The Summoner of the Battle of All Realms

Chapter 413: Fusu's Conspiracy

Fusu looked at the three arrows attacking in the shape of Chengpin, and nodded involuntarily, not to mention other things, just relying on this arrow method, he can get his approval.

Although the pronunciation of archery and swordsmanship is exactly the same, when they are completely two aspects, let's say that nine out of ten people choose swordsmanship, and only one person chooses archery.

Archery is really unpopular. There are very few people who are willing to learn, and there is no opportunity. The painters have been around for thousands of years.

Jian is the gentleman of a hundred soldiers, who is upright and upright, and is deeply loved by Confucians.

Confucianism has ruled Kyushu for more than 2,000 years. To be liked by Confucianism is equivalent to ascending to the sky in one step. Therefore, the fame of swords is much more than that of arrows.

Fusu appreciates the opponent's ability to practice such an excellent bow and arrow. If it weren't for the fact that they were hostile to each other, Fusu would have taken it as his own.

Fusu looked at the three arrows in front of him, Hua Rong's arrows would turn into stars, Zhong Limei's sword would turn into white birds, and in Fusu's eyes, the arrows of the Wanli Arrow turned into three fast-moving arrows. long snake.

The so-called "wielding the sword to cut the thread of love", although Fusu couldn't do it, he did not hesitate to swing the long sword and cut off the three arrows attacking from it.

"Ding ding ding", three crisp sounds, I saw three arrows falling directly to the ground.

The nine-ring knife looked like it was facing a great enemy. The nine-ring knife in his hand was placed in front of him. The three of them were all tense, and their eyes were fixed on Fusu and Concubine Yan who were walking up slowly.

Looking at the three, Fusu couldn't help turning his head to look at Concubine Yan, "Feiyan, why don't you give me the six-fingered black man", among the three, the six-fingered black man is the strongest, even if Wanli Jian and Jiuhuan The knife united is also not the opponent of the six-fingered black man.

"Okay, the six-fingered black man is very strong, be careful," Concubine Yan said to Fusu.

"I understand that it is the tycoon of the Mo clan. If you don't have the strength, you can't achieve that position." Without strength, how to convince the public, and the six-fingered black man ranks high in the ranking of the masters of the hundreds of clans.

Needless to say, there must be Fusu's participation in the ranking of the masters of the hundred schools of thought, and only Fusu can do such a thing.

Fusu needs intelligence and intelligence, and talents and talents, and only he can come up with such an advanced ranking.

Of course, the above rankings are not based on real strength, and Fusu also has his own thoughts.

Fusu raised the premise a little bit with people he hated or was destined to be enemies with.

Hundreds of schools of thought love their names, and people in the rivers and lakes also love Ming.

Therefore, in the ranking of the heads of the hundreds of schools of thought, Fusu very indignantly erased his name, that is to say, without him.

Fusu, this scumbag, perfectly transfers the place that attracts hatred to other people.

Of course, two powerful people can use this method, but if the difference in strength is large, there is no way to help Su.

Therefore, among the heads of the Hundred Sects of the Masters, the number one is Donghuang Taiyi of the Yin-Yang family.

Although this thing was hidden the deepest, it was still pulled out by Fusu.

Wanting to hide, there is no way, Fusu has always been wary of Donghuang Taiyi, because the other party's palace is too deep, Fusu can't figure out the other party's thoughts and thoughts at all.

Therefore, Fusu put Donghuang Taiyi in the first place very unscrupulously, and let the people of the hundreds of families go to him to trouble him.

Facts have proved that Fusu succeeded, and there was an endless stream of people looking for the Yin and Yang family, to be precise, Donghuang Taiyi.

However, Taiyi Donghuang is Taiyi Donghuang after all. He killed chickens to warn the monkeys, killed batch after batch, and finally killed no one to offend him again.

The second-ranked leader is the Taoist Tianzong -- Bei Mingzi, although not the leader of the Taoist Tianzong, he is the strongest person in the Taoist school.

The third-ranked leader was Xunzi, a Confucianist. Although this little old man was very low-key and a little outrageous, Fusu still ranked him out.

The Mo clan's tycoon, the Six-Fingered Black Man, ranked sixth. This ranking was a bit watery. In fact, the following people were not weaker than the Six-Finged Black Man, but Fusu deliberately moved up the ranking and put him on fire.

Yes, it was roasting on the fire. During this time, the Mo family suffered a lot, and hated the novelist so much.

Although there is some water, there is no weak one who can rank in the top ten, which is why Fusu wants to replace Concubine Yan.

"En." After hearing Concubine Yan's words, Fusu nodded, and the Soaring Sword in his hand trembled violently, as if he had let go instead of normal.

The Soaring Sword is the sword of Emperor Zhuanxu. It contains the power of the emperor's way, the power of the human way, and the sword of the Three Sovereigns of Fusu. It can exert 120% of its power.

"Om", Concubine Yan put the Chengying Sword in front of her. Under the sunlight, everyone could see a transparent sword body passing by in the blink of an eye, which was the real body of the Chengying Sword.

This time, Fusu VS Six Fingers Black Hero, Yan Fei VS Wanli Arrow and Jiuhuan Dao. , , .

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