Hua Kai said: This equipment score is a bit low, and we are a gold group and we have to lead the boss. It is difficult for novices to report to the boss if they make mistakes.

The vice-president said: She said she can play all kinds of dungeons, please give it a try! If that doesn't work, I'll make other arrangements. You're in need of treatment anyway, right?

The main healer of the Sky Group is called Da Mi. She is going to attend her best friend's wedding tomorrow, so she has taken a leave of absence. The flowers are blooming and she is worrying. She originally wanted to find other powerful healers from the union, but most of the healers don't have copy CDs. It's really hard to fight without one less healer.

After thinking about it, I had no choice but to agree: Okay, you let her into the team room and I'll tell her.

Liu Chuan's undercover account successfully broke into the Sky Group and was pulled to the voice channel.

Huahuaxie said: New girl, we are a golden group and we have to lead the boss tomorrow. You can’t make mistakes when entering the dungeon. If you make continuous mistakes, I can only kick people. Your equipment score is a bit too low, and the treatment will be very difficult. Are you sure there is no problem?

Liu Chuan typed: I have fought against the chief helmsman of the Blood Clothes Sect, I have experience, no problem :)”

Some people also said: For treatment, it is okay to have a lower equipment score, right? Mainly depends on the technique. Sister Huakai, why don't you show her first?

Huahuaxie said: Let's gather in the misty forest at one o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Don't be late.

Liu Chuan immediately said happily: Got it, Sister Huakai!

Li Xiang:……

If Sister Huakai knew that the person calling her sister was actually Sichuan God, she would probably be so shocked that her jaw dropped.


Liu Chuan acted very professionally as an undercover agent and went online on time the next afternoon to meet up with the people from the Jin Group.

Probably because Huangtian pays off his hard work, the leader of the Sky Group happened to be online today, but he didn't speak and was not in the list of the dungeon team. He was obviously just hanging up on the voice channel.

Today, the Golden Group of the Blood-clothed Sect's helmsman will lead a total of eight bosses, which happens to be the eight major sects. In a 30-player dungeon, the 8 bosses must be dealt with throughout the entire process, which means they need 22 people to clear this dungeon, which is a bit stressful.

One girl saw that the healer was a new face and couldn't help but check her equipment. She was surprised and said: 8500 equipment points?

Many people in the group came to check the equipment and immediately questioned: Is this score a bit too low?

Some people say: The final boss of the Blood Clothes Cult is very stressful to treat. They all have AOE skills that drop blood for the whole group. Can you add it with a score of 8500?

Someone else typed: New girl, have you played this dungeon? We are a golden group, so don’t let anything slip.

These people obviously raised questions because Liu Chuan's alt equipment score was too low. Many players in online games only look at the equipment score, thinking that those with low equipment scores are rookies. Many passerby group leaders even look at your low equipment score. Just kick people.

Liu Chuan naturally wouldn't argue with them. After all, there were too many newbies in the game. He also understood these people's doubts about newcomers, so he said simply: Why don't you fight the No. 1 boss after entering the game and see how much healing is done? , if I can't join, then find another healer from the guild, what do you think, Sister Huakai?

Huahuaxie said: Okay, let’s fight the No. 1 boss first!

After everyone entered the den, the fight started. The No. 1 boss had a skill that randomly named someone and caused a lot of damage. The treatment response must be fast, otherwise the named person would be easily killed. Liu Chuan drove Qin Emei's trumpet to increase health. Every time the boss just released a roll call skill, he immediately threw a big increase to that person. His reaction speed was almost synchronized with the boss's brain waves!

After defeating a boss, on the statistics panel, Liu Chuan's treatment volume directly overwhelmed all the treatments in the entire group.

The treatment girls who were slapped in the face were too embarrassed to speak...

With 8,500 equipment points and 10,000 treatment points in the crushing group, this person’s methods are a bit too perverted!

Deputy leader Hua Kai was very excited and said: The new girl’s treatment methods are very good! Stick with us in the future! It seems that the problem of our team’s lack of treatment can be completely solved! Rice has to take leave every Sunday. From now on, you will be the one to follow the Bloody Clothes Order on Sundays!

Maybe Sister Huakai was too excited and her voice was so loud that the group leader who was hanging up and listening to the song was also alerted by her. He came out confused and asked: Is there a new healer in our group?

Liu Chuan:...

With a slightly hoarse voice, there is a unique sexiness, and it is very recognizable - who is it if it's not Si Lan?

Liu Chuan's hand shook, and Hua Feihua in the game fell directly from the city wall, fell into a pile of monsters, and was beaten to death by the mobs.


Huahuaxie said: Sister, don't be too excited, this is all falling out of excitement.

Newcomer, please resurrect quickly and go back. I will take you away.

Someone shouted, Captain, a newcomer is here. Do you want to sing a song to welcome him?

Lan Weiran smiled and said: Don't make trouble, we should let the newcomers sing.

Everyone brushed flowers together and let the couple sing.

Liu Chuan typed: Sorry, I don’t have mic.


Liu Chuan continued typing: Leader, how about you sing a song?

Lan Weiran chuckled and said, No, I'm singing out of tune. You continue to beat me. I'll go watch a movie first.

So, the heartless group leader left a group of group members behind and went to watch a movie on his own.

Liu Chuan immediately sent him a friend request.

——Player [Hua Feihua], level 70, sect Emei, requests to add you as a friend.

Lan Weiran saw the message and pressed Agree.

Hua Feihua said to you: Hello, leader. ” followed by a smiling expression.

Lan Weiran replied: Hello. Newcomers can ask the deputy leader if they don't understand anything. I'm rarely here on weekdays, and I only come here occasionally on weekends.

Hua Feihua said to you: Can the leader add QQ? I have a question to ask you and I’ll send you something to look at.

Lan Weiran's attitude towards the newcomer was pretty good, not to mention that the newcomer was a girl. He didn't need to act cold and cold. Hearing that the other party wanted to send something, Lan Weiran was a little confused. He threw over a number, added a friend, and asked : What are you going to post?

A screenshot of the QQ pop-up window was sent, along with a forum link, which was exactly the promotional post posted by Luohuaci Guild’s Golden Group on the forum.

Hua Feihua asked: Is this a post posted by you, the group leader?

Lan Weiran said: That's right.

What about this one?

Next is another screenshot, which is the detailed fighting method of Lotus Lay, the boss of Lotus Lake. Posted by: Lanlan Lanlan.

Lan Weiran's heart skipped a beat. He put down the coffee cup and freed up his hands to type: Who are you?

Hua Feihua said: Guess.

After a moment of silence, Lan Weiran smiled and said: I will give you 10 seconds to explain clearly, or I will block you.

... Liu Chuan immediately started typing with a burst of hand speed: Don't block me! I'm Liu Chuan. I found out that Luohuaci has a gold group promotion post for the Sword Discussion Conference in a style very similar to yours. I suspect that this gold group has something to do with you, so I Sneak into the Jin Group as an undercover agent to see if the leader of this group is you!

Si Lan, long time no see:)”

Chapter 82 130+131

Chapter 130, Four Blues

Fortunately, Lan Weiran put down the coffee cup at that time, otherwise, he would have choked when he saw such a large string of words without punctuation suddenly popping up on the screen.

Squinting his eyes, he read the passage carefully from beginning to end. His eyes paused again on the word Liu Chuan. Lan Weiran decisively placed the mouse on the QQ avatar of Hua Feihua, preparing to put Someone's trumpet is dragged into the blacklist.

At this moment, another line of text suddenly popped up in the window: Are you going to block me again?

Lan Weiran:...

Hua Feihua: Don’t do anything yet. I have a lot of things to ask you. Can you wait until I finish asking and then block you?

Liu Chuan clearly showed his highest hand speed. He typed two strings of words in a few seconds, and he didn't even have time to add punctuation marks. If this hand speed were used for PK in the arena, the opponent would probably be disabled by him long ago.

Lan Weiran smiled and sent one word: Say.

When Silan was unhappy, he would block people. When he retired, Liu Chuan just made a joke and said: If you can't beat him, just run away. Look at your potential! Then he was blocked by Si Lan...

Of course, it's not just him. It is said that other friends have also been deleted by Silan, including Xiao Sijing, Su Shilun, Qin Ye, Tang Yufeng, etc. who have added him as friends in online games, and even his personal disciple Ye Chenxi .

Lan Weiran directly went to the NPC to delete the character Blue Blue Blue Blue in Telecom District 1, so he didn't keep any friends.

After retiring, he never logged into QQ again. The QQ number Liu Chuan added today is obviously his newly applied number. If he was blocked again, it would not be easy to contact him again. The motherland was so big, Liu Chuan didn't know where to find this person.

Liu Chuan typed quickly and said: When Zhang Shuping came to Guangzhou last time to commentate on the game, we had dinner together. He told me that he met you on the plane returning to China not long ago. He recognized you, but you pretended not to know him. Is this the case?

Lan Weiran:...

Looking at a row of densely packed small characters, Lan Weiran couldn't help but frown and said: God of Sichuan, please put some punctuation, there are so many words that I can't be bothered to read.

Liu Chuandao: If I bring punctuation, why don't you block me?

Lan Weiran said: If you keep talking nonsense, I will block you. The key point is speed.

Liu Chuan smiled and then said seriously: You are pretending

I don’t know Zhang Shuping, but he is determined not to have anything to do with the alliance, right?

Lan Weiran said: That's right.

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