The mission is still going on. Compared with the prosperity of White Fang, it is much more difficult for Zhenyong here... Now, the first step of the plan has been completed. The other party has probably sent out a search team, right?

Judging from the previous situation, the team that came to hunt him was either composed of chuunin with an absolute numerical advantage, or a small number of jounin... Elite jounin and above should not waste time on this kind of thing. According to this paragraph Judging from the timing, the other party will probably not be willing to use the first of the two guesses. After all, if being dragged into a confrontation is not the other party’s wish, then...

Listen, there will probably be a jounin team coming to hunt us down during this time.

Zhenyong calmly told Minato and Jiu about their situation. This situation was not good, but from another perspective, this was their only chance to complete the mission.

Next, we will continue to go deeper, but remember, once you come into contact with the opponent's Jonin team, don't hesitate and leave as quickly as possible. Remember, don't consider the form, leave immediately! Sneak into the nearest military station near the opponent... As for the timing of infiltration, you need to grasp it yourself, but don't worry, you don't need to defeat it from the inside, you just need to act according to the plan after three days.

Zhenyong took out the seal scrolls that he had prepared for a long time from his arms. There were twelve in total. He distributed them to Minato and Jiu respectively. After explaining the details, the action began...

That's right, as if they were completely heading towards death, the three young chuunin began this mission that was absolutely impossible...

—————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————————————The dividing line of unequal battle———— —————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————————

Haven't found it yet?

Searching for enemies at close range, and the opponents are probably at the elite chuunin level at most - this kind of easy task is very rare during the war. For Tada, performing this kind of task is simply a vacation... No, it can't be said that. , exposing a flaw on the battlefield means death. Although he is not on the front line, as a young and promising Jonin, how can Tada tolerate himself dying in such a place?

No, absolutely not. He still needs to accumulate more military exploits, then get a promotion and a salary increase, counterattack the second generation of movies, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life!

Ahem... I got distracted again.

To be honest, Tada was originally unwilling to be stationed in such a place, but thinking about the puppet troops on the front line - he almost subconsciously shrank his neck. If he was assigned to that troop, he would not have the confidence to join that troop. He escaped from the sword of Konoha White Fang.

On the contrary, as long as he performs the task of guarding the granary properly without making any big mistakes, he will still successfully receive his share of the credit after the war is over.

found it!

The person responsible for sensing in the team is a chuunin. Although the frontal combat effectiveness is not reliable, he is very good at tracking down enemies.


Two people, 100 meters ahead... coming towards us!


Does this mean that the other party discovered the battle target before us? It's really ridiculous... but it doesn't matter. In terms of combat power, the opponent can only use the cooperation of three elite chunin at most, but this side is equipped with a sentient ninja, plus a jounin and an elite chunin.

Even without preparation, Tada was confident that he could kill this team at the first opportunity., I overlooked something...

Where is the other person!?


It was a calm voice.

There was neither the tension of the first battle nor the bloodthirsty excitement. Normally, only veterans who had been on the battlefield would have this unique voice... For a moment, Tada felt that he was not facing an elite chuunin. But that terrible short knife...

Inherent time control...three times the speed!

To what extent can physical exercise improve speed?

In fact, the jounin's movements gave the genin almost no time to react. However, if broken down into specific numerical values, it was actually only three to four times faster. Just such a gap was enough to produce a near crushing defeat. His strength is poor, which is why Minato, who has mastered the Flying Thunder God, is called the strongest Hokage - that has broken away from the so-called speed, and that is a real teleportation!

So, how different is Zhenyong's current speed from that of a Jonin? Double? Or twice as much?

None of this is important. The important thing is that Tada can't keep up with Zhenyong's speed! There was no time to even react!

A simple straight thrust, just a momentary pull of the kunai, and the bright red color shot out in the wind...blood! That's blood!

Tada almost subconsciously touched his throat - the blood was not his... But the elite chuunin next to him was not so lucky... In just a moment, his world fell into darkness.

——Even a Jonin could not escape the assassination, how could he survive?

Don't move.

Still with that calm voice, Zhenyong's kunai, the kunai still stained with the enemy's blood, had almost cut the throat of the sentient chuunin.

——The battlefield is indeed the best place to hone your strength. In just about a month, Zhenyong was able to possess the ability to instantly kill a Jonin in a short period of time... Ahem, just the preparation time and The sequelae are a little more serious.

Don't move.

He repeated it again, and then said something that surprised Tada greatly.

I surrender.

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