The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 58 The Kazakhs Move South

The new Uzbek Khan was quickly elected in the castle of Tashkent. However, the new Khan was easy to choose, but the military power that was lost under the city of Samarkand was not so easy to replenish. After some inventory, Muhammad Timur was able to gather The number of soldiers and horses that came out was less than 10,000.

It was naturally difficult for such a weak military to resist the Safavid army. Ismail encountered almost no resistance when he captured Khwarezm, and each settlement simply surrendered to Kaicheng. Kehobad continued to lead his army towards Tashkent. The Uzbek Khan urgently moved his army and Khan tent back to Turkestan before the siege. Many people and property were left to the Safavid army.

The successive losses of territory seriously weakened the new Khan's prestige. His position was already unstable, and the situation was developing towards a change that was not conducive to him.

In addition to the pressing pressure from the south, the envoys who came to the steppe from Tabriz arrived at the Kazakh Khan's tent at the northern foot of Karatau Mountain, bringing generous gifts and requesting an audience with Balandu Black Khan.

Just before the official meeting, the envoy had just learned about the killing of Shabani Khan from businessmen, and some of them vividly explained the fighting between the Safavid army and the Uzbek army.

That month, the other warriors charged and shook the earth. No one in the world could stop them. The sharp sword wielded by Shaibani Khan was enough to split the boulders, but they met the Turks... The arrows were as if they were guided by God's own hand. , the arrows were all fired, and all the other warriors were shot until they were knocked upside down. No one could rush in front of them. The tragic scene of corpses covering the ground...

The messenger shook his head. This was the fourth version he had heard. Each version was more outrageous than the last, and even the time of the battle was different. But the only certain fact - victory - was enough for him and the members of the mission to celebrate.

He came to the big tent and conveyed his request to the guards guarding the place to see the Khan. The guards saw that he was dressed luxuriously and that although the documents he displayed were incomprehensible, they felt that they were from a noble person, so they reported the matter to the Black Khan of Balandu.

Kazakh Khan also heard the big news spread by the merchants at this time, and was very interested in the fact that he happened to come to request an audience with the Safavid envoy. At the same time, considering that the news of the great victory arrived at the same time as the envoy, he did not think it was a coincidence.

Inform them to come in.

The messenger passed through the door curtain opened by the guards and saw the Kazakh Khan sitting cross-legged, bowing and saluting: Dear King Khan, may God bless your herd and prosper forever.

King Khan replied: I just heard about your country's heroic record of killing Shaibani, and I would like to pay tribute to your country's great victory, Ben Khan. Before that, I heard some stories from businessmen in Astrakhan, I am very curious about what kind of hero your country’s Khan is.”

Foreign Minister, thank you for your recognition on behalf of Shah. The envoy then handed over the gift list, which included a set of decorative armor, a box of silk fabrics, several royal carpets produced by the Ardabil Carpet Workshop, and some gold and silver crafts. Regarding these exquisite gifts, Kazakh Khan happily accepted them after saying that children like them very much and their sphincter can also be used.

The messenger officially got to the point at this time: Dear King Khan, the foreign minister came to see you on the order of the Shah precisely because of the matter of Shaibani.

Shaibani is dead. Your army is making rapid progress at this time. Is it still necessary to form an alliance with me? Balandu Black Khan was a little confused. In his opinion, the Tajiks could monopolize the results of the war and take away what Shaibani once owned. Take everything as your own.

King Khan, don't have any doubts. If Shah has evil intentions, the person who comes is not a foreign minister but Qizilbash. The envoy first tried to dispel King Khan's doubts, and then offered him conditions: Shah I would like to invite you to go south to attack the Yueji people together. Although Shaibani is dead at this time, these tribes have not been completely wiped out. If you can help, this medicine kills water and can be obtained by King Khan north of Tashkent.

Barandu Black Khan made some calculations and found that the Kazakh tribes had about 50,000 cavalry. Using such a superior force to attack the newly defeated Uzbek tribe was undoubtedly a big deal.

He was so moved that he did not agree immediately, but first arranged the rest and accommodation of the envoy, and prepared the next banquet to entertain the guests.

Before the banquet, he specially summoned the heads of various ministries to discuss the matter. Without much hesitation, everyone thought that this vote could be tried. Who wouldn't be interested if he could get more settlements and pastures?

The Kazakh army immediately assembled. Although the headquarters only gathered ten thousand cavalry temporarily, the Khan did not waste time waiting for the follow-up troops and immediately went south to prepare to attack the Uzbek tribe.


After the situation in the river gradually stabilized, Ibrahim began to think about how to restore the local economy. Although Babur's rule was short-lived, he still tried his best to improve the infrastructure within his rule. In addition, the Safavid army did not deliberately destroy it, and the current roads and water canals are in acceptable condition.

In Ibrahim's view, the most difficult resource to replenish is population, and the only way to replenish the population in a short period of time is immigration.

He first summoned Talish Khan, Romru Khan and Shamru Khan and discussed with them: How many new members of your tribes are added every year and how are they distributed? I plan to move some loyal Qizilbash to settle in the river. Guarding the border, if the three of you have done a good job, then we should consider your tribe first.

How dare you disrespect your Majesty's instructions? I will fully cooperate with your Majesty's arrangements. The three Khans immediately gave a general explanation of the situation of their respective tribes. Ibrahim knew all this basic information through religious judges and spies. , he still listened patiently, and then silently compared it with the data in his memory.

Ibrahim then arranged immigration tasks for each tribe according to their population and financial status. After discussion, the three tribes were finally asked to provide a population of 2,000 households in the river.

And after Banshi, other tribes and immigrants from eastern Asia Minor will also arrange some migration to Central Asia. According to assumptions, these complex Shiite populations will become the Safavid dynasty's most stable base in the river.

In addition to these loyalists, Ibrahim also set his sights on the Hindu Kush Mountains. The barren mountains have always been the starting point for exporting immigrants. The Indus and Ganges river basins are crowded with Afghan immigrants.

After ousting the Khan, he drafted an order to the governor of Kabristan, asking him to recruit more mountain people who wanted to live down the mountain and convert to Shiaism, and cooperated with the imperial envoy to move them to Hezhong and Khwarezm.

Finally, he issued an edict to send the messenger to Diwan in Tabriz, with the Grand Vizier as the general person in charge. Such large projects involving the whole country could only be presided over by the civil servants of Diwan.

After completing all the paperwork, Ibrahim stretched out comfortably and played with the skull wine vessel to kill time during the break.

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