188. Chapter 188 is moving in all directions!

At the mission administration of Planet Hongshan, since the message from Muying, the whole Administration has been boiling. The Feidaya people may not understand Flissa’s terror, just because their homeworld was attacked by Zarbon. Lisa had some hate, but Saiyan was different. They had a deep understanding of Flissa’s terror and the pain of the tribe being killed by Fliesa.

So with the news that Flissa subordinates appeared in the East Area, all Saiyan’s first reaction was that Fliesa was ready to invade the East Area.

This made Saiyan, who had experienced the Battle of Planet Vegeta, feel surprised, and Aura had a long-lasting hatred of fire.

Fliesa, the nightmare-like existence is always a thorn stuck in all Saiyan’s throat. It does not destroy the Flissa family, and the hatred in Saiyan’s heart can never be smoothed out.

However, Fliesa is too forformable, and Saiyan’s current strength is still unable to revenge him. So the members of the first legions have become Saiyan’s tools to vent their hatred. It is conceivable that those who wait for those will be What a terrible ending.


On the other hand, near the East Area Planet Bahede, members of Armored Squadron, Madixiu and Duke, have gradually approached their destination, Planet Bahede, after more than a year of sailing.

“Beep”, the spaceships central computer issued a series of prompts:

鈥淭he target Planet Bahede is coming soon and is expected to take another three days.鈥?/p>

鈥淭he target Planet Bahede is coming soon and is expected to take another three days.鈥?/p>

As the tone of the call continued, Madixiu and Duke gradually came from sleep Awaken, then climbed up and moved to the body, screaming the bones of the body.

“hey hey, will soon arrive at Planet Bahede? More than a year of dormancy, I feel that the bones of the body are going to rust.” Madixiu moves his wrist while facing Duke on the side.

“Madixiu, contact O’Dore Captain and ask about their situation.” Duke extended his lizard-like tongue and licked his lips.

Planet Dongke, which Dore Captain went to, is shorter than Planet Bahede, and should have received the message from Planet Dongke.

Madixiu laughed and said: “Yes, I will ask now.”

“d奴 d奴 d奴 !” The voice of the communication connection, Madixiu quickly contacted Dore, and after hang up the communication, Madixiu’s eyes revealed a fiery glow.

鈥淚 just said that Dore Captain said that there is no trace of Tree of Might on Planet Dongke and the other two planets in the North Area!鈥?/p>

“So the Tree of Might is very likely to be really in the Planet Bahede!” Duke swallowed and his eyes suddenly brightened.

Tree of Might is a very magical plant. Legend is a species grown by Gods, so it is often impossible to have two Tree of Mights in one era. Since Planet Dongke and the other two planets don’t find Tree of Might, Then the possibility of Planet Bahede’s Tree of Might is greatly increased.

鈥淨uickly, let spaceship go at full speed, I can’t wait to get to Planet Bahede.鈥?Duke felt the tongue dry and quickly picked up a glass of water and drank it.

Finding the Tree of Might will be a great achievement.

He can’t wait.

鈥淲ell, spaceship is moving at full speed!鈥?/p>

The voice just fell, the dark void, only a flash of light flashed through, a small spaceship like a meteor, quickly crossed the starry sky.

Three days later, the spaceship of Armored Squadron was gradually approaching the constant galaxy where Planet Bahede was located.

It was a star still in the young form, the young star raging Aura, emitting endless light and heat, comfortably off a khaki planet in the distant habitable zone.

“Look, what is that?” When the spaceship approached the Planet Bahede, Madixiu suddenly pointed to the planet and raised it like an umbrella.

It is a huge plant.

Even in outer space, you can clearly see the whole mass of the giant tree. In the middle is an incomparably thick trunk. There are numerous branches around it extending toward all directions. Under the ground, strong roots must go straight into the earth’s crust. In, absorbs the essence of life of the entire planet.

The planet that is suitable for life has turned into a khaki, and the area of 鈥嬧€媡he wide expanse wide expanse has been desertified. Once the fruit of the Tree of Might has matured, the planet will become a dead star for centuries.

“Yes, that must be Tree of Might!”

Madixiu and Duke looked at each other, and they saw a burning excitement in the eyes of the other party. Although they did not see the Tree of Might, they were sure according to the description in the literature.

The spaceship gradually approached and quickly passed through the atmosphere of the Planet Bahede. Due to the growth of the Tree of Might, the atmosphere here has become very thin. The closer to the Tree of Might, the more the Madixiu and others feel the greatness of the Tree of Might.

The huge blades that cover the sky and covering the earth stretched out at high altitudes, like thick clouds, making the sun unable to shoot straight to the ground.

In the place where the branches and leaves intersect, a cyan fruit like a fist hangs there, and the distance matures to a period of time.

鈥淗urry to contact Great King Cooler and we found the Tree of Might and its fruits at Planet Bahede.鈥?/p>

鈥渦n un !鈥?/p>


In the north of the North area of 鈥嬧€媟emote, a message made the entire Cooler Palace boil.

A purple cosmic man ran into the palace in a panic, kneeling in front of Cooler: “Great King Cooler, Madixiu of Armored Squadron and Duke found the Tree of Might at Planet Bahede!”

Awkwardly, Cooler slammed up from the throne. The sandstone armor illuminates the white glow, and Cooler laughs, and the hearty voice echoes in the palace.

“Good, prepare the spaceship immediately, this King will go to the Planet Bahede in person!” Cooler waved his hand and ordered it to the cosmic people around him.

“Right, let Madixiu guard the Tree of Might. Any messy people will kill them! After the event, I can reward some of the Tree of Might’s fruit to them. Also, block the news and don’t disclose anything about it. Tree of Might!”

“Otherwise, don’t blame this King!”

Regarding the Tree of Might’s fruit, it is necessary for Cooler to reiterate.


All the cosmic people are working with trembling and fear, and the spaceship that will soon travel to the East Area is ready.


Planet Slug.

Shortly after Cooler took the spaceship set off, the cosmic people who had closely monitored the Cooler general headquarters immediately passed the information.

Slug held the message in his hand and laughed wildly: “Hahaha, Tree of Might is finally found, hey hey, Cooler, you certainly won’t think that I have been sending people to watch you, and the person who finally gets the Tree of Might’s fruit must be I!”

It is the legend fruit that condenses the essence of the planet’s life. After eating it, you can definitely make yourself young. As long as you have enough long life, Frost Demon race will die in your own hands sooner or later.

Slug thought about it with pride.

Later, he also ordered to enter the East Area. The location of the Planet Slug was closer to the East Area, and he was sure to arrive in front of the Cooler.


At the same time, on the desk of King Cold in the eastern part of North Area, all the information has been collected.

Watching everything in front of you, King Cold’s scarlet Eyes flashed a trace of cold, purple lips slightly up, and then showed a vicious expression.

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