
In the soundproof room, the captains of both sides signed the form handed over by the referee, and the game finally came to an end.

On the big screen of the live broadcast was a replay of the highlights of the game edited by the backstage staff. Many people in the audience were staring at the big screen. They were still immersed in the fierce competition and couldn't bear to leave.

As for the Longyin team, after everyone hugged each other to celebrate, Liu Chuan hugged Silan alone, patted him on the shoulder and said: Good job.

Lan Weiran smiled: You too.

He lived up to Liu Chuan's trust and personally directed and won the game; Liu Chuan also helped him at the critical moment and played a great role in the fourth game, perfectly completing Lan Weiran's tactical deployment.

——Once mortal enemies, now teammates fighting side by side, a brief sentence, Well done is their greatest affirmation for each other.

Liu Chuan smiled and said: We'll talk about the celebration tonight. Jiang Xue must have already made arrangements. Let's follow the rules and go to Luo Hua Ci's place to shake hands first. What do you think?

The winner of the game has to go to the other team's soundproof room to shake hands. This has been the rule of the professional league for many years. Chairman Li probably set this rule in the hope that everyone can maintain a certain degree of friendship after the game and not hold grudges too much against the opponent... But in fact, many times shaking hands before finishing the game will make both parties extremely embarrassed.

Lan Weiran didn't want to shake hands with Ye Chenxi at this moment, but out of politeness, he, the vice-captain, had to go with Liu Chuan. Seeing Liu Chuan's smile, Lan Weiran had no choice but to nod and say: Let's go.

On Luohuaci's side, the players' mood seemed a little low. It's no wonder that the fourth round ended early on the top lane. The style of play they prepared was stopped abruptly by the Longyin team before they even got started. This was worse than everyone who fought hard to the end. Losing the flag is even more frustrating and regretful.

When several young team members saw people from the Longyin Team coming to shake hands, they all lowered their heads and stretched out their hands to shake hands politely.

On the other hand, the expressions of the captains and deputy captains were relatively relaxed, especially Ye Chenxi, who still had a smile on his face, took the initiative to walk up to Liu Chuan, stretched out his hand and said: Congratulations on reaching the finals.

Liu Chuan also stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and said with a smile: Captain Ye, you are so polite.

Ye Chenxi looked at Lan Weiran, who walked up to him, hugged him gently, and whispered in his ear: I'm sorry.

Only Ye Chenxi could hear this apology - it was Lan Weiran's apology to Luo Huaci.

But Lan Weiran has no regrets. When he let go of the hug, his eyes were still calm. This is his own decision, and once he decides on this path, he will go on it resolutely. He was the one who chose Longyin Team at first, and then it was Longyin Team that gave him a chance to be reborn. As Longyin's vice-captain, he only did what he should do in this game, and he did not let down his current teammates. He can pat his chest and say openly: I am the conductor of this game.

People who can't let go of the past will become cowardly, and Lan Weiran will not let himself become such an indecisive person. The moment he decided to team up with Liu Chuan to return, he could no longer look back, so today, he decisively used all means to defeat Luo Hua Ci!

In fact, Ye Chenxi could understand this apology even if Lan Weiran didn't say it.

If he still felt angry at being betrayed because his master teamed up with Liu Chuan, now Ye Chenxi has completely understood him. Especially today, looking at the scene of him knocking down the flag for the last time, Ye Chenxi even felt sad - that was Lan Weiran's obsession with the championship, and the reluctance he suppressed in his heart. He had won the championship for four consecutive seasons. He had just missed out on the championship. This time, he just wanted to seize this rare opportunity.

No one is wrong. Everyone has the same goal of winning the championship.

Meeting Lan Weiran's gaze, Ye Chenxi smiled slightly, hugged him back gently, and said softly: It doesn't matter, just do what you want to do, and don't leave any regrets.

Lan Weiran nodded, turned around and left with the Longyin Team.

Ye Chenxi watched his back gradually disappear from sight. This time, there would be no more reluctance and powerlessness to watch him leave, because Ye Chenxi knew that Lan Weiran would always be there, fighting for the trophy just like him. effort.


In this post-match interview, Team Luohuaci encountered many doubts from media reporters.

In the fourth game, there was actually a chance to win, especially at the last moment on the road. They were only a few seconds late but gave away the flag. Did the Leafs feel particularly regretful? Was it a slow response or was it due to emotional factors?

Ye Chenxi smiled and said: Many people may think that Lan Weiran and I have a master-disciple relationship, and I like to praise him in front of reporters. I have always shown respect for this master. Will this lead to this? Not giving your best in every game? Did you let him do it on purpose, or couldn't bear to kill him?

Ye Chenxi paused slightly, looked at the reporters in the audience calmly, and said: What I want to say is - first of all, I am the captain of the Luohuaci team. Secondly, I am Lan Weiran’s apprentice. As the captain, I am not playing the game for myself. I have the responsibility of the entire Luohua Clan team on my shoulders. Therefore, no matter who the opponent is, I will not be polite! The game is just a game. There is no saying that if I know him well on the field, I will hold back on him. if i am right

If he showed mercy, that would be a blasphemy against him playing the game with all his strength.

Team Ye’s words were sonorous and powerful, and they were extremely firm. The amplification through the microphone was even more shocking.

The reporters started to applaud in unison. Ye Chenxi was right when he said that the only way to respect your opponent on the court is to give your best!

Although losing the game makes people feel uncomfortable, but facing the Leafs who are always smiling, reporters are embarrassed to embarrass him too much. After the applause ended, a reporter stood up and asked: Hello, Team Leaf, did you lose too many points in the ring stage of today's game? Does this also surprise you?

It was very unexpected. Ye Chenxi looked back at Lin Yufan and said with certainty, before the game, we originally thought that we could score at least 3:3 in the arena. We didn't expect that Longyin sent so many top players in the arena, and the score was 0:6. Our late teamfight was passive, which was one of the biggest reasons for losing the game.”

Lin Yufan echoed: According to the pre-match arrangement, we actually did not plan to directly come up with Liu Xiaoyao's lineup, but we were forced to play today. Although we usually train the Liuxiaoyao Formation many times in the team, we have never used it in official competitions. It is still very risky to use it.

A reporter said: The advantage of the dual-line transmission lineup seems quite obvious. Does it mean that Luohuaci will try more of this lineup next season?

Lin Yufan said: This is our plan. Today is just a rehearsal in advance.

Ye Chenxi also smiled and nodded: This new lineup has just been researched, and its advantages are very obvious. It is most suitable for winning flags continuously by playing fast and using two-line transmission. However, the shortcomings of the pure crispy lineup are also very obvious. At least when we faced Qixingcao, we didn't dare to rush into the Liuxiaoyao Formation. Lao Xiao would definitely teach us how to behave.

Team Ye’s humorous statement also relaxed the atmosphere at the scene a lot.

As the most powerful Shaolin in the league, Xiao Sijing would definitely be very happy to encounter such a pure crisp formation. Coupled with the various negative states of the Seven Star Grass and Five Poisons, playing Seven Star Grass without treatment is simply digging your own grave.

Ye Chenxi continued: There is currently no invincible formation in the league. Each lineup has advantages and disadvantages. This is the most interesting part of the game. We actually have a lot of enemies in this lineup, and we developed this style of play to enrich Luohuaci's tactical ideas. Winning or losing in games is normal, so you don’t have to worry about our Luohuaci’s morale being affected by this. Although we lost this game, many of the new playing methods we studied will be introduced to the audience in the next season. Today's test of the new lineup in the third game actually performed well, and several newcomers were also very good. I believe that Luohuaci will perform even better next season.

The audience burst into warm applause again!

This young captain has given people such a calm and calm feeling since his debut. Regardless of winning or losing, Ye Chenxi always has a polite smile on his face, which has almost become his trademark.

Although they lost this game, what is gratifying is that they have developed many new playing methods, and this team has been growing.

Today, Ye Chenxi, sitting in front of reporters, said frankly that I am the captain of Luohuaci, and I will not be polite no matter who my opponent is! Ye Chenxi looks like a really special man!

Although he is young, he has experienced many twists and turns. When he was young, he was able to grit his teeth and survive the difficulties when Luohuaci was on the verge of disbanding after his master retired. Now, naturally, he will not be discouraged by losing the game. .

Fans of Luohuaci firmly believe that the young Captain Ye will lead Luohuaci towards a better tomorrow.


Luo Hua Ci's interview was over, and the reporters finally came to see Team Long Yin.

Lan Weiran had to appear in person as the conductor, and Liu Chuan and Qin Ye were also present. The presence of the three great masters together showed that they attached great importance to this interview, and they also won deafening applause from the reporters who had been waiting for a long time.

First of all, congratulations to Team Longyin for entering the finals! A female reporter stood up and said excitedly, Everyone performed very well today! The last game was so thrilling. I would like to ask Silan how he felt at the time? Aren't you afraid of what might happen if you make such a decision? Will there be tragedy if we can’t take down this flag?”

Of course I thought about that. Lan Weiran said with a smile, but there is no tactic that is 100% sure of winning during the game. Although this decision is risky, it is the best way at the time. In fact, if I analyze it carefully, Luohuaci will definitely choose a choice that is very unfavorable to me in the fourth game. On Fang’s map, it’s not easy to win if you seek stability, so it’s better to just go all-in and fight for the first wave of team battles and end the game as quickly as possible.”

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