308. Chapter 308 is not calm starry sky

Sun Goku The place where they practiced martial arts is a suburb of an island surrounded by the sea. It is said to be an island. In fact, a small part is connected to the mainland. In addition to a cluster of developed urban agglomerations, there are many towering green hills and quiet suburbs.

Such a grand scene is arranged along the lofty green hills in the center of the island, in order, forming a natural picture of harmony.

On this day, a windy and beautiful afternoon, the sky is filled with white clouds like cotton candy, which constantly changes shape under the clear breeze.

Xiaya’s villa, green cicada.

The luxuriant leaves are layered and stretched, and the green leaves cover the sunlight and drop a little round spot. The flowers around the courtyard bloom, and the blossoming or white, or red, or purple flowers are so smashing, with a pleasant and fragrant aroma.

In the training room, under the effect of strong gravity, Xiaya sat quietly on the ground, and the golden rays on her body flickered and slammed, and the sizzling sound of watering can boil water like Hohou, followed by w氓 w膩 wow exploding sound… …

鈥淎fter entering Super Saiyan, the training speed also began to drop.鈥?Xiaya frowned to himself, then took a shower and walked out of the room.

Xiling sat on the small bench in the courtyard. When she saw Xiaya coming out, she handed over a collapsible communicator: “This is the news from Planet Hongshan. Recently, a civilization called Big Gete Star came into contact with Planet Hongshan. 鈥?/p>

鈥淏ig Gete Star?鈥?Xiaya鈥檚 expression was slightly stunned after hearing the name.

鈥淲hat are their purposes for contacting Planet Hongshan?鈥?/p>

If he remembers correctly, this Big Gete Star is a well-developed civilization of science and technology, so that the whole homeworld has been transformed into an all-metal structure, a civilization that wanders between Galaxy.

Xiling sneered. “What else can they do? They are trying to get Saiyan’s blood from Planet Hongshan. Maybe they want to study? But Shareen has categorically refused.”

Big Gete Star’s science and technology is more advanced than the Feidaya people. They want to get Saiyan’s blood to imagine what it is, just want to do scientific experiments and make biochemical Warrior. But Saiyan’s blood can be handed over to others casually? In the original work, they can make Metal Cooler, and they will not be able to provoke any moths.

Xiaya took a detailed look at the information from Planet Hongshan and found that the Saiyan blood that Big Gete Star wants to obtain is not the normal blood, but the blood of several people who are expected to become Super Saiyan, even Xiaya himself and Xiling, Myers, The name of Badak is also within their requirements.

“The thumbnail is not small!” Xiaya’s eyes suddenly burst into a cold cold, but the Big Gete Star was blacklisted.

“This Big Gete Star can’t get the blood of Saiyan from Planet Hongshan if it can’t be bright, maybe it will secretly do anything, let the notice go down, let Saiyan outside pay attention, and alert the guard’s Warrior.”

“If the other party is provocative, just remove them directly!”

Xiaya鈥檚 words are decisive.

In recent years, the development of Planet Hongshan has been friendly and peaceful, which has made Planet Hongshan a source of development in the process of development. However, it seems that many people have forgotten the bloody side of Saiyan. Don’t forget, Saiyan is a real fighting. Race, the goodness of the week is because Planet Hongshan is not threatened, if someone dares to be comfortable, then you must let the other side see the Saiyan cruelty.

The civilization that has the courage to reach out to Saiyan is ready to be destroyed. Planet Hongshan Saiyan has accumulated enough merits and is not afraid of losing a little.

“Oh, several of the special warfare units of Planet Hongshan have been established for so many years, and they have not really exposed their fangs.” Xiaya sneered.

Xiling rolled his eyes: “I still use you to say that I have already let people know. I think this Big Gete Star still should be monitored as soon as possible, just in case, know that this science and technology is developed. The civilized ghost knows what will happen, and if there is a biochemical Warrior like Zangya, it would be bad.”

鈥淪peaking of Zangya, how did she live on Planet Hongshan in the past few years, did she contact her former companion?鈥?/p>

“She is quite honest. She eats and drinks on weekdays. When she has time, she will go to Planet Meishan to play the prestige…”

“But the rest of the Milky Way System has been ravaged. I listened to people from the Space Police organization. Now, apart from the East Area, the South Galaxy, West Area, and North Area are all troubled by Zangya’s accomplices!”

Xiaya couldn’t help but laugh: “It’s quite interesting. The guys really want to turn the whole Milky Way System over to the bottom of the Bojack’s seal. But it doesn’t matter what we do, don’t bother. 鈥?/p>

What if Bojack escaped the seal? That is, the level of the Cell Perfect Form, without the use of Xiaya, Meiling alone can suppress him. At the moment, the person who can get into the Xiaya method has at least the level of Super Saiyan 2. Others that have not been reached, in his opinion, are all chickens and dogs, but it is not too deliberate attention.

鈥淪peaking, I have been in the Super Saiyan realm for six years, but still have not touched the breakthrough to the Super Saiyan 2.鈥?Think of his own strength, Xiaya sighed.

Super Saiyan’s bottleneck has troubled him for a long time. From reaching Full Power Super Saiyan to now, there is also a period of time. Xiaya has never touched Super Saiyan 2’s realm. It seems that there is a film that has been resting on him. In front of me, I can’t break it.

“Right, Kakarrot is practicing on this island, and I feel his anger.” Xiling suddenly said, “There is still a bad old man, carrying a tortoise shell, not strong, but pointing them to practice.”

Xiaya replied with a smile: “The old man is Master Roshi, who is called The God of Martial Arts on Earth. He received Korin’s advice on Korin Tower three hundred years ago.”

“Oh, it was originally called Master Roshi. It鈥檚 no wonder that carrying a tortoise shell, this person has lived for so many years!”

Xiling’s bright eyes flashed with aura, which seemed to be very interesting.

“Ah, they are coming to us.”

This time, Xiling senses that Sun Goku’s gas is approaching towards them.

A few minutes later.

“Master Roshi Grandpa, here is where I told you, there is a sister named Launch, very powerful!” Sun Goku pointed to the villa in front.

“Yeah!” Master Roshi nodded and looked serious. Can be called very powerful by Goku. It must be very extraordinary. Master Roshi couldn’t help but look forward to it.

鈥淗ey!鈥?Just as Sun Goku and others approached the villa, the spacious door opened itself, the blue-haired Launch came out from inside, and then met Master Roshi and others, smiling: 鈥淪everal guests, please follow me. Come in.”

“Cough cough, that’s it!” Master Roshi was sorry.

Later, Master Roshi, Sun Goku, Krillin, Chichi, and Hasky walked into the manor with Launch, and soon they were shocked by the beautiful scenery inside the manor house.

Master Roshi this time didn’t see the beauty and couldn’t move. He quietly said to Sun Goku: “Goku, what kind of person you are talking about is her, there is indeed a strong person feeling from her steps.”

The blue-haired Launch is not as good as the golden hair form formidable, and there is a hint of aura that appears to be captured by Master Roshi.

Sun Goku shook his head and explained the situation to Master Roshi: “Master Roshi, Grandpa, I am not talking about this Launch, but her golden hair form, that is even better, I am not her opponent at all.”

“It’s so powerful!” Master Roshi was shocked. He knows the strength of Goku. Even if he is in the flourishing form, he can’t say that he can win. Is this girl really so strong?

Master Roshi caressed the sunglasses and the mind became complicated.

“Kakarrot, you are coming again.” Xiaya shouted to Sun Goku, who had already given the fruit to entertain them.

This visit was very interesting. What Xiaya didn’t think was that, except for Sun Goku and Krillin, even Chichi came with them, and the girl who looks a lot like the golden hair launch, Xiaya momentarily thinks no. The identity of the other party.

“Interesting and interesting, even Chichi is also, it seems that I also worship Master Roshi as a teacher. This story is not static, but it is also good…”

Xiaya pouted and smiled on his face. He remembered the conversation with Bulma in another world. Maybe in that world, Bulma also liked Sun Goku, but the world was so wrong that they missed it.

“Goku, why is this person calling you Kakarrot?” Krillin whispered.

Sun Goku shook his head: “This person is the master here, and I don’t know why he called me Kakarrot.”

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