The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 89 Let’s wait and watch TV

That night, Lin Li's mother and son and Wu Ruobing's mother and daughter prepared their bags and set off for Fulan again.

But this time, there is one more person in their team, and that is Ayu.

Knowing that Lin Li and Wu Ruobing would return to "The Voice" to continue competing, five to six hundred fans came to see them off outside the train station in the evening.

"Lin Li, come on, defeat them!"

"Lin Li, you are the champion!"

"Wu Ruobing, I love you!"

"Wu Ruobing, come on!"

Song Wenjie and Zhang Li protected their two children, and fans shouted: "Hello, mother-in-law!"

"Mother-in-law, take good care of my wife!"

Song Wenjie and Zhang Li couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, and spat: "How young are you kids? Go study hard!"

The scene was full of joy.

I finally passed the fan test and almost missed the train.

Fortunately, the high-speed train was in a business class, so no one disturbed them, so they slept well.

Early the next morning, they rushed to Fulan and were very moved when they saw the familiar hotel.

I met Lu Xiang in the hotel corridor. Lu Xiang was also dragging his luggage. When he saw Lin Li, he sneered and went to his room.

They arrived a day early this time. This time, Lin Li and Wu Ruobing returned to the competition. The competition was still 8 to 6. For a talent show, this was already in the late stages, and all songs and dances needed to be rehearsed in advance.

What's more, this is the first time that the "The Voice" program team has resumed broadcasting after two weeks of suspension. The program team has also changed people. Naturally, everyone needs to get familiar with it and hopes for a good result, so they are very serious.

After lunch, someone from the program team took the contestants to rehearsal.

In the car, Lin Li met Li Mengfei. She was dressed simply, a white T-shirt and blue jeans. She had no makeup, but she was still dazzling.

Li Mengfei looked at the seats in the car, and finally her eyes fell on Lin Li. After seeing him, she seemed to sit down with peace of mind.

Lin Li remembered the video of the ten deadly sins of the online reality program group. It was exposed by the leader of Li Mengfei's fan group. Maybe she was secretly helping him.

It was a pity that she sat too far away from him, otherwise Lin Li wouldn't mind saying hello to her.

The eight contestants arrived at the Mango Building and saw countless Imperial Guards holding banners under the building.

"Welcome Lin Li and Wu Ruobing to return as king!!"

They shouted the names of Lin Li and Wu Ruobing.

Because today was not the official recording date, not many fans of other contestants came, and they were immediately suppressed by the momentum of the Royal Forest Army.

Lin Li and Wu Ruobing thanked each other again before finally entering the rehearsal site.

Zhou Chunhui summoned eight contestants at the rehearsal site and held a simple meeting.

"Welcome everyone, I am the new program director Zhou Chunhui. I will take over the future competitions and programs. I have watched each of your competitions carefully. I am familiar with you all and know how difficult it is for you. However, everyone knows that this is the most difficult time for the program team, so I hope everyone will cooperate with me and carry the program forward."

Zhou Chunhui's words were very moving, but Lu Xiang and Wang Zirui looked disapproving.

"It's not like someone is messing around, otherwise our program would be fine." Lu Xiang said in a weird way.

Because Lin Li's withdrawal exposed the shady story of the show, the ratings of the previous episode plummeted, and all the contestants were implicated to one degree or another. Now that Lin Li came back with such swagger, they were naturally unhappy.

Zhou Chunhui frowned and looked at Lin Li with some worry.

He was really afraid that Lu Xiang's words would make Lin Li stop competing again. Then this show would be really pornographic!

"If you're wrong, you're wrong!" Zhou Chunhui said sternly, "Except for Lin Li and Wu Ruobing, you are all Tianyun artists. You have to pay attention to your words in the future. Also, our program has nothing to do with Tianyun now. I hope You know it."

Zhou Chunhui's harsh criticism made other players lower their heads and did not dare to say anything more.

After all, they are only the top eight contestants. "The Voice" is now the program that the channel focuses on, and it can be said that it is very popular. If they fall out with the chief director, they will never even think about coming to Mango Channel in the future. Without the resources of Mango Channel , they will not have any development in Tianyun.

It is even more impossible for Tianyun to fall out with Mango TV because of them.

So after Zhou Chunhui criticized him, they didn't dare to say anything more and became more honest.

Zhou Chunhui said a few more words before leaving. The next step was for the contestants to report their song list and accompaniment.

Lin Li also reported it.

Then, assistant director Lu Cheng came.

"Let's rehearse the opening song first." Lu Cheng directed, "Our opening song this time is the theme song we just decided on for this season of "The Voice", which is "Sing If You Want"!"

Under the pressure of the program team, although some people were extremely reluctant, in the end they all rehearsed the song "Sing If You Want" honestly.

Lin Li originally promised Tao Yufeng to give this song to the program team. Later, Tao Yufeng left, and Zhou Chunhui had the same idea. After Lin Li agreed to come back, he asked Lin Li again for authorization.

Lin Li thought to himself that he had already agreed before, so he didn't regret it. He had given the authorization to the program team.

After the rehearsal of the opening song, the boring rehearsal of each contestant followed.

Lin Li only rehearsed "Class Two of Three Years", and for the song "A Boy Like Me", he just hummed the tune after he came on stage. Lu Cheng asked if he had any questions, but Lin Li said that he hadn't figured out the lyrics yet.

Everyone on the program team knew that Lin Li liked to create improvised works, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

The rehearsal lasted until midnight before the contestants were sent back to the hotel.

The next day, I have a day off and the game starts at 20 o'clock in the evening.

As soon as dinner was over, fans from all walks of life began to gather under the Mango Tower building.

After half a month, the general public may not feel much, but fans have seen through it.

Fans gathered more and more, and by the time the players' cars arrived, there were almost more than 3,000 fans for all the players.

The other contestants had not felt the feeling of being surrounded by fans for a long time, and they seemed to enjoy it very much. Lin Li and Wu Ruobing had the most fans, but they were the calmest.

After all, the two of them have been busy these days and have been mobbed by fans. Especially on the night of the graduation party, the crowd was bigger than all the crowds put together now.

Ayu started live broadcasting behind Lin Li and Wu Ruobing, and her popularity has remained at the top ten of the Ivory Live Popularity List.

After staying for about ten minutes, the players all entered the field.

A makeup artist comes to put makeup on the players.

"I don't have to."

Lin Li refused. He felt uncomfortable wearing makeup last time, so he might as well go bare-faced.

The makeup artist heard Lin Li's refusal and looked at the assistant director Lu Cheng.

"Then go and transform other players."

Lu Cheng didn't dare to force Lin Li. After all, it didn't matter if the male players didn't wear makeup.

The next step was to change clothes. Their clothes had to be of the same style, so Lin Li changed into clothes.

Lin Li was about to go on stage and was taking out his mobile phone when he suddenly saw a text message received.

When I opened it, I saw that it was from Tang Jun.

"Lin Li, have a good time singing tonight, I will cheer you up!"

Lin Li almost vomited.

After participating in the competition for so long, this guy thought of himself today.

Wasn't it reported that he was going to write a song to praise him tonight? Now I know I'm here to say hello.

Lin Li could never forget Tang Jun's ugly face during the radio interview the day before yesterday.

Lin Li will never forget the fact that Lin Li sent a link to the group to canvass votes for Wu Ruobing, but was kicked out of the class group by Tang Jun in less than half a minute.

Didn't he look down on talent shows at the beginning, which were rubbish and a waste of time? Now that Lin Li has gained some popularity, he knows how to please himself?

If Tang Jun had punished Zhang Cheng at the same time as he punished himself, even if he just scolded Zhang Cheng a few times, and found out that Lin Li had posted a link to ask for votes in the group, he would have given Lin Li a warning or banned him, instead of directly punishing Lin Li without saying anything. Kicked out of the group and not treating Lin Li as a member of the class, Lin Li might be able to accept his unapologetic overtures at this moment.

But Tang Jun didn't. As an "excellent teacher", he punished, abused, protected others, punished unfairly, easily kicked Lin Li out of the group, and completely gave up on Lin Li. Lin Li couldn't forgive him!

Not to mention what he did to other students.

"Just wait and watch TV."

Lin Li replied to him, then put away his phone.

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