The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 65 Meeting with Zamorin (Part 1)

Zamorin, who was not in the city of Calicut, immediately stopped his original trip when he learned that foreign envoys were coming to see him, ordered him to return to Calicut, and sent an order to the city asking them to prepare for the ceremony to welcome the foreign guests.

The Portuguese fleet waited for a full week before Vasco da Gama received the news that Zamorin had returned to Calicut. Zamorin was very enthusiastic about these foreign guests. He first presented some property to Vasco da Gama, and sent a local pilot to take the fleet to an anchorage with better conditions outside Calicut, so that they would not have to crowd with other merchant ships. In the city port.

Vasco da Gama graciously accepted Zamorin's gift, but was suspicious of the pilot he sent and the designated anchorage. Due to his experience with local forces in Mombasa and Malindi, he refused to go directly to Zamorin's designated anchorage under any circumstances.

It was not until news was received that Zamorin had returned to Calicut that da Gama agreed to move the fleet, but the Portuguese fleet still did not anchor and refused to hand over control of the rudder and sails as was customary until the customs duties and mooring fees were paid. right.

To determine the next course of action, he held another meeting in the captain's room of the San Gabriel.

The main participants at the meeting were still three captains-Vasco da Gama, Paulo da Gama and Nicola Coelho. There are also followers used to make up the numbers.

The jihadist mentality shaped by the long-term war with North African Muslims and the encounter of the Portuguese fleet on the African coast made them hostile to all unknown forces. While waiting for Zamorin's reply for a whole week, the three ships did not anchor or furl the sails, and were ready to run away at any time.

Vasco da Gama's plan to personally bring state gifts and entourage to see Zamorin was opposed by senior military officers. They believed that the commander should not risk his life, even though most of the city's residents and ruling class were heretics ( They insist that Hinduism is an offshoot of Christianity), but the Muslims who control the trade will undoubtedly use influence and other means against the commanders.

During the week of waiting, the Portuguese did not sit still. They still tried their best to contact and understand the city of Calicut. A converted Jew named João Nenous was sent to the coast. He was mistaken by the Indians for a Muslim and was sent to the Muslim community where he met two powerful people.

However, after the exchange, both parties were surprised. One of them could speak Genoese dialect and Castilian. The businessman from Tunisia did not believe how a Jew from Iberia could appear in India, and the Jews were desperate. It was discovered that the Portuguese fleet had circumnavigated Africa but still failed to circumnavigate the known world. The world of Tianfang, along with its trade network stretching from the Maghreb in the west to the South China Sea in the east, was much larger than the Portuguese court had imagined.

After the initial contact there was an awkward situation, and the Jew was asked who his master was and the purpose of his coming. The Jews immediately told the truth, and the Tunisians expressed their incomprehension: How could Portugal be capable of such a voyage? If the Portuguese court can do it, what are Toledo, Paris and Venice doing?

The Jews vigorously maintained the majesty of the Portuguese court in front of the Tunisians. The Tunisians entertained him with exquisite food and took him to visit all the merchant ships in Muslin to show their strength.

Finally, he returned to the Portuguese fleet full of what he saw and heard, and told the fleet's decision-makers what he thought.

Everyone, I know this is very dangerous, but the mission given to me by His Majesty is to meet with Zamorin. As an envoy representing the Portuguese court, I must talk to him in the name of His Majesty. This is my obligation. Without this, we will not be able to fulfill the mission the Lord has given us.”

He emphasized the purpose of the entire fleet and retorted: How much did His Majesty the King pay for this voyage? What does it matter to back down now that the target is right in front of us?

The Commander finally overcame all objections and forcibly passed his plan. However, in order to appease his subordinates and cope with possible emergencies, he still arranged for backup: The status of the fleet remains as it is, with the San Gabriel and San Rafael Each of them lowered a small boat and assigned soldiers to maintain contact with the fleet and the mission. I did not plan to stay on the shore for too long. In order to prevent those Saracens from playing tricks, I planned to only talk to the king. If I did not return after three days, …”

The commander paused and continued: After I land, the command of the fleet will be temporarily taken over by my brother Paul. If I am unfortunately killed or the fleet is attacked, you should leave immediately.

Vasco da Gama arranged it so well that no one could object. Find Shuyuan

Zamorin's messenger finally received a reply: Portuguese court envoy Vasco da Gama will land tomorrow to formally meet Zamorin.


The next morning, Vasco da Gama took the translator and other entourage, including himself, a total of thirteen people from the Gabriel to the small boat, including the members who stayed in the fleet. Everyone put on their best clothes. , all the artillery was rolled out for display, all the flags carried were hung on the masts, and all the trumpets were moved out. The Portuguese fleet tried its best to pose as majestic and majestic as possible. disembarked on the Malabar coast to the sound of trumpets and salutes.

However, this kind of pomp and circumstance is like a child's play in front of Calicut. The servants brought by the governor appointed by Zamorin to manage the city far exceed the number of the entire fleet.

The first thing that comes into view is a large group of warriors with long hair and beards, naked upper body, and holding sharp swords. They came from a local caste called Nair and were the main source of troops for the rulers of the Malabar Coast.

At this time, the Portuguese still thought that the Hindus were some kind of Christian heretics, and such a grand scene was seen as Zamorin expressing goodwill and friendship to them to highlight the sincere unity of the Christian world.

A canopied sedan chair was waiting for Vasco da Gama. After the commander boarded, six bearers took turns to lift the sedan and move quickly toward the destination. The other twelve people could only follow quickly.

However, the group did not go directly to the palace, but first stopped at a house for dinner. The Indian waiter provided Vasco da Gama with butter rice and steamed fish with a lot of spices. The commander did not know whether it was due to vigilance or anxiety, but until the end of the meal time, the food and drinks provided by the Indian waiters were placed exactly as they were.

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