Ulysses in the ward, Tony and their hearts are very heavy, because according to what they learned from Ulysses, the only people who came to him that day were Ultron and Steve and Sam, Rhodes and Nata Sha is not by Ultron's side, which makes Tony realize that as a robot, Ultron has the ability to control multiple bodies at the same time, and as long as Ultron remotely controls the body to mislead them, then in the next battle, they will would be at a considerable disadvantage.


"Ultron wants to make a new body for sure, but the amount of vibration gold he got from Ulysses obviously exceeds the amount used to make the body, so he must be making other We can completely start from energy consumption, or steel consumption.”


When it seemed that the clues were broken, Bruce immediately stood up and pointed out a clear way for the Avengers, but just as everyone was preparing to return to the Avengers Building first, the news of Thor's arrival on Earth made Tony very nervous. is happy.


In the Avengers team, although human members are the main body, after all, Thor cannot deny the important position of Thor in the Avengers. After all, Banner was pried away by Lynch. At that time, the Avengers established by Nick also existed in name only.


After returning to New York, Tony immediately told Thor about Ultron, but after hearing that the Mind Stone was taken away by Ultron, Thor's expression changed.


"We must retrieve the scepter immediately, otherwise it will bring destruction to the world."




Tony didn't expect Thor's reaction to be so great after hearing the news, although Tony also knew that Ultron had a scepter in his hand, which was indeed a huge danger to the world, but it didn't mean that no one could to fight.


"A few days ago, on Xandar, the power gem appeared, plus the space gem that was taken away by me in the Battle of New York, the reality gem stripped from Jane's body, and the mind gem on the scepter, in the universe There are only six Infinity Stones and four have appeared, you should be able to understand what I mean."


After Thor's explanation, other people present also understood what Thor meant. The Mind Stone is no longer limited to a crisis for the earth, but a crisis that threatens the entire universe.


"Then we should get the scepter back immediately."


Barton felt that the current battle was enough to overwhelm him. Thinking that the future battle might be more cruel, Barton subconsciously touched the photo in his left shirt pocket.


Although the relationship between Barton and Natasha always seems to be ambiguous, Barton, who has already married, already has two daughters. Now all he needs to do is to complete this task and start thinking about retirement. problem.


Soon, Tony and the others began to look for where Ultron might stay. In the end, Jack received a message from Lynch, indicating the location of Ultron at this time.


"My boss said that if Osborn was called over to chat, he would appreciate Lynch's attitude and would be interested in answering Lynch's questions.


"Mr. Osborne's family has an inherited genetic disease?"


"How did you know?!"


"Osborne Industries has invested a lot of money in the medical field, but those research projects have ended in vain, but Osborne Industries is still investing a lot of money in this type of project. If these funds can be invested in other fields, Osborne Industries is definitely going to be bigger and at the same time I got to know Mr Osborne's parents and it turns out that Mr Osborne's grandfather and father died almost at the same age, and it seemed abrupt Frailty, it reminds me of hereditary genetic diseases, and now that Mr. Osborne is at that age, it's very likely that these studies are being done to treat Mr. Osborne's son."


Hearing Lynch's answer, Norman sighed helplessly. He didn't expect Lynch to discover this secret belonging to the Osborn family through the accessible data, but he suddenly thought of something.


"If it's up to you to conduct research, are you sure you can solve it?"


"Mr. Osborne, I can't answer your question. If you want to treat hereditary gene diseases, you first need to understand where the genetic defect of the Osborne family is, and then you want to make up or replace the problematic gene segment, compared to For direct treatment of Harry, the best option is to genetically adjust Mr. Harry's children through IVF, which is the safest method, and if you want to treat Mr. Harry, it will be much more difficult."


"I don't care about the difficulty, as long as you can successfully cure Harry, the 3% stake in Osborn Industries is yours."


Norman doesn't care about money, but giving the shares directly will still have an impact on my control of Osborn Industries, and 3% is the maximum amount he can give without affecting his own control of the company. Of course, this is actually a lot. Now, if Lynch doesn't feel enough, he can compensate Lynch through other channels.


"I can give it a try. Of course, I need higher authority, and at the same time I need a more secure institute."


"No problem, this is what I should consider, I hope you can give me a surprise before I die, if it doesn't work before I die, I will tell Harry about it, but if Harry is alive Before the child, if you haven't succeeded, choose the second option you said, but then you can only get 1% of the shares."


Lynch still has a lot of ideas about the shares given by Norman, but Lynch wants to see what kind of reward Norman will give if he resolves their family's genetic disease before Norman's death, but he just doesn't know. Why, Lynch always felt that the other party would feel like killing the donkey.


But since we are ready to start now, and we have many options for enhanced transformation, pure biochemical transformation, pure mechanical transformation, or compound transformation, and genetic transformation that is currently under development, our research direction It is very extensive, so if you want to inquire, you can state your requirements. For you, I may appropriately relax the conditions for accepting the transformation. Of course, there will be no fee reduction. "


To the question asked by Hawkeye, Lynch gave his own answer, but it is estimated that there are not many reinforcement plans that Hawkeye can choose. In addition to the most basic physical enhancement, the best choice is also the transformation of super genetic warriors. Continue to develop the advantage of Eagle Eye sniper ability.


Compared with other transformation methods, this is the most powerful transformation plan on Lynch's side at present, but it can only be enjoyed by fully joining Skywatch. As for Barbara, she has advanced benefits in advance, or Lynch carried out She didn't even have a chance to refuse, and whether John knew his future destiny was already clear after he met his girlfriend.


After speaking, making sure that no one else had anything to say, Lynch turned around and left, while Barbara and the others followed Lynch to the outside.




Natasha still couldn't control herself and tried to stop Barbara who was about to leave with Lynch, but Barbara just nodded at her and walked out of Tony's office.


"How about we go get something to eat first?"


The problems with Lynch and S.H.I.E.L.D. did not affect the battle that has now ended. Although the current atmosphere is a bit dignified, Tony still took the initiative to stand up to break the atmosphere, and Banner happily agreed this time. Because he was finally able to release himself.


Although this time the cosmic crisis caused great damage to New York City, and Tony's Stark Building was chosen as the place where the plan was implemented, Banner became the only one to reap the benefits.


The red light ring of anger, originally supposed to represent endless anger, but because of Banner's dual personality, the Hulk has been in a state of anger, but it can only appear in the form of energy, and Banner himself is able to. Manipulating energy, which means that Hulk can't come out without Banner's disagreement.


His biggest problem has been solved, and Banner has begun to think about when he should marry Betty.


Hulk will not only appear when Banner is angry, but if he is excited, it is easy for Hulk to jump out, and he can't even do astringent things. For Banner, it is even psychological castration, but Now he doesn't have to be afraid, and he doesn't have to worry about hurting Betty when he is astringent. This is super good news.


After the group walked out of the Stark Building, Banner saw General Ross, and he ran to General Ross very happily and shared his happiness with General Ross.


"Oh no!"


Last time, when Hulk was almost eliminated, General Ross almost went berserk. This time, Banner said that Hulk had been completely controlled by him, and it had become another ability, which made General Ross even more difficult to accept. .


"General Ross, why don't you talk to us about cooperation? As one of our main customers, we are going to develop some special strengthening agents for you. Although there is still a time limit, this time the strengthening agents can not only provide physical It can also give some special abilities.”


Just as General Ross was about to send some high-end ingredients to Banner, his sense of taste was too sensitive, which made him lose his enjoyment of snacks.


But Cai Ruian looked at the way Lynch and Bruce were eating with big mouthfuls, which made him feel a little too vulnerable.


The saying that being able to eat is a blessing is not a nonsense. The being able to eat here means being able to eat normally, not overeating. It is like the question of "I am old enough to be able to eat or not", which is also the most intuitive one. Performance.


If a person can't eat a normal diet, then the person's body will almost collapse, and eating like Lynch and Bruce is basically because the body is too strong, causing the body to exercise a lot of energy. Humans can only obtain energy by eating.


Like those bodybuilders, eating is a part of their life. Apart from eating, they practice, and energy and nutritional supplements are essential.


Cai Ruian originally felt that his body was quite good, but now compared with these two, he felt that he might be an ordinary person, but this also reminded him of the human body strengthening technology in the organization.


In the list of reinforcement techniques, there is a special reinforcement plan, which requires outstanding performance in major events to be eligible for reinforcement. In the current organization, except for the boss, no one else has completed this reinforcement.


If he can enjoy that kind of strengthening technology, Cai Ruian feels that he can become a superhero too.


When the three of them were eating, they were all the kind of people who worked hard. No one said anything. They just concentrated on eating. Cai Ruian finished the meal first. Although he had worked hard, he was still struggling. Under the circumstances, he had to exit first, and then Bruce also exited. Even if Bruce was very strong, he was still an ordinary person, and his stomach was limited.


In the end, only Lynch was eating there alone, which made Cai Ruian understand how much Lynch's daily energy consumption was.


After supper, Bruce rested for a while


While roaring, Reina suddenly appeared, and once again promoted the new product of Skywatch.


As an enhanced human technology used to provide research ideas, the enhanced human technology of the Illuminati was newly developed by Lynch combined with the technology of the beast-like soldiers. After solving the problem of changes in form, it also strengthened the stability of energy. sex.


Whether it is the ice and fire ability of Jill, the forest ice and fire man, or the domineering back light of Julian, they are only the accumulation of thousands of years of technology. In terms of attribute energy enhancement, it is not only the attributes of ice, fire, lightning and metal. , but as the president and vice president of this era, the power finally developed by the two brothers is like this.


, then Lynch will naturally start to prepare, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and Lynch's Regeneration Cradle Project Department, when they heard that they will have a separate research institute, the members are very excited, This is a manifestation of his status. From Lynch leaving Professor Connors' project team to now owning a separate research institute, this is a manifestation of the gradual improvement of the status of the project team in Mr. Norman's heart.


It can be said that as long as we can make achievements in this project team, we will definitely be able to get more rewards in the future. Of course, all this can’t bypass the project team leader Lynch. After all, this project was born because of Lynch’s plan, and at the same time. Although Lynch's work attitude is a bit too introverted, it has to be said that the reason why the current research progress is so fast is mainly because of Lynch's overtime work, which makes many people with ideas start to work overtime.


Although the project team members started to work overtime secretly, the overtime pay that they deserved was declared, the money was held, and they were able to get the boss's attention. Lynch directly made their project a very special existence.


Professor Connors originally did not have much thought about Lynch's independence, but the recent allocation of funds


What is it? "


Jack's words made Tony frown. As the origin of all problems, Tony knew very well that he had to deal with this matter. Although he didn't know what happened to Overwatch, Tony had already understood, if they couldn't solve it , then the Master Chief will intervene.


"As you should have seen, in the Battle of New York, those of us who have been transformed have participated in the battle."


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