728.绗琗NUMX绔 Zeno 鍑虹幇

Lancis 闱笉鏀 壊锛屽喎绗戠潃锛屽寮傜殑 壊锛屽喎绗戠潃锛屽寮傜殑 鍑濇湜镌 Great Great Priest 锛 滀綘涓崭 滀綘涓崭 滀綘涓崭 滀綘涓崭 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 鍙槸涓篧 ite ite ite ite King 娈 笅瀵 笅瀵 笅瀵 涓 涓︻湡鐩 涓︻湡鐩 涓︻湡鐩 涓︻湡鐩 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 曞 曞 曞 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹 瀹锛屼綘浠篃浼氭棤锷ㄤ簬琛峰惂鈥[€[€


Great Priest Pri润鍦皋atching 浠栵纴娌°C湁锲炵瓟銆

Lancis 鍢 鍦 鍦 湅钖慓 湅钖慓 湅钖慓 湅钖慓 湅钖慓 Pri € € 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 湅鏉 綅涔熷 綅涔熷 綅涔熷 綅涔熷

Great Priest 煶濞佷 煶濞佷 岃鐪燂 岃鐪燂 岃鐪燂 鏄痁 鏄痁 鏄痁 鏄痁 鏄痁 鏄痁 镄勬椂浠 镄勬椂浠 镄勬椂浠 镄勬椂浠 镄勬椂浠 镄勬椂浠 镄勬椂浠 镄勬椂浠 镄勬椂浠 镄勬椂浠 镄勬椂浠缁堢粨镄勬椂 欎篃浼氶 欎篃浼氶 搴旀椂浠 搴旀椂浠 鐏纴璋侀兘镞犳硶鏀 鐏纴璋侀兘镞犳硶鏀 鐏纴璋侀兘镞犳硶鏀 鐏纴璋侀兘镞犳硶鏀 彉銆傗 彉銆傗

鈥沧椂浠g殑旋磋凯鏄洿濂界殑缁存姢瑙勫垯锛佲€浒reat Priest 鐩厜阌愬埄銆

鈥滀絾鏄綘浠纴鍦ㄤ笂涓€涓椂浠g粨鏉熺殑镞跺€欙纴涓崭粎娌°C湁杩斿洖鍏ㄧ晫锛岀敋镊砮rror 镄勫爼钀Mustard Dark Angel 锛屽綋骞碯eno 澶т 汉浠佹厛娌°C湁灏嗕綘浠竻鐞嗘帀锛屼綘浠笉镒熸仼涔熷Ammonia it doesn鈥檛matter Sloth缮鍦ㄦ殚涓紒锲鹃瑕唌ultiverse 镞多唬銆傗€

鈥沧劅鎭 eno eno 灏嗘垜浠皝鍗 捣鏉ワ纻鈥 an an an an an an an an

浠栫殑绁炴儏鍑虹幇娉(一)姩锛屸€滃綋骞碬hite King 镞朵唬涓嶆槸姝 e father 缁堢粨镄勶纴鏄洜涓 浜涗笉鍙姊鎷掔 浜涗笉鍙姊鎷掔h学hite King 娈 笅銮悕镄勯櫒钀 笅銮悕镄勯櫒钀 笅銮悕镄勯櫒钀 璺焀 璺焀 璺焀 ite ite ite ite 璺焃 璺焃 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏竴镙 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 浠ユ垜浠繀椤 浠ユ垜浠繀椤 浠ユ垜浠繀椤 浠ユ垜浠繀椤 浠ユ垜浠繀椤 ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite ite

Great Priest 镄 涓嬬湁锛屼 cis cis cis cis cis cis cis cis cis cis cis cis € €

浣嗘槸浠栬缮瑕佷 multi multiverse 澶 眬涓 眬涓 眬涓 眬涓 眬涓 锛屾憞澶撮 锛屾憞澶撮 滃嵆浣 滃嵆浣 滃嵆浣 滃嵆浣 滃嵆浣 滃嵆浣 滃嵆浣 滃嵆浣 滃嵆浣 滃嵆浣Ultverse 镞 唬浣滀 唬浣滀 浠 浠 锛屽湪鎯呮劅涓婏纴鎴戝悓鎯呬綘浠纴浣嗘槸绔嫔満涓婏纴鎴戠粷瀵 锛屽湪鎯呮劅涓婏纴鎴戝悓鎯呬綘浠纴浣嗘槸绔嫔満涓婏纴鎴戠粷瀵 锛屽湪鎯呮劅涓婏纴鎴戝悓鎯呬綘浠纴浣嗘槸绔嫔満涓婏纴鎴戠粷瀵 锛屽湪鎯呮劅涓婏纴鎴戝悓鎯呬綘浠纴浣嗘槸绔嫔満涓婏纴鎴戠粷瀵 锛屽湪鎯呮劅涓婏纴鎴戝悓鎯呬綘浠纴浣嗘槸绔嫔満涓婏纴鎴戠粷瀵 锛屽湪鎯呮劅涓婏纴鎴戝悓鎯呬綘浠纴浣嗘槸绔嫔満涓婏纴鎴戠粷瀵 锛屽湪鎯呮劅涓婏纴鎴戝悓鎯呬綘浠纴浣嗘槸绔嫔満涓婏纴鎴戠粷瀵垝寰楅€炪€傗€


Lancis 鍦c/oreat Priest 鍑 幇镄勬椂 幇镄勬椂 欙纴灏卞 欙纴灏卞 欙纴灏卞 欙纴灏卞 殑璁 殑璁 殑璁 殑璁 殑璁 殑璁 殑璁 殑璁 殑璁 殑璁笉阃 纴涔熻鏄椂涔嬬晫鎴栬 呮槸榫欎箣鐣岀殑浜 呮槸榫欎箣鐣岀殑浜 呮槸榫欎箣鐣岀殑浜 呮槸榫欎箣鐣岀殑浜 呮槸榫欎箣鐣岀殑浜 彃 彃 彃 彃 湪鎯 湪鎯 湪鎯 浜涘 浜涘 浜涘Disease chain 侺€侺ancis 鍙岀洰闂︼ 涓€ stream of light 锛岃摤鍕冩旦鐒剁殑aura spread 鍑哄幓銆

Multiverse 镙 绔嫔埢涔 绔嫔埢涔 鐗啴 鐗啴 鐗啴 鐗啴 鐗啴 鐗啴 鐗啴 鐗啴 鐗啴 锛屾棤灏 锛屾棤灏 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴 铡嬶纴┖鍑虹幇銆

Great Priest 鍜孡ancis 涓€宸<竴鍙筹纴浼纴浼箮灏唚 hole piece 绌洪棿鍒嗗壊鎴愭尘娓垎鏄庣殑涓ょ墖锛屼氦浜掑湴宁】纴涓よ偂Aura 涓嶆柇鎸ゅ帇镌€锛屽疀鑻orld 棩涓€鑸€

Fluffy! !

The figures of Great Priest and Lancis disappeared at the same time, and they began to fight. Their battles have risen to the level of rules, and they can’t see them at all, but the energy around them has annihilation. The whole multiverse core is drowned in the devastating Thunder storm, as if washing away the world’s pollution, everything is disappearing.


Universe 6, a place selected as the Space and Time node.

Hōng lóng lóng, like a supernova explosion, an abnormal distortion in the space, and then sweep the energy of the whole galaxy through the “warping space”, spread out at the speed of the surpass light speed.

Wēng wēng wēng, the space was shredded and turned into a small piece of crystal.

“Hey!” The green figure flew out, the blood in the mouth turned into a floating bubble in the universe, Vados wiped the blood stains of the lower corners of the mouth, and the high-pounded ponytail was also scattered, and a green divine robe appeared damaged.

At this time Vados has no previous calmness, standing in front of her is a gray divine robe Dark Angel, yes, only one person, Vados was seriously injured. Because this Dark Angel is the archangel of the same level as Lancis, the leader of the dark gun Dark Angel – Badis.

Badis, the Expert of the Great Priest level.

To know that the power of Vados is among the many Angels, she and Whis, the brothers and sisters of the Great Priest, are even more powerful than the average Angel. Can make Vados seriously injured in such a short time. Great Priest level expert.

“Hahaha, you are the daughter of the contemporary Great Priest, tut tut, actually can survive my attack.”

Badis sullenly smiled, and the black Halo floated behind his head, and he trembled.

Adjusted his breathing, Vados coldly watched the opposite Dark Angel, the cold sounds: “You are not the Angel of the ordinary?”

“Yes, look at my god ring, I am the fifth floor of Divine Realm.”

Pointing at the god ring behind the brain, the angel ring of the ordinary angel is ringing around the neck. Only the archangel of the fifth floor of Divine Realm, the god ring begins to stand up and floats behind the head.


Silent watching, Vados did not speak, in fact, when she saw the other party’s moment, she knew the identity of the other party. The reason why I asked, just to delay the time, it is best to drag over to Zeno.

“Little girl, you want to delay time!” Middle-aged Angel Badis said lightly, his body suddenly disappeared.


Vados Eyes slammed and shook his heart.

Quickly looking for the other side’s trail, but because the levels are too different, Vados’ reaction can’t keep up with the other’s actions. Hula, Badis appeared, behind Vados, then smiled and slammed into it. Vados was hit hard, blood arrows spurted out, and the body fell like a kite.

But Badis still did not let go, stepped forward and continued a more violent attack.

Destruction God’s Planet of Universe 6.

Chubby Champa bit his teeth in front of a crystal ball. When Vados was shot, Champa stood up nervously and waved his fists beside him.

“Get away, get away…”

“Bastard, who is the guy in the end, actually hurt Vados seriously, I want to destroy him…” Champa, who is angry, wants to destroy each other, but then Champa is a bit frustrated, even Vados can’t beat each other’s words. It is useless to go up.

“How could this be, even… even more formidable than Vados!”

Champa facial expression, feeling deeply desperate.

God of Destruction is lawless in the universe, very prestige, but in the face of the Angel level expert, it is not enough to see. At the moment, Vados, whom he fears and admire, is actually being crushed by people, which really makes him tremble.

“Zeno, Priest, Great Priest, no matter who you are, you will be killed if you don’t show Vados.” Champa is pleading with God, although he feels dissatisfied about Vados’s usual attitude towards himself, but Champa’s character is very simple, he does not want to see Vados die.

It seems to be responding to Champa’s request.

Lower realm In the universe, when the evil archangel Badis was ready to give Vados a fatal blow, a golden-bright and dazzling glow appeared, and a small palace descended. In the light of golden, the silhouette of the divine is sitting on the throne, and on both sides, there are two guards standing on the left and right.

After the appearance of the figure, Badis’s action froze.

The rhythm of a divine is swept away.

Looking back at the little figure in the golden rays, Badis frowned. “Zeno?”

He hasn’t seen Zeno, but the whole multiverse can be so powerful, so high-spirited, only the agent of this era – Zeno. He actually came to Universe 6!

Destruction God’s Planet, Champa is pleasantly watched: “Zeno is coming, and Vados is saved.”

Champa ecstatic, but soon a bad guess came out in my heart. “Zeno adults will not be upset for a while, will the Universe 6 be cleaned up together?”

With the character of Zeno, this is very likely.

Thinking about it, Champa’s cold sweat ran down.



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