Chapter 230 – White dwarf trap

“Launch ultralight weapons!” Before the enemy approached, human civilization began to use ultralight weapons to attack.

The tachyon torrent hits the opponent’s front-line warships and directly smashes the warships. The defense systems of these warships are too late, because their weapon interception systems cannot intercept superluminal weapons.

From the beginning, Tianying Civilization lost some of its frontline unmanned warships.

“Pay attention to the opponent’s deep space base, and super-light weapons, shoot them, and smash them!” Skyhawk civilization’s warships are also making violent output. Superlight attacks are difficult to intercept, but they can directly attack warships and deep space bases that issue superlight attacks.

“In the 9th battle zone, the annihilation ray will be cleared after 29 seconds. Please adjust the position. Countdown, 27, 26…”

“The armed satellite FH-79J was destroyed, and the FH-36I supplemented the output.”

“An advanced star field-class battleship was found in the 48th theater, requesting fire support from the deep space base!”

“Warning, an enemy fleet appeared in the 39th area, and the first line of defense was destroyed!”

When the war started, it was extremely fierce.

This battle was directed by Tangier himself, and humanity immediately felt the pressure given by this third-level civilized commander.

He asked those unmanned warships and weapons to attract human firepower, and the advanced star-class warships attacked at a long distance in the rear. Because their weapons are more powerful, once they are hit, the battlestars and deep-space bases built by humans can’t hold them.

With continuous firepower input, humans temporarily held on, but this situation soon became out of control as the number of enemy warships increased.

“It’s too fierce, we are leaning on the stellar mine, and our firepower can’t keep up with them!” Huang Qi’s forehead blue veins burst, and the situation is not optimistic.

“Command, many of our deep space bases have been encircled, and supplies can’t be sent in!” Subordinates reported.

In a war in space, the enemy can attack from any direction in space, as long as it breaks through the defensive firepower net.

Tangier adopted this tactic. He used a high-level star field-class battleship as his lead, and took dozens of medium-level star field-class battleships, scattered around a deep-space base.

These warships all opened the gravity field, blocked all the space around the deep space base, cut off the supply and support of the deep space base, and concentrated firepower to destroy it.

Using this “gravity encirclement” tactic, humans will really have no way to deal with it for a while.

In the battlefield of the Sirius star system, the situation of war is also not good for mankind. The enemy’s second main fleet has rich combat experience, using gravity to encircle and cut the battlefield, and quickly pull out the deep space bases outside the star system one by one.

“The battle between the two star systems has fallen short!” In the command center, the commanders were also anxious.

“The effect of super-light weapons is not as good as we thought, and in terms of gravity weapons, the enemy is more mature than us.” Yang Shaolin analyzed.

“This is unavoidable.” Du Xingyu had already anticipated this problem, and they all learned the science and technology of gravity from the Sky Eagle civilization.

Tianying civilization developed gravitational weapons earlier, and has fought wars with Feiqiu civilization, and has more experience on the battlefield.

“Can the Hegu II star system be held?” Chen Hong asked worriedly.

“I’m afraid not,” Du Xingyu said.(Read more @

“The gap between the enemy and our strength is too great. As they continue to invest in their forces, the Hegu II star system will definitely be unable to defend.

“But before the real fall, we must try our best to consume the enemy’s troops, and it is best to attract the enemy’s death star.” Du Xingyu said, “We need more data.”

“Then change the tactics and minimize the loss of the Star Field-class warships. The deep space base and the Battlestar will be destroyed!” The command headquarters issued new instructions to Huang Qi to minimize the loss of the Star Field-class warships.

Now human beings have tried their best, and Tianying Civilization still has a main fleet, and the Death Star has not been sent out.

They are watching. The Death Star can only jump to one battlefield at a time because of its high mass, and it will take a long time to rest for another jump. Therefore, Tangier must analyze clearly where is the main battlefield with human civilization, and at that time he will deploy the ultimate weapon.

The war of attrition of the Hegu II star system has been going on for another ten days and ten nights. In this process, all the outer lines of defense of the star system arranged by mankind have been taken down by the Tianying civilization.

“There are also 33 deep-space bases, seven planetary bases, 14 asteroid bases. And ten most important stellar minerals.” Huang Qi reported the situation to the headquarters, “We still have four thousand star fields. Class battleship, the loss of the battleship is not big.”

He has been avoiding direct attacks from warships. Human beings are weak, and they should concentrate on doing major things.

“Now we must think of a tactic. If this goes on, the boundaries of the human star system will soon be swallowed!” In the Alliance Command, the commanders were thinking.

Even if the fleet power of the Hegu II star system is retained, where can human beings retreat?

The Sirius star system also adopted the same approach as the Hegu Second Fleet at this time, keeping warships as much as possible and using space bases to consume the enemy.

“Our fleet must retain a certain amount of energy. Therefore, the transition from Hegu-2 hyperspace can only jump to the energy supplement point of the Sirius star system or the energy supplement point of the Rutan 726-8 star system.”

“In the future, it will be our base camp South Gate II star system.” Chen Hong said.

“So our forces must be concentrated on one of these three star systems, and make a surprise attack on the enemy.”

“Now the enemy’s warships are mainly distributed in the Hegu II star system and the Sirius star system. The number of warships in the Sirius star system is less than half. Maybe we can add the four thousand star field-class battleships supported by the base camp to the four that Hegu II still owns. Thousands of Star Field-class battleships are all transferred to the Sirius star system, and the enemy will be attacked once more!” Lu Xing suggested.

“This plan is indeed feasible, but the problem is also very big!” Yang Shaolin said, “Our warship can jump in hyperspace, and so can the enemy!”

“If we can’t quickly destroy the enemy fleet of the Sirius star system, then we will be surrounded by the enemy, and even annihilated in one fell swoop! This is the entire fleet of mankind. If it is eliminated, the base camp will be destroyed sooner or later.”

“The point is, can we wipe out the enemy quickly?” Tours asked.

“No.” Du Xingyu replied affirmatively, “The total number of all our star field warships is more than 10,000. It is about the same number as the Skyhawk civilization fleet of the Sirius star system, and its performance is worse than them. What can we do to wipe them out? ”

“Then we set up a trap in the Rutan 726-8 star system in advance to let out the Hegu II star system and the Sirius star system?” Mo Caiwei suggested, “For example, the gravity field trap, install a good force on asteroids and meteorites. Field generator, lure the enemy to pursue?”

“The effect is limited.” Du Xingyu still shook his head, “If the enemy’s vitality cannot be eliminated, these are all trails. Moreover, we have already used the gravity field trap, and the enemy is on guard.”

In the defensive battle between the two star systems, humans used gravity field traps to eliminate many Skyhawk civilization warships, and the enemy naturally began to guard.

“But the trap you mentioned is indeed an idea, but the location and method of traps must be changed.”

“How to change?” Everyone looked at Du Xingyu.

Du Xingyu opened the star map and marked the location of Sirius.

He said: “This is the second battlefield, the Sirius star system. Look, Sirius A is a blue dwarf star and a main sequence star.”

“And it has a companion star, Sirius B. Sirius B is a white dwarf with a mass similar to the sun, but with a radius similar to that of the Earth. The white dwarf has a very strong gravitational force. So far, we have not carried out any resource mining activities on Sirius B, nor have we established Any military installation.”

Everyone nodded. The white dwarf is a low-luminosity, high-density, and high-temperature star. Because of its white color and small size, it was named a white dwarf.

The nuclear fusion reaction inside the white dwarf has ceased, so there is no heat to fight gravity, and its density is extremely high. The death star of Tianying civilization is in front of it, like tofu!

And its powerful gravitational force can attract the battleship to the surface of the planet, even directly gravitationally tear it apart!

“If we can lure the enemy’s main force to the vicinity of the white dwarf, we can use the white dwarf to set a trap!” Du Xingyu said.

“What kind of trap?” everyone curiously asked.

“New star burst!” Du Xingyu explained: “Nova usually occurs in a binary star system consisting of white dwarfs and ordinary stars. If the white dwarf is within the Roche limit of its companion star, the nova will continue to grab gas from its companion star. This gas will It accumulates on the surface of a white dwarf star. This companion star can be a main sequence star or a red giant star.”

“And Sirius’s binary system meets this condition!”

“The gas accreted on the surface of the white dwarf is tightly compressed by the white dwarf’s huge gravity, and the pressure rises. The residual heat and pressure of the white dwarf make the temperature of the gas very high.”

“But the degenerate matter contained in white dwarfs hardly expands due to heating, and hydrogen continues to accumulate on the surface of the white dwarf. The rate of hydrogen fusion is affected by temperature and pressure, which means that as long as the compression continues, the temperature and pressure on the surface of the white dwarf Will continue to increase.”

“When the temperature reaches 20000000K, the nuclear fusion reaction will take place. And the fusion reaction will quickly fuse hydrogen into other elements, causing a thermal runaway reaction. This process will release a lot of energy, causing the white dwarf star to explode very brightly Blow away the remaining gas on the surface.”

“This is the new star burst, the energy released by the new star burst, and the gamma-ray burst, which can destroy almost all the man-made objects in the star system. Even if the enemy has a million star-level battleships, it can’t resist it!”

“The key is, how do we trigger the natural phenomenon of a new star explosion, and how to lure the enemy? Don’t let them escape?”

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