The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 607: Can't see through, can't see through at all

I'm really a little confused, because the development of the situation is completely different from what Tang Jingbin thought!

Before he came to Jinhai, he did his "homework". According to what he thought, those who hurt Tang Xinbao must die. Although Tang Xinbao was fine in the end, it was related to the face of the Tang family, the face of the big family. lost!

Any retreat from the Tang family may be interpreted as the Tang family is afraid of the Sun family!

As for the Sun family, this matter cannot be directly implicated in Sun Hao. If Sun Hao chooses to "abandon the car and protect the handsome", that's fine. Sun Hao does not protect the people below, and letting the Tang family deal with it is also enough for the Tang family. Face, there is no need to pursue anything more.

But if Sun Hao wanted to protect someone, the Sun family would have to pay a certain price, and the price might not be much.

After all, it might just be a sum of money and the disappearance of some minor characters.

Money is a trivial matter, even a few hundred million is a trivial matter, but this will affect the face of the Sun family!

At the end of the day, it's a matter of face!

If this matter is resolved without regard for face, Sun Hao directly kowtows to the Tang family and apologizes, and it will be resolved in an instant!

But this is not possible.

So how this matter will develop and what the outcome will be, Tang Jingbin has a pre-judgment, there are only two possibilities.

He was fully prepared.

As for Ji Feng and Tang Jingbin, they had been investigated yesterday, but they didn't find any background, but it didn't mean that they didn't have any background.

Naturally, many things were beyond Tang Jingbin's ability to find out.

However, the relationship between Ji Feng and Sun Jie, as well as Sun Hao's attitude towards Ji Feng, can be found at a glance.

Tang Jingbin knew that Ji Feng was a talented young man, and he couldn't catch up with Sun Jie without his ability, let alone become a brother-in-law recognized by Sun Hao.

I don't know the specific situation, but Tang Jingbin knows that Ji Feng will definitely try to reconcile this matter, and he is also prepared for this.

According to his ideas.

He directly gave Ji Feng money and thanked Ji Feng for his life-saving grace to Tang Xinbao. Ji Feng definitely didn't want it and would push it back. If he received the money and the Tang family repaid the kindness, he would not be able to reconcile it.

Certainly will not be charged.

Tang Jingbin even thought that when Ji Feng was dodging, he might lead the topic directly to Sun Hao. Then come up with a mediation statement.

That's normal"

What the **** is a direct payment?

Because it is inferred that Ji Feng will not receive money, in order to express the sincerity of thanks, I also thought that Ji Feng might ask how much money is in the card.

The more money he has, the more he won't accept it, so Tang Jingbin put a full 50 million yuan into Kari!

However, Ji Feng did not even ask how much money was in the card.

Just took the pocket.

This caused Tang Jingbin's long prepared speeches to be useless all of a sudden, which made Tang Jingbin subconsciously wonder if he was overestimating this young man named Ji Feng?

Didn't Ji Feng think so much?

Want money?

Also don't want to reconcile things?

Isn't this stupid?

His identity as Tang Xinbao's life-saving benefactor, if used properly, can mediate this matter well and satisfy both parties, then Sun Jie will definitely favor him more, and Sun Hao will be more convinced of him.

Even the Sun family themselves may look at him differently!

The benefits are great, not just a sum of money can compare!

How could such an opportunity be missed?



Tang Jingbin suddenly felt that Ji Feng might not have thought too much, because Ji Feng's behavior was abnormal.

The "mediocre" behavior of directly receiving money, which seems to be open to seeing money, is actually something that ordinary people will not do!

When people are faced with a thank you, especially when they give a bank card directly, they usually ask questions, push back, be polite, don't say anything nonsense, and don't even accept the card directly in the usual manner. This is not normal. of!

Tang Jingbin couldn't figure out what Ji Feng was thinking.

He felt that there were only those two possibilities.

Either, Ji Feng is really mediocre, not as capable as he guessed, or a little clever, he can take down Sun Jie.

Maybe it's the face, whoever can have a reasonable explanation is the right eye!

Another possibility is that Ji Feng has thought about mediating from Shen, but there is no good way. Collect the money first, and when the Sun family loses money, he will fill in the money he received.

It is also a contribution to solving this problem.

Tang Jingbin is a smart man.

He was stunned and thought so much.

Although smart people are smart, they all have a problem, that is, sometimes smart friends are mistaken by smart people.

Especially people with complex minds, who think a lot, often "fight with the air" by themselves.

However, Tang Jingbin does not count as "fighting wits with the air".

He had grasped part of Ji Feng's mind, especially at the beginning. Before seeing Ji Feng, he guessed everything correctly, Ji Feng is indeed capable, and Ji Feng really wants to reconcile.

The idea is fine.

But after seeing Ji Feng, Tang Jingbin was affected by Ji Feng's "abnormal behavior", but instead became distracted because he thought too much, and he couldn't understand the situation clearly.

What he didn't know was that Ji Feng's abnormal behavior of directly collecting money was specially prepared for a wily and complicated person like him!

If Tang Jingbin's mind was simpler, Ji Feng would not have done it.

The smile on Tang Jingbin's face froze, but from another point of view, he kept his smile. Although there was something wrong with his expression, the smile on his face soon "bloomed" again!

"Hahaha, little brother is refreshing, not procrastination or hypocrisy at all, I like to deal with refreshing people." Tang Jingbin laughed, and then sighed: "I was worried before, if these fifty million little brothers What to do if you don’t want to shirk it, our Tang family has always repaid any kindness, and this is a life-saving grace!”

Tang Jingbin laughed too much and listed the amount of money in the card.

Tang Xinbao and Guo Qiqi didn't react much, they just looked at each other normally, their minds were simple and they didn't think much about it.

After all, a life-saving grace, not to mention 50 million, but 100 million is not much in Tang Xinbao's view!

Zhang Ya, who was sitting on the sofa chair on the other side, changed her expression.

She doesn't have any family background either, so she will naturally feel that she has a great handwriting!

The Tang family is really rich, apart from these, Zhang Ya didn't feel anything wrong.

Only Ji Feng felt it.

Tang Jingbin deliberately pointed it out to see his own reaction, but Ji Feng didn't respond to this. Keep smiling!

Knowing that there are 50 million Ji Feng in the card, it can be said that there is no emotional fluctuation!

Tang Jingbin noticed Ji Feng's expression.

He wasn't sure whether Ji Feng was pretending to be calm, or whether he really didn't take 50 million seriously. Tang Jingbin was straight and always looked at people accurately, but he couldn't guess when he met Ji Feng!

"Boss Tang has been exhausted. He set off for Jinhai early in the morning. He hasn't eaten yet." Ji Feng smiled and said to Tang Jingbin, as if he wanted to entertain Tang Jingbin well after receiving the money.

With that said, Ji Feng glanced at his watch.

Afterwards, without waiting for Tang Jingbin to say anything, Ji Feng turned around and gestured to Zhang Ya, "Xiaoya, prepare lunch for one afternoon. I have something else to do after having breakfast early today."

This is the first time that Ji Feng has taken the initiative to ask Zhang Ya to cook. It was Zhang Ya who took the initiative before.

"Oh, okay, I'll go get it now." Zhang Ya got up quickly.

Zhang Ya turned around and was about to go to the kitchen, when Ji Feng made an "amazing" move.

"First time Xiaoya." Ji Feng stopped Zhang Ya, took out the card that Tang Jingbin gave from his pocket, and handed it to Zhang Ya, "Take this card to buy groceries and clothes. The rest of the money can be used when you return to the Demon City."

Ji Feng gave Zhang Ya a card with 50 million!

He gave Zhang Ya the 50 million he just got.

Everyone except Ji Feng was stunned.

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