The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 127 Babur’s sword points into the river

Just when Ibrahim stopped to digest the land in the upper reaches of the Amu Darya River, at this stage, the situation in Central Asia changed dramatically again.

The biggest news is that Muhammad Shaibani has officially settled in the river. It is said that the Uzbeks have conquered Bukhara, and instead of simply looting, they have taken the city and the surrounding rural areas as their own.

Later, he also generously rewarded the sultans of various Uzbek tribes in Bukhara and retained the original administrative officials of Bukhara for management. These actions fully demonstrated his ambition.

Another news came from Fergana. Babur went through many hardships and put down the rebellion launched by Tanbal and Uzun Hasan who kidnapped his brother Jahangir. After a mutually beneficial struggle, Babur seized control of Ahixi and Andijan, and pursued Tanbal fiercely. However, due to complex internal and external factors, Babur only asked for surrender and refused With the Khuzel River as the boundary, the brothers divided Fergana equally.

After the war ended, Babur felt that he had nothing to do except keep training his small army and keep inquiring for information. The surrounding forces are all giants that he cannot afford to offend, and he is unable to seize the initiative. He can only expand his power by waiting for the good opportunities given by God.

Now two pieces of news were sent to the court in Andijan, which gave Babur mixed feelings.

First of all, the Burkes who were originally loyal to Huslao took refuge in Fergana. Tanbal and Uzun Hassan took in some officers, but after discovering that they did not come to seek refuge with their troops, they did not add them. The concealed disgust flowed mercilessly towards the exiles.

There were also some that Burke asked Babur to take in, but he didn't want to take in a group of suspicious people in such a haphazard way. After all, the Burkes had to bring soldiers as a price for changing their families. He was not a relative or close friend of the Burkes. Naturally, there was no value in taking in a Burke without soldiers.

Seeing the shabby and embarrassed appearance of the exiles - nobles without followers, horses and armor - Babur couldn't help but suspect that this was a new type of trick to arrange elaborate arrangements.

Dear Emir, I have fallen to this point and can only beg for your shelter. I know everything about your problem and I promise in the name of God that I will not cheat. The exile knelt down directly to Babur with a very respectful attitude. .

Babur asked: Who were you defeated by? Tell us all your experiences in winter.


The Burkes who came to seek refuge with Babur had not fully experienced the four major battles, and they all only recounted the information they knew to Babur.

Babur was not very satisfied with what they said, but when he combined these memories with the rumors he heard from caravans and travelers, he could come up with a story that seemed to Babur to be generally complete and credible. .

Ibrahim, the King of Kings of Iran, a Shiite... After returning to the palace, Babur, who was sorting out information, said that he was still waiting for personnel and ordnance replenishment in Hisar and was considering whether to The man who wants to temporarily withdraw from the army.

Hussin Baihara, Ulugh Bek II and Husrao Shah were successively eliminated. Judging from what happened in the south in recent years, Ibrahim's threat is definitely no less than that of Uzbek Khan. Thinking of this, Babur was a little worried.

However, Ibrahim's execution of Khusra added some points to Babur's impression.

But after all, this Iranian Shah is still far away, and the Transoxiana region - especially Samarkand - is where his ambitions and main threats lie.

Just in time, when Babur wanted to take a nap, someone brought him a pillow.

Hasmubek came to the palace again and asked to see Babur: Your Majesty, there is an emergency in the west, but this is good news.

What's the good news? Tell me quickly. Babur was intrigued by Hasimu's move and asked him with interest.

Ali, the current owner of Samarkand, was in a troubled time at this time. It was difficult for his original territory of Bukhara to be occupied by Shabani Khan, and now there were problems within the palace.

There was a Darhan named Majid in Ali's court. He originally enjoyed financial and taxation privileges through the army. After taking over Samarkand, he took control of the city's financial and taxation power.

Faced with such a situation where he couldn't lose his power, Ali was naturally not very satisfied, especially after losing Bukhara. If he could not recover Samarkand's fiscal and taxation power, then his palace finance would have to rely on powerful ministers.

It's just that his actions were slightly lacking in confidentiality. It didn't take much effort for Ma Jide to know what his master was planning. The powerful minister who did not intend to sit still and wait for death planned to strike first, but his confidentiality work was also slightly lacking. Ali learned of his plan to raise troops to resist before the action began. Find Shuyuanwww.

This pair of well-matched monarchs and ministers fought in Samarkand. Ali's army had been deposed by Shaibani Khan. He could only send a very pitiful army to deal with Majid, but even with this, he I have never fought, so I can only escape from Samarkand.

Having said this, both Babur and Hasim couldn't help but laugh. It turns out that such waste still exists in this world. The whole process was very successful as a comedy. It successfully made Babur laugh and swept away the previous gloom. mood.

The exiled Majid planned to defect to Babur. He fled eastward into Fergana with eight hundred of his followers. But at this point, his proposal to Babur was to form an alliance rather than to become a vassal.

Your Majesty, I think he still has evil intentions, so you must be careful in your actions. Seeing that Babur had the intention to cooperate with him, Hasmubek took the initiative to remind him.

Babur didn't care about Majid's attitude and the so-called conspiracy. He was more concerned about this opportunity to interfere in Samarkand: No matter what goal he wants to achieve, he can't get around me, otherwise he won't come to me. Come for help. When I take control of Samarkand again, he will naturally know who has the initiative.

For Majid, there was really no choice. Shabani Khan did not collect garbage, so he could not save Samarkand by joining Chagatai Khan. Only by uniting with the equally weak Babur could it be possible to separate Samarkand.

The two sides had a tacit understanding on this point. The agreement only mentioned that Ali was the common enemy of Majid and Babur, and Samarkand was the common goal of both armies. As for how to distribute the spoils, there is no clear division in the agreement, and everyone plans to place their hope in post-war negotiations.

Ma Jiide did not expect that Babur would agree so readily and would immediately mobilize his troops and march westward. I had no choice but to put away other thoughts and head westward with my companions.

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