The Strongest System To Dominate the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 629: Liu Beitu enters the battlefield

"Quickly, break through them and we will win."

"Jiangdong's door has been opened by us."

"Reaching into Jiangdong, the lord will have many rewards."

When Ji Ling reached the front line, he shouted, letting the soldiers explode more powerful combat power.

It is also true that Ji Ling's encouragement is very effective, and Yuan Shu's soldiers started screaming and rushing over.

They have an advantage in numbers, but their attack power is not as sharp as they are.

The heavy infantry was safe under their attack.

In the dark night, countless torches were flailing, and the two armies were fighting. Ji Ling applied for invigoration and commanded the army to launch an attack.

In the night, the large corps impacts the commander's ability very much.

Ji Ling is also experienced. Under the impact, although it is a bit chaotic, it still has a considerable impact.

Ji Ling rushed, the two sides fought together, becoming more and more chaotic.

The battle of hundreds of thousands of troops is not normal if it is not chaotic, let alone night.

Gao Shun and Ling Cao didn't dare to counterattack. In the dark, if they disperse, it is easy to have problems.

"Hold on, support will be here soon." Gao Shun shouted.

The enemy on the opposite side also heard it, and at first thought that the other party had some conspiracy, but Ji Ling thought about it, at this time they were afraid they could not hold it, and needed to improve their morale.

Ji Ling became more excited.

"If Jiangdong is destroyed, I can fulfill the reality of my famous general. This Jiangdong will become a new starting point for my life." Ji Ling thought excitedly.

If he can really destroy Jiangdong, it is really possible for him to become a famous general, because Yuan Shu will greatly increase his strength and conquer the world in the future.

But he thought too good.


In the darkness, behind Ji Ling, an army suddenly burst out, with a total of hundreds of thousands.

An army of hundreds of thousands of people attacked from the rear, which would be a fatal blow to them.

"what's the situation?"

"Why are there enemies behind?"

"Oh my God, what's wrong."

"Where did the enemy come from."

Yuan Jun was about to collapse. They were ambushing here, and they were about to win a big victory. Where did they know that there were often problems in the rear at this time.

Ji Ling was shocked. He fought Gao Shun for an hour and was about to eat the opponent. At this time, there was a big problem in the rear.

"Quick, block the enemy."

Ji Ling could only split a part of his troops to block the enemy.

It took him a long time to figure out what was going on.

"Damn it, Sun Ce kid."

"Sun Ce, the Lord Guild killed your family."

After Ji Ling knew it was Sun Ce, he roared, as if he had seen the end.

Sun Ce personally led the soldiers and horses, together with his three generals, began to storm the enemy.


Seeing that the time was right, Gao Shun also killed him.

Gao Shun and Ling Cao adjusted their formation, and then they went up together.

Gao Shun and Ling Cao's offensive was very fierce. At this time, the decisive battle had begun, and there was no reservation.

Ji Ling blocked on both sides, if it were not for the superiority of troops, I am afraid they would have been at a disadvantage.


In the dark night, Zhang Yu and the others moved forward quickly, trying to surprise Ji Ling's soldiers and horses from the side.

As long as Zhang Yu and the others arrive and a powerful cavalry joins the battle, then it will be Ji Ling's doom.

Zhang Yu and their cavalry have strong offensive power and even more powerful impact.

It was learned from countless **** battles.

Zhang Yu dared to lead the way, and he had rehearsed many times in his heart. When he arrived on the battlefield, he was able to quickly join the battle.



At this time, an emergency call suddenly appeared in the rear, Zhang Yu frowned, and then commanded the army to slowly slow down.

There must be an emergency call at this time, which is definitely not a good thing.

The messenger rushed to the front from the rear, and then sat on the horse, clasping his fists in both hands and said: "Report, lord, we found a soldier behind, suspected to be Liu Bei's."

Liu Bei's soldiers and horses.

Zhang Yu was taken aback. He sent people to defend along the Yangtze River. Although the defense was not very tight, even if they couldn't stop them, he would be able to spot Liu Bei's soldiers and horses early. How did Liu Bei come here?

The plan hasn't changed fast, this Liu Bei is not a good crop, Zhang Yu can't just sit back and watch.

The whole army stopped.

Zhang Yu sat on the horse quietly, the situation of the battle changed suddenly, and he wanted to make a decision.

"Immediately send someone to notify Feng Xiao, Gao Shun, and Ling Cao."

"Notify Sun Ce half an hour later."

First of all, the general in front must be informed of the situation on the front line.

Notifying Sun Ce half an hour later, Zhang Yu also wanted to know if this was a conspiracy. Liu Bei suddenly joined the battle, and there would be any conspiracy in the middle.

Tell Guo Jia that Guo Jia should know how to deal with it. Zhang Yu has already given the command of this battle to Guo Jia, and he also has to follow Guo Jia's arrangements.

Zhang Yu thought for a while, and then ordered: "The whole army turns around and finds a place to ambush them."

Liu Bei must be blocked. Liu Bei has tens of thousands of troops and two generals, which can change the whole battle.

Therefore, Zhang Yu couldn't let Liu Bei pass, and even if the entire army was wiped out, Liu Bei would still be stopped, otherwise the front line would be in danger, and the entire Jiangdong would be in danger.

In other words, Liu Bei, he is not a god-man, and it is impossible to come from the Yangtze River where Zhang Yu and the others are tightly controlled. He is taking a detour.

Liu Bei detoured to the place occupied by Yuan Shu to cross the river quietly.

As for why Yuan Shu helped him, it was not simple. It is always good for multiple people to help. If something happens on the battlefield, it will be easy to handle at that time.

As for whether Liu Bei will share his own benefits, Yuan Shu is not worried at all. He is certain to share the benefits. When the time comes, he will have a lot of power in his hands, and it is not his decision how to divide the benefits.

Therefore, Yuan Shu helped Liu Bei cross the river and let him attack Jiangdong from another direction.

In this way, Yuan Shu attacked Jiangdong in the middle, Sun Ce was in the south, and Liu Bei was in the north. When the benefits were distributed, Yuan Shu could use Sun Ce and Liu Bei to contain each other.

Yuan Shu's abacus was very loud.

And Liu Bei is not the one who is willing to be a younger brother. Liu Bei has no other skills, but he is good at playing politics.

He quickly saw Yuan Shu's tricks, and both of them were good at it, so Liu Bei didn't want to be a cannon so Liu Bei wanted to take the initiative, and then he could share more benefits.

Liu Bei is also good at calculating such small accounts, and he is very accurate.

This time Liu Bei caused Zhang Yu a huge trouble.

Zhang Yu walked back, then found a place to ambush.

Zhang Yu had only 50,000 soldiers and horses, but Liu Bei brought 80,000 horses with him this time.

One part is his original more than 40,000 soldiers and horses, and part is his newly recruited soldiers and horses.

Liu Bei already knew that the front line was at the decisive moment, so he chose to enter the battlefield at this time, and then he would occupy a few more cities, first scrape it, and then he could share some more benefits.

"I want to recover everything I lost from Zhang Yu this time." Liu Bei's hatred for Zhang Yu is like the water of the Yangtze River. This time, if he catches the opportunity, he naturally wants to return all of it. The strongest system to dominate the Three Kingdoms

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