789. Chapter 788 begins

After all the people were there, Whis, Vados and Cus each nodded towards their God of Destruction, then volleyed, and the three scepters pointed at the same time. The singular light shines from the crystal ball and then gathers together to form a layer of protective layer around the martial arts platform.

Then, Vados was the convention master, and the cold voice echoed in the venue:

“The following is a brief description of the rules of convention!”

“This cosmic competition is supervised by God of Destruction Champa, God of Destruction Beerus, God of Destruction Xiaya, and Supreme Kai of Universe 3. The rules of the game are very simple. There are five contestants in each universe. Adopt a continuous elimination system. Each universe must send a contestant got on stage to participate in the competition. The three parties in the field are opponents each other. When the elimination is replaced, the conformant is determined. When all the contestants of a universe are eliminated, it is determined to be a failure and eliminated. The remaining two universes continue to play.”

“The universe that was last represented by the contestant in the ring was the winner.”

“The prizes are Super Dragon Ball, Crystal Dragon Ball, Cosmic Mark, and the winning universe will get Super Dragon Ball and Crystal Dragon Ball, and Universe 6 and Universe 7 will be accompanied by Universe 7 Earth.”

“In addition, because Universe 10 voluntarily gives up the Super Dragon Ball, if Universe 10 wins, it will get the cosmic imprint of a group of Universe 6 and Universe 7 according to the requirements of Xiaya adults. Super Dragon Ball is obtained by the lower ranked universe.”

Vados introduced the rules of the game in a simple and clear way.

In general, it is the principle of elimination. The strong person is respected, and the universe in which the last remaining contestant belongs. This means that as long as a universe has the invincible strong person of all the contestants of surpass, then all the contestants of other universes will be eliminated, and the final victory will be won.

Just for now, the strength of the three universes is relatively balanced, and there is no clear gap, so the tactical arrangement is also very important.

“Then the game begins, ask each universe to send out its first contestant,” Whis continued.

Universe 10, the order of the candidates has long been discussed, since it is a knockout, of course, the most powerful contestant should be left at the end. Xiaya glanced at the five contestants behind him and finally said to Obuni: “Obuni gave you the first game, try to stick to a few more games and consume the number of opponents.”

“Please rest assured that Xiaya is an adult.” Obuni stood up and said the financial expression.

Obuni is a cosmic person with a tall and straight face and a relatively thin face. Strength is a good player in Universe 10. It is very good at making unreal afterimage for battle. The original strength is only a little better than Super Perfect Cell. After Xiaya entered Universe 10, Obuni has been in Destruction God’s Planet training for many years and is now enough to match Super Saiyan 3. It is.

“Note on Universe 7, if possible, put the target on the universe 6 first.”

Xiaya snorted.

In his plan, Obuni could have consumed many of the experts of Universe 6 and Universe 7 because the two universes had shortcomings in the number of Experts at the Super Saiyan 3 level. But after seeing Zangya and Android 21, Xiaya knew that her plan needed to be adjusted.

Today, the five contestants of Universe 7 are more powerful than Super Saiyan 3. Only Universe 6 is not very clear at the moment, I don’t know what kind of queue they will send. Xiaya decided to conduct a round of trials and consider the subsequent tactical arrangements based on the results of the trials.

“Please God of Destruction.” Obuni nodded hard and jumped to the top of the ring.

Opposite, Universe 6 and Universe 7 also sent their own conformant, Universe 6 came up with Fred Demon called Creed, and Universe 7 came up with female scientist Android 21.

After the three men went to the ring, they stood by each other.

“Hey!” With a loud gongs, wēng wēng, the viewers in the stands are sitting in danger, focusing on the battle below the platform.

“Cred has done a good job and beat your opponent.” Champa yelled at his hand.

“Android 21, play your strength.” Beerus not to be outdone.

Xiaya and Xiling are sitting leisurely in the stands, just a random look. He has a rough judgment on the following situation. In general, only Android 21 in the following three contestants may cause obstacles to Obuni, Universe 6 Calling Fred’s Frost Demon race is nothing to threaten.

“I will put all of you down,” Obuni said earnestly.

“hē hē, you are a bit too big.” Frost Demon Kred swayed his tail, his face was solitary, and he was dismissive of anyone. This may be due to the character of Frost Demon, which is mostly the Frost Demon of the Universe 7’s Frost Demon still Universe 7.

At the time of Universe 6, Creed was like the Fliesa of the year. He was also a well-known person, ruled a vast star territory. For hundreds of years, rare rivals gradually developed a arrogant character.

Android 21, which has a long hair and is full of intellectual beauty, has few words. She has always been a scientist. Although she has the power of formidable, she rarely shoots. If she is not interested in the universe competition, and she has been persuaded by Xiaya before, she will not necessarily come.

After a brief interview for a while.

The contest on the mouth has ended so far, and all three have begun to exert their strength.

On the ring, Obuni first put out the offensive and defensive posture, slightly estimated the strength of the opponent, directly manipulated the body Ki, differentiated two or three illusory afterimage, and then launched the attack when the opponent was surprised.

The deep secrets of this used Ki interest seem to be not gorgeous at first glance, but also consume more physical strength, but the effect is very significant.

I saw the Obuni whole person leaning forward, slamming like a lightning bolt, 霎time draws a flash, he seems to penetrate the space, blink of an eye came to the front of Android 21, two or three afterimage follow left and right, wave Kicking towards Android 21.

Androids Android 21 squatting questioningly watching, when Obuni was about to kick her, the body faltered a few times, actually avoiding the attack of Obuni and afterimage, and then turning the direction, like a flexible lightning, in turn at the speed of unfathomable Counterattack against Obuni.

Obuni didn’t expect Android 21’s action to be so fast, and surprised, two virtual shadows in front of him.

Hey! Android 21’s body was dull, and the attack fell on the virtual shadow. Obuni’s attack followed, and several attacks were made. Only the electro-light flashed and roared, and the whole venue was filled with the figure of both sides. Android 21, who knows the bad situation, has to avoid the edge and sneak out to the side.

At this time, Krade, who had never shot at the side, was a little dumbfounded shortly after the start of the battle.

In fact, when Obuni chose to play against Android 21, Frost Demon was still laughing, and the two people played well. He could take advantage of the fisherman. But with the battle between Obuni and Android 21 going on, the intense level of the battle has been excerned from Creed’s imagination.

He gradually found that something was wrong.

He suddenly found that he could not see the action of both sides.

Just like the blind, the eyes have lost their effect.

How can this be! Creed did not know why he was suddenly flustered.

“What happened? Their speed surpassed my capture of the Ability!” Craid was nervous at this moment. He never thought that this would happen. In Universe 6, he was always invincible, but in front of him. What happened was actually slap in the face.

Just as Fred was nervous, Obuni also abandoned the intention to continue to attack Androids Android 21, adjusting the direction to attack the Contestant of Universe 6.

“No, the guy took me as the target.” Seeing that Obuni was coming to kill himself, Crade panicked, and had not had time to escape. The attack had already followed the wind.

Rubbing, a cold breeze blowing his cheeks, Fred’s Eyes shrunk into needles.

In Crade’s line of sight, I saw a faint afterimage appearing in front of him, and the heart suddenly tightened. It was too late to react. Suddenly, a huge force came from the chest, and the line of sight suddenly became blurred. The scenery on both sides is back to the follow back.

Peng! It seemed that the fly was on the wall, and Crade flew straight out of the ring, and fell into the protective cover and fell all the way.

When Cred reacted.

Has fallen out of the field.

Universe 6 Creed, directly eliminated.


Android 21 Some stare blankly, who was also ready to attack Fred after a round of trials with Obuni, did not expect that Crad was directly out of the field and was eliminated.

“Cred fell out of the field and the first contestant of Universe 6 was eliminated.” Whis looked at the venue and announced the results directly.

This time is still crying out of Champa, his mouth is stiff, and then the whole person jumped out of his seat and screamed at Vados. “In the end, what happened, how could he lose so easily?” ”

“Vados, is this the contestant you chose?”

“Champa adults, the contestant of Universe 10 is too strong.” Vados said lightly, it seems that the elimination of Universe 6 contestant has not affected her mood at all. Although Crad is strong, it is fundamental in all current contestants. Not anything. The elimination was also in her expectation.

“Damn!!” Champa grabbed his head with both hands and was annoyed.

“Hahaha, Champa, there is no one in your universe. I chose such a useless guy to participate in the competition. I think you still have to admit defeat.” Beerus will not let go of any chance to humiliate Champa, and directly ridicule.

“Hey, Beerus, you can’t go anywhere!”

In the contestant seat of Universe 6, Fliesa gloomy face and raised her head: “My family is really useless, and it is not much worse than my stupid big brother Cooler.” For the useless people, Lisa has always looked down.

“We lost one.” Cabba nervous.

“The man named Obuni is really an expert.” Namekian Saonel burst into the eyes when the battle started.

“…” Hit, who was wearing a purple dress, just looked at it in a calm and calm manner and closed his eyes.


On Xiaya’s side, Frost Demon’s elimination was only a sigh of praise, and everyone quickly focused on the battle between Obuni and Androids Android 21, which is even more important.

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