
Li Gao was a recent graduate who soon went to work.

The normal time would be to raise some cranes.

The heavy rain was heavy, but it also prevented Li Gao from going to work.

“Not good!”

Half of Li Gao suddenly thought of himself on the terrace.

Forgot to come in, claiming to see a lot of rain.

Li Gao couldn’t help but be as hot as fire!

At the end of work, rushed to his place.

But the next act, it was to make Li Gao’s face show panic.

Only the terrace was outside, originally there were three Kim Mao Khuy.

There was only one giant Kim Mao Qiu left, two red irises filled with tyrannical aura.

The circumference is not less bloody along with the head of the joints.

Li Gao couldn’t help but think of the internet a little bit related to the Spirit Qi recovering speech.

He was jokingly recovering!

If it’s real, that’s fine.

Now speaking, thinking meticulously, it seems that this situation is what it is now.

In the midst of his thoughts wandering through time.

Suddenly felt a cool feeling.

Only a pair of ice-cold irises fell on him.

I don’t want to tear anything apart.

“Hide! !”

“This place has monsters!”

Li Gao only had this kind of thought at this time.

One side hid the moment, not forgetting to shock the others.

The same kind of Li Gao situation is not singular.

The whole internet was soon boiling!

“My house is transformed, it’s scary.”

“Just saw a half-meter long rat, dare you believe it?”

“After waking up, I found out that the whole world is transformed!”

“Spirit Qi really recovered!”


. .

This time it wasn’t like there was only a two-pronged case ahead.

It’s the entire Great Nebula, even the entire Blue Star.

To want to hide, it’s basically impossible.

This day please help the infrared line said, all fast are also broken.

In the city this is a little mutated, there is not so much damage.

Unlike a few beasts, the opposite science and technology can cope.

But that’s to say, predetermined won’t because the settlement stops.

On the internet, but was noisy out.

Wait for the official announcement(s) of all kinds!

There are even some people who take their lives outside of what happened.

It was like a mutated Zoo, rushing to hide.

Forming no less casualties!

Relatively speaking, it still counts as relatively good.

Even if it was a few close to the mountain forest of the area, the arrangements were soon made.

There wasn’t much hurt, but it didn’t stop people from worrying.

“It’s all mutated, there’s no need to say That Old Lin is inside the beast.”

“There’s even in the ocean, I don’t even know how many beasts!”

“The time ahead, but it’s a lot to do with the news, isn’t it true?”

. . . . .

Covering the front a little bit of the homogenous neologism is removed.

This one doesn’t stop people from being scared.

Even a few people with hearts, even more so, are constantly spreading a little negative news.

Propagating a little bit of rationality.

It can be said on the internet that statues grow into dust.

This one act is naturally of interest.

In Lin Weibao submitted himself to analyze the situation behind.

The entire group immediately began to act.

Go through a series!

Out of conclusion, future possibilities compared to in cruel fantasy.

Going through the satellite, the more they learned the news than the average person.

Just like in the ocean, there are giant Sea Beasts because Ling Yu rises to the surface!

The number of terrorist sections.

Fear is that the ocean may eventually become a forbidden zone.

Now on the internet is just desperate speculation!

Not so much in imagining the future, but in fantasy wanting to despair.

The reason related to the whole people practicing martial arts petitions is very favorable to pass.

Now speaking, according to the Spirit Qi restored then the homomorphism has a conditional martial arts practice!

“It’s around 7 p.m. at the time of the live broadcast, for the spirit of recovery speaks clearly.”

“Along with the announcement of the opening of the entire martial arts people, the formation of the martial arts alliance of things.”

. . . . .

This is a time of Qingming!

Very quickly got on top of hot search! !

“Spirit Qi restored, qualitative vein.”

“Martial Dao!? Is it possible to antagonize superhuman beasts.”

“I don’t know how to cultivate, hopefully I can hurry up a bit.”

. . . . .

The whole world is unquestionably boiling over, in the internet-age science and technology.

Although it is a parallel world, for martial arts something is still known.

There is still a lot to do with the novel martial arts, the whole thing is related to the Spirit Qi.

There’s only one person who doesn’t think about it.

But in reality!

Southwest Yuncheng An Gia Trang Garden

“Indeed, according to the weight ahead of the charge.”

“It’s just a pity that the law is published!”

“But for a lot of people, introduction takes a lot of work.”

“There’s no doubt that the Spirit Qi restored the first wave of grace.”

An Ming Yue’s eyes were silent and thought.

It must be known a month later, Spirit Qi but only tends to be normal.

There may be no current such welfare!

Any time ahead, An market pharmaceutical company.


Practicing a little can help martial arts initiate knitting.

Now it’s time to push out!

Even so, Ann was exposed.

That was before he knew the Spirit Qi had recovered.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to make such a potion.

It was as if the spirit qi was not completely restored in front of him.

Medicinal properties in certain aspects are not less.

However, leading the initiation martial dao, the homogeneous medicinal power does not need much.

If there is someone who can stay within half a month of said martial arts.

It is still possible to overcome the first wave of Spirit Qi.

In this matter, An Ming Yue was too negotiable with the old man.

In the end, it was decided, to increase the real power!

Moreover, An thi group pushed out, the more the division benefited or was Yuncheng.

It’s because of the two years behind Tai Qi!

An thi can even think of cooperating with dai yun.

Enter the Martial Dao in the alliance!

Now that the Martial Dao Alliance had just formed, it knew how to absorb a few Martial Artists.

An Ming Yue was unquestionably qualified.

As long as the Martial Artist said, at the moment, there is a scarcity of existence.

He returned to her, knowing that five years later, the Martial Dao Alliance followed every single person.

It is possible to imagine its importance and rights!

Covering a few scarce resources, the more it is necessary to have a power alliance.

Moreover, if it is possible to enter the martial dao in the alliance.

Saving Yun Cheng said, another path of death.

If two years are behind himself, there is no set foot Master said.


The spirit was depleted. The old era collapsed, leading to the demise of the prophet. Humans must adapt to a world without spirits.

From there the age of magic was born. The old era is hidden by the heads.

Then one day, the spirit spirit restored, the old era ruins with tens of thousands of years buried underground began to appear.

Is the Magician or The New Prophet the master of the new age?

Questions answered in

We sell noodles in the heterosexual world.

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