The Strongest Life Reborn

Chapter 2218: 1 as a god

Chapter 2206 A Master Seal (First)

In July, the summer file officially started killing.

The North American market will always be the most important market in the world. Even if for a period of time, its single box office score in the Chinese Congress is higher than that of North America, but the overall trend will not change.

As long as Western values ​​dominate the world, North American film and television is the world ’s first, and no one can shake it.

Therefore, even in May and June, Xiangjiang's movies frequently hit the box office, and it still seems a little turbulent in North America.

Even a stunning movie like "Kill Bill" can only be said to be successful in North America.

Most of the fans, of course, are looking forward to a movie that has been waiting for 3 years.

Movie sequel.

Its name is

"Terminator 2"!

This film started preparation in January last year, started shooting in April, finished filming in September, and then made special effects for 6 months, and now I finally meet with you.

Of course, it did not appear in front of people until July.

As early as April, various publicity posters began.

The ruthless robot killer with fingers turned into steel cones, the old robot who is in a state of distress but brave to rescue the protagonist, the smart and energetic teenager, the hero mother who has been locked up for many years but has not given up to polish herself ...

All of these characters have appeared one after another, giving everyone a strong shock.

The most shocking form of liquid robot must have been hidden, and that should be amazing for the audience in the movie.

Yin Jun and the truck driver wouldn't do the act of putting all the wonderful scenes in the trailer clip and tricking the audience into watching the bad movie.

But Rao is so, "Terminator 2" is also known as "a movie that must be watched in 1986".

Tickets for the North American Film Festival Friday premiere, as well as midnight tickets, were all robbed three days before the release.

For this reason, the Kirin Cinema Line also actively contacted major movie theater lines, and opened a 2 a.m., and the sales rate reached 60%, which is terrifying.

Together with the 7 movie tickets on Saturday the next day, it was sold in advance, and the overall attendance rate can exceed 70%.

In 7 games on Sunday, attendance also reached 60%.

Such a three-day pre-sales score has reached a total of 120 million US dollars, far exceeding the previous "Resident Evil" 82 million first weekend box office, setting the highest pre-sale record for all movies in these three years.

Many critics are also saying that this is a great honor, but also a great pressure.

Once "Terminator 2" did not meet everyone's expectations, or not much surprise, I am afraid that its best result is a one-week box office tour.

By then, director and producer James Cameron and screenwriter Yin Jun will be hit hard.

Yin Jun wouldn't lose the title of the world's first screenwriter, but James Cameron unloaded his magic veil, it is a sure thing.

But will "Ultimate 2" disappoint?

Certainly not!

Even if James Cameron was a little worried, he called to ask Yin Jun ’s attitude, and Yin Jun told him firmly, “Prepare your champagne, we will succeed!”

Do n’t laugh. The truck driver is not confident.

Before the filming of "Titanic", he had already made super blockbusters such as "Terminator 2", "True Lies" and "Evaporation Secret Order". He was already a super giant in the field of commercial film, but you see him promoting Attitude when "Titanic"? Look at his shouting "I am the King of the World" after getting Oscar?

This is not a great pressure, a feeling of immediate release?

Then, even after Titanic, he produced Avatar, who led the team to promote the whole world for 6 months?

It's not a small director, but James Cameron, the director of the world's first commercial box office holder! !

So from the performance behind you can know that James Cameron is not very confident.

If the pre-sale box office is not so good, he will not be so nervous, but the pre-sale box office reached 120 million US dollars, which really put him under great pressure.

Even with Yin Jun's affirmation, he just felt better in his heart.

However, no matter how you resist, the test will come.

Sitting in the movie theater at the premiere, James Cameron looked at such a movie he directed seriously.

Just looking at it, he was already immersed in it, and slowly, his mind let go.

Even if they feel pretty, should they still accept it?

Cameron, immersed in the movie world, ignored the uninterrupted exclamations and applause. After the movie, watching the audience screaming and thumbs up, he finally had a little confidence.

And in fact, as Cameron thought, the audience loved it and bought it.

Seeing the liquid robot that seems to be impossible to kill, and seeing the episode of the villain of the first episode actually became a savior for humans, they were all shocked and conquered by special effects technology.

After waiting, looking at the robot played by Schwarzenegger, in order to eliminate his own existence, and actively destroying all the time, everyone was moved to tears.

Cameron and Michael Bay are also super directors of commercial action movies. Why can Cameron be immortal, and Michael Bay can only be regarded as a master?

The reason is in this regard.

In Cameron's movies, you can always find the tenderest feelings and touches of human beings in the fierce fighting and action, so that you don't even think that you are just watching an action movie.

Michael Bay is different. You will be screaming and cheering for his movie, but after watching it, you will not want to watch it a second time, nor will you recall how many shots there are.

The difference between the two can be seen directly.

With a very good word of mouth on the first day, "Terminator 2", which was released simultaneously worldwide on the first weekend, madly bombed the box office, reaching a staggering $ 270 million!

Among them, the remaining seats in the North American movie market have further increased the attendance rate, and finally closed at 170 million US dollars.

Although there is a high ticket price on the IMAX screen, this movie is so popular, which is beyond the expectations of many people.

Hollywood sequel movies usually have the best scores, being equal to the first episode, or falling by about 20%.

Can surpass the first part by such a large amount, "Terminator 2" can also be regarded as a sudden rise!

The next week, "Terminator 2" once again received 230 million US dollars, two weeks to reach 500 million US dollars at the box office.

It is conceivable that it will inevitably become one of the movies of the one billion dollar club.

Cameron relied on this movie to fight the gods.

Yin Jun was not surprised that he had such an achievement.

Even Ye Linqinwa didn't feel so shocked.

The script was written by Yin Jun. Cameron was only an executor. At least half of the credit should be counted on Yin Jun!

So after briefly reporting on the situation at the box office in the second week, Ye Linqinwa talked about the second thing without a surprise, "Fei Xiang ’s opera in the UK has ended, and Brookheimer wants to join him again. How about watching a movie? "

Brookheimer and Fei Xiang collaborated on "Zhuang Zhi Ling Yun". This film has both fame and fortune, and also received great favor from Hai x, making him like Fei Xiang very much.

It's just that Fei Xiang is a very good actor.

After he appeared in "Zhuang Zhi Ling Yun", he went to England and starred in the opera of "Hamlet". In such a year or so, he toured 62 games around the world and won great praise.

Fei Xiang ’s overall revenue for this opera is less than 1 million pounds, which is about 1.5 million US dollars-this is the highest in the entire crew.

But this number is less than one-third of the various incomes and dividends of "Zhuang Zhi Ling Yun".

This is a waste of Fei Xiang's talent!

So, as soon as Fei Xiang ended his opera performance, Brookheimer found him.

Fei Xiang and Yin Jun agreed that if he made a movie, he would have a year to do what he wanted to do.

Now that he has emptied himself for a year and a half, it is time for him to appear in the movie!

Of course, the reason for Brookheimer to find Yin Jun is not only to seize Fei Xiang's schedule, but more importantly, he also wants Yin Jun to give Fei Xiang a good script.

Listening to Ye Linqinwa, Yin Jun nodded with a smile. He looked for a while in the huge safe in his office and took out a script.

"You give this to Brookheimer!" The teenager said to Ye Linqinwa.

Ye Linqinwa took it and saw the name "Fast Hunt" written on it.

She doesn't know much about the script of the movie, but she knows that as long as the script is taken out by Yin Jun, there is no difference.

Fei Xiang is the first international-level superstar held up by Yin Jun. He is famous in the world with his "Life and Death Speed".

Such a person, Yin Jun will not treat him badly, so this script must be a good one.

Ye Linqinwa didn't think wrong ~ ~ Hurry Up "is a very good script.

In fact, it is also the turn of Keanu Reeves.

After filming "The Matrix", Keanu Reeves flew all the way, and was not interested in mainstream commercial movies at all.

But in it, he still took this small production of "Quick Hunt", and the result was welcomed by the audience.

Not only is the first part amazing, but the second part has both a box office and word of mouth breakthrough.

In the video tape and DVD markets, it is even more profitable.

As a result, Keanu Reeves was once again among the world-class action stars.

Fei Xiang, now in his twenties, if there is such a movie, he will undoubtedly continue to consolidate his status as a world superstar!

(End of this chapter)

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