The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 45: Civil War in Progress

Kerim Khan did not directly answer the envoy's question: Don't worry, let me introduce this distinguished guest first. This is your master's younger brother, His Highness Selim, a Shahzad with noble blood.

The envoy turned his head in surprise and looked at the man in simple clothes with a mustache. Looking at each other, he bravely asked: Padisha did not allow you to leave Trabzon. Why did you leave your post without permission and come to Trabzon? Crimea? I advise you to go back now, otherwise when I report the matter to my master and Padisha, you may not be able to bear the consequences of disobeying the order, so think about it carefully.

A series of domineering questions and threats made Selim sneer and shake his head: Are all the servants in my brother's house as rude and domineering as you? You openly despised Padishah and his heirs, threatened a Shahzad, and humiliated the royal family. His majesty, your master Ahmed will pay the price sooner or later.

Selim did not know whether what the envoy said was secretly inspired by Ahmed or even Bayezid. But he has made up his mind and determination. Even if an angel descends to earth and a prophet orders him, he will not give up this operation. This is likely to be his only chance to seize the throne.

There were obviously no violent movements to assist his expression, but Selim's expression and words alone were enough to make the special envoy feel oppressed. If this was not Kerim Khan's territory, he was sure that the prince in front of him would soon push him away. Tear them to pieces and eat them alive.

Fortunately, Selim had no intention of wasting any meaningless words on this human mouthpiece. After scolding him for a few words, he asked him to send a very provocative message to Ahmed.

Seeing that Kerim Khan obviously had no intention of siding with Ahmed, the special envoy had no choice but to salute and said: Dear Majesty the Khan, I would like to thank you for your attention and hospitality in recent days. Now my mission has been completed. I also implore you to allow your foreign ministers to pack up and leave your territory.”

After making eye contact with Selim, Mingli Gray nodded and agreed: I allow you to leave my territory. I hope His Highness Ahmed will not misunderstand.

At this time, Kerim Khan still believed that maintaining the relationship with Selim was more beneficial to the Grai family. At the same time, he hoped to use today's incident to put pressure on Ahmed, suggesting that the other party would offer a higher price and offer an offer that would make the weak A convincing guarantee.

After hearing this, the envoy bowed to Kerim Khan again, reluctantly bowed to Selim and left.

The door was closed again, and Akari Gray, who had shown his position to Selim, asked: Son-in-law, what is your plan?

Selim replied without hesitation: March to Kostantiniya, to the seat of Padishah.

Your plan is really simple, but for such an urgent matter, it is not good for the plan to be complicated. After speaking, Kerim Khan promised him to provide him with the necessary help, including raising military supplies and allowing Selim to Recruit volunteers, provide shelter for himself and all his subordinates, and directly support a small force to join the coup army.

Thank you very much for your support. Suleiman will ask you to take good care of me, my father-in-law. Seeing that Kaffa's rear is stable, Selim can relax and prepare to cross the sea to Rumelia and lead his supporters into the Ottoman Empire. core of governance.

Time management was taken to the extreme at this time. When he was in contact with Kerim Khan, several close associates, led by Arslan Bey, set out from Kaffa by boat to win over the Black Sea coast to the Lord. Various military and political governors and stragglers from various places to strengthen his political power and military power in Rumelia.

The ships coming from Trabzon continued to transfer the resources Selim had accumulated in the past ten years to Kaffa in batches, leaving only the necessary defenders. Soldiers and bureaucrats loyal to him, cash reserves in the treasury, hoards of military supplies, and accumulated political allies are all preparing to be transferred to the west coast of the Black Sea to invest in this gamble.

After careful consideration and due to limited transportation capacity, Selim set the landing site at Ackerman at the mouth of the Dniester River. This place is far away from Kostantiniya and Edirne and can buy some time for the landing. He rallied his troops and networked with internal supporters.

As soon as he returned to Kaffa Port, he selected three thousand of the most elite men from the camp outside the city as the first group to cross the sea with him. At the same time, Sadet, the second son of Kerim Khan, who was only two years older than Suleiman, The 1,500 Tatar cavalry under his leadership came to the port of Kaffa to report.

Selim believed that allowing his second son, whose attitude tended to be his, to join his coup force further demonstrated Crimean Khan's sincerity and support for him, especially since before departure, Mingli Glay told Sadet to completely obey Selim.

The fleet carrying 4,500 men and corresponding baggage and supplies arrived smoothly at Ackerman at the end of May. They successfully took control of the port, the fortress and the officials stationed here. Find Shuyuan

Rumilia, I'm here, everything here will belong to me. Selim turned his head and took in the unfamiliar scenery on the shore. He started to move carefully from the bottom of the deck to the trestle.

As soon as he set foot on the land of Rumelia, he needed to delay time. If Bayezid had determined from the beginning that Selim was here to rebel, there would be no time to operate. He first asked Bey, who was stationed in Akman, to send a messenger for him to deliver Selim's letter to Bayezid.

In order to make Bayezid and the high-ranking viziers misjudge Selim, he changed his identity again at this time. Now that he has become a father, he plans to use the power of father's love to play the emotional card, and he is very humble as a filial son. He explained aggrievedly: As a reminder from God, I have not had the opportunity to see your kind, happy and noble face for at least ten years. Since I separated from you, I have always missed you accompanying me when I was a child. When I and my brothers were growing up, this obsession and emotion has been tormenting me. The longer the time and the older I get, the more unbearable it becomes. Visiting your loved ones is your duty as a son of man, and how derelict I was! Because of this, That’s why I set off to Ackerman desperately to meet my dearest father. I hope that this small wish of my son can be approved by you!”

At the same time, in order to be able to fulfill his filial piety in time, Selim also interspersed some requests with content full of family affection-for example, granting him the position of Silistra Sanjak Bey, whose bey station is located on the Danube River. Within the province of Rumelia - at the same time, he proactively revealed his modest ambitions to relax the other party's vigilance.

Selim, who openly played the emotional card, secretly sent his own messenger to contact his supporters in the capital. As long as the message could be successfully sent to Yenicery, he could easily enter Kostantinye. .

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