The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 81 The homeless cute tiger (Part 1)

The arrival of spring has gradually warmed up the earth, but in Huxiang City, Babur's heart felt cold and cold. The warmth of spring and the vitality of the recovery of all things were completely opposite to his situation.

Babur jumped off his horse dejectedly and walked into the ruined castle. At this time, he had nothing and was in a desperate situation.

In the autumn of last year, he tried to seize the end of the fighting season, voluntarily abandoned Samarkand, and planned to go to Fergana to join forces with his uncle Khan, the ruler of Tashkent, Mahmud Khan, who was willing to support him.

But after arriving in Fergana, Babur realized that he had been tricked. Mahmud Khan arrived at Fergana before him, but he did not fight Tanbal, who was separatist in Andijan, nor did he stop to wait for Babur.

Taking advantage of the time lag before Babur arrived, Tanbal quickly sent envoys to contact Mahem Khan, first playing the family card: Babur is your nephew, and my assistant Jahangir is also your nephew. Now your two nephews Fighting, but you only listen to Babur's family's words and get anxious to get out of the way. This is not a wise behavior...

But talking alone is of no use, and money still touches people's hearts. In the end, Tanbal paid a large sum of money to let Mahemu Khan leave with his Chagatai cavalry.

After Babur entered Fergana and was defeated, and after he besieged a small castle near Ahexi alone for several days, he realized that he had been let go by his uncle Khan.

The remnant army that originally followed Babur saw that his relatives had abandoned him and believed that he could never stand up again, so they left one after another. By the time Babur took control of the situation, he had less than 300 riders left.

Fortunately, Mahmud Khan did not completely abandon Babur. He was forced to take the remaining entourage to Khuzel, which was under the control of the Chagatai Khanate. However, when he arrived, Babur knew that he had been tricked by his uncle.

Although the fortifications and castles of Huzhen City appear to be generally intact from the outside, you can know the details of this city as long as you enter the city. There is not much of a population left in the city, most of the buildings are in disrepair, and the roads are full of potholes due to lack of maintenance.

Outside the city, the situation in the surrounding countryside is not much better. Due to frequent wars and poor management, water conservancy facilities have been severely damaged, and large areas of farmland have been abandoned. The remaining output is barely enough to feed the farmers themselves. Due to the lack of local output and blocked trade routes, prices have risen to an unbearable level for the people.

Under this circumstance, the taxes and military rations collected by Babur could only feed the several hundred people under his command. In order to expand his power, he took the risk of sending troops to demand the surrender of the villages that paid taxes to Ali. But just now, his actions were alerted, and Samarkand immediately sent cavalry to drive them away.

And he also changed the direction of the battle. After being let go once by his uncle Khan, he knew that he could not take back Fergana now. So he set his sights on Samarkand again.

But he obviously couldn't do it on his own, so he planned to ask Mahem Khan for help again, but he couldn't think of any other way. You can't borrow troops from Tan Bale and Uzun Hassan (this is the lord of Ahexi City, Burke of Fergana, not the one from the Aries Dynasty).

Tanbal had the financial resources and reasons to ask Mahmud to withdraw his troops, but Ali Muhammad did not. Besides, uncle Khan has let me off once, so he won't not help at all this time. Babur convinced himself in this way.

But the messenger sent to Tashkent has not yet returned, and Ali Muhammad has begun to prevent his actions. The situation is desperate no matter how you look at it.

After turning his head to look in the direction of Samarkand for a while, Babur walked into the castle and discussed with his only remaining member, Burke, how to spend the day.

At this time, there were not many Burkes who were willing to follow him, only Hasim, Ibrahim Salu, Sirim, and Said. There are also some ministers.

While he was waiting for the four people to arrive, the messenger who went to Tashkent finally returned. After dismounting, he quickly ran to Babur and reported: Your Majesty, your uncle Mahmud Khan agreed to your request, and he promised to send a large army. Assist you.

What? Babur was overjoyed: How many people have been sent and who will lead them?

Your Majesty, Mahmud Khan intends to send five thousand people, led by his sons Mahim Sultan and Bek Ahem.

Great, great. He was so excited that he rubbed his hands and didn't come back from his random thoughts until the guard reminded him, and found that all four Burkes had arrived.

Hasmubek, who had the deepest friendship with him, first asked: Your Majesty, do you have any good news?

Yes, Burkes, gather your troops immediately. I want to conquer Samarkand westward!

At this time, Babur was very ambitious and looked for Shuyuan www. The ambition has been written directly on his face. It is hard to believe that the boy who cried alone for many nights and the boy standing in the hall now are the same person.

Samarkand? Your Majesty, we just came out of there not long ago. Could it be that Mahmud Khan agreed to your request? Hasmubek hated the Moguls very much, so he persuaded him: Although he is your uncle , but the Moguls cannot be trusted. We learned this lesson once when we were at the city of Aheixi. Even if they kept their word this time, they would only be of no help. An army composed of Moguls is often in chaos. They see looting and escape as the whole point of their lives, and they do nothing to help your ambitions.

Babur was stunned for a moment, and then said: Hasim, your loyalty is unquestionable. But... He shook his head and continued: I will not give up any opportunity, even if I have failed before. I will sit back and wait and see. Go back and gather the troops.

Looking at the determined Babur, Hasmubok sighed in his heart and had no choice but to obey.


Just when Babur was confidently preparing to conquer Samarkand again, he did not know that there was a powerful enemy that neither he nor his uncle could defeat, crossing the Syr Darya River and crossing the desert towards Samarkand.

Great Khan, our army has been marching for several days. We are only a few days away from Samarkand. Why don't we rest for a day? The vanguard you are leading has lost touch with the leaders...

Shaibani, who was thinking on his horse, categorically rejected this suggestion: No, no one knows that we have gone south yet, and there is no time to waste. Move forward quickly and surround Samarkand before they react!

Then he waved his riding whip, spurred his horse and led the army towards the southeast direction of Samarkand.

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