Lan Weiran smiled and patted his shoulder: It's none of your business. It's because I underestimated Ye Chenxi. His sudden teleportation method during the battle was very clever. I ignored his existence for a moment. This is Mistake in my command.

Although he lost the game, Lan Weiran's expression was relatively relaxed. When he saw Ye Chenxi leading the team to shake hands, Lan Weiran stood up from his seat.

Ye Chenxi walked up to him, smiled and called: Master.

Today's Ye Chenxi seems to be a little different. He successfully held the main flag in the group battle. During the team battle, he decisively gave up the fight for the bottom lane and switched to the top lane. In the third wave of team battles, he used unexpected teleports and several The precise combined attack skills caught the Longyin team off guard... This performance was undoubtedly outstanding.

Lan Weiran looked at the young man in front of him. It was not until this moment that he realized that this apprentice had grown beyond his imagination. Perhaps in the past, he only regarded Ye Chenxi as a young apprentice, and subconsciously ignored Ye Chenxi's strength. The big thing is that he is completely awake today - as Liu Chuan and Qin Ye said, he shouldn't underestimate Ye Chenxi too much.

Lan Weiran was silent for a moment, then patted him on the shoulder and said: Well done.

Ye Chenxi suddenly stretched out his hand, gently hugged Lan Weiran into his arms, and whispered in his ear: Master, I just want to prove to you... I am no longer the little disciple in your memory. , has enough ability to stand side by side with you and be your strongest opponent.

Lan Weiran was startled, not expecting Xiaoye to say such words.

——Yes, he did personally experience Ye Chenxi’s horror in today’s game. Last time at Shanghai’s home court, Ye Chenxi was too shocked to keep up with the rhythm. Luo Hua Ci’s style of play did not reach 30% at all. Today he came prepared, and with such a speech, he is the league's first-class team led by Ye Chenxi!

The concept of the Xiaoyao Teleportation Formation was first proposed by Lan Weiran. Ye Chenxi persisted in this concept and enriched and innovated it after Lan Weiran retired. The theory back then has now been infinitely expanded. Ye Chenxi thought Many of the styles of play that have emerged are more flexible and more mysterious.

——This is the Xiaoyao Teleportation Formation, and this is the true inheritance of the concept you proposed, Master.

Lan Weiran's mood was very complicated. He was a little moved that what he proposed would be taken and studied so seriously, and he was also surprised by Ye Chenxi's growth and changes over the years...

As Ye Chenxi said, Ye Chenxi now has enough qualifications to become his strongest opponent.

After a long time, Lan Weiran gently patted his apprentice on the back and said: Chen Xi, you have grown up.

Ye Chenxi's arms suddenly tightened.

He had been looking forward to this sentence for many years, and Lan Weiran no longer called him Xiaoye, but Chenxi, Ye Chenxi.

——Yes, Chenxi, you should call me by my name like this, no longer Captain Ye or Little Yezi. Now, you can finally see me as an equal, not just as a junior or a disciple.

--This is enough.

Lan Weiran felt a little embarrassed being hugged by him, so he pushed him gently, and Ye Chenxi consciously let go of his arms and said softly: Come on, make it to the playoffs. Maybe our master and apprentice still have a chance to compete.

Lan Weiran nodded: Yes.

Ye Chenxi turned to leave, but Lan Weiran suddenly asked: By the way, why didn't you kill me in the end? If you kill me, you will become a god.

Ye Chenxi smiled slightly, with gentle eyes: I was not embarrassed to attack the master.

——In fact, I can’t bear to do it.

——Although he has always been decisive on the field, he still can't bear to kill Lan Lan Lan Lan with his own hands unless necessary.

Chapter 320, Roller Coaster Race

After losing the game, the team members felt a little depressed, but they still had to send someone to handle the post-game interview.

This time Si Lan took the initiative to participate. He was the kind of person who was too lazy to accept praise when he won and too lazy to escape condemnation when he lost. Liu Chuan originally wanted to deal with the reporters himself, but Si Lan insisted, so Long Yin became the captain and deputy captain. Appeared together at the post-match interview.

The Longyin team lost 2:7. They lost the arena at home and lost two flags in the team battle. This surprised everyone. Therefore, in the post-game interview, a reporter raised questions: Since entering the second stage, Longyin team has lost two flags in a row. Team Gin Sentai has lost three games in a row. Is there a mental problem among the players?

The worries of reporters are also reasonable. After all, the most common problem for a new team is mentality. Once the players have a psychological collapse, it is easy to lose continuously. Long Yin performed well in the first stage, but continued to lose in the second stage. , one has to doubt the current status of this team.

Liu Chuan was very calm and said with a smile: It's nothing. Please rest assured that the psychological quality of our team members is very good, they train on time every day, and everyone's mentality is relatively relaxed. It’s normal to have wins and losses in the game. At the end of the first stage, we won three games in a row against Luohuaci, Qixingcao, and Canglan. At the beginning of the second stage, we lost three games in a row against Canglan, Qixingcao, and Luohuaci.

field, this is within the acceptable range.

Another reporter asked: I would like to interview you two. What do you think is the main reason for losing these three games?

Lan Weiran said: In the match against Canglan, I was quite satisfied with winning 2 flags in the team battle, mainly because I lost 3 points in the arena, which was also what I expected. After all, Cat God is a very strong player. Although the newcomer in our team performed very well, it was still difficult to kill him when the old cat was well prepared.

Liu Chuan went on to say: I directed the scene against Qixingcao, so let me do the talking. In that game, the Xiao team sent Ye Zhou and Lun Shen to join forces to guard the ring, and the loss of 3 points in the ring was reasonable. As for the team battle, because Team Xiao suddenly chose the air battle map, the newcomers in our team were not used to it. Team Xiao and Lun Shen were very powerful in controlling the air battle map, so we were caught off guard and only got a command flag. I have to admit that I underestimated the difficulty of the game and did not prepare in advance.

Lan Weiran said: As for today's game, I also had problems with my command. Ye Chenxi was even better than I thought. His final teleportation style made me not keep up with the rhythm for a while. It was my carelessness.

The captain and deputy captain began to take turns to reflect. The reporters were not embarrassed to embarrass them. The two masters were so graceful. For the Dragon Roar Team, the reporters were more worried, fearing that this team would go downhill in the second stage. Here There are three oldest players in the league, Lan Lan, Ye Zi and Chuan Shen, so everyone still hopes that they can make it to the playoffs. After all, their careers are running out.

A reporter stood up and asked: Will losing three consecutive games have an impact on the team's morale? Does the Sichuan team have any plans on how to adjust the mentality and rhythm of the players next?

Liu Chuan said: There is no need to make special adjustments. I believe in their ability to adjust themselves and just train as usual.

The reporter then asked: According to the schedule, the next opponent is China. They will play against China in their hometown in Beijing. Does the Sichuan team plan to direct it by themselves this time?

Liu Chuan said with a smile: It is not convenient to disclose tactical issues, but I can guarantee that we will go back and prepare carefully.

The reporter turned the microphone to Lan Weiran again: Vice Captain Lan, today he lost at the hands of his disciples. Some people on the Internet are already saying that 'a young man is better than a young man', saying that Captain Ye is better than you. What do you think of this? Do you mind being surpassed by your apprentice?

Lan Weiran smiled and said: As a master, I am very pleased that my apprentice has become so strong. He is still very young and still has a lot of room for growth. I personally don't care whether I will be surpassed by others. What I care about most now is just my teammates in the Longyin Team. I come back after retiring for three years. I cherish this opportunity, so I will approach every subsequent event with the attitude of enjoying the game.

When I first decided to return, my mother once told me - don't take winning or losing too seriously. The more you are afraid of losing, the easier it will be to lose. I think this makes sense. When I was the captain of the Luo Hua Clan team, my father often told me that I should relax and play games. But at that time, I was young, competitive, and particularly concerned about winning and losing. However, I lost to Liu Chuan four times in a row. In the hands of...

Speaking of this, Lan Weiran couldn't help but glance at Liu Chuan. The two looked at each other and smiled. Lan Weiran continued: Since I can team up with my arch-rival Liu Chuan regardless of past grudges, I think I can do the same now. Face the victory or defeat of every game calmly.

The reporters couldn't help but applaud.

Everyone in the industry knows about Lan Weiran's father. He left the league in frustration, but now he is able to come back and form a team with his mortal enemy. In fact, everyone admires his courage and chicness.

This man seems gentle, but he has the strongest heart.

Relatively speaking, everyone who raised questions because Long Yin lost three games seemed to be making too much of a fuss.

Liu Chuan also applauded Silan along with the reporters. When the applause stopped, he picked up the microphone and said: I would like to say a few words to the fans of Longyin Team here. The league's schedule is not good for Longyin Team. It is like riding a roller coaster. Now is the time when the roller coaster reaches its highest point, the most tense and exciting time. It is normal to win, lose, and have ups and downs. You don’t need to worry too much. Just trust us.

——Please believe us, we will not let you down.

Liu Chuan's words were very calm. Team Sichuan's courage at critical moments was very soothing. Just because of the captain's words, the hearts of fans of Team Longyin who were watching the video suddenly fell to the ground. .

——Yes, just believe in Sichuan God! Don't worry, the fun is yet to come!

Following the Longyin team, the Luohuaci team next door also accepted interviews from reporters.

The reporters simply congratulated Ye Chenxi for defeating Long Yin at home, and the topic began to turn to the master-disciple battle: Team Ye, we scored 7:2 at home today. Some people say that you are better than your master, The one behind the Yangtze River pushes the one ahead, and the apprentice will always surpass the master... What do you think of this statement?

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