The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 20 The Loyalty of the Aries Remnants

In the autumn of 1501, the hunting ground near Ardabil once again welcomed its owner. Countless tents were erected in nearby selected campsites, and dozens of horsemen followed the hunting ground hunters into the forest to search and drive away wild beasts.

Francesco, who was visiting Ibrahim, saw for the first time the large-scale Safavid cavalry and tribal nobles. They formed an orderly structure on the edge of the forest under the control of flags, trumpets and drums. Ambush Circle. The Ambassador, who does not understand military affairs, only thought that this process was spectacular, and believed that the King of Kings had military power comparable to that of the Ottoman Sultan.

Of course, neither the King of Kings nor the viziers in the court revealed the details of the Safavid army to an outsider like him. Francesco did not even know the approximate size of the army.

The King of Kings was accompanied by not only the Venetian ambassador, but also the 14-year-old Prince Ismail. This talented junior high school student sitting on a horse was still immersed in the excitement of participating in the hunt with his brother again.

For Ibrahim, as Ismail grew older, it was no longer enough to simply have teachers teaching at the court. In order for him to hold a position in the future, he will inevitably participate in various activities more and more.

There was a sudden commotion in the woods ahead. At this time, several prey were driven out of the forest by the attendants and rushed to the center of the ambush circle. All the nobles wanted to compete with each other to get more results, including Ismail. Inside, eager to try, he planned to rush to the front and shoot all the prey in sight at close range.

It only took a few minutes for everyone to finish cooking the prey that was driven into the ambush circle. Then the entire team disbanded, and the nobles took their attendants into the forest to start the competition.

Ibrahim just watched his brother rush forward like an arrow from the string, but he himself did not move, just watching the riders perform.

Your Majesty, aren't you going to have fun with your ministers? Francesco glanced at Ibrahim's hunting equipment and was a little confused when he saw that he had no interest.

Ibrahim waved his hand: I have fought enough in the past few days and the past few months. Now I just want to wait for my subordinates to pay me tribute to the spoils of war. Mr. Messenger, if you are interested in having fun, I can give you Lend me my bow.

Thanks to your Majesty's kindness, but it is not necessary. Francesco refused directly. He did not know how to use a bow and arrow, and he did not have a mounted attendant with falcons and hounds.

After waiting for less than an hour, someone had already returned with prey and attendants. Ibrahim saw some wounded people one after another--nobles who were taken care of by attendants, and attendants who were brought back by their comrades.

The first noble to show the results of the battle to Ibrahim and others was Durmish Khan of the Shamru tribe. As one of the products of the marriage with the Safavid family, he was also the descendant of Ibrahim and Ismail. cousin.

Ibrahim praised his achievements in this hunting. He just said humbly: In terms of riding and shooting skills, who in the world can compare with you? I and others are just His Majesty's foil.

The second person to present the spoils of war was Beymihad of the Mosiru tribe. He was very obedient after being captured and surrendered. As a bridge between the two sides, he actively cooperated with the Safavid administrative and military affairs in Diyarbakır and Mosul. military deployment.

When he and several other powerful men from the Turkmen tribe were invited to the hunt, he realized that this was an opportunity to show his loyalty to the King of Kings, hoping to gain the favor of Ibrahim through this opportunity.

From then on, people continued to report the results of the battle to Ibrahim, and he rewarded the prey at will based on the prey shown to him, and also asked the scribe to register it.

The most shocking one was Ismail, who showed his force in front of everyone for the first time. He didn't bother to hunt small animals and went straight for wild boars, tigers and bears, and he actually shot a few of them without any injuries.

No one would be surprised if this was a team of strong old hunters or elite horsemen, but Mirza was only 14 years old, shooting wild beasts alone in public - all fatal injuries were from the bow in his hand from.

Ibrahim, who had made some mental preparations because of his advance understanding, had slightly less psychological fluctuations. He directly used Rostam and other legendary heroes to compare Ismail's personal force, which was like cheating.

The nobles were talking a lot. They saw that Mirza had a close relationship with the King of Kings and was a genius, so they planned to make a bet on him. Many people are urgently recalling whether there are any girls of the right age at home for Mirza to choose.

Bey of Mosilu is also considering this issue. If he can marry the royal family, the tribe will be squeezed from the edge to the center of power.

Your Excellency Bey, His Majesty has summoned you to the big tent for an audience.

The soldiers interrupted Bey's thinking. While other nobles were enjoying banquets in the camp, tribal nobles like him who were not red-headed were summoned to the big tent.

There was no banquet for them in the big tent, only the King of Kings stood facing them, while the scribe beside him was preparing several documents.

After these days of observation, I found Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Ibrahim can be sure that these Aries remnants, headed by the Mosilu tribe, have now become the licking dogs of the Safavid court. They have seized almost every opportunity to flatter the King of Kings.

The relieved Ibrahim now wanted to accept this loyalty. The attendants on the side first presented the red hat to several people, and the nobles who understood it said categorically: I have decided to abandon the superstition that led people astray in the past. Take refuge in righteousness and seek forgiveness from Huda.”

Then they put on red hats, formally converted to Shiaism after religious ceremonies, and joined the Safavid order, with Ibrahim not only as their suzerain but also as their mentor.

Satisfied, Ibrahim motioned to the clerk to read out the documents, including granting them military rank and corresponding privileges, and sharing military obligations with other red-headed tribes.

After reading out the order, Mihad was the first to kneel down and salute to show his loyalty: Shah trusts me so much and treats me so generously. I must be grateful!

Several beys and khans knelt down and saluted amidst the shouts of Thanksgiving, their faces full of flattery.

Ibrahim, who was enjoying all this, waved for them to leave.

At this time, the guard reported to him: Some masters have a lot of thoughts about Mirza, especially those with women. Mirza is like nectar to bees.

But what Ibrahim didn't know at this time was that Ismail, who was out of his sight, had unexpectedly met a girl named Tajiru, a noble girl from the Mosiru tribe who was similar to him in age. He has swordsmanship and equestrian skills that surprised him.

Of course, what they didn't know was that in that world where the timeline had not changed, Ismail obtained this most favored spouse by force. Now that the world line has been closed, although the time and occasion were wrong, the two met by chance and were attracted to each other.

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