Liu Chuan asked: How do you arrange the seven-day holiday?

Xiao Sijing said: How else can we arrange it? Training with the team as in previous years.

So boring. Liu Chuan said, Qixingcao is ranked first, why don't you take the opportunity to take a rest?

Chen Junfei echoed: That's right, Captain Xiao should take advantage of this rare holiday to relax. Aren't you in Qingdao? You can take a look at the sea, eat some seafood, enjoy the sea breeze, and enjoy a wonderful life!

Fang Zhiyan smiled and said: I heard that Team Xiao was banned from drinking by Lun Shen during the game. His alcohol addiction has been suppressed for a long time, right? This seven-day holiday is a good time to get together with old friends, and it doesn't matter if you drink.

Xiao Sijing said: It’s best to drink until you’re dizzy, so you can lose to you in the next stage, right?

You discovered this!

Liu Chuan said with a smile: How can you say that? Everyone is caring about your dragon body. How about getting drunk? When Xiao Huang drinks and performs a drunken fist, he can definitely sweep the league, don't you think so?

A group of people immediately lined up and started swiping: Xiao Huang went to have a drink.

Go have a drink +1”

Go have a drink +2”

Go for a drink + the whole family’s ID number! This is from Lu Xiang.

Liu Chuan said: Xiaolu, didn’t you go buy some late-night snacks?

Lu Xiang said: I use my mobile phone to call Q, Master.

Liu Chuan: ...Well, you really didn’t waste time on either side!

A bunch of people in the group were queuing up to ask Xiao Sijing to drink. Xiao Sijing interrupted them with a smile: Come on, it's useless for you to encourage me. I'm under a ban on drinking in the world. I don't dare to disobey my deputy captain. The command.

Su Shilun: ^_^”

Liu Chuandao: Are you a strict henwife who listens to the vice-captain’s words?

Su Shilun immediately appeared and said: Don't talk nonsense!

Liu Chuan laughed: Is this Lun Shen angry out of embarrassment?

Chen Junfei immediately started to boo: This is definitely making you angry, Lun Shen!

Fang Zhiyan: Angry from shame +1.

Liang Haibin: Angry +2.

Lu Xiang: I am so angry + my whole family’s ID number!

Xiao and Su lived in the same room in the team. At this moment, Xiao Sijing was sitting next to Su Shilun with his laptop in his arms. Su Shilun looked at the people in the group and his cheeks couldn't help but feel a little hot, even though he knew that Liu Chuan was unscrupulous. The guy was just joking, but he felt guilty because he was really angry just now.

Fortunately, Xiao Sijing came out to help him out. He was typing to reply to the topic: There will be another round of battle starting next week. Are you not going to stay with the team for training these seven days?

Everyone fell silent.

Team Xiao is right. Although it is a holiday, no one dares to relax. Everyone consciously stays in the team to train because everyone knows that the next competition will be more intense and cruel, and now is not the time to be lazy.

But Liu Chuan suddenly said: No, I want to go home after the holiday.

Xiao Sijing frowned: Are you going home to work?

Liu Chuan said: Go home and rest:)”

Su Shilun: ...I really want to burn him to death!

Chen Junfei: Burn him to death!

Lu Xiang: Burn him to death!

Yang Jian: Burn him to death!

The group began to line up to burn Liu Chuan. The group in front took up torches to burn Liu Chuan in envy and hatred. It was easy to say. What happened to Yang Xiaojian who finally broke in?

Liu Chuan narrowed his eyes and immediately caught his younger brother: Yang Jian, what are you burning? Is not you going home?

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment and then realized - by the way, Liu Chuan's grandfather, Mr. Yang Shengmin's eightieth birthday is the day after tomorrow. This time, a grand birthday banquet will be held in Beijing, and the younger members of the family must be present. , Liu Chuan wants to go home, he must also go home... Then what is he burning?

Yang Jian suddenly turned red and typed: I just followed suit.

Liu Chuan sent him an expression that hit him on the head: You are really weak.

Yang Jian:...

Seeing this news, Xiao Sijing was a little surprised: Yang Jian is going home too?

Yang Jian said: Well...there is something going on at home.

Fang Zhiyan, who was sitting on the couch opposite, suddenly said: Why didn't I know?

Yang Jian raised his head: What?

Fang Zhiyan smiled and said: There is something going on at home. As the captain, shouldn’t I have the right to know?

Yang Jian came to his senses, scratched his head and said: Oh, I haven't come yet and I have to tell you in a hurry. My grandfather is celebrating his 80th birthday this Sunday, and my parents gave me a death order telling me to return no matter what.

I'm going there, so... Captain, look, can I take three days off?

After saying that, he looked up at Fang Zhiyan with an expectant expression on his face, as if he was asking for pocket money from his parents.

Fang Zhiyan couldn't help but laugh. Looking at Yang Jian now, there was no way to connect him with the arrogant and domineering Captain Yang who was in the Chang'an team. He seemed to be a little afraid of himself, so every time he talked to himself as the captain Be very careful when speaking.

In addition to always making blind bets when watching games and often losing bets, he usually doesn't talk much to Fang Zhiyan and just immerses himself in training.

Fang Zhiyan knew that this guy must have hurt from the fall when the Chang'an team was disbanded. The bloody lesson made Yang Jian more cautious than before, for fear of falling down a second time. The Xuelang team gave him a chance to start over, so he has always been very serious and hardworking in the Xuelang team. During this holiday, all his teammates stayed to train, and he asked for leave to go home alone, which probably gave him courage. , You just said it out of necessity, right?

It is not easy to make a proud man bow his head. Fang Zhiyan felt his heart soften when he saw Yang Jian lowering his head in embarrassment. She walked up to him and asked softly: Yang Jian, are you a little afraid of me?

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at Shang Zhiyan.

This man's smile is actually very gentle, and his silver-rimmed glasses make him even more elegant.

Yang Jian is not afraid of him, but he is a little wary of him in his heart. Fang Zhiyan is undoubtedly the person with the most say in the Xuelang team. Even the team manager obeys his words. All he needed to recruit Yang Jian was Fang Zhiyan's words. , if one day he wanted to kick Yang Jian away, it would just be a word.

Yang Jian had already been embarrassed once in the Chang'an team, and he really didn't want to lose face a second time by leaving the Xuelang team. He also wanted to play the game well, so even if he didn't like Fang Zhiyan as the captain very much, he still wanted to be with the captain. Maintaining good relationships is also a must.

Recently, there was a young man playing Wudang Swordsman in Team Xuelang's training camp. His name was Wei Feng. He was only 16 years old. He was a rare talented player and his hand speed was even higher than that of Yang Jian. Wei Feng is Fang Zhiyan's fellow countryman. Fang Zhiyan likes that young man very much. He often calls him over to tutor him alone. He also often praises him in front of Yang Jian, saying that the young man's talent is not inferior to that of Lu Xiang back then. In the future, It will become a great thing.

Yang Jian felt very uncomfortable every time he heard such compliments. Fang Zhiyan had never praised him before, but he kept praising how outstanding that little boy was. What did this mean? Moreover, the young boy got along with Captain Fang, spending the whole day together mysteriously and not knowing what they were talking about... Therefore, Yang Jian had a sense of crisis that maybe he was going to be kicked out again.

Yang Jian has a straight temper, and what is in his heart is easily written on his face, so his relationship with Fang Zhiyan was always awkward during this period.

At this time, Fang Zhiyan suddenly asked him, are you a little afraid of me? , which immediately hit Yang Jian's troubles.

Yang Jian looked away in embarrassment and said: I...I'm not afraid of you, I was really busy so I didn't rush to tell you...

Fang Zhiyan smiled slightly, suddenly reached out his hand and gently rubbed Yang Jian's hair.

This sudden movement made Yang Jian stay on the spot, not knowing how to react.

Seeing that he was in a daze, Fang Zhiyan gently straightened his messy hair and said with a smile: Yang Jian, although Xiao Wei is very talented, he is still far behind you. When you praise him in front of him, you don't mean that he is better than you, but you hope that you can give him more guidance. You have always been indifferent to him, so I am embarrassed to mention it. In fact, I originally wanted you to accept him as your apprentice.

Yang Jian:...

Is that so? Do you want me to take him on as my apprentice instead of letting that guy replace me?

This surprised expression almost showed his thoughts on his face. Fang Zhiyan said funnyly: What are you thinking about? How could I possibly let someone else replace you? From the moment I recruited you to Team Xuelang, I knew that we would fight side by side for many years to come. Unless you want to leave voluntarily one day, you will always be my vice-captain - have I made it clear enough?

... Yang Jian blushed at these words.

Fang Zhiyan's voice is deep and pleasant, and when he speaks softly, every word seems to speak into people's hearts.

Captain Fang was right. He was indeed bored and thinking wildly. He thought that if Fang Zhiyan found a talented young man who played swordsmanship, he would get out of here. But it turned out that Fang Zhiyan wanted him to accept a disciple so that he could have a successor. Consider the future of the Xuelang team...

Yang Jian was immediately ashamed of his short-sighted thoughts.

He noticed that Fang Zhiyan's hand was on the top of his head and caressing him gently. This action was intimate and gentle, like grooming a pet's fur.

Yang Jian was a little embarrassed, turned away quickly with a blushing face, and said awkwardly: I, I know the captain. Well...Xiao Wei, let me have a good chat with him another day...If he is willing, it would be nice for me to accept him as my apprentice.

Fang Zhiyan smiled

He took back his hand and said: It was my negligence to make you uneasy. The Xuelang team is currently under development. I recruit so many new people just to expand the team's scale and to cultivate the next batch of seed players in advance. However, no matter how many people are recruited in the future, I will be the captain and you will be the vice-captain. This will not change. Stop thinking nonsense. An Anxin will be your deputy. Who dares to disrespect you? I will treat him personally... Do you understand?

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