a newcomer pirate with a bounty of up to 100 million Bailey, does the navy treat him as a pirate of the same level as our king’s Qiwu Sea? However, this pirate hunter seems to have refused our invitation before. ”

“Yes, BOSS! MR.7 once went to the East China Sea to invite the pirate hunter Solon, but was killed! Unexpectedly, he has also become a pirate now, and he has been offered a reward of 30 million Bailey! Nicole Robin said calmly.

It’s just that his eyes lingered on the three wanted warrants for a long time: “The first reward, the bounty of the three people is not low, especially this Leika, obviously this newcomer pirate group should not be underestimated, I think it won’t be long before it will enter the great voyage.” ”

“The bounty can’t decide anything, it’s quite bold, even the naval base dares to attack, if you take our route, you personally go out when you turn back, try to recruit it, if you are disobedient, teach them what a real pirate is.” Klockdar paid more attention, but only second.

“I understand, but the crew is higher than the captain’s bounty, and it is still rare in the pirate group!” The captain’s bounty…”

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