Qixingcao's execution ability is first-rate in the entire league, coupled with Xiao Sijing's calm command and Su Shilun's tacit cooperation, today, the Xuelang team's targeted combat plan finally hit the hardest iron plate in the entire professional league.


The game was tense and exciting. Wu Zewen stared at the screen seriously and said: It won't be 9:0 again, right?

Liu Chuan smiled and said: It's hard to say. The key to the Xuelang team's victory in the first opening game was the internal problems of the Chang'an team. When facing a mature team like Qixingcao, it is normal for Fang Zhiyan's eccentric style of play to fail.

Wu Zewen nodded, and after a moment, he said: I found that the Xuelang team always lost in the arena battles, and they were beaten 1V3 in two consecutive games. In the last game, Qin Ye killed 3 with 1, and in this game, Su Shilun killed 3 with 1. Are their players in the ring too weak?

That's right. Liu Chuan agreed. A team cannot have too obvious shortcomings. A few players in Xuelang are actually good in one-on-one battles, but they don't have any particularly outstanding defensive generals. It's okay to fight against weak teams, but when encountering strong ones, Team, we will definitely lose the 3 points in the arena competition.”

Liu Chuan paused and then said: However, this is a growing team with great potential. You can see their progress in every game. This is the most valuable thing. Their entire team is very united, and the captain's command is also very decisive. If they work together for a while, they should get good results.

Wu Zewen thought for a moment, then looked back at Liu Chuan and said: From this point of view, it is really a joy to have Xu Ce join our team.

A heavyweight like General Shoului can ensure that the three points in the group arena will not be lost too much, which is also extremely important for the morale of the entire team.

In fact, there is no problem for Liu Chuan to be the third general in the ring. However, he is now 24 years old, and his condition and energy are no longer what they used to be. In the ring, his hand speed explodes and he defeats his opponent in seconds. If something goes wrong during the war, the gain will outweigh the loss. That's why Liu Chuan wanted to replace the team with someone to guard the ring. As the captain, he concentrated on directing the team battle. Unless he encountered a tough nut to crack, Duan Liuchuan didn't want to play in person during the ring stage.

In his mind, Wu Zewen was also a player who could play in the group arena, but Wu Zewen never gave him a clear answer. This made Liu Chuan anxious, fearing that something might go wrong with Zewen.

At this time, listening to him seriously talking about our team, Liu Chuan suddenly felt happy.

——Yes, our team sounds so pleasant to the ears!

——So, is it time for you to give me a definite answer?

Liu Chuan looked back at him expectantly and found that Wu Zewen had already turned his head and was watching the game seriously.

Liu Chuan:...

So happy!


While the two of them were chatting together, Li Xiang was still thinking about Qin Ye in a daze, but things were changing at the competition scene.

The third command flag was refreshed, and the Xuelang team suddenly launched a counterattack under the leadership of Fang Zhiyan. Fortunately, Team Xiao adjusted their strategy in time and held the third command flag thrillingly. At the end of the game, the Xuelang team unfortunately lost, and Qixingcao won with a gorgeous score of 9:0!

The audience was very excited. Today's two games both had a 9-0 score difference, which was really surprising!

No one who forwarded the Weibo betting scores guessed correctly. Who would have thought that the veteran team Hua Xia and this year's dark horse Xuelang would actually have their heads shaved together today?

Chapter 111, definite answer

Huaxia and Xuelang had their heads shaved in the Guangzhou arena, and this news quickly became the headlines of major e-sports websites.

Su Shilun is celebrating his birthday, and Team Xiao has already booked the restaurant and birthday cake. In addition, he scored 9 points today, which can be said to be a double happiness. Every member of the Qixingcao team has an expression of joy on their faces.

On the Xuelang team's side, Fang Zhiyan had a graceful smile on his face. Only the twin brother Lu Mingjie had his worries written all over his face. His face was almost wrinkled into a bun. His brother was patting his shoulder to comfort him. The twins are easy to distinguish because the younger brother's expression changes very much, with an indignant look on his face, while the older brother is more stable and rarely shows obvious mood swings on his face.

During the reporter's question time after the game, some reporters asked various difficult questions about the Huaxia and Xuelang teams, which had their heads shaved today.

Fang Zhiyan smiled and said: It doesn't matter if we lose a game. We are a new team and we still need to get used to it. Team Xiao taught us a lesson today. On the same map, we were convinced that we lost.

Liang Haibin's smile was still very shy: China did not perform well today, but this is just the beginning, and we will continue to work hard.

Compared with Yang Jian losing his temper and leaving the team immediately after the last game, what these two captains did after losing the game today is truly qualified captains.

Liu Chuan finally couldn't help but smile when he looked at Liang Haibin's performance during the post-match interview.

——Very good, Xiaoliang, you can face your own failures and face setbacks calmly. This is what a captain should look like! You still have a long way to go, and I can’t accompany you on it, but I believe that you will take over China

shoulder the responsibility and not let down China’s supporters!


When we left the venue, it suddenly started raining heavily.

Such a sudden heavy rain caught many viewers off guard. Many people forgot to bring umbrellas. Many people were crowded at the entrance of the venue to take shelter from the rain, making it extremely difficult to take a taxi.

Li Xiang suggested taking the subway back, but the subway station was a bit far from here, and you would definitely get wet if you ran there. But waiting for the bus here is obviously unreliable. There are too many people waiting for the bus nearby. When will it be their turn?

After weighing the pros and cons, Liu Chuan decided to take the subway, so the three boys rushed to the subway station together in the heavy rain.

As soon as they arrived at the subway station, when they looked at each other, the three of them were indeed drowned, covered in water from beginning to end.

Especially poor Wu Zewen, his glasses were soaked with water, and the lenses were so foggy that he couldn't see the road at all. He almost fell down when he went down the stairs, and the glasses on his nose fell to the ground with a bang. The uncle who was rushing on his way stepped on it and broke it into pieces.

Wu Zewen:...

Wu Zewen suddenly became a little depressed.

Myopia is such an inconvenience that once the glasses fall off, it becomes difficult to see the road clearly. Wu Zewen was about to squint his eyes to recognize the road, but... he felt a sudden warmth on his wrist.

be careful.

Liu Chuan's deep voice sounded in his ears.

Wu Zewen looked up and couldn't see his expression clearly in his blurred vision, but the body temperature transmitted from his wrist was clearly amplified at that moment.

- He was holding his hand.

This realization made Wu Zewen's heart beat faster. The temperature from Liu Chuan's body quickly spread to his heart through the skin of the contact area, and the wrist he held even felt faintly hot.

Liu Chuan continued to pull the highly myopic academic master to prevent him from being hit by the bustling crowd.

Li wants to go buy a ticket. You can follow me later and be careful where you step. Liu Chuan picked up the glasses on the ground, looked at the broken lenses, and said helplessly, it seems that your glasses can only be scrapped.

Wu Zewen's focus was not on his glasses at all. Liu Chuan held his hand, which made his heart beat as before.

He has been highly myopic since he was a child. It is said that he inherited it from his father. He started wearing glasses when he was very young. Once when he was walking on the street, his glasses accidentally fell to the ground. The little Wu Zewen squatted on the ground anxiously looking for his glasses. , I couldn't find him dead or alive, I was so anxious that I was sweating all over. Later, his mother picked him up from the ground distressedly, and he immediately hugged his mother's neck, because the helpless child felt warm and solid at the moment he was picked up by his mother.

He was very young at that time and seemed to be still in kindergarten, but the scene that day was firmly remembered by Wu Zewen in his heart.

Over the years, he has been very careful to protect his glasses. For people with high myopia, glasses are like another pair of eyes. Without glasses, the whole world becomes blurry in front of his eyes. It feels terrible to not be able to see clearly what is in front of you.

Today, in a similar scene, Wu Zewen lost his glasses again, but he felt warm and solid again.

——This feeling comes from Liu Chuan.

Different from his mother's embrace back then, Liu Chuan just gently held his wrist and took him to his side, making a protective gesture to prevent him from seeing clearly and being hit by people passing by. arrive.

Just such a simple action moved Wu Zewen extremely.

——He was indeed right about Liu Chuan.

At critical moments, this person has always been reliable, and Liu Chuan will take practical actions to give the most effective help to those around him.

Being protected by Liu Chuan made Wu Zewen feel warm in his heart.

In fact, he really wanted to hold Liu Chuan's hand, interlocking his fingers or something, but such an action was too abrupt and would scare Liu Chuan away, so... let him hold it and pretend not to. Mind it.

So Wu Zewen pretended not to care and let Liu Chuan hold his hand, and stood quietly beside him waiting for Li Xiang to come back.

Li Xiang quickly bought the tickets and came back. While wiping the rain on his face, he stuffed the subway tickets into two people respectively. He glanced at Zewen and asked doubtfully: Zewen, where are your glasses?

Wu Zewen said: It accidentally fell to the ground and was trampled.

In a crowded place like a subway station, if you drop something on the ground and get trampled, you can only consider yourself unlucky. Li Xiang said helplessly: Then you should be careful when walking. I know there is a glasses store in front of the school. I will buy a pair when I get back.

Wu Zewen nodded and looked up at Liu Chuan: Will you take me away?

Guys without glasses should squint their eyes slightly when looking at people. This confused look is a bit unusual and cute.

Liu Chuan smiled and said: Okay, Detective Wu, I will be your human crutch.

After saying that, he held Wu Zewen's hand tightly, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the subway.

beware of the steps……

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