In the face of the tough attitude of the mutant group, at the White House press conference, all military personnel related to Stryker were dealt with accordingly. As for whether these people are still likely to survive, we must see Magneto's side of the action.

But even with the answer, Professor Charles let Cyclops leave a deep ravine in the doorway of the White House.

Although Cyclops is not the highest omega level among the mutants, his ability is still enough to make it an existence that others cannot ignore. The limit of his ability can crush Cyclops of asteroids, because he is worried that he will cause too much damage to the earth. , so when fighting, they often choose to limit their own strength.

Cyclops can release his ability for 15 minutes. This alone is enough to make him a big killer on the battlefield. If he was recruited by Lao Wan at the beginning, it is estimated that the actions of the Brotherhood would not need Lao Wan. The scene was personally dispatched.

Just hand over the photo of the target and the location where it will appear to Scott, and then wait for him to perform a long-range sniper attack. If the first attack fails, you can also choose to switch to the sweeping attack method. Absolutely no one could escape his assassination.

After the professor and the others left, the big men came to the door of the White House and saw the warning left by Cyclops, which made them feel very bad, but now the mutant group has just been stimulated by Stryker. , now all they need to do is to reduce the impact of this matter, but just after the president returned to his office, his assistant immediately informed him of the latest development of the matter, which also made Mr. President directly slumped. on the ground.

A piece of information has been released by "mysterious hackers", which includes the human experiments conducted by the government on mutants for so many years, and some people have found information about the persecution of Lao Wan in the past.

Although Lao Wan is still not a good person in the eyes of many people, but thinking that Lao Wan, who was only a child because of the awakening of the x gene, was hurt by scientists, now Lao Wan has such an attitude towards ordinary people for no reason. At the same time, many families have also seen the whereabouts of their missing children.

"That guy's shot is really good enough."

After Eric saw that enough secret information was made public, he suddenly felt that the mysterious trader seemed to have a strong hostility towards this country, but after seeing his own childhood, Lao Wan remained silent. .

As a partner who grew up together, Rui Wen put a coat on Lao Wan after seeing Lao Wan silent.

After all, Lao Wan is already old, and now he needs to find a successor and continue to fight for it, but such talents are really difficult to find, just strength is not enough, even terrorists need enough political sensitivity , when and where to attack can have the best effect, Lao Wan has not learned it over the years.

The information that was made public on the Internet caused an uproar among the people, but all those whose relatives had been persecuted spontaneously came to the streets for a parade, and today Spider-Man and the Green Elves have no way to stop them, but Peter The two of them, Norman and Norman, stayed at the scene and rescued those who were injured by accidents, which made the people who came to the parade continue to have a higher opinion of these two superheroes.

"Hey young man, I think you need a more professional suit and I can help if you need it."

"Thank you very much, but I think this suit is very suitable..."


"Mr. Osborn?!"

After nearly five hours of parade, Norman finally found the opportunity to throw an olive branch to Spider-Man, but when Peter answered, Norman made Norman hear the other party's voice, and immediately took off his helmet.

Just as Norman was shocked when he heard Peter's voice, Peter's eyes widened when he saw Norman.

Although I could tell from Norman's equipment that the green elf should be rich, I didn't expect this superhero to be his friend's father.

The two people on the rooftop looked a little embarrassed, but Norman still felt something was wrong, so he put on his helmet again, and said to Peter: "Peter, let's meet up sometime, as ordinary people, we will have a meeting at that time. more time."

"Okay, Uncle Osborn."

Norman's words made Peter nod in agreement immediately, and then put on his mask and swept away from the sky.

Seeing Peter leaving, Norman's mood was very complicated. He didn't expect that this superhero who debuted earlier than himself would be a young man named Peter Parker.

According to some information obtained by Norman, most people with special abilities will embark on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes after acquiring the ability. Among them, those whose family background is not so good will have a higher probability of such changes, while Peter One such child too, but Peter clearly didn't abuse his powers.

This made Norman think of his unsatisfactory son. Although Harry just didn't grow up, Peter was born in a poor family. Even though he had special abilities, he still chose to work and earn money by himself, which was very different from Harry. .

"It's time for Harry to start taking over the business."

Innocent Harry didn't expect that because of this incident, his father would end his youthful wandering life ahead of schedule.

Lynch received a notice from Norman that he was going to prepare a suit for Spider-Man. Although Lynch had some ideas about Peter in this world, he felt that he still needed to meet Peter. , in order to be able to determine the manufacturing plan of the suit.

Of course, the preparatory work can still be carried out in the early stage. Similar to the more personal reinforcement materials, Peter needs to have the advantage of being easy to wear. Otherwise, when he changes his clothes, some things that require Spider-Man to come forward are already over. , which made Lynch think of the transformation belt.

It's just that Kamen Rider's transformation belt conflicts with Peter's ability, but as long as Lynch can ensure the normal use of Peter's ability, then there is no problem.

After having an idea, Lynch immediately began to design. As for materials, the laboratory prepared for him by Norman had sufficient spare materials. This time, Lynch was ready to try the development of new materials.

Because the information that was disclosed was not limited to the United States, it also caused a lot of influence in other countries, so the president immediately resigned early, and his team also left the White House together, which makes the current situation in the United States Under extremely chaotic circumstances, a new round of elections had to be held in advance.

Norman, who was about to attack the next presidential position, was caught off guard, but this allowed him to have more time to teach Harry how to manage the company.

After sacrificing many people, the incident about the persecution of innocent mutants was finally suppressed, but the price was really unacceptable for some people, especially after some people left their positions, because All kinds of accidents died. As for why those people died, no one is paying attention now.

It can be said that in this chaotic era, there are a group of brainless people who have embarked on the road of supporting mutants.

Although mutants are only human beings who have awakened their abilities, those who support mutants, just like Hei Huangxiao’s thoughts in the past, believe that people with powerful power should be above ordinary people, but no one thought of it. The thing is, when such a group of brain-dead people are doing things, the person who solves them turns out to be a mutant of the Brotherhood.

"I'm just fighting for the reasonable rights and interests of mutants. Xiao's thoughts have created too many tragedies, and his thoughts are too dangerous."

If there is a situation where Lao Wan and the professor can stand together except in the face of the enemy who deliberately persecutes mutants, then only in the face of real mutant extremists.

You must know that Lao Wan's mother didn't have the ability to awaken at the beginning. That's why Xiao used Lao Wan's mother as an inducement to let Lao Wan begin to master his abilities, but this is an unbearable past for Lao Wan.

It's just that Lao Wan was more irritable when dealing with this matter, and when Cyclops and the others arrived at the scene, there were only one corpses left.

The police never thought that the Brotherhood of Mutants would take action against these extremists. This kind of guy who does not commit a crime, but is extremely dangerous, is the person they are most reluctant to deal with, but if left alone, this A type of person might make a big move that terrifies the world at some point.

Although the Brotherhood's handling was quite violent, the police officers who were in charge of this matter secretly praised it.

As the mutant incident was gradually suppressed, at least the gathering activities on this side of New York began to decrease, and Norman and Peter met a new friend, Matthew Murdoch living in Hell's Kitchen, A warrior who only comes out at night for heroic activities.

Even though Matthew was blind, he was still able to fight so smoothly, but it surprised both Norman and Peter. Matthew's excellent fighting skills also gave them the idea of ​​learning how to fight from him.

At the same time, Lynch is also preparing a new battle suit for the new members of the three-person team.

In every battle, Daredevil will endure some attacks from the enemy, and Matthew is just an ordinary person with super perception ability. Even if he can perceive the enemy's attack, his body cannot dodge, let alone. It is said that under the circumstance of being restrained, it will withstand more attacks.

For this reason, Lynch chose materials with better shock absorption in the manufacture of Daredevil's battle suit. As for weapons, Lynch felt that there was no need to disrupt Matthew's own rhythm in the past, so he just used better materials Reworked it a bit and added a retrievable device that allows Matthew to **** the stick back into his hand just by reaching out.

Of course, even if Norman and Peter regarded Matthew as a companion, but Matthew did not leave Hell's Kitchen, and Norman did not change this, after all, the order in Hell's Kitchen was too chaotic, if anyone could go It's not without benefit to him to deal with it.

If you want to run for president, it is not so easy to go directly to office, so Norman set his first goal as the mayor of New York City.


Lynch feels very relaxed about the current life. Although he is only an equipment supporter now, his salary is very good. Enjoying this relaxed life makes Lynch feel like he is on vacation.

Since he was here on vacation, how could Lynch not do something.

Although Lynch first found the X-Men for cooperation, but now as long as he finds new news, he will immediately contact Lao Wan. Compared with the character of the professor, the current Lao Wan has more cooperation value.

It's like Lynch immediately contacted Lao Wan after locking the location of a research institute.

The boy whose head was shaved was designed with mutants as the prototype. The pulse has the power to suppress the x gene. In theory, it can suppress the power of all mutants. As for whether it can be completely eliminated, it obviously depends on the strength of the ability. At the same time, it seems to be unknown whether Colossus is effective or not. After all, the two sides have not faced each other head-on.

However, the child in the research institute has the power to eliminate mutants within a certain range, so he is used as an experimental material to produce drugs that completely eliminate mutants' abilities.

In the movie, the red tank was knocked out because of its ability to be eliminated, but Lynch was not sure which version of the red tank in this world was. After the rubies produced by Torak himself, he obtained the magic of Cytorak to fight, and the Red Tank in the movie is just a mutant.

But this world is too complicated, so Lynch is not so sure about the positioning of the red tank.

Of course, Lao Wan, who knows the news in advance, will naturally not allow the people in that organization to conduct It's just that they still need some time to scout the institute and recruit more capable people. Companions who really take part in the battle.

Lao Wan wouldn't think that research at that level would not be heavily guarded, but there was no way to cooperate with the professor on this matter, otherwise it wouldn't be that troublesome.

"I suggest that you train that young man well, maybe he will become an amazing soldier in the future."

This is a paragraph when Lynch sent the information to Lao Wan, because it is not clear whether the plot of "reversing the future" will happen in the future, but if there is the ability to pulse, as long as the target can be suppressed in a targeted manner, then the mutant The situation on this side may be much better, and Lynch's main purpose is to protect the child.

Just like the mutants who have awakened their abilities are innocent, this little boy is also a mutant. Naturally, he should not be regarded as an enemy by his compatriots because of his abilities.

Although Lynch didn't say it clearly, Lao Wan could still see the meaning, and he also had a good place to place the boy.


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