Liu Chuan: ...No thanks.

Lin Tong turned around and went to the bathroom. Liu Chuan half pushed and half hugged Wu Zewen to the side, and asked in a low voice: What is your relationship with this Lin Tong? Didn't she chase you when we were learning piano together?

Wu Zewen was stunned and quickly explained: No, I was still young at that time and didn’t understand this at all.

Liu Chuan smiled and said: Do you understand now?

Wu Zewen:...

Liu Chuan coughed and then said: I think she has a good impression of you. This girl has a good temperament. She is still your childhood sweetheart. Meeting her again is a kind of fate. You don't have any thoughts about her?

Wu Zewen lowered his eyes and said softly: No.

——The person I like is obviously you, how could I have any thoughts about other girls?

However, Wu Zewen did not dare to tell this secret.

When Liu Chuan heard this, his mood finally cleared up. He gently put his hand on Wu Zewen's shoulder and said happily: It's okay if I don't have it... After a pause, he asked again, If you don't like girls like Lin Tong, then what? Which one do you like?

Wu Zewen:...

Seeing that he didn't speak, Liu Chuan felt a little anxious: What kind?

Seeing that Wu Zewen couldn't get away with it, he had no choice but to say casually: It's more reliable and makes me feel at ease.

Liu Chuan still wanted to ask, but Wu Zewen simply ignored him and turned to go to the bathroom.

Liu Chuan stood there and touched his nose. He always felt that he was a little too strange today. As the captain, he only had to take care of the training of his teammates. Why did he suddenly want to take care of Wu Zewen's love situation? Is the tube too broad?

But he just couldn't help but think about it, always feeling that no girl could be worthy of their Wu Zewen.

As the captain, we must strictly control Wu Zewen's future love affairs. This is a good and responsible captain!

Liu Chuan happily made his decision.

After Lin Tong and Wu Zewen came back one after another, the award ceremony also began. Wu Zewen received a special golden championship trophy and a cash reward of 10,000 yuan, and Lin Tong received a silver trophy and a cash reward of 5,000 yuan.

Wu Zewen got nearly 20,000 yuan from the college league a few days ago, and today he got another 10,000 yuan. He grabbed a big sign with a bonus of 10,000 RMB written in his hand. He was obviously very happy. After receiving so many awards, Wu Zewen was thinking about buying a massage chair for his mother. His mother was a teacher. She often stood on the podium for forty-five minutes during class during the day. She had been suffering from back pain over the years. Buying a massage chair Let mom go home and relax... The fully automatic washing machine at home should also be replaced, and mom's laptop is very slow to start up, so buy her a new one...

Wu Zewen calculated the accounts carefully in his mind. He spent 30,000 yuan to buy these and still had some left over. He could buy some New Year's goods so that mother and son could have a good Spring Festival.

After receiving the award, Liu Chuan drove Wu Zewen and Lin Tong to visit Teacher Zhang. When passing by the supermarket, he stopped to let them buy gifts.

Although Liu Chuan wanted to go with Wu Zewen, he didn't know Teacher Zhang, so it didn't seem right to follow him shamelessly. So, Liu Chuan put Wu Zewen and Lin Tong at the gate of the community together, and took Liu Xiaomeng with him. gone back.

Liu Xiaomeng didn't win a single award today, but she was quite happy. On the way back, she kept praising Wu Zewen: Brother, Zewen is really awesome! I was so nervous on stage that my legs were shaking, but he was not nervous at all and was so calm during the finals...

Liu Chuan said proudly: That's right, Zewen will be my best partner in the future. How can I do it without this level?

Liu Xiaomeng was shocked and said: Partner? Brother, do you want to go back to play games?

... He accidentally let it slip. Liu Chuan had no choice but to say, don't tell your parents about this first. I'll just tell you. I want to form a team to participate in next year's city competition and set up my own club. Mom, Grandpa and the others will definitely scold me if they find out, so please be tighter and don't let anything slip.

Liu Xiaomeng, who was sitting next to him, immediately covered his mouth and said with a smile: Don't worry, I've always been on your side.

Liu Chuan reached out and rubbed her head: That's pretty much it.

At Teacher Zhang’s house, Wu Zewen and Lin Tong were sitting on the sofa. A girl with two pigtails brought a fruit plate and set it up for them. This was Teacher Zhang’s daughter. When they learned piano from her, she was not yet After getting married, many years passed in the blink of an eye, and my daughter was already this old.

Wu Zewen was not good at talking, so Lin Tong broke the silence with a smile: Teacher, has your daughter also inherited your legacy and learned piano?

Teacher Zhang Yuhua looked at her helplessly and said: This girl is just like you back then. She is not interested in piano at all. It seems that there is no hope for her to learn piano. After that, he came over and poured tea for the two of them, and asked, Zewen, I remember that you passed the piano performance test two years ago, right? If you want

If you continue to develop in this area, I can introduce you to some seniors and hold your own concerts in the future...

Wu Zewen said: Thank you teacher, my interest is not here. When I started learning piano, my mother just wanted me to have a new talent. I had no talent in music.

Zhang Yuhua actually knows very well that Wu Zewen's ability to reach today's level is not based on musical talent, but on perseverance.

——This student is the most conscientious and hardworking among the students she has taught over the years.

On the contrary, Lin Tong is very talented in music, but he is the laziest. She couldn't practice as focused and as calmly as Wu Zewen. When Lin Tong didn't want to learn piano, Zhang Yuhua had no choice but to introduce her to a guitar class. Lin Tong changed her instrument and learned, and her level improved by leaps and bounds.

The personalities of these two students were very different. Zhang Yuhua had the deepest impression on these two people. She was obviously very happy when they came to see her together today.

Lin Tong, what about you? Teacher Zhang turned around and asked, are you very proficient in playing the guitar now?

Lin Tong smiled and said: Of course, I have obtained all the certificates required for the guitar exam. I also played in a band for a while when I was in school. This is all due to Teacher Zhang who forced me to memorize the music theory. Knowledge.

Zhang Yuhua smiled and patted her shoulder: You were too naughty at that time. Among the students I have taught, Wu Zewen made me worry the most, and you gave me the most headaches. After a pause, he said, come on, how are you doing with the guitar? Play a piece for me.

She also had a guitar at home, so her daughter took it out on the spot and handed it to Lin Tong.

Lin Tong sat on the sofa, holding the guitar in his arms. He lightly plucked the strings with his slender fingers and started playing casually.

She was playing a quite famous guitar song. The melody was soft and melodious. The comfortable feeling was like sitting in a quiet cafe with some old friends on a warm sunny afternoon while drinking coffee. While chatting... Lin Tong strummed the strings casually, with a smile on her face and a very relaxed expression. The notes flowed out of her hands one by one. Wu Zewen and Teacher Zhang were fascinated.

Wu Zewen couldn't help but think that this girl's personality was indeed more suitable for playing guitar...

After finishing a song, Teacher Zhang said happily: It's really good. At your current level, you can actually try out in a band.

Lin Tong said: I originally wanted to be a singer, play and sing an album by myself... However, my parents think this path is not easy to take, and my inspiration for writing songs is also intermittent. I haven't yet. Think clearly about what you want to do after graduation. Lin Tong put down the guitar, looked at Wu Zewen and said: By the way, Zewen, we are the same age, you should graduate next year, right? Have you found a job?

Wu Zewen was silent for a moment and then said: I'm not sure yet.

He didn't explain much. He had already planned to return to the league with Liu Chuan after graduation. This decision sounds crazy. His major is physics and he plays the piano so well, but he ended up playing games. Maybe many people Neither would agree.

But this is his decision, and he is willing to try it - for Liu Chuan, and for himself.

Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Lin Tong didn't ask any more questions and continued chatting with Teacher Zhang.

Teacher Zhang personally cooked a simple dinner for the two students. After the meal, Wu Zewen and Lin Tong went downstairs together and walked side by side to the entrance of the community. This community is quite large and there is still a long way to the door. For a while, Wu Zewen didn't like to talk, so Lin Tong took the initiative to break the silence: Zewen, where did you go to college?

Wu Zewen said: Guangzhou.

Lin Tong said: I went to school in Wuhan and went home to participate in T.G.A during the winter vacation. I really didn’t expect to meet you.

Wu Zewen said: Me too.

He was like a little top spinning around, asking questions and answering questions. Lin Tong didn't mind the silence and walked out of the community with him with a smile.

When the two of them arrived at the bus station, they happened to see a huge promotional poster posted in the station's advertising space - this year's winter vacation, there are many activities in the Wulin Online Game, and the official took the opportunity to advertise the game, and also invited a man and a woman. Two stars of the highest movie and queen level are acting as image spokespersons. This poster happened to be taken with the two stars wearing ancient costumes. One was dressed as a graceful Wudang Taoist Priest, and the other was wearing a pink dress from Emei Heroine. The man is talented and the woman is beautiful, they seem to be a perfect match.

Lin Tong stopped in front of the poster, smiled and said: The official is really willing to spend money. After that, he turned back to Wu Zewen and explained: This is a 3D ancient style online game called Wulin. You should not be very interested in this kind of game.

Wu Zewen:...

He is not only interested, he has decided to play in the professional league of this game.

Wu Zewen adjusted his glasses and asked: Do you also play this game?

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