The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 184: Guo Jia Investment Efficiency

"Haha, since it is Zhicai's old friend, it is my Zhang Yu's old friend, Mr. Yu Jing has a glass." Zhang Yu said happily.

Zhang Yu was happy, very happy. In his eyes, Guo Jia couldn't run away.

Not to mention whether he will go back with himself, Zhang Yu still has a famous card here.

Even if there is no famous card, Zhang Yu is willing to spend his points to redeem it.

How many soldiers and horses can be worth a Guo Jia.

More importantly, this Guo Jia is not from a family.

Like Xi Zhicai, they were all born of poor people.

"Okay, Master Zhang is also a man of temperament. It was unreasonable before." Guo Jia said, and had a drink with Zhang Yu.

Before, Guo Jia was really unreasonable, did not reveal his identity, and did not meet Zhang Yu.

But this is all Guo Jia deliberately, in order to test Zhang Yu.

Xizhi had only invited several times before, but Guo Jia did not agree to go to Jiangdong.

In addition to not being optimistic about Jiangdong, Guo Jia can't see through Zhang Yu.

But recently, Zhang Yu's repeated moves have attracted Guo Jia's idea.

Especially when he just went to visit an elder, knowing that Zhang Yu had proposed to work for relief.

This is a work-for-relief, and Guo Jia knew it was an amazing idea when he heard it.

"Sir, how good is this wine?" Zhang Yu asked.

"If the adults don't dislike it, just call me filial piety." Guo Jia said: "The adults have moved into the city with high profile recently, playing around with the ministers, and now they are building a chariot. It is really hard to see through."

"Can't see through? Why don't you come back to Jiangdong with me, you can see through everything at that time." Zhang Yu looked at Guo Jia and said with a smile.

"Go to Jiangdong, can the wine tube be enough?"

"Enough pipe."

"Haha, as long as the wine tube is enough, then I will worship the lord in filial piety." Guo Jia stood up and said.

"Haha, great. Let's take a swig today." Zhang Yu said to Dian Wei happily, "Go and change a jar of good wine."

"Good wine?" Guo Jia wondered, there is something better than this wine.

Dian Wei didn't move slowly, he jumped up after a rub, and ran into the room to take out a jug of wine.

This wine jar is obviously much more refined.

Dian Wei is happier holding the wine than holding the beauty.

He has coveted this jar of wine for a long time, but he has never had a chance.

Now that Zhang Yu took it out generously, he couldn't be happy again.

"This is?" Guo Jia pointed to the jar of wine and said in surprise.

Guo Jia was surprised because he had already guessed something.

"Yes, this is tribute wine, tribute wine that only the emperor can drink."

As Zhang Yu said, Dian Wei had already opened the wine and began to pour it.

Guo Jia smelled the aroma of the wine, closed his eyes, and took a deep sniff.

"Good wine, the poem of the lord is really too appropriate, this wine really should only be in the sky." Guo Jia sighed.

"Haha, others can't drink this wine, we can still drink it from time to time."

Zhang Yu didn't say that drinking it every day is okay, because after all, this is a tribute wine. Drinking it every day makes it an emperor.

The three people drank tribute wine in the yard.

It is not surprising that Guo Jia will come to join Zhang Yu.

He has a very good relationship with Xi Zhicai, and the two often exchange letters.

Although Xi Zhicai will not reveal some of Jiangdong's secrets, some public things will still be introduced to him.

At the same time, Xi Zhicai used his own name to analyze Zhang Yu's judgment on the future situation to Guo Jia.

So Guo Jia actually knows more about Jiangdong than others.

Know more, this wine is just taking advantage of the trend.

Guo Jia did make the final decision because of this wine.

Everyone knows that Guo Jia is more stray.

I like wine and women, so I hang up at a young age.

But there is nothing to say about his talent.

Because of this fine wine, you can drink this fine wine every day, so Guo Jia fell and fell into Zhang Yu's command.

Zhang Yu is happy to have a talent.

Three people killed a jar of tribute wine.

This tribute wine is good, Zhang Yu and Dian Wei are naturally fine, but Guo Jia is drunk.

But when he got up the next day, Guo Jia didn't feel unwell, but was more energetic.

Guo Jia had many dark diseases, so he died at a young age.

The tribute wine contains the powder of the soul-returning pill, so it will not only prevent headaches, but also cure some minor illnesses.

"Master, Meng Lang, his subordinate yesterday, did not control his mouth." Guo Jia got up and saw Zhang Yu and Dianwei already practicing martial arts in the yard.

"It's okay." Zhang Yudang opened Dianwei's halberd, motioned to stop, and then said: "If there is anything Feng Xiao has to deal with in Luoyang, please deal with it quickly. Tomorrow we will set off back to Jiangdong."

"No, the subordinates are alone, how can there be so many things." Guo Jia said.

Originally, Zhang Yu planned to leave today, but because Guo Jia was happy to drink too much, he went back one day later, anyway, he didn't delay much.

After waiting for another day, Zhang Yu led people to set off.

When he left, Zhang Yu sent a letter to Lu Zhi, and then left him a lot of money for him to use as a start-up fund, and made an appointment to start building the gallop after a month.

To build the road, there must be a competent person to preside, and Zhang Yu does not want to let the officials of the big man intervene, otherwise corruption will surely become a trend at that time.

On the way back, Zhang Yu introduced the policies of Kuaiji County to Guo Jia in detail.

"Lord Lord, it's no wonder that Zhicai respects the main function so much and invited me to Jiangdong several times." After listening to Zhang Yu's narration, Guo Jia sighed.

Zhang Yu was greatly satisfied. This Guo Jia didn't admire him too.

When we went back, Zhang Yu and their 3,000 people were together course, they also brought a large number of craftsmen home.

In this era, it's not just talents that can mix well.

These craftsmen are talents, but they are not taken seriously.

So Zhang Yu is very easy to recruit, and some are recruited in various places along the way.

By the time Zhang Yu returned to Kuaiji County, there were already nearly 10,000 people.

Back in the day, when Zhang Yu left Luoyang, he attracted a lot of attention.

In the Yuan mansion, Yuan Wei sat above the main seat, his face not very good.

Also, Zhang Yu's face was just slapped, it's strange that his complexion is good.

"Uncle, this fairy brew is really delicious. It can completely fascinate the emperor. If anyone dares to move Zhang Yu, I am afraid that the first person who does not agree is your Majesty." Yuan Shao said after taking a sip.

Yuan Wei called Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu to discuss countermeasures, so there is this scene.

"Uncle, according to the current situation, we can't use the previous methods to suppress Zhang Yu, and our influence in the officialdom can't play a role." Yuan Shu also said: "But isn't Zhang Yu taking on the task of building the chi? If something happens in the process, then we will have a chance."

Yuan Wei nodded, and said admiringly: "However, if successful, the construction of the road will be of great benefit to Zhang Yu. I am afraid it can offset his bad reputation of being mixed with the eunuch, so this road must not be allowed. He fixed it."

"It's just that even if the repair is not good, it won't be a big blow to Zhang Yu, because it is Lu Zhi who is in charge of building the Chidao."

Yuan Wei sighed, this Zhang Yuguo is really like an old fox, he even thought of this step.

If Zhang Yu was here, he would definitely cry out for injustice.

Lu Zhi's bet with him was a complete accident.

And Zhang Yu asked Lu Zhi to host, the main reason was that he was not available, and he did not have enough talents in his hands.

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