The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 42 The dead pasha forces the living sultan

Your Highness, there is important information in Sivas. The messenger walked into a wooden house in the hunting ground, reported to Ahmed who was resting, and handed over the crucial letter. The prince, who was still indulged in entertainment activities, took it and read it with interest.

At this time, about a week has passed since the Battle of Salt Lake, and the combat season has arrived. But the war ignited by the dervishes was still not completely extinguished. Although the Ottoman army paid a very small price and allowed thousands of red heads to be buried by the lake, nearly a thousand people still escorted Shahkulu eastward over the mountains and ridges to escape from the battlefield, heading towards The territories under Safavid rule ran away.

Not all the rebels were wiped out in the Salt Lake. The story of the leader of Karagez Pasha has spread throughout the eastern border. Many Turkmens were inspired to openly fight against Gaomen. The remaining rebels who stayed in Karaman Province due to Aksaray's division of troops Taking the opportunity to absorb a large number of recruits to expand its power, this important threat cannot be ignored.

In order to deal with the current situation, the Grand Vizier decided to divide his troops into two groups. The main force of the army and the Karaman provincial troops responsible for encircling and suppressing the remaining bandits were all handed over to the command of Yunus Pasha. This task was simple but cumbersome. If the bandits were allowed to escape, Karaman will also spend a lot of extra financial and manpower.

He personally led some of the cavalry to continue chasing Shahkulu, who had successfully escaped. Only by cutting off the dervish's head could he deter all the demons and demons from resisting.

At the same time, Ahmed, who had previously learned that the rogues were heading towards Sivas, in order to make a positive gesture, ordered a smaller force to assemble in Sivas to prepare to intercept the enemy and join forces with the pursuing friendly forces. They were led by the local Sanjak Bey.

Ahmed, who was not interested, browsed the letters roughly until he saw the bombshell news from Sanjak Bey - the Grand Vizier was dead!

The pursuit force underestimated the resistance of the remnant enemy. Like a miracle, the red head who fled to the large mountainous area west of Sivas actually succeeded in using the complex local terrain and narrow and twisty roads to conduct a successful deception and ambush at an intersection, using up only 100 seconds of his time. The remaining ammunition was used to suppress and attack the pursuers, but a stray bullet hit the eunuch Ali Pasha in the chest, seriously injuring him. The panicked Ottoman army quickly retreated with the dying Grand Vizier, and eventually died of his injuries.

Seeing this, Ahmed was speechless in surprise at the drastic change in the political situation - the most important supporter in the succession battle was just gone?

Allah is the most merciful and merciful. May he rest in peace! He sighed. He was at a loss and needed time to slow down and think about countermeasures.

Quickly, prepare the horses and return to Amasya. After finishing his thinking, Ahmed immediately ordered his servants.

At present, the elite troops of the imperial army are under the command of the Grand Vizier, especially Yenicery, who is extremely critical to the succession of the throne. In order to prevent it from losing control after the death of the Grand Vizier and supporting other princes to succeed to the throne, he needed to start winning over this army immediately.

The messenger set off from Amasya the day after Ahmed returned and rushed quickly to Konya, so that Yunus Pasha, who was still forcing the rebels to fight, received two messages at the same time.

Yunus Pasha mourned the Grand Vizier and thought carefully about the situation after the change.

Since Shahkulu has entered Roma Province, the task of chasing the fugitive bandit leader will undoubtedly fall on Ahmed. If the other party is allowed to escape, the situation will only continue to get out of control.

Yunus Pasha, who was still unaware of his movements, planned to remind Amasya of his responsibilities, hoping that the prince and governor would take the initiative and make everyone less troublesome.

With this in mind, he opened Ahmed's personal letter specially sent to him. The words in it tried to use Padisha's preference and the bright future after succeeding to the throne to win over senior military officers, including Sekbambash. Shahzad, who promised everyone high positions and generous salaries, even wanted Yeniceri to pledge allegiance to him now to ensure a smooth transition of supreme power to him after Padisha's death.

Is this what he was thinking after the Grand Vizier died in the battle? After reading the entire secret letter, Yunus Pasha only had disdain in his heart. In his opinion, even the Grand Vizier and other people who clearly sided with Ahmad Most of the bureaucrats in Germany only saw Padishah's current preference for the eldest son, in order to obtain the holy family and gain a mediocre monarch in the future. He did not take sides as obviously as the Grand Vizier. He only replied out of courtesy and politely declined: Who will exercise the right to rule on earth depends entirely on the judgment of God.

Today, he, the chief officer, knows exactly which Shahzad the soldiers and junior officers in Yenicherry prefer.

In particular, Selim had denounced the current corruption and stagnation of the Ottoman Empire in proclamations and military speeches before several military operations, which won the hearts of many low-level soldiers. Although he failed to wrest an inch of territory from the Safavid heretics through border conflicts, his tough foreign attitude and generosity in distributing spoils made many people who wanted to make achievements fall in love with him.

The atmosphere in the military camp cannot be changed by the authority of official positions alone. Once word spreads and Selim's supporters spread the word, all he can do is pretend it doesn't exist.

At the same time, this letter also reminded him that the political situation was about to change drastically. Trying to calm down, he refocused his attention on the current war.


The messenger quickly delivered a lot of bad news to Kostantiniya one by one. Bayezid first received two news of death that surprised him. The Grand Vizier died in an ambush due to a rash attack, and his youngest son, the Governor of Karaman Province, Shehinsha He Ze died in depression because his son died in a hunting accident.

At the same time, Yunus Pasha also reported very pessimistically that the great rebellion that spread throughout Asia Minor had not yet been extinguished. Find Shuyuan Since the bandit leader Shahkulu was able to escape, the heretical rebellion will definitely revive in the future. At the end of the report, he secretly criticized Ahmed for his inaction.

Padisha, who has entered his twilight years, is now trapped in self-doubt. From the Little Day of Judgment to today's great rebellion, it can be said that nothing good has happened in recent years. Is this a hint from God?

Moreover, the death of eunuch Ali Pasha disrupted his succession arrangements, and he needed a more secure plan for Ahmed's arrangement.

Bayezid first did a good job in dealing with the aftermath. He appointed Kapudan Pasha, Gelibo Lusanjak Beykh Sekzad Ahmed Pasha as the new Grand Vizier, and Sekbambash. Yunus Pasha also served as governor of Anatolia.

The first task of the new Grand Vizier is to gather all the senior bureaucrats in the imperial meeting according to Padishah's order. Bayezid will receive these dignitaries one by one.

Due to the current situation, I am tired of politics and plan to abdicate and live in seclusion, dedicating the remaining time to Allah. Padisha immediately threw a king bomb, which made the subordinates below explode. .

Bayezid continued to test, obliquely asking the officials present to publicly state which prince he would choose to succeed him after he abdicates. As expected, most of the people present followed his ideas and supported Ahmed on the spot.

Hessekzad took a step forward at this time: Your Majesty, the current situation in the Supreme Kingdom is unstable. Would it be inappropriate to hand over power at this time? I think that Prince Ahmed's current talents and prestige are far less than yours, so you can It is not too late for him to be transferred to Karaman Province to make achievements.

Time waits for no one. Bayezid sighed, but he did not comment on the Grand Vizier's advice.

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