Jiang Shaoqing echoed, It's true that we have this habit, but we didn't buy anything like pots and bowls today, and we can't even cook if we want to...

Several men looked at each other, but they had forgotten about buying a pot...

Li Xiang scratched his head and said with a smile: We are just buying furniture now, not moving. The actual move should only count when you move all your clothes, quilts, pots and pans... When you officially move in on the third day of junior high school, it won't be too late to use the kitchen, right?

Liu Chuan hurriedly said: Yes, that's it, we'll talk about it then!

Li Xiang's suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone, so they went out to have dinner together. Xu Ce took the initiative to treat them and drove Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen back to the hotel after the meal.

In the hotel room, after Wu Zewen came back, he sat at the table and took out the calculator software on his mobile phone to calculate the accounts carefully. He quickly pressed his fingers on the screen. Liu Chuan couldn't help but walk to him and patted him gently. Shoulder, whispered: Thank you for your hard work, Zewen.

Wu Zewen looked back at him.

Liu Chuan went on to say: I can't help but let you follow me everywhere. Originally, you didn't need to come to Changsha this time, I could just come alone, but I seem to have gotten used to you following me. Without you, I always feel that something is missing... After Liu Chuan said this, he smiled slightly and lowered his head. Looking at Wu Zewen, you are indeed an expert housekeeper. Without you, I can’t even calculate various accounts clearly.

Wu Zewen:...

Liu Chuan's words made Wu Zewen's nose suddenly feel a little sore. He had been staying with Liu Chuan all the time, in fact, just because one day, Liu Chuan would get used to his company and couldn't live without him. Maybe this is a bit selfish, but he likes Liu Chuan and he doesn't want to give Liu Chuan to anyone...

Wu Zewen raised his head and looked at Liu Chuan, and said seriously: You don't need to be polite, you should.

The light above his head shone on Wu Zewen's face. Liu Chuan looked at his small reflection in his clear eyes, and his heart suddenly beat fiercely. Wu Zewen's white face and light lips were so close to his fingers. , even gave Liu Chuan the urge to touch it with his hands. The two looked at each other for a long time, and Liu Chuan suddenly withdrew his hand as if he was electrocuted, and said: I'm going to take a shower first.

Then he ran into the bathroom as if he was running away.

Wu Zewen looked at his back and his ears turned slightly red - the moment they looked at each other, he almost thought Liu Chuan would kiss him. He must have been overthinking it, right?

However, the fact is that Wu Zewen didn't think too much. Liu Chuan did almost kiss him just now. At this moment, Liu Chuan was washing his face with cold water in the bathroom. He felt that he had been so abnormal recently. Why did he always want to kiss Wu Zewen?

Wu Zewen is a boy, and he is obviously a good buddy and a good partner, but his nerves must be wrong and he always has hallucinations...

Liu Chuan slapped his face hard and suppressed the strange impulse.


The next day, a few people met again and bought all the furniture. Then they went to the Computer City to buy ten computers at once, as well as high-end mechanical keyboards and mice. They found people Xu Ce knew and their purchases were large. , the manager directly gave me a 20% discount, but even so, it cost a lot of money.

Then, everyone set up two long tables in the room on the third floor, placed the computers on them one after another, and connected the Internet cables and sockets. At a glance, it looked like an Internet cafe.

——The simple team training room is finally done.

After completing all the finishing work, Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen returned to Beijing together.

It’s already January 21st, the T.G.A Grand Prix is ​​halfway through, and the Wulin group stage has just finished. Four teams, Qixingcao, Luohuaci, Huaxia and Tongque, have entered the top four, following the list of the official league’s top four. consistent.

With nothing to do during the winter vacation, Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen went to watch a game together. Unexpectedly, they met Lin Tong and her boyfriend at the stadium.

Lin Tong's boyfriend was very tall, with a strong build and a very honest smile. When Lin Tong said that this was the God of Sichuan, he immediately ran over excitedly and stretched out his hand to shake Liu Chuan's hand, and then asked eagerly: God of Sichuan , can I ask for a signature?

Liu Chuan smiled and said: No problem.

The boy was so happy that he tipped the back of his head and said with a smile: My name is Xiong Yi, and I like the Chinese team the most... I didn't expect that Lin Tong could go to play with Sichuan God. I feel very honored!

Lin Tong said from the side: You must reach the sixth battle level before you speak. You are so bad that I am embarrassed to take you out.

Xiong translated:...

The big boy seemed a little aggrieved. This guy's surname was Xiong, and his personality was like that of a simple and honest big bear. Apparently, Lin Tong had cured this big bear into submission.

Because she brought her family with her, Liu Chuan's previous hostility towards Lin Tong was gone. This girl had a very sweet and crisp character, which Liu Chuan actually admired. However, her decision to join the team was too quick, and Liu Chuan was disappointed. I'm a little uneasy, what if she regrets it again?

Lin Tong seemed to have guessed Liu Chuan's thoughts and said with a smile: Captain, don't worry, now that I have decided, I will not regret it. Unless you think I'm a loser and kick me out of the team, of course, if that day comes, I'll pack up and get out of here, so I won't hold you back.

I definitely won't kick you out. I'm very good at judging people. It's no problem for you to play at your level. Liu Chuan paused and asked: But, you made such a straightforward decision, don't you need to consider your parents' opinions?

Lin Tong said: My parents are very open-minded and don’t care about me. Besides, I don’t have to play for a lifetime to compete with you. After playing for two or three years, I will become a singer or join a music company... In short, the music industry There are very few female players in the competition. It is rare that you favor me from the Sichuan team. I want to seize this opportunity.

Xiong Yi echoed: Yes, let Lin Tong play in the game, I support it with both hands!

After saying that, he really raised his hand, with such a naive look that Liu Chuan couldn't help but laugh.

Lin Tong added, by the way, captain, after the disbandment of the Chang'an team, didn't Xu Xinran transfer to Guose? Why didn't I see her in the Guose team's game just now?

Lin Tong is indeed a loyal fan of Xu Xinran. She came to the game today mainly to see Xu Xinran. As a result, Guose just lost. Captain Zhou Mu led the team, but there was no trace of Xu Xinran.

Liu Chuan explained: The T.G.A Grand Prix is ​​not the same system as the official league. After completing the transfer procedures, players cannot participate in T.G.A immediately. They have to wait until the official league of the next season to represent the new team. The transfer period in the league is still open. It’s not over yet. T.G.A is just a transitional event and is not under the official control.

Lin Tong nodded in understanding: No wonder, I didn't see Yang Jian on the Xuelang team side either.

Just as he was talking, on the main stage, the match between Team Qixingcao and Team Luohuaci began. Almost all of the ten players sitting in the player seats were new faces.

Wu Zewen was a little confused: Didn't Team Xiao and Team Ye play?

Liu Chuan smiled and said: Yes, I told you before, T.G.A is used by major teams to train newcomers, and today these are almost all newcomers.

As soon as he finished speaking, the first contestant from Qixingcao appeared on the stage. The contestant's face was projected on the big screen. He was a young boy with big eyes, very long eyelashes, fair skin, and looked a little thin. He looked about sixteen years old, smiling shyly at the camera, with two small dimples on the corners of his mouth.

Lin Tong couldn't help but said: Doesn't this child look like he hasn't grown up yet?

Liu Chuan said: Don't underestimate him, this little guy is the famous Chen Xiaobei.

Wu Zewen turned around in surprise: Is he the one you mentioned... Captain Xiao's apprentice?

Liu Chuan nodded and said: Yes, he is Xiao Sijing's only disciple, and he is a genius just like Lu Xiang back then.

As if to prove Liu Chuan's words, after Chen Xiaobei came on the field, although his expression was very shy and reserved, when it came to fighting, he completely inherited the style of his master Xiao Sijing - steady! allow! ruthless!

This guy who looked very weak had such amazing explosive power. He killed three people on Luo Huaci's side in one go, killing three in one go. He was very handsome!

After Chen Xiaobei finished beating him, he walked up to Xiao Sijing with his head lowered and behaved like a little white rabbit.

Xiao Sijing, who was watching in the soundproof room, showed an appreciative smile. He reached out and patted his shoulder gently. Su Shilun next to him also came over and said something. Chen Xiaobei kept nodding obediently. The three people stood there Together, it feels very warm.

Soon, Luo Hua Ci was replaced by a fourth player, who looked to be about sixteen years old. His name was Hu Bin. Like Chen Xiaobei just now, his hand speed was extremely fast and he continuously knocked out the next two Qixingcao. personal. Liu Chuan couldn't help but take another look at him. Unlike Chen Xiaobei's shyness, the young man named Hu Bin from the Luo Hua Clan Team was young, but his eyes were sharp, as full of energy as a wild beast dormant in the forest. Danger.

Wu Zewen obviously noticed the newcomer and asked: This newcomer is also very powerful. Is he the apprentice of Captain Ye?

Liu Chuan said: No, as far as I know, Ye Chenxi has not had any apprentices. However, Ye Chenxi is a very scheming person, and there are many outstanding talents in the Luohuaci team, all of which are secret weapons that he has never used... This is where Luohuaci is difficult to deal with, Ye Chenxi is too mysterious It’s unpredictable and hard to guard against.

On the stage, the newcomers fought fiercely. The captains and vice-captains of both sides did not come on the stage, but only watched from below.

In the end, Qixingcao won because Chen Xiaobei's advantage established by killing three with one kill was too great. In the 5V5 arena, he killed three by himself. Even if the players behind Luo Hua Ci tried hard to catch up, they could only do so in the end. Regretfully defeated, Qixingcao successfully reached the finals. Ye Chenxi came over with a smile, shook hands with Xiao Sijing, and said: Congratulations, Team Xiao.

Xiao Sijing said calmly: You're welcome.

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