Liu Chuan and Lan Weiran booked flights and set off, arriving in Shanghai on the morning of the 3rd. The hotel where the meeting was held was surrounded by reporters. Liu Chuan briefly exchanged greetings with the reporters and then slipped Lan Weiran into the hotel.

After signing in at the front desk, the two went back to the room to put away their luggage. Suddenly they heard a knock on the door outside. Liu Chuan smiled and said: Who is it? Could it be that your apprentice came here?

Lan Weiran sat on the bed beside the bed and basked in the sun, squinted his eyes and said: Open the door and take a look...

When Liu Chuan opened the door and took a look, he couldn't help but said in surprise: Your Majesty, why are you here? I'm really scared.

Xiao Sijing waved his hand and said: I'm not here to find you.

After saying that, he walked directly around Liu Chuan and walked into the room. He said in a calm tone: Lan Weiran, you don't say hello when you see an old friend?

Su Shilun also followed him, smiling and looking at the man sitting by the window with his eyes squinted in the sun.

Lan Weiran turned around and saw the two of them, raised the corners of his lips slightly and said: Long time no see, you two. After that, he looked at Liu Chuan and asked, Captain Xiao is fatter than before. Is he fattened by the Wheel God?

Liu Chuan gave a thumbs up: You are really sharp-eyed.

Xiao Sijing frowned and said: Do you have any problem with me getting fat?

Lan Weiran said: Wei Chen doesn't dare!

Su Shilun smiled and said: It's because he is 'stronger' than before. In the past, he was not accustomed to eating seafood after arriving in Qingdao. Now his appetite has improved, and naturally he is not as thin as before. You, on the other hand, look the same as before? It seems nothing has changed.

Xiao Sijing's eyes swept over Lan Weiran's body, nodded and said: He hasn't changed much, he's still so lazy.

After several years, Lan Weiran still seems to be the same as before. He doesn't care or care about anything. He always lies lazily by the window and bask in the sun. Even if someone passes by him, as long as they don't disturb him, he will You can lie down comfortably like that all the time.

This man looks free and easy, but he is actually a very loyal person. Back then, he couldn't bear the pressure and chose to leave due to the shock of his father's death. When Silan retired, many people felt it was a pity. People thought that he would come back and hook up with Liu Chuan. Anyway, he has always done things his own way and informally. Although Su Shilun was surprised, he felt that it was natural.

Several old friends fell silent for a moment, and they couldn't help but think of the past in their minds.

At this moment, there was another knock on the door. Liu Chuan opened the door, and it was Yang Jian standing at the door. Yang Jian looked into the room and saw Captain Xiao and Lun Shen were also there. He immediately took a step back and said : I went to the wrong place, sorry...

Then the guy quickly slipped away.

Liu Chuan looked at him speechlessly. Just as he was about to close the door, Ye Chenxi also came.

Liu Chuan smiled and said: Our place is really lively. Another one comes to see Master?

Ye Chenxi walked in with a smile and said: Master, have you had lunch?

Lan Weiran said: No, I just got off the plane.

Ye Chenxi turned back to look at Xiao Sijing: Captain Xiao, are you guys too? Do you want to go to a restaurant for dinner together?

Su Shilun said: OK, I happen to be hungry.

The dinner for the pre-game meeting was a large dinner organized by the league, but lunch was in the form of a buffet. Of course, the league would not be stingy enough to ask the captains to pay for lunch themselves. The organizing committee directly contacted the hotel, and the captain We just need to go to the restaurant with our room card and eat whatever we want.

Several people came to the cafeteria downstairs together. As soon as they entered the door, they saw a young man who was less than 1.7 meters tall and walked forward happily carrying a large plate of food. The plate was really full of chicken, duck, fish and meat. Beside him, There was also a man wearing glasses who was also carrying a plate of sweets with an expressionless face, which was obviously for him.

Liu Chuan couldn't help but laugh and said: Eating so much and still not growing taller is really a waste of food.

The little boy turned around, his big eyes immediately widened in surprise: Master!

Then he handed the plate in his hand to Shao Zehang, turned around and ran over, you are here too! Who is this?

Lu Xiang looked at Lan Weiran, and Liu Chuan introduced with a smile: The first captain of the Luohuaci team, he is a senior to you.

Lu Xiang shouted obediently: Hello, senior!

Lan Weiran smiled, turned around and said to Liu Chuan: Xiaolu, right? This is my first time seeing your apprentice.

Lu Xiang only started to play officially in the fifth season. He had been immersed in training in the training camp before. He had never met the captain of Luo Huaci, and he didn’t know much about the four blues. Shao Zehang had also never seen the four blues, but I've heard of it, but today is the first time I've met.

Shao Zehang found a place to put down the two plates of food, walked over and said hello: Everyone, go sit over there.

Everyone followed Captain Shao to sit down at the big table. Silan was too lazy to move, so Ye Chenxi diligently helped Master get food, and everyone else also went to get food. The large tables in the hotel cafeteria all seat 8 people. Xiao, Su, Shao, Lu, Ye, Chuan, and Lan sat at one table. There was originally one empty seat, but Lu

The food Xiang brought was so much that it occupied the table, and no one came to sit with them.

Soon, the captains and deputy teams of other teams also came to the hotel one after another. Those who had not eaten lunch consciously came to the restaurant to eat at the buffet. When acquaintances saw this table, they politely came over to say hello, but Yang Jian was able to avoid it. He ate with his head far away, almost burying his head in the plate.

Fang Zhiyan smiled and leaned into his ear and asked: Why don't you say hello to your brother?

Cough cough cough. Yang Jian, who was choked, glared at Fang Zhiyan depressedly.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian deliberately avoided Liu Chuan, but Liu Chuan took the initiative to come over and greet them: Team Square, right? It is really surprising that a new team promoted from the private sector can win the championship. Team Fang is really young and promising.

Fang Zhiyan stood up with a smile: Sichuan God has given me a reward, it's just that we have better luck.

There is no need to be modest. Among the new generation of captains, you are indeed quite powerful. Liu Chuan smiled, looked back, and found Yang Jian with his head buried in the plate. He couldn't help but say, Deputy Yang? Are you hungry?

Yang Jian raised his head in embarrassment: Go and eat your food, can you just ignore me?

Liu Chuan smiled and said: Why are you ignoring you? Long time no see. Vice Captain Yang is much more energetic than before. It seems like he is doing well in Team Xuelang?

... Yang Jian really wanted to open a crack in the ground and get in.

Brother, stop making trouble! He knows everything about the formation! Will you embarrass me by doing this? !

Liu Chuan teased his cousin seriously, Yang Jian looked depressed and vomited blood, and Fang Zhiyan stood beside him and smiled without saying a word.

Volume 6 The Return of the Male God

Chapter 134 234+235

Chapter 234, Preparatory Meeting for the Thirteenth Season (Part 2)

At the dinner table, everyone at the table was full except for Luxiang, who was still devouring his food. Luxiang's stomach capacity was completely out of proportion to his height. Everyone was used to this foodie's appetite. I calmly ignored the little boy sitting next to him gnawing his legs, and started chatting to himself.

Although Lan Weiran has been away for nearly four years, Xiao Sijing and Lan Weiran are players in the same period after all. They don't feel like they are strangers when they meet old friends. Xiao Sijing naturally asked: Si Lan, what have you been doing in the past few years? went? No news at all?

Lan Weiran said with a smile: I originally planned to leave the e-sports circle completely. I have been studying painting abroad in the past few years.

Su Shilun looked back at him and asked, Learn to paint? Do you plan to be a painter in the future?

Lan Weiran narrowed his eyes and smiled: That's what I thought.

Su Shilun came over with interest and asked: So, you drew the badge of your team yourself?

Lan Weiran nodded: Do you think it looks good?

Su Shilun said: It looks very good, the color is very beautiful, the lines are also good, and it is very recognizable among a bunch of team badges.

Lan Weiran smiled and said: Your Qixingcao team uniforms are also very good-looking.

Of course, I put a lot of thought into designing it. Su Shilun paused and said with a smile, I think among all the players in the league, you can agree with me on your aesthetics.

Lan Weiran nodded and said: Yes, you are simply my soulmate.

Xiao Sijing: ...Ahem.

Ye Chenxi: ...cough cough.

Lan Weiran and Su Shilun began to exchange design ideas, such as color matching and line drawing... These two people obviously had the same goals. Xiao Sijing and Ye Chenxi were sitting next to them and couldn't get a word in at all.

When Liu Chuan came back from teasing Yang Jian, he happened to hear Su Shilun and Lan Weiran talking about the team uniform design. Liu Chuan, who was also unable to get in the conversation, had to sit next to Xiao Sijing, leaned over with a smile and said: Old Xiao, what are you talking about? In today's drawing of lots, will I get your Seven-Star Grass?

Xiao Sijing said: It's best not to.

Liu Chuan asked: Why? Don't you want to fight us?

Xiao Sijing said calmly: Because if you are drawn against us, you will be shaved 9-0. As your first game back in the league, this is too embarrassing.

... Liu Chuan said speechlessly, 9:0? Are you too confident?

Xiao Sijing raised his eyebrows: I have always been so confident.

Then pretend that you have any objections to my ideas? expression.

Liu Chuan was too lazy to refute him, smiled slightly, and said no more.

This man's personality has always been so confident and strong. It is said that he went to the police academy for a while when he was a boy. Under the leadership of Xiao Sijing, the members of the Qixingcao team are always full of confidence and fighting spirit, no matter what their results are. This is also true. This is the scariest thing about the Qixingcao team. This season, the two direct disciples of Team Xiao and Lun Shen will also play. Qixingcao's teamfighting strength will definitely improve. Xiao Sijing is indeed very confident.

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