Seeing Liu Chuan's smiling face, Wu Zewen knew that Liu Chuan must have remembered the time he spent playing online games in Telecom District 1.

He knew that Liu Chuan had experienced many past events, joyful, bitter and even painful. He was not in a hurry to participate in the past that was worthy of Liu Chuan's repeated memories, but it didn't matter. From now on, he would stay with Liu Chuan. Many years later, Liu Chuan's memories will be filled with the name Wu Zewen.

After finishing the dungeon at night, Li Xiang and the other two returned to their room on the fourth floor. Qin Ye's bedroom door was closed. Li Xiang thought he was asleep and didn't disturb him. Until midnight, Li Xiang, who was sleeping lightly, heard Qin Ye's bedroom door coming from the other side. Qin Ye's bedroom opened and closed frequently, and he finally couldn't help but sit up. When he walked out of the door, he saw the light was on in the bathroom, and there was a sound of retching coming from inside, which was very heart-wrenching to hear.

After waiting for a while, Qin Ye finally came out. Li Xiang found that his face was unnaturally pale, and his heart tightened. He hurriedly stepped forward and asked: What's wrong with you? not comfortable?

He stretched out his hand and touched his forehead. He didn't have a fever, but his pale face was really not normal.

Qin Ye frowned and said, Maybe I've eaten too much, and I've been having diarrhea at night.

Li Xiang felt terribly distressed when he saw him pretending to be strong. He quickly stretched out his hand to support him and said, Isn't this just diarrhea? With vomiting and diarrhea, is it food poisoning? I think it's better to go to the hospital for a checkup.

Qin Ye hurriedly grabbed him and said: I don't want to go to the hospital. Don't worry, my gastrointestinal condition has never been good. This is not the first time this has happened. Just take a rest.

Li Xiang frowned and looked at him. Seeing Qin Ye's stubborn expression, he had no choice but to take him to the bedroom and sit down. He said, I'll find some medicine for you.

After saying that, he immediately went back to his room, put on his sweater and coat and turned out.

It was already two o'clock in the morning, and it was raining heavily outside the window. Li Xiang was wrapped in a thick coat and running in the rain with an umbrella.

Qin Ye was sick, which made him anxious. He wished he could grow a pair of wings and fly to the drugstore immediately. Fortunately, when Liu Chuan chose the position of the team, he chose a place with relatively complete living facilities. There was a drugstore nearby. Li Xiang rushed in to buy something. After taking several commonly used medicines for treating diarrhea, I turned around and left.

When he returned to the house, Qin Ye had already fallen asleep on the bed. He was obviously very uncomfortable and kept frowning.

Li Xiang poured a cup of hot water in front of him, helped him up and leaned in his arms, and whispered: Come on, take some medicine first, drink the hot water before going to sleep.

Qin Ye said Yes, took the cup from his hand and swallowed the medicine. The water temperature was just right. It was obviously Li Xiang's drink. After drinking a cup of hot water, his stomach felt much better. Qin Ye lay back When I got on the bed, I realized that Li Xiang's shoulders were all wet from the rain. He couldn't help but be startled and said: Did you go out to buy medicine in the rain?

Li Xiang smiled and said: Well, I looked for it but couldn't find it, so I went out and bought it. Don't worry, I asked the pharmacist. These are commonly used medicines for diarrhea and should work.

... Qin Ye couldn't help but feel a little touched in his heart. This guy, even though he told him it was okay, he actually ran out to buy medicine in the middle of the night?

He didn't know if it was because of the hot water he drank, but when he saw Li Xiang's worried eyes, Qin Ye felt his whole body warm up.

His gastrointestinal condition is not very good, and he also suffers from migraines. This is probably because he often stayed up late when he was in the Chang'an team, which caused his physical condition to decline. In the past, he also suffered from vomiting and diarrhea in the middle of the night because of a bad stomach. He was always alone. People can survive, but today... Li Xiang got up in the middle of the night to take care of him, and even ran out to buy medicine in the heavy rain. This feeling of being cared about and taken care of made Qin Ye, who had always been strong and independent, feel very strange. , but also very warm.

Seeing Li Xiang looking at him worriedly, Qin Ye couldn't help but smile, patted his hand and said, Don't worry, I have a gastrointestinal disorder. I've seen a doctor before. It's nothing serious. I just need to be treated. Pay more attention to your diet. Maybe I ate too much cold food today, and my stomach couldn’t adapt to it for a while.”

Li Xiang nodded and said: It's okay.

Qin Ye said: Go back and sleep.

Li Xiang then turned around and walked away, walked to the door, turned back and said: I'm next door, call me if you have any questions.

Qin Ye smiled and said: Got it.


The next morning, Wu Zewen was the first one to get up. Liu Chuan also woke up in time because he had set the alarm clock. The two of them washed their faces and brushed their teeth together. Wu Zewen put on his coat and planned to go out to buy breakfast. Liu Chuan hurriedly said: I'll go with you.

As soon as the two of them walked out, they saw Li Xiang coming down from upstairs. He said to Liu Chuan with a worried look on his face: Qin Ye is not feeling well and is still lying on the bed. I didn't ask him to get up. Don't let him get up today. Has he trained?

Liu Chuan said in surprise: Are you feeling uncomfortable? What's up with him?

Li wanted to say: There was probably something wrong with what he ate last night. He had vomiting and diarrhea most of the night and didn't go to bed until after three in the morning.

Worried, Liu Chuan went upstairs with Wu Zewen and found Qin Ye sleeping soundly in the bedroom. Liu Chuan withdrew and said, Let's stop disturbing him and let him have a good rest.

After coming down from the 4th floor,

Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen went out to buy breakfast together. It was raining outside, Liu Chuan brought an umbrella, and the two bought hot soy milk and fried dough sticks. Wu Zewen carried breakfast, and Liu Chuan held an umbrella. On the way back, Wu Zewen suddenly said: By the way, Liu Chuan, I have a suggestion to discuss with you.

Liu Chuandao: What's the matter? Say it.

Wu Zewen stopped, looked at him and said: It's not convenient for us to eat out every day, and I heard that many snack bars outside are not very hygienic. Qin Ye had diarrhea last night. I guess it was caused by eating something from a fast food restaurant. of. I thought, since we have a refrigerator and a kitchen at home, why not just buy groceries and cook at home, and hire someone to cook for everyone. It is hygienic and economical, and it does not affect everyone's training, let alone worry about food. Poisoned, what do you think?

Liu Chuan thought for a while, then smiled slightly and said: You are still more careful, you are indeed more thoughtful.

Wu Zewen looked away sheepishly and said: Qin Ye's stomach is not very good, and the eating habits of our team members are also different. Eating out for a long time is not an option. It is better to invite people to cook at home. You can cook it according to everyone's taste. vegetable.

Liu Chuan said: Okay, as you said, I will hire a part-time aunt to cook for everyone in the future.

Wu Zewen nodded, then turned and walked forward.

The two of them were walking side by side on the road, and the rain fell even harder. The umbrella in Liu Chuan's hand tilted involuntarily in the direction of Wu Zewen. Half of his shoulders got wet but he didn't care. At that moment, he suddenly had a very strange feeling. Wu Zewen, who was walking beside him, was indeed the butler he had personally invited. He could always think of some details that he could not think of, and always expressed his innermost opinions tacitly. This There is a strange tacit understanding, as if they have known each other for a long time...

With this person by his side, the two of them walked side by side. It was obviously a rainy winter morning, but Liu Chuan felt as warm as spring.

Chapter 113 192+193

Chapter 192, Training Plan (Part 1)

This morning, when everyone went to have breakfast on the third floor, they found that one person was missing today. Jiang Shaoqing asked in confusion: Why hasn't Qin Ye come down yet?

Li wanted to say: He is sick and taking a rest.

Jiang Shaoqing asked worriedly: What's the disease? is it serious?

Li wanted to say: I had vomiting and diarrhea most of the night last night and didn't go to bed until early in the morning.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel worried on their faces. Xiao Yu couldn't help but said: I slept so deeply last night that I didn't hear anything. How is Qin Ye doing now?

Li wanted to say: I just went to see him. He was sleeping soundly. I took his temperature and he didn't have a fever. It should be nothing serious.

Liu Chuan said: Qin Ye had gastrointestinal disorders before. He probably ate bad food yesterday. Li wants you to go see him after dinner. Let's train first.

Everyone felt more relieved and continued to eat breakfast.

Liu Chuan then said: By the way, I will tell you another good news. It was Zewen who suggested to me that in the future we will hire a part-time aunt to buy food and cook for everyone. You can ask her to cook whatever you like. It's hygienic and safe, and Qin Ye's intestines and stomach can be well recuperated.

Yu Xiangyang's eyes immediately lit up: Great!

Li Xiang also said: This is a good idea. When will we hire someone?

Liu Chuan said: I will contact the housekeeping company later and find someone to cook for everyone as soon as possible.

After breakfast, Liu Chuan put on his coat and planned to go to the housekeeping company. As he was about to go out, Wu Zewen suddenly stopped him, handed the scarf hanging on the hanger into his hand, and said: It's cold outside, you better wear it. Come on, be careful of catching a cold.

Liu Chuan smiled and said: OK.

In fact, he was not afraid of the cold and rarely caught a cold. However, since Wu Zewen was worried about him catching a cold and offered him a scarf, Liu Chuan couldn't refuse. He obediently put the scarf on him and then turned around and went out with an umbrella.

It was raining heavily outside. Liu Chuan took a taxi to the housekeeping company and briefly stated his requirements. The receptionist quickly gave him the information of several qualified contract employees. Liu Chuan took a quick glance and selected one. We chatted on the phone with an aunt who was about 40 years old. The aunt’s surname was Sun. Her voice sounded very gentle and she felt easy to get along with. Liu Chuan immediately decided to let her start work today.

Liu Chuan's efficiency in doing things was simply amazing. The members of the Longyin Team were doing daily training when the captain suddenly walked in with an aunt. The aunt had a gentle smile and wore very clean and simple clothes. Seeing such a She was obviously a little surprised at how young he was.

Liu Chuan introduced: Let’s get to know each other. This is Aunt Sun. From now on, she will cook for everyone.

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