The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 64 After the Battle of Ankara

This battle can be said to be littered with corpses. Nearly 10,000 Safavid soldiers were killed on the battlefield alone. Most of them were lost in the final siege. There were also cavalry who died in the battle with Sipaxi and the wounded. No calculation. There were also several heavy guns that were destroyed or damaged in the artillery battle.

The losses of the Ottoman army were even more severe. Except for the cavalry who were driven out of the battlefield and the senior officers and a few elites who finally broke out, other troops and auxiliary personnel were killed, captured or fled. The sum of the collected corpses and prisoners was Nearly 30,000 or even more than 20,000. In addition to horses, artillery, baggage and other materials were all discarded, and the most symbolic trophy was Padishah's encyclopedia.

All the craftsmen, doctors, gunners and other technical personnel accompanying the army were captured, and more than 200 heavy artillery pieces were captured, but they were all unusable because they were destroyed in advance. In addition, thousands of matchlocks, light cannons and a small amount of lead bullets and gunpowder became trophies.

The work of cleaning the battlefield and counting the trophies is being carried out efficiently. The removal of corpses takes a certain amount of time. It is necessary to routinely cut off all the heads of the dead corpses of the defeated and build them into a temple on the spot.

The Persians gained so much in this battle that the tower with a human head is as tall as the legendary Tower of Babel. Anyone who looks at this tower will sigh at the power of these civilized people and see their barbaric side. The Venetian ambassador said about Wan The King of Kings was never stingy with words of praise, but he still couldn't accept the habit of Li Jingguan.

After observing along the way, Franco has guessed Ibrahim's purpose. Venice is happy to see a weak Osman succeed. Without the rise of Turkey, Byzantium would not be able to reflect its excellence. Even if it could not return to the era when it could arbitrarily seize trade privileges, at least it could not continue to embezzle the republic's colonial and commercial interests.

Speaking of Byzantium, the descendants of Palaiolo are still in exile in Italy, and there are even branches that have territories in Italy. If the news of the Ottoman defeat spreads, there will definitely be lobbying for help in restoring the Ottoman Empire.

Please help me recover the castle. I will do anything.

You Greek guy, all you can think about is yourself~

Then who can help me make up for the territory I lack...

It’s just that he heard that the grandmother of the King of Kings was Comnenus, and jokingly said that if Byzantium was to be resurrected, then Palaiologos would become the weakest competitor.

Ignoring this absurd and strange thought, he continued to concentrate on the rest of the report.


After resting until the next morning, the first thing Ibrahim dealt with after getting up was to take over Ankara. Seeing the main force of the Ottoman army being defeated and annihilated, the defenders and civilians were frightened and saw no hope. After a fierce internal dispute, they decided to surrender to Ankara. The King of Kings presents the city.

The murderous red heads filed in to control the city gates, castles, and other places, and displayed prisoners and military flags swaggeringly. The panicked citizens not only collected the ransom money to buy back their lives, but also worked hard to fill in the trenches besieging the city and restore normal traffic. .

The King of Kings also specifically found the local masons' guild, exempting them from the ransom they needed to pay, and asking them to go out to work and build a monument to his glorious victory and the sacrifice of the Iranian soldiers in the most intense place on the battlefield.

The Safavid army that took control of Ankara could rest comfortably on the spot for a period of time, waiting for supplies and reinforcements from the rear to arrive. Taking advantage of the break, he wrote another letter of persuasion to surrender, asking Suleiman, who was staying in Kostantiniya - Sinan Pasha, who was executed, told everything he knew before his death - to agree to the partition and recognize the Murad's rule in Anatolia. In exchange, the King of Kings could reluctantly regain friendship with the Ottoman High State and recognize him, rather than Selim, as the legitimate Sultan of Rumelia who ruled Rumelia.

After Ibrahim took control of Ankara, he executed all the previously captured Ottoman officials such as Sinan Pasha and Yunus Pasha in one go, which made Prince Sadet tremble. Although he was the son of Kerim Khan, even Osman couldn't defeat him if he really wanted to kill him. How could Mingli Gray really kill this casual and cruel world conqueror for a son?

He has not yet decided how to deal with this Tatar prince, who is five years younger than Ismail and is pro-Ottoman in his position. Or he might as well kill him and then use the body to extort a ransom from the Crimean Khanate. ?

Despite being frightened and threatened with corporal punishments such as castration, gouging out his eyes and knees, and cutting off his nose, Sadet never flattered Ibrahim and begged for mercy. He repeatedly refused to convert and said, Submit to me and I will support you to go back to Christianity. Khan of all the Tatars these two requirements.

After many conversations to no avail, Ibrahim still found Murad more pleasing to the eye.

While the troops were resting, he held another military meeting. Although the Safavid army defeated the Ottoman main force in the field, creating an extremely long window period, corresponding to the actual control area. Looking for books

Leaving aside Ankara, where he is currently stationed, the areas controlled by Murad are only Sanjak in Karaman and Roma provinces within the original Ottoman administrative divisions. Although these areas have no ability to resist the army at all, they must be lookouts. However, no matter how weak they are, they have to maintain a military presence in the newly attached areas. How to capture other areas is the current priority.

Your Majesty, haven't the caliphs developed many followers in Anatolia? There are still many believers who welcome your rule and are willing to serve you as their Lord. In this case, let His Excellency Shahkulu bring all the believers If we mobilize, won't we have enough troops to control the place?

Ibrahim, who had already had this idea, confirmed the proposal and then turned the topic to chasing the fleeing enemy.

When supplies and rebels arrive, we will follow Selim's escape route and move westward. Ibrahim asked his staff to unfold the map and pointed to Bursa and Izmir: I think these two places are His most likely escape destination is that he can easily return to Rumelia by water.

Your Majesty, will our army have time to catch up with Selim? Several Khan kings asked doubtfully. After all, the army will stay in Ankara for at least a week or two. Will they be allowed to return home during this time?

Ibrahim shook his head and explained: The total number of enemy troops we killed and captured on the battlefield accounted for less than half. This shows that a large number of troops fled. It will take time to gather the defeated troops. Tens of thousands of troops will be captured. Crossing the sea to the other side cannot be completed in a few days. If our army sends a group of light cavalry to chase him, we may be able to catch up. If we can capture or kill him alive on the shore, it would be best to let him escape back to Rumelia. No matter No matter what, he can no longer threaten my rule over Anatolia.

Anyway, now he has no time pressure, so what if he does it slowly and leisurely?

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