Liu Chuan was silent for a moment and said: It is not impossible to kill Xiao Sijing with force. We can rely on the terrain advantage. Qin Ye and I will join forces to kill him first, and Zewen will take control from behind. Qixingcao's lineup output is stronger than ours, so we must fight quickly. Let's think carefully about the map selection. It would be best for Zewen to use the terrain to capture Xiao Sijing alone and kill him first. It will be much easier to fight later.

The reason why the Qixingcao lineup has strong output is that the master and apprentice pair Xiao Sijing and Chen Xiaobei in the front row not only serve as human shields to protect their teammates, but also have considerable output capabilities. Li Xiang's Fo Shaolin is a human shield that purely protects teammates. The protection provided to teammates will be more stable and powerful. However, the disadvantage is that Fo Shaolin has almost no output ability, while Fist Shaolin and Knife Shaolin are good output styles.

Therefore, Seven Star Grass is equivalent to four output points, Lao Xiao, Chen Xiaobei, Lun Shen, and Xue Ke, while Longyin only has three output points: Qin Ye, Zewen, and Liu Chuan. Therefore, once a team battle breaks out, , it must be resolved quickly and the pace must not be slowed down!

Liu Chuan quickly arranged the team battle lineup, and Qin Ye, Li Xiang, Sichuan Wen, Shao Qing and Xiao Yu were still on the field.

As for the arena, Liu Chuan thought for a while and said: Zewen, Silan, and Xu Ce will enter the arena. Lin Tong will just watch this game first, okay?

Lin Tong nodded and said: No problem!

The captain's arrangement is obviously to try his best to ensure three points in the arena. Switching to four blues to fight in the arena will definitely establish some advantages before Xu Ce comes on the stage. As for whether Xu Ce can maintain the advantage until the end, it depends on his on-the-spot performance. .

After arranging the tactics, Liu Chuan asked his teammates to turn on the computer for daily training. In terms of picture selection, he and Wu Zewen studied it carefully together. In the map library of the professional league, the maze-type maps have been almost used by Longyin Team. Maps that have been selected before must not be selected again, because opponents will know how Longyin Team plays on those maps as long as they have watched the game. There will definitely be some precautions.

But there are too few maze maps left to choose from the unselected maps.

The two discussed it for a while, and finally Wu Zewen suggested: How about choosing Lost City? This map is the most complicated. Take advantage of these three days to practice your positioning. There are many places where you can ambush. According to you, we can only hope to win if we ambush and kill Xiao Sijing first.

Liu Chuan thought for a while, nodded and said: Okay, just choose this.

After saying that, he raised his head and said to his teammates: The map for the team battle is determined to be Lost City. Let's play a game of man-machine first to practice our skills.

Xu Ce asked: Where is the arena? are you sure?

Liu Chuan smiled and said: As for the arena... we want to give Qixingcao a surprise.

The captain deliberately let it slip. After everyone heard the name of the map he said, they all looked at him speechlessly - Captain, are you sure this is a surprise and not a provocation? Captain Xiao will definitely want to beat you to death!

In the next three days, both Longyin and Qixingcao players entered into intense pre-match preparations.

As the home court, Longyin naturally had the advantage of knowing the game map in advance, but Qixingcao could only rely on guesswork.

However, Xiao Sijing knew Liu Chuan very well and said with certainty: Originally, the five poisons would be very advantageous in the swamp, but our Seven Star Grass has three five poisons, and Liu Chuan would not choose the swamp to die. According to his personality, he would definitely choose the maze. Their Five Poisons have a talent for terrain analysis, and he would naturally take advantage of this.

Su Shilun asked: There are not many maze maps in the map library. I have used several before. Which one do you think he will choose this time?

Xiao Sijing lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said: There is a high probability that Furong Villa, Endless Sea, Three Fingers Rock, and Nine Heavens Lost City, which have not yet appeared, are one of these four mazes.

Su Shilun said: Let everyone get familiar with these four maps first.

Xiao Sijing turned around and said: I'm just guessing, it may not be correct.

Su Shilun smiled and said: I must have guessed it right, I have confidence in you.

——The people who know you best are often your strongest opponents.

In fact, this is not the first time that Xiao Sijing has guessed Liu Chuan's picture selection. On the contrary, Liu Chuan has often guessed Xiao Sijing's lineup arrangement. After all, they have been old rivals for many years, and they know each other's habits very well. Same as Mirror.

Chapter 292, Dragon Song VS Seven Star Grass (2)

Three days later, everyone from the Qixingcao team came to Changsha collectively under the leadership of Xiao Sijing.

This is their first time coming to Changsha. In the past, there were no registered martial arts league teams in Changsha. Since the Longyin team settled in the city, it has also boosted the local e-sports atmosphere. There were actually reporters waiting at the airport in advance, which made Xiao Sijing very happy. Accident.

However, Xiao Sijing's temper has always been true to his words. He doesn't like to be interviewed by reporters outside. Faced with the crowd of reporters, Xiao Sijing politely said: Sorry, we have to go to the hotel to prepare for the game and do interviews. Please wait until after the game.

This man is the most difficult captain in the league to interview. When he smiles but looks straight at you with sharp eyes, you will be involuntarily overwhelmed by his aura, involuntarily move away to make way for him, and even have to endure it. He kept bending down and bowing and said: Send me off to your majesty. I'm waiting on your knees.

It's settled.

Team Xiao's momentum is so strong that many people in the league jokingly call him His Majesty Xiao Huang, not for nothing.

The local reporters in Changsha were excited to block the Xiao team at the airport, but they were killed by Xiao Sijing's eye knife without even asking a single urgent question. A group of people looked at the backs of the Qixingcao people who disappeared in an instant and wanted to cry. I thought without tears: Our Sichuan team is still friendly! Team Sichuan never kills with his eyes, he always smiles and looks friendly - of course, what he says is not reliable at all.

It was dinner time when the Qixingcao team arrived in Changsha. Dinner was arranged in advance by the team leader. Everyone ate in the restaurant together before returning to the hotel. Chen Xiaobei was greedy and wanted to try the legendary Changsha stinky tofu, but he was afraid that his master would not allow it, so he secretly came to Su Shilun to ask for leave: Deputy team leader, I want to buy some snacks nearby, is that okay?

Su Shilun met the young man's expectant eyes, smiled and said, Want to buy stinky tofu?

Chen Xiaobei blushed and nodded: Well, I haven't eaten it before, I want to try it.

After all, he is a boy under eighteen years old. Chen Xiaobei looks very shy, and his foodie attributes are far inferior to Lu Xiang's. However, this guy's curiosity is very strong. He probably has always heard that Changsha smells bad. The tofu is delicious, so I wanted to try it.

Su Shilun whispered: Okay, you go back quickly, I won't tell your master.

Thank you, deputy team! Chen Xiaobei immediately turned around and ran away.

Su Shi said hurriedly: Wait a minute, ask Xue Ke to accompany you. I'm not worried about you being alone.

So Su Shilun called his apprentice again. Xue Ke had just put his luggage in the room and came out of the room after receiving a call from his master and asked: Master, what's the matter?

Su Shilun smiled and said: Xiaobei wants to buy food, you go with him, go back quickly, pay attention to safety.

Xue Ke glanced at Chen Xiaobei and said: Got it, let's go.

The two teenagers left the hotel one after another and found a small shop selling stinky tofu nearby. They went in and sat down. Xue Ke's face turned ugly when he smelled the smell, but Chen Xiaobei ordered a plate of stinky tofu and ate it with gusto.

After eating, he looked up and saw Xue Ke's ugly face. Chen Xiaobei said timidly: You hate the taste?

Xue Ke's face turned stiff: Have you finished eating?

Chen Xiaobei said eagerly: I want another plate.

Xue Ke: ...whatever you want.

Seeing this guy's stinky face, as if he was about to vomit, Chen Xiaobei snickered inwardly and ordered another plate of stinky tofu to eat.

Stinky tofu smells very bad, and the appearance is not very good. Some people can accept it and think it is very delicious, but some people feel like vomiting when they smell it. Apparently Xue Ke is the latter. After staying in the store for a few minutes, he He was almost suffocating, his face was extremely stiff, and seeing the expression on Chen Xiaobei's face as he ate those dark things with relish was a double torture of sight and smell.

After he finally finished eating, Xue Ke immediately stood up and said: Go back.

Chen Xiaobei then stood up and followed him.

Looking at the satisfied expressions on the faces of the guys next to him, Xue Ke suddenly felt a little uncomfortable - Master, it's true that Chen Xiaobei is such an old man that he doesn't worry about buying snacks, and he still wants him to follow him as a bodyguard all the way. He is only a few months older than Chen Xiaobei... However, Chen Xiaobei is indeed very naive, and relatively speaking, he feels that he is much more mature.

In fact, many people within the Qixingcao Team are discussing who will be the successor to the captain in the future. Chen Xiaobei is Captain Xiao’s apprentice. Many people think that Captain Xiao will pass the captaincy to him after he retires, but Xue Ke feels that he is more talented. He is qualified to be the next captain of Qixingcao. How can Chen Xiaobei, with his shy and childish character, be able to take on the important role of captain?

The two of them were childhood sweethearts and grew up together. In fact, their game playing levels are not much different, but when it comes to the future of the team, Xue Ke obviously thinks more than Chen Xiaobei. If Captain Xiao really passes the captaincy to Xiaobei, he will naturally not say anything, but in his heart he still hopes that he can take over as captain. The captain of the team will have a lot of responsibilities and pressure, and Xue Ke is willing to bear it himself.

Chen Xiaobei is still too immature and will definitely not be able to withstand the pressure, so just let him play the game with peace of mind.

Chen Xiaobei, who was still savoring the taste of tofu, had no idea that the boy next to him, who was only two months older than him, was thinking so far ahead.

In the hotel, Xiao Sijing, who had returned from discussing the matter with the team leader, saw Su Shilun sitting by the bed and combing his hair after taking a shower. He couldn't help but smile and said: I just saw Xiao Xue and Xiao Bei in the hotel lobby. Then Two guys are sneaking around and avoiding me. What's going on?

Su Shilun:...

Why did these two idiots come back just when Lao Xiao came back? Was he stupidly discovered by Captain Xiao?

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