Li Xiang immediately replied: Sorry, I just saw it! Verification code 510087. You played very well today. Don’t you need to have a dinner to celebrate after the game?

Qin Ye said: The celebration is over, everyone went to have a meal together, I just returned to the dormitory.

Qin Ye logged into his alt account in the dormitory.

Li Xiang hurriedly said: Then I'll call in to accompany you!

This time was not the 8pm offline time agreed by the power coach, so Li Xiang sent a separate message to the power coach asking him to log off first, and then logged into the game.

When Qin Ye saw that he was online, he came over to chat privately: Have you eaten?

Li wanted to say: Eat.

In fact, he didn't eat dinner, but he didn't want Qin Ye to stay alone in the game.

——He wanted to accompany Qin Ye, no matter what he did.

Chapter 73 114+115

Chapter 114, Assassin (Part 1)

Li Xiang helped Qin Ye upgrade before, so Qiyexue's account happened to be parked at the door of the level 45 dungeon Lunjian Peak when he went offline, while Li Xiang's own account was in Qinzhou, far away. After forming a team, you can click on the avatar to display the location of your teammates. Qin Ye glanced at his location and sent a message: I'm coming to Qinzhou to find you.

Qinzhou is a large map suitable for players from level 45 to level 55. It includes the main city of Qinzhou City and four large experience areas in the southeast, northwest and suburbs.

After level 45, in addition to completing quests and clearing dungeons, another way to upgrade is the wild experience group, which means to find an upgrade point in the wild where the mobs refresh faster and beat the mobs to gain experience. This upgrade method is simple and fast. , you don’t need to do quests and run around, and you won’t have to fight to be wiped out by the boss like in the dungeon. You can only fight the mobs in the wild, which is very relaxing.

The four suburbs of Qinzhou are the golden spawn points for wild monsters, and many experience groups hang up here.

Of course, such a simple and rough way to upgrade monsters will also gain the least experience, so it is suitable for lazy people and power leveling studios.

Li Xiang and the others' accounts were all handed over to Fei General Studio for management. The golden experience area here is the hang-up point of their studio. Characters such as Famous World, Misty Swamp and Fish Swimming in the Water are also here. Experience group.

Li wanted to accompany Qin Ye on the mission, so he told the acting trainer to quit the experience group and form a team with Qin Ye.

Qin Ye ran towards Li Xiang on his sweaty horse. The fiery red ball looked menacing and attracted the attention of passers-by wherever he passed.

Li Xiang saw the dazzling red mass from a distance and immediately went to meet it. He typed in the team channel: Why do you have time to play today?

Qin Ye said: The game is over, let’s have a night’s rest.

Li Xiang said happily: Then join us for activities tonight? !

Qin Ye said: Okay.

Li Xiang thought about it and suggested: Liu Chuan and the others haven't come back yet, why don't we go clear the tasks on the Qinzhou map first?

Um. Qin Ye agreed.

After saying that, he sent an invitation for two people to ride together. He took Li Xiang on the horse, tightened the reins, turned around and roared away.

The weather effect changed, and suddenly it started to rain lightly on the Qinzhou map. Next door to Qinzhou is Jiangnan. The scenery on the entire map is also very close to the Jiangnan water town. Small bridges, flowing water, pavilions, and pavilions are quite beautiful in the continuous drizzle. It has a poetic and ancient charm.

The two of them rode a horse and ran forward. Qin Ye pulled the reins and controlled the direction of the horse. Li Xiang, who was sitting behind him, held Qin Ye gently in his arms. In the drizzle, the beautiful scenery on both sides passed quickly before our eyes, and water splashed everywhere where the horses' hooves passed.

The feeling of riding a horse and running in the game is extremely refreshing, and the surrounding scenery is beautiful. In the quiet atmosphere, there are only melodious music and the sound of horse hooves tapping on the bluestone. Along the way, Li Xiang feels that his The sound of the heartbeat seemed to gradually merge with the sound of the horse's hooves, pounding, pounding, beating in the chest.

He even had a strange idea - it would be nice if the target NPC was further away from here.

Preferably it's infinite, so they can keep riding.

Qin Ye is usually too busy and rarely logs into this small account. The time he and Qin Ye spend alone is really pitiful. Li Xiang often opens two accounts to handle the couple's tasks by himself. It was rare that Qin Ye was online today, and Liu Chuan and the others were not online either. The two of them traveled across most of the Qinzhou map together. Although it was raining, Li Xiang's mood was as clear as the clear sky.

Maybe because Qin Ye is his idol? As long as he was with Qin Ye, no matter what he did, he felt very happy.

Qin Ye always acted resolutely and quickly found the NPC at the starting point of the mission and took over the first link of the main line of the Qinzhou mission.

Each mission on the big Wulin map has a very clear main plot line, which is displayed with a golden question mark above the head of the NPC. The main mission rewards also have the richest experience. In addition, there are many NPCs around with silver question marks on their heads, indicating that these are optional branches for players to choose freely.

Qin Ye was idle and bored today, so he simply accepted all the side tasks, and the two of them started from the first task together.

Find people, send messages, kill monsters, protect

Send NPC...

Of course, these simple tasks were not difficult for them. They went through them very smoothly. After completing seven or eight main tasks, Qin Ye's trumpet also leveled up.

Time passed very quickly, and before I knew it, it was seven o'clock in the evening. It was already dark outside the window, but Qin Ye didn't realize it.

He is completely immersed in the game.

It's strange to say that he hasn't played online games for many years. He has always been concerned about various competitions, maps, and tactics. He has long lost interest in dungeons and tasks in online games. But today, he was in a trance when he was doing tasks from scratch with Li Xiang. Suddenly I regained the same feeling I had when I first entered the game - relaxed and happy.

There were no professional leagues at that time, and everyone felt particularly relaxed when playing games.

Later, with the emergence of professional leagues, the cruelty of competition led to increasing pressure. Playing games became his job, and the pure fun at the beginning gradually disappeared.

——Fortunately, today, he found that kind of fun again.

The two of them fought an elite monster together. Li Xiang steadily held back the aggro of the elite monster. The elite captain carrying a broadsword slashed Li Xiang's body with one blow after another. Qin Ye, who was dealing damage next to him, was not harmed at all. , it’s really easy to fight.

Qin Ye's hand speed is as fast as chopping vegetables against the elite monsters in the game. In addition, Li Xiang has now become a thick-skinned god... The two team up to do tasks. 1+1 is the speed of a rocket. I completed all the main quests on the huge Qinzhou map in one afternoon.

On the way back to the mission, he came to a fork in the road. Just as Li Xiang was about to talk to Qin Ye, two people suddenly ran out of the woods nearby and came straight towards Li Xiang!

The Tang Sect knight [Everyone has joys and sorrows] has launched a vendetta against you!

The knights of the Tang Sect [the moon is yin and the sun is shining] has launched a vendetta against you!

The names of these two people showed that they were good friends at first glance, and they also started a vendetta against Li Xiang, so it was obvious that they came with bad intentions.

Li Xiang was forced to draw red, and his blood volume began to drop rapidly.

Qin Ye couldn't help but sneer.

——You two, still want to kill Li Xiang in front of me?

Since the other party dared to attack Li Xiang, Qin Ye would not be polite to them. He looked coldly, raised his left hand slightly, and his five fingers immediately grew pure black hard nails, and the sharp nails pierced the opponent's chest!

The Emei Heart-piercing Claw was a crisp move, and he almost dug a hole in the Tangmen's chest!

When the two of them saw that Emei was a female number and was being protected by the master and being carried on tasks, they thought she was a pretty and cute girl, but they didn't expect... this person would be so ruthless in her attacks!

Qin Ye used Emei's passive skill to increase his attack speed, and aimed at that person, it was a set of Emei combos, and the bleeding effect quickly stacked up to three levels!

The man next to him also changed his target to attack Qin Ye, hoping to save his comrade. How could Li Xiang watch Qin Ye besieged by them? Without saying a word, a dragon-clawed hand grabbed him by the collar and grabbed him. The Buddha's light shone to force him to attack him, while he was still typing on a nearby channel: Come and hit me, buddy, your target is me.

... A series of silent ellipsis came to Fafa.

When Qin Ye saw these words, he couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth. This Li Xiang was also very capable of irritating people. He was probably so angry that the other party almost vomited blood.

He took that person away, obviously to relieve himself of some pressure so that he could quickly deal with the person in front of him. Li Xiang's thoughtfulness at the critical moment saved Qin Ye from the worry of being surrounded. His explosive hand speed killed the opponent in front of him in seconds, and he immediately turned back to help Li Xiang.

The two quickly worked together to kill the second person as well.

Qin Ye then typed on a nearby channel and asked: Why kill him?

——Such an obvious way of protecting one's shortcomings made Li Xiang so happy that he didn't know what to say.

Qin Ye actually didn't think much about it. Anyway, if anyone dared to touch Li Xiang's hair in front of him, he would never agree.

The two people who were killed did not answer Qin Ye's question when they saw it, but remained silent.

Li Xiang frowned and said: You two, do I have any grudge against you? Are you going to kill me?

The other party remained silent.

Qin Ye was a little impatient: He just had nothing to do and wanted to start a vendetta, right?

The two still didn't reply and lay on the ground pretending to be dead.

Qin Ye read the names of the two of them and said: I have written down the two of you. It is best not to let me meet you in the future. I will kill you every time I see you!

He has this kind of character that takes soft things but not hard ones. Anyone who dares to bully the people around him will definitely repay him tenfold!

After directly adding those two people to the enemy list, Qin Ye got on his horse and said: Let's go.

Li Xiang ignored the two men and simply got on the horse with Qin Ye, turning back to continue the mission.

At this moment, a line of system prompts appeared in the lower left corner: Your friend [Fish Swimming in the Water] is offline.

A moment later there was another one: Your friend [Fish Swimming in the Water] is online.

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