Chapter 236 – Psychological warfare

“Sir, we have broken through the outer line of defense!” News of the battlefield kept coming back to Tangier’s ears.

“Gravitational wave fluctuations are detected in area I78.”

“The gravitational wave in area Y89 suddenly strengthened, pay attention to avoid!”

“The resistance of human warships seems to be much weaker!”

Tangier rubbed a control bead repeatedly, and he asked: “Has the human advanced star field-class warship ever appeared?”

“No! No one has been found now.” The subordinate replied.

“Not good!” Tangier frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

He said: “After escaping from the Hegu-1 star system, humans should still have about a hundred advanced star field-class battleships, but none of them appeared!”

“In addition, their defense suddenly weakened, this is to induce us to go deeper!”

“Sir, the enemy’s gravitational wave weapon seems to have a limited attack range and can only attack in the star system!” His adjutant said immediately, “Like the fifth main fleet, the hyperspace jumped into the South Gate 2 star system, directly It was wiped out!”

“They deliberately wanted to induce us to go deeper, and then use that weapon to annihilate us in one fell swoop!”

Tangier suddenly realized, and said: “Yes, that’s it! No wonder humans dare to use this power to resist us, and have been deliberately slackening their defenses!”

“Almost missed!”

“All warships obey orders, retreat immediately, and return to Heguyi to help our residents evacuate!”

“Execute the order now!”

Under Tangier’s order, the warships of the Tianying Civilization that had just invaded the South Gate Two Star System evacuated one after another and began to sail back toward the river.

“They retreated!” The human commanders discovered this situation for the first time, and Xiong Zhengqing, the commander of the South Gate Two Star System Fleet, immediately reported the situation to the command headquarters.

“The enemy was scared by us!” Chen Hong laughed. “They don’t know the function of the mass shadow projector yet, they mistakenly think it is a super weapon!”

The stellar mass shadow projector is top secret in human society, and it has wiped out a main fleet. It is normal for the enemy to be afraid of it.

“Haha, they retreat this time, next time it’s our turn to beat them!” Yang Shaolin said, “This is their best chance to attack. If Tangier knew about it, he wouldn’t be angry!”

“I beg to pursue!” Xiong Zhengqing said.

“Approve!” Du Xingyu said, “Pay attention to control and don’t chase too hard. If they get angry, it won’t be good to look back.”

“Received!” Xiong Zhengqing sighed, received the instruction, and immediately led the fleet to pursue. Although there is no way to defeat the enemy, it can also cause some losses to the opponent.

Tangier led the fleet to retreat. He returned to the outskirts of the Hegu-1 star system as quickly as possible, using warships to assist the residents in the retreat.

“Hey! Tianying Civilization, the general trend is over!” On a command ship, the leader of Tianying Civilization sighed, his spirits languished, as if he was a thousand years old in an instant!

The base camp was attacked by a black hole, the main fleet was wiped out by three quarters, and the Death Star was destroyed. The loss of Tianying civilization this time will take at least two to three hundred years to recover.

And human civilization won’t give them so much time. Even though human civilization has lost tens of thousands of warships at all levels since the war, their main space factories and star mines have not been lost, and they have also acquired various technologies.

Give them time, and their fleet will soon recover. At that time, it was not the Tianying civilization that destroyed human civilization, but the human civilization that destroyed the Tianying civilization.

“Leader, what should we do?” In the virtual world, the senior officials of Tianying civilization are waiting for Stephen to make a decision.

“Go to the satellite system,” Steph said, “and then make plans.”

“That’s the only way.” A large number of refugees from the Hegu One star system have to go to the satellite system and settle down temporarily.(Read more @

Tangier also faces the danger of being held accountable and opposed by the people because of his defeat.

Inside the Tianying civilization, there is a mess at the moment.

Those inhabitants of the Hegu-1 star system who have lost their homes are full of anger and dissatisfaction and need to find a target to vent.

Stephen summoned Tangier, the once high-spirited commander-in-chief of the fleet at this time like a cock that was defeated in a fight, with no fighting spirit.

“Tangier.” Stephen didn’t say a word of blame. He said, “Every one of us made mistakes in this war.”

“Perhaps in the eyes of Feiqiu civilization and human civilization, we are invaders. But for us, we are just for survival.”

“Even if we don’t start a war, other civilizations in the demon civilization camp will attack us. You don’t have to blame yourself for this war. We can get help from the demon civilization camp, and human civilization can naturally also get help from the hostile camp.”

“Now is the crisis of our Tianying civilization. We need a leader who can lead the civilization to survive, not a defeated who is scared by the enemy!”

“Teacher!” Tangier burst into tears and looked up at Stephen.

Two thousand years ago, he was a student of the military academy, and Stephen was his teacher.

“After losing the war, I will take all the responsibilities.” Stephen said slowly, “And you, have to take over my burden. Lead the Tianying civilization.”

“Human civilization will soon recover and attack us again. At that time, it’s up to you to fight or flee!”

“I understand!” Tangier clenched his fists.

Human civilization lies in the war of Skyhawk civilization. It not only defended the base, but also destroyed the enemy’s main force and cut off the opponent’s base camp, which is considered a big victory!

The entire human civilization celebrates it. In reality, people hold a grand meeting to celebrate this event.

In the virtual world, there are countless ways to celebrate this event by creating songs, dances, poems, games, etc.

Du Xingyu attended the victory ceremony. At the ceremony, he first paid tribute to the human heroes who died in this battle.

After that, Du Xingyu announced to the world: “This is our hard-won victory. We must remember that human civilization is always in crisis. We must not let short-term victory blind our eyes!”

“In the next 100 years, we will vigorously develop science and technology, develop military forces, and develop economy.”

“We have to spend a hundred years to strengthen ourselves, and a hundred years later, we will have a break with our enemy Tianying civilization!”

“I hope everyone can work hard to build human civilization…Education rejuvenates the nation, science and technology rejuvenates civilization!”

“Be prepared for danger in times of peace, but be prepared when you think, and be prepared for nothing!”

Du Xingyu’s speech was carved into an inscription and erected outside the main venue of the Earth City and the Alliance for the Guardian of Mankind.

This sentence is also engraved on the world square of the virtual world, so that everyone can realize in a hundred years of ease that human civilization cannot sit back and relax, and danger is everywhere!

After reaching the third level of civilization, the average life span of human beings has increased to about 5,000 years. For everyone, a hundred years is just a short period of time in life.

The one-hundred-year developmental period of human civilization has begun!

The first is to continue building the star system. Du Xingyu ordered that stellar furnaces and stellar mass shadow projectors be built in other major star systems, so as to ensure that they will not be attacked by the enemy’s hyperspace transition lightning.

The second is a large-scale military expansion.

Du Xingyu demanded that within 100 years, human beings will have ten main force fleets, each of which will have more than 5,000 Star Controls-class warships.

The work of developing the surrounding star system has not been pulled down. While exploring the surrounding star field, Du Xingyu sent troops to attack the Sirius star system and the Hegu 2 star system.

The fleet of Tianying civilization did not resist, and quickly withdrew.

These two galaxies are too close to the boundaries of mankind, and after the base camp of the Skyhawk civilization collapsed, there was no power to support them.

Therefore, the Tianying civilization decisively abandoned these two star systems and let humans occupy them.

Twenty years after the end of the battle, the territory of mankind has reached ten star systems, and it is justified to become a third-level civilization.

In the fiftieth year, the number of human star-class battleships recovered to 20,000, stationed in various star systems.

In the seventieth year, mankind has built five mass shadow projectors, and the main garrison locations have been protected by mass shadow projectors.

In the 80th year, Du Xingyu and the Academy of Sciences gave out the design drawings of the new type of warship, and human warships began to upgrade. From the previous unsatisfactory, it has become a real star field-class battleship, and its performance is no less than that of Tianying civilization!

In the hundredth year, human civilization has successfully completed its set goals, with ten main fleets and more than 50,000 Star Controls! There are more than 3,000 advanced star-class battleships, and the hyperspace jump distance of each has increased to more than 100 light-years!

There are 18 star systems controlled by mankind, and the total human population has exceeded 500 billion!

And the sub-terrestrial race of mankind, the Hai people, has a total population of 20 billion. The total population of Feiqiu civilization can reach 100 million.

These two races have basically been integrated into human civilization. In addition to being unable to possess military power, their elite talents are allowed to work and study in various institutions of human society.

During this period, Tianying Civilization has been working hard to restore its strength.

After the defeat, the former leader Stephen resigned publicly and apologized. After ten years of operating on behalf of the government, Tangier became a new generation leader of Skyhawk civilization.

After Tangier took office, he tried his best to restore his military power and began to explore other star regions to keep a distance from human civilization.

In the past 100 years, their fleet has also recovered a lot of strength, but the speed is much slower than that of human civilization, and in this process, Tianying civilization has also experienced some internal struggles.

“A hundred years!” The Human Guardian Alliance held a military meeting. The commanders of the ten main human fleets, the top scientists of the Academy of Sciences, the researchers of the Military Research Institute, and the five space cities should now be called the ball lengths of the five planets. Du Xingyu, the supreme commander of the Human Guardian Alliance, gathered for a meeting.

The focus of the meeting is the “revenge war” against Tianying civilization!

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