"It seems that there is only one way now."

After the Hydra members pulled over, Ultron seemed a little helpless, but as an individual who could analyze data through a computer, how could Ultron not prepare the so-called plan b.

The robots that were still fighting each other immediately gathered in the direction of Ao Chuang under the call of Ao Chuang, and soon formed a huge robot beside Ao Chuang.

It's just that in the face of the current Avengers, a simple large size doesn't make any sense, so it seems that Ultron's choice is very stupid, but Tony and the others soon saw that the huge robot turned into a huge drill, quickly entered the ground.

"No, he's going to activate that device down there."

After realizing the problem, Steve immediately jumped out of the hole left by the giant robot.

Ultron, who was standing aside, just watched all this happen coldly.

This is actually like a relatively basic four-point belt. The huge robot is four, and Ultron is this very well-developed one. If there are fewer people going below, it cannot prevent the giant robot from starting the device, but if There are more people going, and the above can't stop Ultron.

This is a Yang Conspiracy. When Yang Conspiracy is used, those who have no choice but to face all this must eat the bait, otherwise the previous efforts may be completely in vain.

Fortunately, Tony gave Steve a set of steel suits for each of them, which allowed Steve and the others to quickly catch up with the huge robot.

But after catching up with this huge robot, they realized how difficult the battle here is. After all, even if their attack can break through a point, other robots will immediately make up for it, which looks like a large nanometer. Like a robot.

As Ultron, who was created by Tony after he started to study nanotechnology, he naturally has these data in his database, but he doesn't have precision-machined tools in his hands, so he can't create nano-robots in a short period of time. , but on such a large-sized robot, although a normal-sized robot is not as good as a nano-robot, it is not much worse.

Tony, Skye, Thor, Wanda and Vision stayed together. This lineup has no resistance to Ultron, but in order to prevent other hidden robots, they chose the most secure one. Lineup allocation, as for the giant robots, Genos, who has cleaned up most of the robots that interfered with the rescue, has returned, and that is left to Genos to deal with.

Genos, who was chasing down at full speed, quickly caught up with the huge robot. Watching the captain and the others were scraping the giant robot, Genos accelerated and crashed directly into the inside of the giant robot, and immediately began to release it. shock wave capability.

A powerful enough individual can play a role in some cases, it is really too big.

The giant robot that was still advancing at a high speed quickly fell apart after Genos arrived. In order to continue to complete the task, the robots that formed the giant robot had to be dispersed and reorganized into a slightly larger robot to act separately.

This made Genos a little difficult to deal with, and at this time Carter and others immediately divided their troops to eliminate those robots.

They just had no good way to deal with the giant robots. Now they can deal with these robots that have become a lot smaller. Genos is sure that other people can deal with those robots. After destroying one of the large robots, he immediately Headed in the direction of the anti-gravity device.

No matter how the other party splits up, the anti-gravity device is the end point. As long as Genos stays there, even if the robots are not destroyed, they still have to meet Genos at the anti-gravity device, then their results will be different. Needless to say.

"You are so lucky that that person will help at this time."

Ultron, who stayed on the ground, naturally received messages from other robots at this time. Genos' presence had a great impact on Ultron's plan. It can be said that Ultron failed this time. If so, Genos' contribution in the battle is at least 50%. A large number of robots were eliminated by him. At the same time, it also prevented Hydra members from harassing S.H.I.E.L.D., allowing these superheroes to concentrate on dealing with them. The matter on Ultron's side, this kind of credit cannot be ignored by anyone.

It's just that this sentence made Tony unhappy, as if Genos didn't come, they couldn't defeat Ultron.

Although Ultron is the real enemy now, Tony still doesn't think that he is really inferior to others, but Tony has not yet figured out how Lynch made Genos, a robot, able to use the abilities of superpowers.

Tony just saw the way of Genos, in which the abilities of Pietro and Skye can be seen at a glance. As for the ability to breathe fire, in Tony's impression, Sky Watch is the bodyguard of the woman in charge of sales. With that kind of power, as for the ability to fly, it looks like Superman.

There are flames and shock waves, which can be imitated by technological means, but Pietro's speed is not as simple as fast, so Tony is still very curious about the technology used to make Genos, but he is absolutely not. admittedly.

Ultron's words successfully angered Tony, which made him quickly besieged by five people who stayed at the scene.

Originally, Ultron, who was able to explode with three people, Tony, Thor, and Vision, had no ability to resist after being forced to face the siege of five people. After the high-energy impact, the vibrating metal is also metal fatigued.

With the impact of the energy flow, Ultron's body began to shatter, but Ultron smiled at this time.

"what have you done?"

After Tony and the others stopped, Tony noticed the smile on Ultron's expressionless face, and he immediately stepped forward to inquire.

However, Ultron, whose body was completely damaged, was not able to tell Tony about his plan C, but the news from Carter and others that the antigravity device that had already started to run in reverse was telling Tony that Ultron had The laugh was because of their attack that helped Ultron activate that device.

"It's your turn to show up."

Noticing Sokovia's whereabouts, Bruce immediately sent a message to the person he had contacted in advance.

"Director, all the people above Sokovia have been evacuated, and now only the Avengers are still there."

"Mr. Stark, now you can evacuate."

After Coulson heard his subordinate's report, he immediately connected to the communication channel and told Tony the best news, but now Tony and the others did not dare to evacuate directly.

"What can we do to stop the operation of this device?"

"There is no way."

Tony answered Steve's question with a bit of frustration. They absolutely cannot allow Sokovia to collide with the ground at such an acceleration. In that case, even if it does not lead to the destruction of mankind, at least one fifth of the world's areas will be affected.

"Hey, Avengers, do you need my help?"

Hal, who was wearing a green light all over his body, suddenly appeared in front of Tony and the others, and when she saw Hal's presence, Carter was relieved. She knew that this was the backhand left by Batman, just to clean up. The current mess.

Although a little unwilling, Tony knew that without the help of Howl's power, this incident would be difficult to handle.

"Can you make a big net around the city?"

"Yes, but I can't bear that weight alone, unless that person comes over, but you should know those things."

Regarding Tony's idea, Hal said that he could complete it, but he could only create such a big net, but after focusing on maintaining the net, it was difficult for Hal to burst out with the power to hold the net. , and the only person on earth who might have that kind of power right now is Superman, who has recently started to be hacked.

As an alien, Superman has almost incomprehensible power, and many people are afraid of Superman's power. Although Superman has never done anything bad, some people think that because of Superman, those super criminals There will be activities, and there will be some magical anti-intellectual remarks. Tony, as a person who has experienced similar treatment, naturally knows that this is someone who wants to make superman.

It's just that Tony is very clear that this matter is not something that ordinary people can participate in, especially the identity of Superman is very sensitive. After all, Superman is an alien. Tony was able to get out of that predicament first because of his identity. , and at the same time he handed over a set of steel battle suits to Rhodes, which settled those people.

Now those people want to use the same means to try to make Superman submit. Tony is afraid that those people will get rid of it. If Superman becomes black, unless Thor resides on Earth, it will be difficult to perfectly restrain Superman.

"I'll give him some help, but it's limited."

"Thank you very much for your help."

Before Hal had time to speak, Tony heard another man's voice. Superman, who had already appeared at the scene at this time, just floated there, which put a lot of pressure on everyone present.

"You are a mighty warrior."

Thor didn't care about the problems on Earth, and when he saw Clark, his eyes really brightened. Thor could feel that the man in front of him was an existence that could confront him head-on.

"Hello, Thor."

I usually have too many relationships with gloomy people like Bruce, and now Clark is very happy to see a second fool like Thor. After all, I don’t think about whether there are other extended meanings in the other’s words with such people, and whether they are taking it. own information.

Of course, it is precisely because Bruce is so cautious that Clark is more willing to cooperate with Bruce, especially after suffering from some super criminals, Clark pays more attention to the issue of tactical arrangements.

"We need to slow down the city's descent slowly, so you guys first help Green Lantern hold the net, and I'm going to lift the city from below."

"Can you really do it?"

Hearing Clark's somewhat terrifying plan, even Steve had to confirm it again.

"I can't do it alone, but there are two other people who can help, so there should be no problem. After the speed of the city's descent is under control, I will go up and pull the net, and you will It's to go around the city, pull the net in different directions, and try not to damage the rock structure under the city as much as possible."

"no problem."

Since Superman has said so, then everyone will naturally move.

After looking at Clark, Hal immediately used the green light ring to create a net that could cover a city, but after the net covered Sokovia, Hal felt a headache. For a moment, but the pain quickly disappeared.

Clark quickly flew below Sokovia, and Chris and Ron, who was invited, were ready.

Relying on their own life position, when the three of them exerted their strength, they ensured that the support of the three of them did not cause damage to the rocks below Sokovia, but even so, it was only a good solution to Sokovia. The problem of Ya's falling acceleration is the next time to slow down the speed of descent.

"Get up!"

The people who can fly have burst out with their greatest strength at this time, even if Wanda can't be like Tony and the others, but she has found a way to help herself, that is to cover Sokovia with mental power, just He tried to manipulate this huge rock like he usually manipulates objects. Although this operation only lasted for three seconds and caused Wanda to bleed from his nose, these three seconds were very important to the speed of Sokovia's descent. There is a great slowdown.

Tony saw Wanda with a nosebleed and fell into Pietro's arms, and he decided to forgive the little girl.

"Veronica, put it in."

The armor that was supposed to be used to deal with Hulk's madness, but now because Banner got the red light ring, it has no chance of being used, but now it is a good opportunity, a stronger driving force, even for the current The situation is still powerless, but now everyone is doing everything they can to stop Sokovia's fall, so how can Tony, who caused all this to happen, not work hard.

"It's almost a success."

When he saw that Sokovia was about a thousand meters away from the ground, he finally stopped in the air smoothly.

"Now Superman immediately goes to the top~www.readwn.com~Iron Man, go to these points and pull the net diagonally upwards, as long as you start to fall slowly."

Chris and Ron haven't revealed their identities yet, so the two of them can continue to lift up below with peace of mind. As for Sokovia's landing, one enters the warp and the other disappears, and there is no danger at all.

Bruce hovered in the air with the Bat fighter, completely scanned the situation in Sokovia, and provided a complete plan for the second stage landing.

No one cares that Bruce didn't let the bat fighters join the drag. After all, there are not many more. If it weren't for Superman and the two mysterious supporters, Tony and the others would not be able to complete the current feat. Instead, Bruce gave the plan, It has an excellent auxiliary role for the next action.


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