A whole week has passed, and everything has been calm in the game. Liu Chuan originally thought that Luo Hua Ci would not pay attention to his existence, but today they suddenly waited in a land of plenty, which surprised Liu Chuan for a moment.

Xiaoyao, who was standing at the front and called Hua Tuan Jin Cui, privately chatted with Liu Chuan and said: Team Sichuan, long time no see, I am Ye Chenxi. Followed by a smiling expression.

He was quite straightforward and introduced himself as soon as he arrived.

Is it Xiaoye? Liu Chuan asked doubtfully, did you see the news in the professional player group and know that I am in the new area, so you brought people to see me?

Ye Chenxi said: Yes.

Bringing so many people to see me? You are really thoughtful. Liu Chuan sent a pat on the shoulder with an encouraging expression: The topic changed:...You are not here to kill me, are you?

no. Ye Chenxi said with a smile, I heard that Sichuan God is bringing new people in the new area, and I happen to have a few new people here. If you are interested in Sichuan God, you can take care of them by the way.

Liu Chuan:...

This time Liu Chuan was speechless.

It's a shame that Ye Chenxi thought of asking him to help bring in the newcomer Luo Hua Ci!

Ye Chenxi continued: I want to lead the team to play a game. Many newcomers in the team have no time to take care of it. You happen to have a few newcomers to lead here. Why not let the newcomers add each other as friends so that they can compete and communicate with each other. Some thoughts.

Liu Chuan said bluntly: After you said so much, you actually want some of my teammates to be your sparring partners for the newcomers in the training camp, right?

Ye Chenxi smiled and said: On the other hand, the newcomer on my side can also be a sparring partner for your teammates, right?

After a moment of silence, Liu Chuan smiled and said: Well, you win! Success!

It is very comfortable to deal with Ye Chenxi. He is always smart and reasonable in calculating the interests of both parties, leaving you with no reason to refuse his request.

This man is terrifyingly thoughtful. Compared to his master Si Lan, his understanding of human psychology seems to be at a higher level.

Although Silan is the founder of the Xiaoyao Chain Formation style, the person who truly led the Luohuaci team to realize his concept and win the championship was his personal disciple Ye Chenxi. Silan was somewhat willful and reckless, and Ye Chenxi was more He seemed much gentler.

But this gentleness is terrifying.

Compared with boiling water and ice water, which seem to be dangerous, warm water seems mild and harmless, but it is the easiest for people to relax their vigilance, fall into a trap, and even die without knowing how - this is now Captain Ye and Team Luohuaci made many strong teams stumble, but they had no idea how they lost the game.

Xiao Sijing was very troubled by Captain Ye.

Today, he lost to Luohuaci inexplicably. Team Xiao helplessly told reporters: Young people are to be feared.

Ye Chenxi is only 21 years old this year, and his master Si Lan is a player of the same generation as Xiao Dui and others. In Xiao Dui's eyes, Ye Dui is naturally a junior.

He took over as captain at the age of 18. In just three years, Luo Hua Ci completed a complete transformation, which shows how powerful this man's methods are.

Since Si Lan retired, Luo Hua Ci has been infected with this strange mysterious atmosphere under the leadership of Ye Chenxi.

It was also rated as a mysterious team by netizens.

Now, the Leafs team has come to let Liu Chuan's teammates compete with the newcomers from Luohuaci, which actually does no harm to Liu Chuan.

Although these newcomers brought over by Ye Chenxi are just teenagers from Luohuaci training camp, they are professional players after all. Their hand speeds are at least 200+, which is several levels higher than players in online games. Letting these professional players compete with Zewen, Li Xiang and others is a rare opportunity for Zewen and the others, and Liu Chuan has no reason to refuse this proposal.

Of course, Ye Chenxi couldn't be kind enough to help Liu Chuan.

After following Liu Chuan for a few days, Luohuaci's newcomers will definitely improve. Moreover, he only sent newcomers here, which also avoided the embarrassment of the team's main force fighting Liu Chuan and having Liu Chuan find out the details. .

Let the new people on both sides have friendly discussions, which can be regarded as mutually beneficial.

Many teams in the league have such a cooperative relationship, and they often meet in the arena to compete with each other, learn from each other, and make progress together. Ye Chenxi found Liu Chuan, a team that has not yet been established, to establish a cooperative relationship, which shows that he attaches great importance to this nemesis.

The two captains made an agreement like this. Ye Chenxi asked: Should we start practicing now, or should we wait until you reach full level?

Liu Chuan said: From now on, let the new people add me as my friends and take some time to compete with us every night. It might cause trouble if someone finds out. Don’t PK in the wild. We will form a team and conduct it inside the dungeon.

Ye Chenxi nodded and said: This is best.

Looking back at the teenagers behind him, Ye Chenxi smiled and said: Did you see them all? Starting from today, the six of you will take time to go to the new area every night to find Liu Chuan's teammates for PK. Remember to record each PK and come back to study it carefully. Don't be lazy while I'm competing in other places.

Everyone immediately nodded obediently: Got it, Captain Ye!

Although this man looks pale and sickly, which is really not a deterrent, and he often has a gentle smile on his face, everyone in the Luohuaci Team is full of awe for him...

There seems to be a very strange quality about him that makes people unable to despise him, but more willing to obey him.

When Liu Chuan saw Luo Hua Ci today, he suddenly remembered the news that Zhang Shuping told him not long ago: Silan was back.

Since Zhang Shuping met Si Lan by chance on the plane, he would definitely not spread the news around. Not many people know about it yet... Will Ye Chenxi know?

Liu Chuan couldn't help but probe: By the way, Xiaoye, do you still have contact with your master Silan?

Seeing this familiar name, Ye Chenxi's eyes suddenly flashed with a complicated look, but it was quickly replaced by a smile: No, it has been several years since my master retired. Since he retired, we have not contacted him again... ...Why did the Sichuan team suddenly mention him?

Obviously, Ye Chenxi didn't know that Si Lan had returned to China.

And Si Lan obviously has no intention of returning to the alliance. He pretended not to know Zhang Shuping on the plane. This attitude was already quite clear.

Lan Weiran was really cruel. He was so determined to retire back then. Xiaoye was only eighteen years old at that time, and he just resisted the mess his master left him. Moreover, after retiring, let alone playing games, this person did not even log in to QQ. He disappeared without a trace and stopped contacting his apprentices. He was really ruthless.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart and said: It's nothing, I just thought of him suddenly and asked you casually.

Ye Chenxi didn't reply, but looked back at the empty seat by the window.

——That's where Lan Weiran used to sit.

That person always leans there lazily, squinting in the sun, wearing earplugs to listen to soothing music, and also likes to tap his fingers on the table. The sun shone on him through the window, and his handsome face seemed to be tinged with a soft halo.

Lan Weiran is very lazy. He always likes to sit there and play games while basking in the sun. He is too lazy to get up and move around. His voice often sounds in the training room of Luohuaci: Xiaoye, pour me a cup of coffee and add some for me by the way. Tang Xiaoye, help me get the mobile hard drive...

He commanded his little apprentice so confidently, and the expression on his face was actually very calm. Ye Chenxi had no choice but to serve his master tea and water and serve him obediently.

——How many years ago was that?

Looking back now, everything about him is so clearly imprinted in my mind, as if it was yesterday.

Even the seat by the window where he was used to sitting was reserved for him by Ye Chenxi.

...But, Lan Weiran, will you come back?

Thinking of the scene where the man taught him how to play the game step by step, Ye Chenxi's eyes suddenly became hot, but he quickly concealed his good mood, turned around and said with a smile: These newcomers brought by Liu Chuan seem to be rookies now, but Don't underestimate them. Since they are selected by the Sichuan team, they must have their own uniqueness. Take it seriously and practice with them... Got it?

Captain Ye always speaks so gently, giving people the feeling of being refreshed by the spring breeze. How can the newcomers not listen? He nodded immediately like a chicken pecking at rice.

Ye Chenxi continued: In the next month, I will concentrate on preparing for the game and will not come to the training camp to see you again. After a month, I will come to check and accept the results. I hope you can improve. For newcomers who perform well, I will also give you the opportunity to play a few games this season and accumulate some experience.

The newcomers immediately nodded excitedly upon hearing the opportunity to play.

No one noticed that a flash of pain suddenly flashed in Ye Chenxi's eyes for a moment just now. Perhaps it was because his face had not been looking good. Most people did not dare to look at him, and no one noticed the captain's emotion. Variety.

Ye Chenxi asked everyone to add Liu Chuan as a friend, and Liu Chuan created a discussion group in the game and invited all his teammates into it so that they could make appointments for PK in the future.

They were all active newcomers. Everyone in the discussion group greeted each other and it became very lively for a while.

The six newcomers of Luohuaci were all very excited. Although they knew that the whole Luohuaci team hated Sichuan God, but these were all grudges on the playing field. When they really met Sichuan God, the newcomers had An urge to rush forward and worship.

Ye Chenxi settled in several newcomers, got up and left the training camp.

He is usually busy leading the team to compete everywhere, and rarely comes to the training camp to take care of these sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys. But today, after returning from the game, he came up with this mutually beneficial method to meet Liu Chuan. A deal was made that was beneficial to both parties.

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