The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 102 Crossing the Khyber Pass

Because this invasion of India was just an armed reconnaissance and some looting, Ibrahim did not plan to use all his troops. He only recruited and armed five regiments of Afghan horsemen, and deployed five regiments of red heads. Bow holders, plus the accompanying firearms troops and engineers, the combatants totaled 15,000 people.

After a month of preparation, the military supplies needed for this force and themselves had been assembled in Jalalabad.

The atmosphere in the big tent was very relaxed. The maps and documents were put away. Food and wine were placed on the table. Ibrahim and the senior officers were all dressed in hunting attire. They had just returned from the nearby wilderness.

It's just that there have been no wild beasts for several days. The wild donkeys that you nobles have beaten the most are wild ass. Chasing these extremely fast animals every day, Ibrahim feels that his ejaculation skills have improved a lot.

Speaking of which, the nickname of the popular Sassanid King Bahram V came from the fact that he hunted a large number of wild donkeys. There is a decorative tapestry in the tent that depicts the scene of this king's hunting and enjoyment.

Ibrahim took another sip of wine. Just as the wine glass bottomed out, a scout broke into the tent at an inappropriate time, disturbing the interest of everyone present. Yet he was ordered to come before the King of Kings and deliver the information to the outstretched hand of Abraham.

In terms of military intelligence, the intelligence Kanbar could provide was meager. Their group was disguised as a escort of wealthy businessmen going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and it was impossible to stay in one place for a long time.

Even with regard to the most conspicuous city fortifications and guards, Kanbar could only say that Peshawar's city fortifications were complete, with bottomless trenches and seemingly very solid stone walls surrounding the city.

But there is a crucial piece of information: there are no defense facilities in the Khyber Pass, and there are no heavy troops stationed!

In order to verify the authenticity of Kanbar's intelligence, he immediately ordered a scout team to be sent to reconnoiter the Khyber Pass to provide necessary assistance for the march of the army.

In Ibrahim's opinion, the information sent back by Cambarto's messenger was more biased towards a travelogue written by a traveler, which roughly wrote down everything he saw on the west bank of the Indus River.

The most surprising thing to Kanbar was the composition of the local army: In Hindustan, the local rulers seemed to use a large number of Afghans in the army. Many Indian cavalry I met were the same as the guides in terms of language, dress and beliefs. .In addition to them, it is said that there is a group of aggressive, brave, and warlike pagans further east.

The confusion described by Kanbar in his letter was not a problem for Ibrahim. The Delhi Sultanate was originally a regime composed of Turkic Mamluks and Afghans as the ruling group.

As for the pagans further east, based on Ibrahim's shallow knowledge of Indian history, he should be referring to the Rajputs. This group of elite warriors who believe in Hinduism should not be underestimated.

Then he talked about the road conditions along the way and the rumors he heard accidentally.

However, one piece of news quickly captured Ibrahim’s attention: “A fleet composed of Franks arrived in Calicut, causing a diplomatic turmoil there, but Zamorin was magnanimous. , or allow these people who came from nowhere to trade with the ports under his rule.”


Ibrahim's whisper to himself did not cause any ripples in the noisy tent, and he began to think without being noticed by the senior officers.

Obviously, the Franks referred to here will only be the Portuguese. In other words, the Portuguese fleet has already broken into the Indian Ocean?

He gathered his thoughts, summoned Kamran, and asked him to write a document to Ahsan, asking him about the current situation of the navy.

To my loyal and capable naval commander Ehsan, what is the progress of the construction of Gombrun Port today? How many warships and sailors do you have now? How many warships are being built on the slipway? The Port of Hormuz and the Port of Gombrun How are the defense facilities? I hope you can report everything to me in detail, and you can send your reply to Herat.

Kamran looked up at Ibrahim. After making sure that he would not dictate new content, he handed the draft to Ibrahim. After confirmation, he signed the monogram and gave it to the messenger for delivery.

Okay, Emirs, the time for fun is over. Ibrahim clapped his hands to draw everyone's attention to him.

He immediately ordered: Now is the time to assemble the troops and break camp. I hope to see all the troops assembled in an hour, so as not to be unable to reach the Shinjuku camp before dark.

I obey your Majesty's order. The senior officers bowed and bowed before exiting the tent.


It was getting dark, and in the desolate valley, people and livestock gathered around several bonfires, with several tents dotted nearby. This temporary camp was where the caravan would rest tonight.

Because of the banditry of Afghan mountain people, find Shuyuan www. The caravan leader will assign some caravan guards to perform their duties at the sentries on the edge of the camp every day, monitoring the disturbances on both sides of the road.

Ha~ why am I the one keeping watch until midnight again today? A guard yawned and complained to his companions on the side.

However, his companions on the side did not respond to him. They just tensed up their nerves and were prepared to deal with emergencies at any time.

Oh, forget it, you are so nervous every time you watch the night, but in the end nothing happens? The guard who wanted to be lazy was a little disdainful, I will sleep for a while first, and wait for someone to come and call me to change the guard.

This time his answer was no longer silent: Wait a minute.

The guard who had laid the blanket on the ground looked at his companion dissatisfied at first, but soon he also realized something was wrong. Both of them vaguely heard the sound of the marching cavalry, which was getting louder and louder. They had not consumed alcohol or other narcotics during this trip, so how could they have hallucinations?

It's strange, why is there such a dense sound of horse hooves? There can't be an army marching on this road, right? I haven't heard of any wars happening recently.

Soon, they were slapped in the face.

First, a few scouts came forward to test the situation. Neither party showed hostility to the other, but being monitored by these scouts made them feel a little creepy.

In just a few minutes, the large group of cavalry they expected appeared as far as they could see—thundering horse hooves, large clouds of dust, and a forest of spears, spears, and flags.

What are you still doing in a daze? Go back and tell the leader! The calm guard patted his companion who was still dazed, then spread his legs and ran quickly into the camp.

The scouts saw the two running towards the camp, and then they galloped forward to catch up.

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