The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 111 Yazd’s Raid and Counter-Raid (Part 2)

It's dawn.

Looking at the white fish belly gradually revealed in the east, Muhammad did not see the thick smoke as planned, which made him feel restless. He did not like the situation to develop deviating from the expected situation, but it had not developed to the level of the Showa staff. . As the leader of the entire team, he cannot show any negative emotions to his subordinates.

Chief, it's already dawn. Several young leaders reminded.

I know. Muhammad knew that they were not only here to tell him the time, but also to ask whether he wanted to vote today.

After a while, Muhammad decided to test it out: Send the order, the whole army is assembled, prepare for a raid, and set off in half an hour.

Several small leaders quickly returned to their troops, and the trumpeter blew the rallying horn. Throughout the camp, the soldiers, who were originally scattered about doing their own thing, moved quickly and hurriedly. The warriors of these tribes were too lax. They claimed to be brave, but the sharp swords in their hands had never penetrated any armor.

After more than half an hour of waiting, the plunderers were finally assembled. Muhammad rode his horse and faced each army. Wherever he looked, everyone's faces were full of high fighting spirit. The enemies they face today are famous. Defeating them will not only obtain rich loot, but also spread their name throughout the known world!

The locust army set out from the camp in a disorganized manner and swarmed toward the southwest of Yazd City. The sections of city wall that Muhammad had destroyed were in the southwest. Under his prediction, these opened passages could allow the cavalry to pass quickly. , so that the attacker can invade or withdraw easily.

The looters who entered the city ignored the abandoned buildings on both sides of the street, and instead violently blasted straight into the castle in the center.

As expected, Juma and the wall made of construction waste successfully hindered their progress. They were just products of the construction deadline. The so-called wall was no more than one person tall, and Juma was also shoddily built. Just when they were confused, a group of archers had already been ambushing on the roofs of the buildings surrounding the barrier.

Death fell from the sky, and they were named by the archers one by one, and embarked on the road to death.

Muhammad was not furious when he learned that the attack had been blocked: To gather all the archers and suppress them, we must not only focus on these main roads, alleys and roads leading to the east, west and north. You can also give it a try.”

After adjusting their offensive strategy, the looters concentrated their archers locally to repel the attacking red heads, ensuring the safe progress of the demolition work of illegal buildings. However, dividing the troops into multiple points and attacking from multiple directions has become a tragedy. Facing an enemy with superior quality, it is not a good choice to disperse the troops and give up the numerical advantage. If you can't fight or run, it's a yes.

However, the first line of defense that was not a line of defense had been penetrated, and the horses and walls had turned into useless garbage and were piled randomly on both sides of the road. The marauders were passing through, gathering, and then rushing towards the next line of defense.

However, the marauders who passed the first line of defense were quickly stunned by the rain of arrows. They raised their shields in vain, but what they held was not the golden shield in the Iron Hero, nor the one in the Cavalry Cut. The shield cannot absorb all the arrows that are fired. The arrows that should hit the legs will go in, the arrows that should hit the face will embed in, and the arrows that should hit the butt will pierce.

The wailings severely damaged the morale of Muhammad's side.

What are you doing standing there in a daze? Archers, go up to the roof and kill all those bastards! Muhammad yelled, causing the people around him to come back to their senses.

Chief, look! A sharp-eyed guard pulled Muhammad and asked him to see the thick smoke on the top of the castle tower in the direction pointed by his finger.

Outside the city, the red heads swept away the old and weak who had been left by Muhammad to guard the camp outside, as well as the scouts who were responsible for monitoring the various roads. Abdul ransacked Muhammad's home cleanly, but unfortunately the looters couldn't see this happening.

Assemble and prepare to enter the city to kill the enemy! Under Abdul's order, the sound of drums and bugles, enough to mobilize ten thousand people, rang through the sky, and the military flags were flying high. Their division of labor was clear, and each unit poured into the streets like wolves and tigers, hunting all prey in sight.

Charge, charge, charge! the marauders shouted as they attacked the castle defense line. Although they had an advantage in total numbers, just like the classic Battle of Thermopylae, the battlefield was not wide enough for them to exert their numerical advantage. The defense of the red heads was relatively easy, but many of the marauders were out of breath, and their swords were no longer swinging as hard as before. Looking for books

The sound of trumpets and the sound of horse hooves coming from behind were the last straw for these ants.

There was no suspense about the ensuing battle. Under the violent attack of the red heads and the force of being flanked by both sides, the morale of the marauders immediately turned white, and they dispersed or knelt down to surrender. Their leader Muhammad successfully escaped with his soldiers in the chaotic situation, leaving behind the large army that was bound to die and ran away.

Quick, quick. Muhammad ran out of the city, trying to return to his camp, packing up his belongings and returning to Abargu. It would be best to call in reinforcements from Shiraz.

But his idea was destined to fail. Abdul specially left behind a team responsible for intercepting the broken troops who might have escaped. They were deployed in units of hundreds in the camp and at various gaps in the city walls, waiting for whoever surrendered. Snare.

The enemy is coming, stop them! The red heads saw Muhammad and his party trying to leave the city, and quickly formed a battle formation.

tnnd, you're playing tricks on me, right? Muhammad gritted his teeth when he saw the enemy who had been prepared. He understood that all this was the work of those cunning Safavid dervishes. From the beginning of the Yazd riot to the present, all the spies were missing. The red heads continued to show weakness and fostered his mentality of underestimating the enemy, and then The plan to ambush him secretly was prepared in advance.

But the oncoming sword quickly interrupted his imagination, and the two sides quickly fell into a fierce battle, but they were outnumbered. Muhammad was captured after holding on for a few minutes.

Just come on. Facing the red heads who pushed him to the ground, he roared forcefully. Then a rag was stuffed into his mouth.

The defeat of Lord Abagul was like the first domino to fall. After the victory, Dada and Abdul chose to pursue the victory and attack Shiraz with the remaining power.

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