“Yuncheng Martial Dao University, all 200 and six people in total go to The Tribulation!”

“Master sixteen, student two hundred!”

“In which Martial Artist 198 people, standard martial artist eighteen!”

“No escape!”

As the time approached, one of the gurus raised his voice and said. The sound was like a rainbow, the tremors possessed of hearing people.

Yun Cheng broadcast live in the middle of the ammo possession, in the blink of an eye, it stopped.

“What, Yuncheng Martial Dao University, there are two hundred Martial Artists!”

“How is this possible, it’s not that there are only 100 people!”

“Why can there be two hundred people, and why do they all set foot in martial arts.”

. .

Very quickly broadcast live, countless people raised their doubts. Unlike Yun Cheng, the low-level university martial arts.

The rest of the high school was a small number of students, but it was a high level. But thinking for a moment, homomorphism is normal. A lot of the students are not twenty years old.

How could it be enough to settle down!

The internet boasts that schools have no reason to stop them. Let alone this is seen as school propaganda.

In which a few students are bragging to themselves the supreme blood school has 800 cards. The Martial Artist Gap is coming!

But seeing Yun Cheng martial arts university after that. It can only be said that there is no comparison without harm.

What 800 cards, what is coming, Yun Cheng martial arts university is at least a martial artist. Not even the standard number of martial artists is much.

There were 182.

Ahead of time, Yun Cheng the university student martial artist was a little audible. However, in the whole of Yuncheng, there was no reputation in his eyes.

If it weren’t for the front of the recruits, it was likely that a lot of Yun Cheng people in their eyes wouldn’t know this a high school martial artist. Add up the silent rear, making the person take it lightly.

But now that he appeared, of course he gave countless people a sneer. In fact, this is also An Xuan who intends to do so!

He knew what Yun Cheng needed now! The biggest is trust!


The reason in An Huyen is that there is such a scene below.

On the contrary, going through this battle, Yun Cheng martial arts university students are in no way hidden. It’s not as good as it used to be to absorb the light, to gain some trust.


Yang Zhengxiu came out agitated from the vibration. It was obvious that Yun Cheng gave him a great look. Just in front of him, he looked at Yun Cheng martial arts university.

But for a while, a lot of blood qi students were still a short distance away. He had thought that there were students who had set foot in Martial Arts.

But there’s a maximum of ten!

This was already the most imaginable Yang Zhengxiu. The result is basically owning students who all set foot in Martial Arts. An Ming Yue’s face was a little shocked.

In front of the 100 Star Martial Artists, it was only suddenly increased by eighty people. This breakthrough speed can’t help but be too fast.

Any follow-up is joy.

Because… but it was two hundred Martial Artists, who were still Spirit Qi for a few months. The level of appreciation does not need many words.

The most important thing is that they Yuncheng people! !

“Just like that, we Yuncheng don’t have to own more than two hundred Martial Saints.”

“These numbers have all kept up with Ma Dou martial arts numbers.”

“Although the quality above is a little poor, but it is full of people!”

. . . . .

Watching the live broadcast between Yun Cheng’s possessions, in the blink of an eye, boiled. Except for that, there were many people who mentioned An Xuan. It was the young man who turned the cause.

That’s the Four Qualities!

Some people say that the Four Qualities Martial Dao, can increase life force, prolong life. For the other a few young men the ability to transform is not clear.

But for An old man like that, the ability change is clear. This most form of explanation says!

But it was to make Yun Cheng even more excited.

“An old man broke through, so Yun Cheng has two quartets.”

“Add to Yuncheng martial arts university so many martial artists!”

“This time, Yun Cheng is not in any danger.”

“Yuncheng but possessing more than two hundred Martial Artists, the giants are all arrogant at one point!”

. . .

The original has a little darkness, the present directly once again harvests trust . and a few observations of Yun Cheng broadcasting live among people.

There was a dumbfounded look on his face, eventually transformed into wishful thinking. Although he was a great army compared to Yuncheng, he wanted more than three times as much.

However, the number of Martial Artists above, up to more than a hundred. There’s inevitably a little sourness!

Moreover, the most important thing is, the identity is the high school martial arts, why the difference is so big. They had two martial arts universities, and they might not have heard of martial artists being born.

Not even a martial artist.

“Meet the old man!”

Yang Zhengxiu was agitated and then reacted respectfully. . This one act makes it even more incomprehensible to everyone.

Because in the eyes of some people, the two of them were the Four Martial Saints. Logically speaking, there is no need for that!

But some people on the contrary assumed that Yang’s commander was Sun Lao.

Let’s say that the old man’s strength is not very much, adding up to the education so much Martial Artist. High German look at them!

All of Yun Cheng must have thanked An Jiazi for his dedication.

“Commander Yang, this battle is not just about winning.”

“Besides, I want a big win!”

An Xuan sounded, and there was a hint of disbelief in his voice.

But in Yuncheng watching everyone in the eyes, this is a word of the old man but a mettle.

“Old Man, I wonder how you feel!?”

Yang Zhengxiu’s eyes couldn’t help but light up slightly. If the front spoke, he would not dare to say a great victory. Maybe the guard said, that wasn’t bad either.


The result was accompanied by Yun Cheng martial arts university 200 Martial Artists arrived. That’s perfectly fine!

“It’s not like the beast hasn’t arrived yet, leading a class sortie.”

An Xuan in his eyes revealed a flash of intent.

Just now, Martial Artist volunteered to risk a class after that, and he could return to adjust to rest for a while. The post-incident, it was entirely possible to hand it over to him.

An Xuan knew where he was now. He needs a little pressure (talent) to break through.

“This kind of knows it won’t be too much of a risk!”

Yang Zheng 2.3 tu on his face showed a flash of hesitation to say that. Covering the live broadcast in front of everyone held their breath not daring to speak.

Because… this is related to Yuncheng’s destiny!

“It’s not sure, but it’s never done!”

An Xuan slightly released the martial will martial artist and said at the same time. This time Yang Zhengxiu was in awe for the second time!

It’s more of a no-brainer.

Ahead of time, he had thought of An old man’s power far beyond him. At least the Four Qualities are extremely powerful.

As for what he said, Yang Zhengxiu basically didn’t dare to think.

Because now that they’re all feet, they’re all people.

Each of them was a Great Guardian God, so high that he dared not imagine. The Four Qualities and the Five Qualities, he was clear.

Want to pass but is not so easy! .


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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