First of all, the beast’s head appeared at the range of the cannon inside.

“Oanh, oanh!”

One by one, the flames fell on the beasts inside.

In the blink of an eye, a few blood-soaked beasts flew.

For a little weak a bit of a freak to say.

Cannon power of bullets is still possible.

Seeing this, everyone’s faces showed a flash of joy.

Looking ahead, the firepower wasn’t so bad.

But very quickly quail in the thick smoke, all the beasts rushed out.

To be in front of everyone.

Heterosexual mortality, on the contrary, stimulates more and more heteronormative beasts.

Maybe from the fire.

There are a few that are beast-rank martial artists.

It was just that they were wounded, not even mortally wounded.

There was also a standard group of martial artists of the rank of beasts that weren’t bad.

Homomorphism avoids a lifetime.

This little beast did not have any fear, continued to direct Yun Cheng to come.

“Oanh, oanh!”

One by one the explosions continued to sound.

Originally, in front of the time, Yun Cheng outside had already buried a nude.

This little beast doesn’t have too much wisdom.

Directly pedal on this side!

“Worth dying this time!”

Everyone impatiently looked at the head of this one a few strange beasts silently shouted.

But when the thick smoke disperses, revealing a lot of situational anomalies.

“This isn’t even dead!”

One by one a surprised exclamation sounded.

Still the same, there were a few tenacious beasts who continued to accept it.

This is only a temporary deterrent to the beast.

The next word was to get close to the great wall of war.


“Brake, brake!”

“Gruff! !”


The guns finally opened fire, the firepower covering all the beasts.

If it hadn’t worked so much in the first place!

But now this one a few beasts underwent bombardment afterwards.

There have been many wounds!

So as long as one point is made, it’s still possible for heterosexuals to form not Pity.


The pain caused a lot of unsuspecting beasts to roar.

So many beasts together emitted a sound that shocked the entire Yuncheng.

Even if it’s a very long distance.

Still the same, you can hear a little sound.

At one point, the beast’s head finally reached under the city wall.

Van Thanh city wall, in An Minh Nguyet asked below.

Compared to the mediocre Fang Cheng wall is many ten feet high!

The width above is more than double that of the planned principle.

This one little basic bounce isn’t enough.

It was only possible that before the beasts took the blood piled up.

One end of a dead beast hit the wall.

The Wall was slightly shaken, but there was no damage.

At this time, Yun Cheng who could no doubt want to thank him the most was An Ming Yue.

Previously related to Van Prejudice to build the wall!

But there is a discussion in Yuncheng.

Some people think that the wall is not very different, it is good, there is no need to … Waste of resources and money.

Someone said An thi group eventually added a lot of money to go in.

Now this one a few words, all flipped up again.

“Thank you, Goddess, foreseen.”

“Because I’m sorry, I’m narrow-minded.”

“You can finally relax one weapon, the next one is good to just slowly grind!”

. . . . .

Yun Cheng inside countless people rushed to speak.

The corporation’s reputation in the blink of an eye rose to a second level.

No one compared to An Ming Yue knew a little better than this!

Early in the moment, An Ming Yue immediately made preparations for the tidal beast.

The only possibility that hadn’t been thought of was.

The first time the tidal beast was, of course, arising in Yuncheng.

It’s possible that this is the phalaenopsis effect.

Change to another locality, so it’s still hard to say.

Time is still going on, constantly coming out of the tidal wave.

There were still a few beasts jumping up and down the wall.

Borrow the other one a little body beast.

Usually this one at a time!

Then there was the Martial Artist, directly bringing this a few beasts to solve.

Speaking of which, this is not a small thing.

This some martial artists on the contrary can solve.

It’s just that some of the martial artists on their faces are still very serious.

Because… This constant tide, I don’t even know how long it will last.

According to the rapidly increasing beasts, it is considered that the Martial Artist is not in a situation.

There began to be casualties!

“Xiao Li! !”

“Kill, you can’t let the beasts cross this line!”

“Yuncheng then but above ten million people!”

. . . . .

To the end is basically relying on the force of willpower that is persevering.

A lot of martial arts don’t even have human initiation.

It’s just that compared to ordinary people, it’s a little bit more powerful.

One day the blood qi ran out, so the same person was fundamentally different.

Maximum compared to one point large gas force capacity.


But in front of him, it is basically no different.

The entire vast array of people who looked at this one act were dumbfounded.

“Yun Cheng this is a little brother, it’s good!”

“Hopefully after that, there may be a proper one that handles the consequences well.”

“The tidal beasts are really too terrible, these few beasts are not afraid of death!?”

. . . . .

Broadcast live on the screen, each ballistic blast is constantly blowing through.

This time Yun Cheng fought, absolutely to make the whole great yun aware again.

There’s good news!

That’s the help that’s coming.

In the sky the warplanes screamed.

The standard bombarded, coordinating with Yun Cheng himself.

In the meantime, the opposite is to neutralize many Yun Cheng in danger of the situation.

Making An Ming Yue the opposite group of people could first relax an aura.

From the beginning of the great war until now, it is past a certain time.

Almost every second was urgent inside.

Physical attrition compared to normal standing up but is increased countless times.

It’s just that not a lot of people relax a weapon.

Not far away a seemingly electro-optical dao came quickly.

The roadside that was brought up under the fire was avoided by this one.

“It’s a powerful beast head!”

“Of course don’t look at this some fire! !”

“This speed even the naked eye can’t keep up with.”

One by one a surprised exclamation sounded.

Directly in front of everyone, it was the second time on his face.

This one of the great beast heads joined in and didn’t even know what kind of event it caused.


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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