Chapter 219 – Hyperspace engine

Du Xingyu didn’t use too much energy on the gravity bomb and force field generating device. The members of the Academy of Weapons Science would conquer them. He only needs to fill in the information.

His main focus is on hyperspace engines and hyperspace disruptors.

The two actually have something in common, because only by knowing the operating principle of the hyperspace engine can the corresponding jamming device be designed.

“The warp speed engine is to create a warp speed field and a warp speed bubble, wrap the warship, and then proceed to warp speed sailing-from a certain point of view, the warp speed engine is actually a low-profile hyperspace engine!”

“The hyperspace engine needs to allow the warship to enter the hyperspace and realize the hyperspace transition! Then, as an object in the three-dimensional world, how can the warship enter the hyperspace of higher latitude?”

Du Xingyu is thinking about this issue, and the Grand Unification Theory tells him that the graviton is actually a kind of ripple from high-dimensional space!

Suppose that the high-dimensional space is a calm lake, and human warships are bubbles in the air on the lake. Normally, bubbles cannot enter the lake water because the pressure is different.

If the lake is rippling, the splashing water will briefly draw bubbles under the water surface, then resurface and rise to the sky.

At this time, the “bubbles” took a short journey in the lake space. It is the “space leap” that crosses the space where you are!

“The hyperspace engine must find a way to splash the ripples of hyperspace!” Du Xingyu gradually had a thought.

If you want to make the lake water splash and ripple, you need to throw a stone in and break its calm!

To make the hyperspace ripples, it needs enough energy, or strong gravity, to make the space-time matrix change!

Du Xingyu posted this question on the question column of the Academy of Sciences for everyone to think together.

Scientists began to study and discuss this question: “How to make hyperspace ripples?”

“The existing weapons of mankind cannot interfere with hyperspace!”

“Using antimatter weapons, or creating miniature black holes? Proton black holes will distort space and change the space-time matrix in a short time!” particle physicist Butler said.

“The proton black hole exists for too short a time, and it will evaporate soon! We need a stable device to change the space-time matrix!” said a scientist.

“Maybe we can imitate the physical changes in the universe!” An astrophysicist named Song Ling suggested, “At the end of the evolution of a certain mass of stars, there will be violent explosions, so-called supernova explosions!”

“Supernovae are a powerful source of gravitational waves in galaxies. Super galaxies burst out in the Milky Way, and the various rays produced can radiate the entire Milky Way!

“The gamma-ray burst in it can change the space-time matrix and cause ripples in hyperspace!”

“Gamma rays?” Du Xingyu’s heart moved, as if it was indeed possible.

Gamma rays are also called gamma particle streams. They are the rays released during the de-excitation of atomic nuclei. They are electromagnetic waves with a wavelength shorter than 0.01 angstroms.

It has extremely strong penetrating ability and high energy, and a small amount of gamma rays will be produced in a nuclear explosion.

And the energy produced by gamma-ray bursts can even be on par with the Big Bang in an instant!

In the process of stellar evolution, gamma rays can indeed stir up hyperspace. If humans can produce enough gamma rays to cause hyperspace ripples, it is possible to create hyperspace engines.

“This idea is good.” Du Xingyu announced, “I will start to study cluster gamma rays immediately.”

The Academy of Sciences immediately began to build the gamma-ray clustering device, and Du Xingyu also directly performed gamma-ray simulation on his own science and technology simulator.

Science and Technology Simulator: “Intensity Three Gamma Ray Simulation…”

“The space-time matrix has changed.”

“The simulation is successful!”

The simulation results prove that this idea is feasible.(Read more @

Therefore, Du Xingyu designed a “field guide”, using this guide, the energy of the antimatter reactor will be collected, and then through the superconducting coils in the field of several kilometers, the horizontal booster will power the ionization field.

After the ionization field gains energy, it will release gamma rays, causing ripples in hyperspace!

At this point, it still cannot be said that the hyperspace engine has been designed.

Because the warship itself cannot withstand the changes in space latitude, just like warp speed navigation needs the protection of warp bubble, hyperspace jump also needs a protective field.

The protective field designed by Du Xingyu is a zero quantum field generator. The principle is similar to the gravitational field generator, which uses a zero quantum field to cover the battleship so that it will not be torn when jumping in hyperspace.

“Except for the zero quantum field generator, when performing hyperspace jumps, warships need to turn on the energy shield at all times.” There is not everything in hyperspace, just as gamma rays affect hyperspace.

In the hyperspace transition, if it is hit by these particle streams, the warship will be broken into pieces. In addition, there is a large amount of dark matter in the hyperspace, which also needs to be blocked.

Du Xingyu is advancing step by step. With the joint efforts of him and tens of thousands of scientists from the Academy of Sciences, the integrity of the hyperspace engine has been advanced to 80%.

“Inject one million energy points to simulate the hyperspace engine control valve.” This is a device that adjusts the hyperspace transition distance.

“Inject one million energy points to simulate a four-axis stabilizer.” This is a device for adjusting the battleship’s stability system.

In addition, there are transducer coolers, hyperspace energy splitters, and so on.

When Du Xingyu completed the simulation of all these accessories and assembled them, he performed a complete hyperspace engine simulation.

Science and technology simulator: “Hyperspace engine simulation…”

In his brain, a star field-class battleship was created, loaded with a hyperspace engine.

The hyperspace engine is activated, and the generated gamma rays interfere with the space-time matrix, causing hyperspace ripples. The hyperspace ripples involve the battleship, and the zero quantum field protects the battleship from being crushed by the force across the latitude.

Almost in an instant, the entire battleship disappeared!

In hyperspace navigation, using the means of a three-dimensional world, it is impossible to see it at all!

At this time, it’s not that the warp speed has folded the space, but it has briefly entered a higher dimensional space! No lasers, energy weapons, or anti-matter rays can attack it!

One hyperspace transition consumes 30% of the energy stored on the battleship!

At the time of exiting, the Star Controls-class battleship in the simulator had already traveled three light-years away!

In less than ten seconds, three light years of travel!

For a constant-star sub-light speed spacecraft, it takes more than three years to fly this journey. It takes more than twenty days to destroy the warship of the star system with a speed of fifty. But for Du Xingyu’s simulation of the ultimate hyperspace jump, the whole process took no more than ten seconds!

“Hyperspace jump! Too powerful!” Du Xingyu was shocked by this, because the advanced civilization mastered this technology, and will be able to sail in the galaxy wantonly!

The diameter of the Milky Way is one hundred thousand light-years. Du Xingyu speculated that the hyperspace transition of a mature three-level civilization can span at least a thousand light-years away!

In other words, as long as there is sufficient energy, a civilization above level 3.7 can completely cross the galaxy!

“We must build Starfield-class battleships and hyperspace jammers!” Du Xingyu pays more attention to hyperspace jammers, because the distance from Altair of Skyhawk civilization to the Nanmen 2 star system is only more than 20 light-years away.

As long as the enemy is ready, they can jump on their faces in a few seconds!

How was this battle fought at that time?

He began to collect information in the simulation of hyperspace jumps. Any factor that hinders hyperspace jumps will become a manufacturing element for the manufacture of hyperspace jamming devices.

“During the hyperspace jump, we cannot be impacted by the particle beam, because we cannot monitor the hyperspace jump, so we cannot target the warship that is jumping in the hyperspace.”

“Hyperspace jumping requires a stable gravitational field and the existence of a zero quantum field, otherwise the warship will be squeezed and torn apart by space while crossing space! This is an important point.

“When entering hyperspace, and when leaving hyperspace, the turbine rotation and strong gamma rays at the tail of the battleship will be displayed. According to this principle, it should be possible to create a hyperspace transition detector. Know the starting point of the enemy’s hyperspace transition. Or the end! Discover the enemy the moment they leave the hyperspace!”

Du Xingyu sent the information to the Academy of Sciences and asked them to start designing and manufacturing the materials and parts needed for the hyperspace engine.

And he himself started to design mankind’s first star field-class battleship.

There is no division between annihilation and annihilation of the star-class battleship, because the attacks of the star-class battleship are almost all annihilation-class, and it can even make the target completely disappear in the three-dimensional world!

According to the captives of the Skyhawk Civilization, there are also elementary, medium, and high-class battleships of the Star Region class. In addition, on the advanced Star Region-class warships, there is also a division of the Star Region Dominator class.

Between the three levels of civilization, the perception of strength is also very different!

For civilizations above level 3.5, destroying the Skyhawk civilization is only a breeze.

As for the Star Dominator-class warships, only civilizations above level 3.8 and close to the fourth-class civilization can be manufactured.

Humans can’t imagine its power. Even the scientists of the Skyhawk civilization don’t know it. They only know that in the demon civilization’s camp, there used to be a level 3.9 civilization that used the Star Territory Master Class battleship, destroying three level 3.2 or so at a time. Civilization!

What Du Xingyu wanted to design was naturally the first Star Field-class battleship.

In terms of power, it will have a hyperspace engine with a hyperspace jumping distance of ten light years.

In the weapon, it will add two kinds of weapons: gravity bomb and gravity field.

“The Patron Saint.” This is the order of the first Starfield-class battleship designed by Du Xingyu for himself. This battleship was built to protect human civilization.

On the science and technology simulator: “Load the hyperspace engine and start building the battleship…”

With the hyperspace engine and the gravity field generator as the core, Du Xingyu builds the structure of the battleship step by step. The star wheel of Tianying civilization can be used as a reference. The wheel-shaped rotatable battleship makes it easier to construct a gravity field and is suitable for hyperspace jumping.

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