The Strongest Mad Mercenary

Vol 2 Chapter 5339: Seventy-two hours (eleventh)

As the news of Bai Keqing's death spread to the West, the nature of these seventy-two hours has completely changed.

Due to the death of his father, He Tianya finally decided to make some changes.

Break the boat, leave nothing behind, or-die together.

No one knows whether He Tianya's crazy smile is hiding a heart like dead ashes.

But, at least, he now has the determination to turn the dark world into dead ashes.


The warden fell to the ground, looking at his abolished knees, his eyes full of unwillingness.

He has been tough for half a lifetime, using his strength and wrists to maintain order for half a lifetime, seeing that he is about to be completely broken, and he has fallen to this end, the warden is really unwilling.

However, he couldn't stand up anymore, and even the warden had to thank his teacher for showing mercy.

Before, when he was fighting against Mu Long, his teacher suddenly appeared from the rear, which gave Mu Long the chance to take the warden seriously.

But now, where did Mu Long go?

This guy who is full of hatred flames in his heart, once completely returned to human society, what kind of storm will be set off?


"Les State suddenly announced the blockade of the northern border. All those who want to leave from here must be strictly investigated?" Looking at the latest information in the newspaper, Danielle Sharp's expression was very solemn.

It is not yet known why this country wants to do this, but the Dark City has only one tunnel into the city, which connects to the northern border of Lisi!

"Hurry up and find out what the reason is!" Danielle Sharp said coldly.

If you really want to close the entry and exit exchanges, then why not block the whole country, but just block the northern border? This seems totally unreasonable!

Danielle Sharp has a faint hunch, which seems to be aimed at the dark world! In fact, in the past, the relationship between the Dark City and the Lis State government was very good, and the two sides even maintained a very close communication. After all, the two main throats are not under their control. The Dark City is indeed in this respect. Subject to others


Of course, this is also what the Bright World deliberately did in order to guard against the dark city.

At present, the Lis State government only strictly checks the entry and exit, and has not directly blocked it, so the matter has not reached the worst point, and everything is discussed.

But now, because of this incident, many people have smelled the scent of the mountains and the rain.

The Temple of the Sun has sent a lot of personnel to cast a net in a large area in the cold Nordic world, looking for traces of He Tianya and Mulan, the concentration of troops is obviously not as good as before. "Miss, the reason has been found. We have already contacted the insider of Lis Country. It is said that a group of frenzied dangerous elements ran out of the Dark City and committed a serial murder on the northern border. At least a hundred people were involved. Death, currently,

The northern border of Liss is already very chaotic. "

At least a hundred people died? And the murderer ran out of the dark city?

Hearing these words, Danielle Sharp's expression suddenly became more solemn than ever! A very bad feeling came to my heart! Prior to this, the reason why the Dark City was able to maintain a fairly good relationship with neighboring countries was largely because the Palace of the King of Gods had relatively strong control over the dangerous elements living in this city. Neighboring countries

The home does not have any security concerns because there are too many desperadoes in this city, and now, after more than a hundred people die, this delicate balance is obviously on the verge of being broken!

"Verify the news, if it is true, immediately arrange for the King's Guard to help, so that this group can't be allowed to do evil again." Danielle Sharp said.

Since ancient times, defending a city has always been more difficult than siege. No matter how strong your city wall is, it is difficult to win victory by sticking to it. What's more, modern cities have no defense at all. Even if the dark world has sufficient supplies, but once the city gate is closed, those materials are Enough

How long do city people live? The resources consumed every day are too large to be estimated!

What's more, under the conditions of modern warfare, if you shut down the city and can't stand firm, there is no way to deal with you? There are ways! It is more time-saving and labor-saving to come directly to the previous long-range firepower coverage!

So this is the sorrow of the dark city. Since the day the dark world was founded, it has been choked by the light world. However, due to the inextricable interests between each other, the light world has never dared to completely let go of eating the dark city...although Of

Many careerists have made similar ideas before, but they all failed without exception.

So, Danielle Sharp is really super sensitive to this.

Ten minutes later, the person in charge of the intelligence department of the Palace of Gods came in with a solemn expression on his face: "Miss, Lisi State has rejected our offer to help in the country. They said they can do it on their own."

Danielle Sharp’s face was dignified: “I’ll call the military division right now!” In fact, the Temple of the Sun had been preparing for a rainy day before, and a force was secretly deployed in the kingdom of Lis. Of course, from the standpoint of Su Rui and military division , They hope that this force will never come in handy, otherwise, when this

When a team takes action, it means that the Dark City is already in danger!

After Su Rui took over the Palace of the King of Gods, in order to better coordinate and coordinate, the Temple of the Sun told Danielle Sharp about these arrangements.

After the call was connected, Danielle Sharp clarified his intentions.

The military commander’s voice also had a very obvious dignified meaning. She said: "I'm already here, and things are more serious than imagined."

In front of her eyes, there was a patch of blood.

Many people fell to the ground in a miserable state of death, either with their necks broken or their limbs cut off.

The bodies of these people were all placed on the streets of the village, as if they were deliberately shown to others, the strong smell of blood lingering in the wind.

Earthly Shura Field.

In modern society, such a massacre is simply tragic.

More than a hundred people died. Hearing this news on the phone is just a number. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you will never think of the visual impact and soul shock that this number brings, how powerful is it!

"Asshole." The military division clenched his fists tightly, and the setting sun in the distance was bloody.

After she heard the news of the massacre happening here, her keen sense of smell immediately smelled a strong taste of conspiracy!

Obviously, this kind of thing happened and it seriously disrupted the pace of investigation in the dark world! The eyes of the whole world may be attracted here!

If the case is really the work of the dark world, then they will be under tremendous pressure! For the sake of world security, many sovereign states in Bright World will never let it go!

When the military division came to this border village and town, looking around, there were no more people living in the local residents.

The military police of Lisi State are investigating on the spot and have already pulled the cordon. Even though the military division has identified his identity, they still refuse to approach the military division and her subordinates, and have shown a strong sense of guard. "I know that you are a military division of the Sun Temple, you are famous, but this is not a dark city, so I hope you don't get involved in this matter." A Lis country colonel stood opposite the military division, his voice was cold: "Moreover, You still

There is a motive and suspicion for committing the crime, and now he is present at the scene of the crime. Maybe he has other thoughts. "

When this happened, the trust between the two parties fell to a freezing point.

Listening to these illogical words, the military officer said lightly: "You haven't caught the murderer yet, so how can you judge the murderer from the dark city?" "I don't need evidence! The closest to here is the Dark City!" The colonel’s voice increased eight degrees: "Only you will harbor so many desperadoes! Damn, God should really take this chaos completely.

erase! "

The military division's heart sank below.

When investigating the case, the most taboo is preconceived judgment.

The military and police of this country clearly don't have any evidence yet, but they have pointed the finger at the Dark City!

Now, this kind of argument must have been clamoring! It is estimated that it will not be long before many people who have heard the news of the massacre will think that this is the handwriting of the Dark City!

In fact, this cannot be entirely blamed on these people for making similar judgments. It is because the village is too close to the city. Once a murderer appears, people will instinctively think of whether it is a member of the dark world.

"Criminals are very dangerous. I hope that both parties can cooperate." The military commander narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "If you delay for a while, things will develop in an even more uncontrollable direction."

"No, in my opinion, you are more dangerous than criminals!" The colonel drew his pistol directly and pointed at the masked military commander: "Something that pretends to be a ghost! If you dare to say one more thing, I will kill you now. you!"

The other military police behind the colonel have also raised their guns!

Hearing this colonel said so, the elites of the Sun Temple brought by the military commander were suddenly furious! When they came here to participate in the investigation, not only were they kindly treated as donkey liver and lungs, but they also had to endure such insults. Who could stand it? What's more, this person dared to use such vicious words to insult the strategist, which is simply offending the people of the Sun Temple.

Reverse scales!

Huh huh!

The soldiers of the Temple of the Sun drew their swords together!

"You are really courageous enough, in our country, you can still be so rampant? Believe it or not, I will immediately order you to be killed?"

The colonel said fiercely.

However, before his words fell, the gun in his hand was gone!

When the colonel took a closer look, he realized that his gun had fallen into the hands of the military division at some point! The military teacher held his gun against the colonel's forehead, and there was a heart-palpitating power in his voice: "The Dark City must intervene in the investigation, otherwise, the price will not be yours!"

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