Fan Bing, who was wearing a professional attire, walked to the wine. The upper body was a loose white shirt with design pleats, the lower body was a black suit and short skirt, and the high heels were black. The overall look was simple and solemn, elegant and generous.

Fan Bing doesn't wear stockings, because she doesn't need to, her legs are very good, and her skin is white and crystal clear.

In terms of dress up, Fan Bing is wearing a very "ordinary" dress, which is just a common dress for office women.

But there is a saying that it is not clothes but people that are ugly. A beautiful woman can wear a ragged sack, and she can also conquer the country!

Visually speaking, Fan Bing standing in front of the wine cabinet can even give people the feeling of a model, very tall.

But in fact, Fan Bing's height is 1.65 meters. This height is definitely not short in terms of female height. It is very high. It is enough to be a flight attendant, but compared with the visual effect that Fan Bing can present when standing up, It makes you feel wrong again!

It's so amazing!

Fan Bing's skeleton is very small, with narrow shoulders and a swan neck, and a small face. Coupled with the golden ratio of his body, the overall feeling will be like this.

But it also has the effect of well-dressed in its

"Mr. Ji, is it red wine or champagne?" Fan Bing opened the wine cabinet and asked Ji Feng again.

"Red bar, thank you." Ji Feng looked at Fan Bing's silhouette and replied after a short wait.

Fan Bing took a bottle of red wine, opened the red wine in front of the wine cabinet, clipped two goblets, went to the coffee table, put down the goblets, and poured two glasses of red wine.

"Mr. Ji, please." Fan Bing smiled.

Moved a wine glass to Ji Feng's direction - down, just to the position where Ji Feng - can reach.

Ji Feng picked up the wine glass, shook his wrist lightly, looked at the color of the wine glass as crystal clear as blood, and smiled at Fan Bing.

Fan Bing held the red wine glass, touched the glass with Ji Feng, and then walked to the opposite side of Ji Feng and sat down.

He leaned his legs together and leaned to one side, turned his wrist with the goblet in his left hand, turned his head slightly sideways, and took a sip of red wine with an elegant posture.

Jade neck is very charming!

Ji Feng smiled and took a sip of red wine.

Fan Bing turned his wrist slightly and put down the red wine glass. From Ji Feng's angle, he could clearly see that there was a red mark left by Fan Bing's lipstick on the side of the red wine glass.

After a woman is beautiful to a certain extent, her every move will exude infinite charm, which will produce magical effects, making enemies less hostile, making strangers indulge in her posture, and making business partners more forgiving and making concessions.

Fan Bing is!

This is her invincible means!

This is her routine, she is a woman who can make people soften.

In fact, Fan Bing's alcohol intake is very general, so she never drinks much, but only a little bit every day. She likes the feeling of being a little drunk. She thinks that she is the most attractive in that state, and she will be very relaxed and will not lose her temper!

And any man who can make her pour the wine herself is the object she wants to confuse and manipulate.

Expression and posture, she has already practiced.

She understands a man's heart very well, and firmly believes that what she can't get is the most charming.

Therefore, a lot of people who are her crush, admirers, and suitors are willing to be licking dogs, but they can't get her, because Fan Bing has an excellent grasp of the scale.

Ji Feng believes that if a woman like Fan Bing was in ancient times, she must be a peerless beauty who "has been famous in history"!

From the day she "blackened", she has been practicing for 20 years! She played with the hair in men's hearts, and she has already reached the pinnacle of excellence!

It's a pity that Ji Feng knows her very well now.

"Mr. Ji, can you be frank and tell me. What did you and Mr. Su talk about?" Fan Bing said softly and directly.

She just wanted Ji Feng to tell the truth, to tell the truth without concealment.

"Something about Song Xiaofeng." Ji Feng smiled.

"Song Xiaofeng?" Fan Bing frowned slightly as if in doubt, and then asked with a soft smile: "As far as I know, the Song family and the Sun family had thought about marriage, but it was temporarily put on hold because of the strong resistance of the Sun family, but in recent years , the two have already cooperated a lot in various fields, so, Mr. Ji, you just said something about Song Xiaofeng, and the Sun family is willing to fight against the water? Will the Sun family suffer a lot?"

This is Fan Bing's inference, but he is also testing Ji Feng.

"It's really hard for me to understand." Fan Bing paused and smiled again: "I don't know Mr. Ji. Can you tell me?"

Fan Bing asked very directly. This is her language skills. She will create a feeling that a man can't bear to reject her. As long as he rejects her, he may not be able to continue talking.

What she didn't know was that Ji Feng had planned to tell her before he came, but she didn't know a word of it!

Ji Feng smiled and was silent for a while, then raised his wine glass and gestured to Fan Bing.

Fan Bing raised a glass and responded to Ji Feng

The two took another sip of wine.

"Yes, from an ally to an enemy, the Sun family will indeed suffer a lot." Ji Feng put down his glass, looked at Fan Bing and smiled: "But if the Sun family can gain potential after losing the Song family as an ally. A stronger ally and dragged down by the Song family's troubles, I think it's a good thing for the Sun family."

Fan Bing blinked at Ji Feng.

She was intrigued, and not just because the big family struggles were worth knowing about.

More importantly, it has something to do with her! If something really happened to the Song family, Fan Bing would be implicated.

"I don't know if Mr. Ji is willing to talk about it in detail." Fan Bing lifted her hair and hung it behind her ear, smilingly watching Ji Feng assume the attitude of a sub-listener.

"Song Xiaofeng killed someone who shouldn't be killed." Ji Feng said, as if caught in a memory, he was silent for a moment, then he picked up the glass again, gestured towards Fan Bing, and took a sip.

After the two had another sip of wine, Ji Feng said that Song Xiaofeng killed Li Ziming back then.

Ji Feng said very circumspectly and not directly. He never said it directly. He also asked Fan Bing if he knew about Li Ziming...

Fan Bing was not surprised by this, because since she saw Ji Feng, Ji Feng's words were just like that.

She thought it was Ji Feng's habit of speaking

This led to the fact that it took Ji Feng half an hour to fully explain to Fan Bing what happened between Song Xiaofeng and Li Ziming, and let Fan Bing understand what was at stake!

This is a ticking time bomb. As long as the Li family finds out, the Song family will be pushed directly to the edge of the cliff!

During the half-hour conversation, the two drank a bottle of red wine before they knew it, and Ji Feng seemed to be used to drinking and talking.

So toasting is relatively active, Fan Bing can't be rude, and is attracted by the "story" that Ji Feng tells, so it has always been, as much as Ji Feng drinks, she drinks as much!

She felt that Ji Feng's speech speed increased as time passed, and he spoke in great detail.

I thought it was the effect of wine!

So she is willing to drink with Ji Feng!

In the office, drinking too much will not cause an accident.

She felt that Ji Feng had entered a rhythm that she could control.

The so-called truth-telling after drinking.

Fan Bing saw that Ji Feng had been holding an empty wine glass, and at the same time she was asking questions, she had already stood up and walked towards the wine cabinet on high heels. At this moment, her face was slightly red, and her drunkenness had already appeared on her face.

She walked to the wine cabinet, opened the wine cabinet door again, and turned her back to Ji Feng's direction.

Ji Feng stood up at this time and walked silently behind her.

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