——Xu Mo was taught how to be a human being.

At that time, Xu Mo was moving forward cautiously in the cemetery. Because the light on this map was too dark, the Tongque team must have done targeted training when choosing this map. Maybe Lu Xiang would ambush somewhere. Xu Mo glanced around a corner and saw Lu Xiang's shadow passing by. He immediately stopped and thought: He must be lurking and attacking from the side...

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiang didn't waste any words and rushed over directly face to face!

Xu Mo:...

Rushing forward like this caught Xu Mo by surprise.

The Beggar Gang is not like the Tang Sect and the Ming Cult, who like to carry out sneak attacks from behind. The Beggar Gang is best suited for close combat. Flying a kite with you in a circle is not Lu Xiang's style. No matter how sinister the map is, Lu Xiang also doesn't like to ambush and attack you, he just likes to fight you face to face!

Lu Xiang's personal style is very distinct. He is best at playing head-on, but he is not as aggressive as Yang Jian. He can be said to be a calmer and more stable player among the players who play head-on. Xu Mo should do what he should do against Lu Xiang He went to ambush and sneak attack by himself, instead of thinking about whether Lu Xiang would ambush... His idea from the beginning was completely wrong!

Liu Chuan looked at the picture on the screen and couldn't help but frown.

Thinking too much and being indecisive are the biggest shortcomings of Xu Mo as a player. In fact, the game changes rapidly, and sometimes you have to rely on your own intuition.

Of course, Xu Mo thinks this way because Tongque’s picture selection today is too strange. Choosing a spooky general’s cemetery will naturally give people the psychological pressure of thinking there is an ambush somewhere. In fact, Shao Zehang chose this picture just for fun. It's just a trick. People who really know Lu Xiang should know that no matter what picture Tongque chooses, Lu Xiang doesn't like to ambush. This guy likes to fight in person, and he doesn't have the deep intention to play tricks on you.

Because Xu Mo didn't expect Lu Xiang to rush over directly, he didn't react for a moment, and was knocked unconscious by Lu Xiang's move hit the dog's head with a stick!

The consequence of being stunned by the Beggar's Gang is to be harmed by his set of combos. Lu Xiang's gorgeous Beggar's Gang's combos hit him with one stick after another, sweeping thousands of armies with one move. He was knocked down by force, and Xu Mo was directly pressed. He was beaten all over his head on the ground, and his blood dropped rapidly.

Lu Xiang's moves are accurate and sharp, his dog-beating stick dance is dazzling, and his head-on blows are simply overwhelming!

Although Xiao Luxiang is only 18 years old, the title of God Beggar is not for nothing. When the Beggar Clan reaches this level, he can indeed be called a god-level master.

Xu Mo had several counterattacks and breakaways, but Lu Xiang pursued him fiercely and overwhelmed him in terms of momentum. In addition, the gloomy atmosphere of this map was really annoying, and Xu Mo gradually felt that he was unable to do what he wanted. , and finally fell down helplessly.

Lu Xiang still has 70% of his health, which is incredible!

This arena battle can no longer be said to be a contest between equally matched masters, it is simply Lu Xiang competing against one another.

Liu Chuan looked at the statistics and frowned even more. Xu Mo played very poorly today, not even playing half of his own level. This is obviously a psychological problem. Being beaten like this by a former subordinate must hurt your self-esteem, but... only by facing your own failures can you make progress. , no one can live in the past forever!

Lu Xiang has lost to you before, but do you think Lu Xiang is still the same Lu Xiang?

Lu Xiang killed Xu Mo with 30% of his health, leaving 70% of his health to face China's second player.

The second Chinese player to play is Yu Yang. This young player of the puppet school is the successor of Liu Chuan in the Chinese team. Since Liu Chuan retired, there have been very few people playing puppetry in the professional league. Yu Yang is considered one of the best, and has naturally become the main force of China. He often competes in the ring and challenges others.

But he was still a little weak against Lu Xiang today.

——Classmate Xiaolu today is like having his blood shot, the momentum is too strong!

The dragon comes out of the water, the vicious dog blocks the road, and the dog is beaten on the head with a stick! The fierce beggar gang attacks you one after another. No matter who you are, you will be knocked unconscious!

Although Yu Yang learned a lot from Liu Chuan, how could his level be compared with Liu Chuan's? When he met Lu Xiang, Liu Chuan's real disciple, he continued to be beaten, and finally died angrily at Lu Xiang's feet.

Lu Xiang killed two people in a row, and his own health was only 5%, and his health bar kept flashing red.

But such a wonderful performance is enough to make the fans of the Tongque Team excited!

Come on, Deer God!

Come on, Tongque!

The cheers at the scene almost shattered people's eardrums.

The third Chinese player to play was vice-captain Xie Guangyi. Vice-captain Xie was relatively calm. Even though the two pig teammates in front made consecutive mistakes, he also played a wave of wonderful high-cháo after he came on the field, killing 5% of the health. The powerful Lu Xiang used the back-circling hidden weapon method of frequently turning invisible to defeat Tongque's second player Guo Yian.

Xie Guangyi also killed two people in a row until the Tongque Team sent a third person.

However, Tongque's third general was Shao Zehang, and Xie Guangyi used 50% of his health against Team Shao who was in full health... and ultimately lost to Team Shao's double swords.

At the end of the arena competition, Team Tongque successfully held the main flag and successfully won the

3 points down.

Next comes the team battle. This round, the Tongque team still chooses the map, and the map Shao Zehang chooses is still the Tomb of the General.

The professional league has two major rounds. In the first round, Tongque VS China, it is Tongque's map selection; in the second round, China VS Tongque, it will be China's turn to select the map.

The map selection includes two maps, the arena match and the team battle. Both of these maps can be selected at will in the map library. Generally, teams will comprehensively select maps based on the preferences of the players. Using the same map twice in a row is still good in the league. It is relatively rare, because the rules of the group battle and the group battle are different. The group battle only requires one-on-one to kill the opponent, while the team battle also needs to consider the overall configuration, rhythm, vision, etc. of the team.

Since Shao Zehang dared to use General's Tomb twice in a row, he must have great confidence in his teammates.

This is indeed the case.

The Tongque team was at home on this map, but the Chinese team seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to move forward in the general's cemetery.

In the first wave of team battles, the team was directly eliminated and the opportunity to compete for the first command flag was lost. In the second round, Xu Mo made a positioning error and was killed by Shao Lu and two people together. Huaxia once again fell into a situation where less was more and more was more. The situation of mermaid meat...

In less than ten minutes, the upper, middle, and lower lanes collectively collapsed. The head ratio between Tongque and Huaxia had reached 10:0. Lu Xiang and Shao Zehang each had five kills in hand. The additional effect increased the attack by 25 %......

There is not much suspense in this game anymore.

Wu Zewen looked at the Chinese team's living space being continuously compressed on the screen, and couldn't help but ask: It won't be beaten 9:0, right?

It's hard to say... Li Xiang scratched his hair. The number of Kongming lanterns on Tongque's side is already twice that of Huaxia. The whole map of Huaxia is almost out of sight.

Li Xiang is also a little worried. He doesn't know which side he should stand on. Tongque has his senior brother Lu Xiang, Huaxia has his uncle Xie Guangyi, and his master's old club. It doesn't feel right for him to cheer for anyone? However, China was swept 9:0, which was too tragic. Neutral people generally sympathize with the weak, and there were many spectators who were not Tongque fans cheering for Hua Xia.

However, the ending cannot be changed.

After the Chinese team was wiped out by the Shao Lu combination in the third wave, they reluctantly gave away the third black flag.

Tongque took three command flags in a row, but Huaxia got nothing.

The General's Tomb, this dark map, has become a cemetery where the Chinese team is buried today.

At the end of the game, the score in bright red characters appeared on the screen - 9:0.

This score is undoubtedly exciting for Tongque fans, but for the Chinese team who have traveled thousands of miles to play in Guangzhou, it is particularly dazzling.

Captain Liang Haibin lowered his head in silence and clenched his mouse tightly with his fingers.

Xie Guangyi walked over and patted his shoulder gently, whispering: Let's go backstage to rest.

Liang Haibin's eyes turned slightly red, and he silently lowered his head and left the soundproof room.

Liu Chuan looked at the scene from a distance, frowned slightly, stood up and said, I'm going to the bathroom.


To avoid being harassed by reporters, the competition venue has a separate lounge and restroom for professional players. Liu Chuan was familiar with the Guangzhou competition venue, so he bypassed the side door and walked directly into the backstage rest area through the safe passage.

Many staff members were busy preparing for the next game between Qixingcao and Xuelang, and Liu Chuan's appearance did not attract attention.

Liu Chuan went around to the nearby corridor, and as expected, Liang Haibin stood alone by the window.

At the end of the long corridor, the back of Captain Liang standing alone looked a little lonely, with his head lowered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

You guys played really badly today.

The sudden sound made Liang Haibin turn around as if frightened. Unexpectedly, he saw an extremely familiar face.

We haven’t seen each other for a long time, but the man in front of him has not changed much. His handsome appearance has a mysterious atmosphere in the shadow of the backlight. His voice is also deliberately lowered, and he frowns slightly to express his displeasure: Who is the order of appearance in the arena competition? Arranged?

Liang Haibin was so surprised that he couldn't even speak. After being stunned for a long time, he stammered: Xu, Xu Mo wants to be the first one, so I will...

Liu Chuan frowned and said: If he wants to play, you just let him play? You are the captain, can you act like a captain?

Liang Haibin:...

The good-tempered man immediately lowered his head, like a good student receiving a lesson from his teacher.

Liu Chuan said helplessly: Xiaoliang, you can't go on like this. I handed over China to you, and I can't watch China be ruined in your hands.

Liang Haibin's eyes turned slightly red after being scolded, and he choked and said: I'm sorry, Team Sichuan, I...

Nothing to be sorry for. Liu Chuan said in a low voice, I know you are under a lot of pressure. I was the captain of China in the past. I did lead China to create Grand Slam results that are difficult to surpass, but that is also related to the entire environment of the league that year. Four consecutive championships. Even I can't achieve this kind of achievement now. The past has become the past.

There is no need to think too much... Besides, the person you want to surpass is never me, the old captain, but yourself.

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