518. Chapter 517 New Dragon Ball

“Android 18 What did you say to Xiaya in the past?” Android 17 asked her sister.

“Nothing.” Android 18 doesn’t answer coldly, and the words are as plain and even annoying.

Android 17 narrowed his eyes and walked around Android 18 for two laps, knocking his hand hard. “I know, the necklace you have been wearing was originally given to you by Xiaya.”

Android 18 immediately grabbed the mouth of Android 17: “You give me a whisper, if you let others hear, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

“What’s going on in the end, you tell me…” Breaking away from Android 18’s little hand, Android 17 carefully watches his sister.

“When he was young, he saved me and sent me this necklace.”

“So including this one, Xiaya saved you twice, Android 18, I think you can only get along with it…” Android 17 put your hand on the shoulder of Android 18.

“But people have forgotten this.”

Android 18 didn’t retort, but instead raised his eyebrows with some melancholy.

Android 17 opened his mouth and suddenly found that his sister seems to have the intention to give people a small idea. Does this still know the Android 18 in the domineering? However… identity like Xiaya is worthy of my own sister.

With a sigh, Android 17 still plans not to take care of these annoying things.

Android 18, you still ask for more happiness.

A few minutes later, Metamoran’s Fusion Technique time arrived, and Meiling was re-divided into Xiling and Myers, and this time Earth began to change.

The first is where the damage is caused by the battle, slowly recovering under the influence of magical power, and then the people who died because of Androids and Janemba are all resurrect.

“Haha, look, everyone is alive.” Yamcha saw the people on Earth each and every one resurrect and laughed loudly.

“Really lived.”

“The miracle!” Satan was thrilled and kept talking.

At this time, the space was distorted, and Sun Goku came back wearing a consistent orange martial art costume, and there was a young Namekian. This Namekian looks a lot like Piccolo when he was a child. He is called Dende. He is a very little guy with Dragon Race talent.

“Goku, you are back, who is this little guy?” Piccolo came back with a Namekian and walked over to watch Dende.

“Hello, my name is Dende,” Dende said politely.

Nodding at Dende, Piccolo asked Sun Goku: “Talk about what’s going on in the end?”


Sun Goku looked serious and slowly said the story.

When Sun Goku came to the new Planet Namek, the new Great Elder, who received a notice from Kai, had already started to let the tribe collect the Dragon Ball. After seeing the Sun Goku, Mulley sent the seven big Dragon Balls up. .

The new Planet Namek Dragon Ball has been adjusted and can resurrect a lot of people at once.

Sun Goku’s first wish is to repair the destroyed Earth. The second wish resurrect the innocent people who died in the Androids and Janemba events, and the third wish eliminated the negative impact of the Earth disaster.

Everyone remembers that Earth experienced a crisis of destruction, but all negative emotions were wiped out by Dragon Ball.

Piccolo couldn’t help but listen to it. After the burst, everyone knew the negative effects of negative emotions.

“So what about this child?”

“Dende wants to see the outside world, so he voluntarily came to Earth, and Mullid Great Elder agreed. And Dende also has the Ability to make Dragon Ball.” Sun Goku whispered, but how to see Dende seems to be Cheated. But Sun Goku is so upright, it should not be done.

As soon as Dende has the Ability to make the Dragon Ball, Piccolo looks positive: “Popo, you go to the model of Shenron.”

“Okay!” Popo looked at the little Namekian, which was very similar to Piccolo. He entered the room and took out the glass cover of the Shenron model.

“What are they doing?” Satan and Upa got together.

“It seems to be re-manufacturing Dragon Ball.”

“The inside of the glass cover is Shenron? It’s so small.”

“It looks like it.”

Soon after, everyone was surrounded by The Lookout open plaza, and Popo had placed the Shenron model in the center of the open plaza. Because there is an existing Shenron model, it saves a lot of time, just re-giving Shenron life.

“Wait, the Dragon Ball can after resurrect realizes a few wish?” Krillin asked as he walked over to Dende.

“Of course three!” Dende watching, he answered a little strangely.

“That’s the same as Planet Namek’s Dragon Ball.” Krillin was shocked, and when the Dragon Ball recovered, the Ability was enhanced.

“It’s not the Planet Namek’s excellent Dragon Ball.” He thought to himself.

Piccolo thought of another question and asked: “Can that resurrect as many people as in the past? For example, ‘Let everyone who meets certain conditions resurrect’.”

“Can, but this must be adjusted at the beginning, but only enough to achieve two wish.” Dende extended two fingers to let everyone make choices.

“Two wishes are also good.”

I could only achieve one in the past, but now I can make one more wish.

At this point, Dende saw the Shenron model in the hood, and said: “Wow, it turns out that Shenron on Earth is like this, so let it resurrect it!”

After that, Dende put the palms on the glass cover, and then meditated on the spell. A magical force was applied to the glass cover. The Shenron inside began to become alive and full of aura, and then a beam of light rose from the glass cover. Divide into seven lanes in the air.

At this time, Earth Shenron has resurrect and changed back to Dragon Ball.

“This is over. I thought it would happen to startling the heavens?” Satan looked around with a squint and found that the whole thing was coming so fast.

Not irritating at all!

“You’re such a great Dragon Race.” Piccolo put his hand on Dende’s head and patted it. It should be said that it is a genius with a great Dragon Race talent, and the whole process looks very easy.

Dende was a little embarrassed to scratch his head. Everyone laughed, Earth Dragon Ball was upgraded this time, not only can achieve two wish, but the power has become more forformable.

Just as everyone was cheering, Xiaya watching they said: “I recommend you to collect the Dragon Ball, and the Dragon Ball will still be placed in The Lookout after the thing!”

Earth is much more difficult after the disaster. The thing like Dragon Ball is placed outside, and it is necessary to search when it is used. It is better to put it on The Lookout at the beginning, just like the Crystal Dragon Ball of Planet Hongshan.

Speaking of Dragon Ball, Xiaya took another look at Android 17 and Android 18.

They seem to have Dr. Gero’s device to stop their body function. Should they use Dragon Ball to remove those devices like original work?

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